d3.js - Timestamp based on year and week - d3.js

I have a column with data year&week. I would like to create a date axis based on this.
when i try to format the date, it is not working
I tried this:
var parseDate = d3.time.format("%Y-%W").parse;
d3.csv("temperatures_groups_2.csv", function(error, data) {
data.forEach(function(d,i) {
d.timestamp = parseDate(d.timestamp);
d.temperature = +d.temperature;
i get null when the alert executes.
If i replace the same with d3.time.format("%Y-%m").parse, it works fine. It takes the month but not week no.
The csv contains data like this

The documentation says:
The following directives are not yet supported for parsing:
%U - week number of the year.
%W - week number of the year.
Hence you can't use D3 to parse these dates. You'll have to parse the date yourself or use another library, for example moment.js.

This works since version 3.2 and the documentation has been updated.
%U - week number of the year (Sunday as the first day of the week) as a decimal number [00,53].
%W - week number of the year (Monday as the first day of the week) as a decimal number [00,53].
However, the format in your question won't work because the parser requires a specific date to be specified. E.g. by "%a". It would be nice to assume Sunday in the absence of a date specifier, but that's for another PR.


Is there a way to make __timeShift only select certain days of the week?

The current function in use in the JMeter script is
to specify a review date 31 days ago.
I now learn that the project requires the review date to always fall on a Monday. Is there any way to make sure that performing a timeShift only selects a Monday?
I'm afraid __timeShift() function is not flexible enough, you can consider using __groovy() function instead and implement the following algorithm:
Get current date
Subtract 31 day
If current day of week is Monday - return the date in the past
Otherwise add 1 day until the date in the past becomes Monday
Example function code:
${__groovy(def now = new Date(); def monthAgo = now.minus(31); while (monthAgo[Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK] != Calendar.MONDAY) { monthAgo = monthAgo.plus(1)}; return monthAgo.format('dd/MM/yyyy'),)}
More information: Apache Groovy - Why and How You Should Use It

What does this d3 time format function mean?

I know there is a specified d3 time formatting. But when I check the example shown here d.Year = new Date(d.Year,0,1); the year's format is "1996"
Does it one of the other ways to format year as a string here, i don't quite understand it.
Also, if my time format is like"01/01/96", what is the right format to get the string here?
This isn't a d3 date formatting function. Its one of the basic forms of the Javascript Date constructor.
Specifically, it is using the multi-parameter form of the constructor:
new Date(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond);
except that all the time parameters are left as their default (0/midnight) values. If the original value for d.Year is the string "1996", the line
d.Year = new Date(d.Year,0,1);
creates a new Date object with year 1996 (the conversion from string to number will be automatic), month value zero (January), day value 1, and time midnight.

Determine the amount of clicks required to reach a specific date using a JQuery calendar?

I have a jquery calendar for the start date of a project.
Using Watir (automated browser driver, a gem for ruby), I have a set date that I would like to enter in.
The calendar start date is always today's date, whatever that may be for the day it is used. I was wondering if there was a way that ruby can process what today's date is, and use the specified date provided by the user, to calculate the difference of months between them.
Here is an example of the Calendar plugin: http://jqueryui.com/datepicker/
today's date is 30/10/2012, if there was a project that were to start on the 20/12/2012, that would be 2 months from now, so 2 clicks on the next month button.
Is there a way I could do this?
Here is how I approached a similar situation with JSdatepicker:
$today = Time.now.strftime("%e").gsub(" ", "") #one digit day of month without leading space
#browser.text_field(:id => /dateAvailable/).click
Watir::Wait.until(60) {#browser.div(:id => /dateAvailable_popup_cal/).td(:text => $today).exists?}
#browser.div(:id => /dateAvailable_popup_cal/).td(:text => $today).click
Set or grab the date.
Click the text_field that fires the JSDatePicker object
Wait until the calendar actually pops up
The current month is shown, so choose today's date number.
In your case, you also need to set the month. Whether prompting the user for this, or choosing "today", the theory is the same:
$month = Date::MONTHNAMES[Date.today.month] #etc
Pseudo-code making lots of assumptions (only future dates, month name shown on calendar as text, etc):
while !#jquerytablewindow.text.include?($month)
I don't see a specific advantage to my method versus counting each month, unless of course we add a month to the calendar one day and you still want your code to work!
You could do:
#End date converted to date object
specified_date = '20/12/2012'
end_date = Date.parse(specified_date)
#Start date (today - 30/10/2012)
today = Date.today
#Determine difference in months
number_of_months_up_to_today = (today.month + today.year * 12)
number_of_months_up_to_end = (end_date.month + end_date.year * 12)
clicks_required = number_of_months_up_to_end - number_of_months_up_to_today
#=> 2
Basically it is counting the number of months since the year 0 and then finding the difference.

Return date if within date range

I have an object which contains a list of due dates, I am trying to build a system which returns the due date when a specified date is 1 month or less before the due date. It should return the due date in this format "1st Feb 2009". Let me clarify, using my current code
#Build array of estate objects
estate.due_dates = "1st Feb, 3rd May, 1st Aug, 5th Nov"
estate2.due_dates = "28th Feb, 31st May, 31st Aug, 30th Nov"
estates = [estate,estate2]
set_due_date_on_estates("1st Jan 2009",estates) #Run function - should return "1st Feb 2009,28th Feb 2009"
def set_due_date_on_estates(date,estates)
((date)..(date >> 1)).each{|current_date|
estate.set_reminder(due_date + current_date.strftime("%Y")) if current_date.strftime('%d %m') ==
Date.parse(due_date).strftime('%d %m')
The issue I am having, is that my list of due dates doesnt have a Year, so I am looping through my range and checking if the dates are equal using the format "%d %m". If so I am setting the reminder in the estate object by using the current "due date" in the loop concatenated with the Year of the "current date" in the loop.
Am not too happy with the code, in particular the nested loops and wondered if there was a better way I could deal with checking that the due_dates where in the date range, even though the due_dates dont have a year. Thanks
You could use date parsers: Kronos, chronic
Example for kronos:
def parse_date(date)
Kronos.parse(date.sub(/\d{4}$/, ''))
This function gives you a Kronos object without year which is more easily to compare, build range and so on.
Yes you can use Chronic and also you can write a worker which will keep checking if the specified date is 1 month or less before the due date at regular interval. And ask that worker to do something if result is true (say send you an email or anything if date is within due date) you can find more information about worker by googling Resque and Redis. Another option would be to convert both dates on some base reference and then do the calculations.

How to show date in normal format in jqgrid when formatter is used

Date column is created using colmodel below.
This column shows values like 0101.0101.7070 for every date column.
if formatter:date is removed, date is correct.
How to show normal date values with formatter:date ?
{ "name":"Date",
Data is passed from server using json in same dd.mm.yyyy format like
Using d.m.y formats in column options as suggested shows proper dates but with 2 year digits only..
I'm looking for a 4-digit year numbers. I tried d.m.yyyy format but this shows 8 digit year numbers and 1 for month and day as 01.01.70707070
I also tried to add srcformat: 'dd.mm.yyyy' to formatoptions but this does not change the wrong result.
To display the day as the number you should use j or d. For the displaying month as the number you should use n or m. The d and m includes 0 padding at the beginning if needed. The 'y' means two digit year format and Y means four digit year.
So you probably need srcformat: 'd.m.Y' or srcformat: 'j.n.Y'.
Use d.m.y instead of dd.mm.yy ,
