Pattern match input files for Amazon Elastic MapReduce - hadoop

I am trying to run a MapReduce streaming job that takes input files from directories in an s3 bucket that match a given pattern. The pattern is something like bucket-name/[date]/product/logs/[hour]/[logfilename]. An example log would be in a while like bucket-name/2013-05-02/product/logs/05/log123456789.
I can get the job to work by passing only the hour portion of the file name as a wildcard. For example: bucket-name/2013-05-02/product/logs/*/. This successfully picks each log file from each hour, and passes them individually to mappers.
The problem comes with I try to also make the date a wildcard, for example: bucket-name/*/product/logs/*/. When I do this, the job gets created but no tasks are created and eventually it fails. This error is printed in the syslog.
2013-05-02 08:03:41,549 ERROR org.apache.hadoop.streaming.StreamJob (main): Job not successful. Error: Job initialization failed:
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
at java.util.regex.Matcher.<init>(
at java.util.regex.Pattern.matcher(
at org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration.substituteVars(
at org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration.get(
at org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration.getLong(
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SkipBadRecords.getMapperMaxSkipRecords(
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskInProgress.<init>(
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobInProgress.initTasks(
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobTracker.initJob(
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.EagerTaskInitializationListener$
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
2013-05-02 08:03:41,549 INFO org.apache.hadoop.streaming.StreamJob (main): killJob...

On further testing, it looks like the multiple wildcard syntax works as expected in the command line client. I had trouble getting it to work at first, before realizing that requiring Ruby 1.8.7 meant it requires exactly Ruby 1.8.7, and nothing later.


pig + hbase + hadoop2 integration

has anyone had successful experience loading data to hbase-0.98.0 from pig-0.12.0 on hadoop-2.2.0 in an environment of hadoop-2.20+hbase-0.98.0+pig-0.12.0 combination without encountering this error:
ERROR 2998: Unhandled internal error.
with a line of log trace:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/hadoop/hbase/filter/WritableByteArra
I searched the web and found a handful of problems and solutions but all of them refer to pre-hadoop2 and base-0.94-x which were not applicable to my situation.
I have a 5 node hadoop-2.2.0 cluster and a 3 node hbase-0.98.0 cluster and a client machine installed with hadoop-2.2.0, base-0.98.0, pig-0.12.0. Each of them functioned fine separately and I got hdfs, map reduce, region servers , pig all worked fine. To complete an "loading data to base from pig" example, i have the following export:
and when i tried to run : pig -x local -f loaddata.pig
and boom, the following error:ERROR 2998: Unhandled internal error. org/apache/hadoop/hbase/filter/WritableByteArrayComparable (this should be the 100+ times i got it dying countless tries to figure out a working setting).
the trace log shows:lava.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/hadoop/hbase/filter/WritableByteArrayComparable
the following is my pig script:
REGISTER /usr/local/hbase/lib/hbase-*.jar;
REGISTER /usr/local/hbase/lib/hadoop-*.jar;
REGISTER /usr/local/hbase/lib/protobuf-java-2.5.0.jar;
REGISTER /usr/local/hbase/lib/zookeeper-3.4.5.jar;
raw_data = LOAD '/home/hdadmin/200408hourly.txt' USING PigStorage(',');
weather_data = FOREACH raw_data GENERATE $1, $10;
ranked_data = RANK weather_data;
final_data = FILTER ranked_data BY $0 IS NOT NULL;
STORE final_data INTO 'hbase://weather' USING
org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.hbase.HBaseStorage('info:date info:temp');
I have successfully created a base table 'weather'.
Has anyone had successful experience and be generous to share with us?
ant clean jar-withouthadoop -Dhadoopversion=23 -Dhbaseversion=95
By default it builds against hbase 0.94. 94 and 95 are the only options.
If you know which jar file contains the missing class, e.g. org/apache/hadoop/hbase/filter/WritableByteArray, then you can use the pig.additional.jars property when running the pig command to ensure that the jar file is available to all the mapper tasks.
pig -D pig.additional.jars=FullPathToJarFile.jar bulkload.pig
pig -D pig.additional.jars=/usr/lib/hbase/lib/hbase-protocol.jar bulkload.pig

my hadoop job 252 hours later died(tasks then killed)

I had 81,068 tasks complete but then 11,799 failed and only 12 were killed. They SEEM to all failed from
2013-09-10 03:07:36,316 INFO org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskInProgress: Error from attempt_201308301539_0002_m_083001_0: Error initializing attempt_201308301539_0002_m_083001_0:
org.apache.hadoop.util.DiskChecker$DiskErrorException: Could not find taskTracker/jobcache/job_201308301539_0002/work in any of the configured local directories
at org.apache.hadoop.fs.LocalDirAllocator$AllocatorPerContext.getLocalPathToRead(
at org.apache.hadoop.fs.LocalDirAllocator.getLocalPathToRead(
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskTracker$TaskInProgress.localizeTask(
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskTracker$TaskInProgress.launchTask(
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskTracker.launchTaskForJob(
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskTracker.localizeJob(
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskTracker.startNewTask(
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskTracker.access$1200(
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskTracker$
At this point, I am just looking for guidance on how I can debug this before I re-run this again. For some reason out in the cluster, it looks like all the files are deleted though I thought hadoop M/R only deleted successfull task logs????
Anyone have some advice/ideas on how to debug this further?
It looks like all the default directories for map/reduce are used... /tmp/hadoop-hduser for my hduser.
I have seen stuff on /etc/hosts but then I don't get why 81,000 tasks succeeded before finally failing???
I am using the web interface to get some of this information of course and some logs where hadoopinstalled/logs

my pig UDF runs in local mode but fails with "Deserialization error: could not instantiate" on my cluster

