Converting a difference of 2 24-hr times into time - time

Forgive me for my ignorance if its too easy and if its not the right place to post. I have 2 24 hours times strings as 1544 and 1458. Their difference should be 46 minutes but when I subtract them it yields 86 minutes as follows.
Can someone tell me how can I find a time difference of 2 24-hr times?

Hour doesn't have 100 minutes, but unfortunately only 60. You need to do this:

If you are working in C#, you can try to parse them to DateTime using
DateTime date1 = DateTime.ParseExact("1544","HHmm",CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
DateTime date2 = DateTime.ParseExact("1458","HHmm",CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
and then subtract them:
TimeSpan diff = date1 - date2


time difference between two date removing closing time

my company has numbers of shops around all the locations. They raised a request for delivering the item to their shop which they can sell . We wanted to understand how much time the company takes to deliver the item in minutes.However, we don't want to add the time in our elapsed time when the shop is closed i.e.
lets consider shop opening and closing time are
now elapsed time
When I deduct complain time and resolution time then I get calculatable elasped time in minutes but I need Required elapsed time in minutes so in the first case out of 2090 minutes those minutes are deducated when shop was closed. I need to write an oracle query to calcualted the required elapsed time in minutes which is in green.
help what query we can write.
One formula to get the net time is as follows:
For every day involved add up the opening times. For your first example this is two days 2021-01-11 and 2021-01-12 with 13 daily opening hours (09:00 - 22:00). That makes 26 hours.
If the first day starts after the store opens, subtract the difference. 10:12 - 09:00 = 1:12 = 72 minutes.
If the last day ends before the store closes, subtract the difference. 22:00 - 21:02 = 0:58 = 58 minutes.
Oracle doesn't have a TIME datatype, so I assume you are using Oracle's datetime data type they call DATE to store the opening and closing time and we must ignore the date part. And you are probably using the DATE type for the complain_time and the resolution_time, too.
In below query I convert the time parts to minutes right away, so the calculations get a tad more readable later.
with s as
extract(hour from opening_time) * 60 + extract(minute from opening_time) as opening_minute,
extract(hour from closing_time) * 60 + extract(minute from closing_time) as closing_minute
from shops
, r as
request, shop, complain_time, resolution_time,
trunc(complain_time) as complain_day,
trunc(resolution_time) as resolution_day,
extract(hour from complain_time) * 60 + extract(minute from complain_time) as complain_minute,
extract(hour from resolution_time) * 60 + extract(minute from resolution_time) as resolution_minute
from requests
r.request,, r.complain_time, r.resolution_time,
(r.resolution_day - r.complain_day + 1) * 60
- case when r.complain_minute > s.opening_minute) then r.complain_minute - s.opening_minute else 0 end
- case when r.resolution_minute < s.opening_minute) then s.closing_minute - r.resolution_minute else 0 end
as net_duration_in_minutes
from r
join s on =
order by r.request;

DAX number of days

Can you please help how I can return the total number of days for each month in a given quarter?
For example, I already have 92 days for December 2025 but how can I show 92 days for October and November as well?
If you want only a count, you can use measure:
QuarterDays = calculate(countrows(VALUES('Calendar'[Date])), FILTER(ALL('Calendar'), selectedvalue('Calendar'[Year]) = 'Calendar'[Year] && selectedvalue('Calendar'[Quarter]) = 'Calendar'[Quarter] ))

How to round off seconds to the nearest minute?

I am converting [ss] seconds to mm:ss format.
But, I also have to round off the value to the nearest minute.
For example, 19:29 -> 19 minutes and 19:32-> 20 minutes
I have tried using mround function. But it did not work.
=MROUND(19.45,15/60/24) gives output as 19.44791667.
It should come as 20 seconds.
try like this where B column is formatted as Time
=ARRAYFORMULA(IF(LEN(A1:A), MROUND(A1:A, "00:01:00"), ))
=TEXT(MROUND("00:"&TO_TEXT(B5), "00:01:00"), "mm:ss")
REGEXEXTRACT(TO_TEXT(C3:C11), ":(.+)"))), "00:01:00"), "[mm]:ss"))

Dateadd() like alternative in Visual Fox pro

How can I add year to Date.
I want to add 65 year to date (12\11\1952).
I have tried "12\11\1952" + 65 ,but it is not giving the required value i.e.
please suggest how can i achieve this.
When you add an integer to a Date, you are adding days. ie: Date(1952,11,12)+65 adds 65 days to Nov 12th, 1952.
If you add an integer to a DateTime then you are adding seconds. ie: datetime() + 60*60 adds an hour (60 seconds * 60 mins) to now.
To add a year to a date in VFP, you use GoMonth(). To Add 65 years you use 65 * 12 months:
yearsAdded = GoMonth( Date(1952, 11, 12), 12 * 65 )

format subtract dates result to "hh:mm:ss"

I need to format subtract 2 long date time result to ""
open date closed date subtracted
01/01/2012 16:04 04/01/2012 17:07 3.01:02:58
02/01/2012 08:52 02/01/2012 17:03 08:10:27
return result in format D.hh:mm:ss
and using
DateDiff("h", OpenDate, closeDate)
return hours only (no minutes or seconds)
Also tried
not working
as many Microsoft forums answered there is no way to do that
so i used
DateDiff("s", OpenDate, closeDate)
and passed result to helper function return calculated time in format hh:mm:ss