I have a pig UDF which runs perfectly in local mode, but fails with: could not instantiate 'com.bla.myFunc' with arguments 'null' when I try it on the cluster.
my mistake was not digging hard enough in the task logs.
when you dig there thru the jobTracker UI, you could see that the root cause was:
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
so, besides the usual:
pigServer.registerFunction("myFunc", new FuncSpec("com.bla.myFunc"));
we should add:
registerJar(pigServer, Maps.class);
and so on for any jar used by the UDF.
Another option is to use build-jar-with-dependencies, but then you have to put the pig.jar before yours in the classpath, or else you'll tackle this one: embedded hadoop-pig: what's the correct way to use the automatic addContainingJar for UDFs?

Giraph Shortest Paths Example ClassNotFoundException

I am trying to run the shortest paths example from the giraph incubator ( However instead of executing the example from the giraph-*-dependencies.jar, I have created my own job jar. When I created a single Job file as presented in the example, I was getting
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.test.giraph.Test$SimpleShortestPathsVertexInputFormat
Then I have moved the inner classes (SimpleShortestPathsVertexInputFormat and SimpleShortestPathsVertexOutputFormat) to separates files and renamed them just in case (SimpleShortestPathsVertexInputFormat_v2, SimpleShortestPathsVertexOutputFormat_v2); the classes are not static anymore. This have solved the issues of class not found for the SimpleShortestPathsVertexInputFormat_v2, however I am still getting the same error for the SimpleShortestPathsVertexOutputFormat_v2. Below is my stack trace.
INFO mapred.JobClient: Running job: job_201205221101_0003
INFO mapred.JobClient: map 0% reduce 0%
INFO mapred.JobClient: Task Id : attempt_201205221101_0003_m_000005_0, Status : FAILED
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.test.giraph.utils.SimpleShortestPathsVertexOutputFormat_v2
at org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration.getClass(
at org.apache.giraph.graph.BspUtils.getVertexOutputFormatClass(
at org.apache.giraph.bsp.BspOutputFormat.getOutputCommitter(
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Task.initialize(
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Child$
at Method)
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Child.main(
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.test.giraph.utils.SimpleShortestPathsVertexOutputFormat_v2
at org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration.getClass(
at org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration.getClass(
... 9 more
I have inspected my job jar and all classes are there. Furthermore I am using hadoop 0.20.203 in a pseudo distributed mode. The way I launch my job is presented below.
hadoop jar giraphJobs.jar org.test.giraph.Test -libjars /path/to/giraph-0.2-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar /path/to/input /path/to/output 0 3
Also I have defined HADOOP_CLASSPATH for the giraph-*-dependencies.jar. I can run the PageRankBenchmark example without a problem (directly from the giraph-*-dependencies.jar), and the shortes path example works as well (also directly from the giraph-*-dependencies.jar). Other hadoop jobs work without a problem (somewhere I have read to test if my "cluster" works correctly). Does anyone came across similar problem? Any help will be appreciated.
Solution (sorry to post it like this but I can't answer my own question for a couple of more hours)
To solve this issue I had to add my Job jar to the -libjars (no changes to HADOOP_CLASSPATH where made). The command to launch job now looks like this.
hadoop jar giraphJobs.jar org.test.giraph.Test -libjars /path/to/giraph-0.2-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar,/path/to/job.jar /path/to/input /path/to/output 0 3
List of jars has to be comma separated. Though this has solved my problem. I am still curious why I have to pass my job jar as a "classpath" parameter? Can someone explain me what is the rational behind this? As I found it strange (to say the least) to invoke my job jar and then pass it again as a "classpath" jar. I am really curious about the explanation.
I found an alternative programmatic solution to the problem.
We need to modify the run() method in the following way -
public int run(String[] argArray) throws Exception {
Preconditions.checkArgument(argArray.length == 4,
"run: Must have 4 arguments <input path> <output path> " +
"<source vertex id> <# of workers>");
GiraphJob job = new GiraphJob(getConf(), getClass().getName());
// This is the addition - it will make hadoop look for other classes in the same jar that contains this class
setJarByClass() will make hadoop look for the missing classes in the same jar that contains the class returned by getClass(), and we will not need to add the job jar name separately to the -libjars option.

Why do I get "security.Groups: Group mapping; cacheTimeout=300000"?

$hdfs dfs -rmr crawl
11/04/16 08:49:33 INFO security.Groups: Group mapping; cacheTimeout=300000
I'm using hadoop-0.21.0 with the default Single Node Setup configuration.
It's not a warning, just a standard message. It shouldn't have been output at INFO level, however, because it does get printed with every message. In trunk it has been moved to DEBUG so you don't normally see it (in this JIRA). This will be incorporated into the next release.
It's just an INFO what's your problem?
