Maven profile execution - maven

I have a problem and could not identify the reason until now.
I have a maven project that has several modules. One of these modules is the webservices client.
So, during development, when running the install in maven, it needs to access the local server to generate the client. When I run the plugin to generate the release of the project, clients should point to the production server.
To do this I set as a key property ${server.address} which is used to point to the server when generating the clients. There is one profile which, when active, this key property rewrites the address to the production server.
What's going on? Running mvn install is generating correctly, ie, pointing to the local server. When I generate the release using the command mvn release:prepare -B release:perform -Denv=prd is not rewriting the variable as it should.
The strange thing is that if I run mvn install -Denv=prd, it generates correctly, pointing to the production server.
Could someone give me a hint of what to change to work also in release cycle?
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<!-- JEE -->
<!-- JAX-WS -->

The release plugin has a kinda strange (for me ;)) usage with special properties and forwarding them to the real goal executed. If you use normal profile argument -Pprod this would work. However most other arguments you add at mvn call are ignored. So could you try the following one:
mvn release:prepare -B release:perform -Darguments="-Denv=prd"

I believe you are using Maven 2.0.x right?
If I remember correctly, property overriding in profile is not working fine at or before Maven 2.0.7. Upgrade to latest 2.0.x (2.0.11) or even 2.2.x/3.0.x will work as you expected.
However, a bit off topic, I believe you are accessing the server to get the WSDL right? I don't think it is a good idea especially for release build, because it is making the build non-reproducible. Consider putting the WSDL with the source code (at least for release build) to make build reproducible.

I fixed my problem creating two profiles, assuming that first has de dafault activation = true and set my server.address to localhost.
The second profile that set server.address to prd server is called by command line directly by -P prd
So, when I execute with no arguments, the default profile sets the server.address to localhost:8080 and when I execute the release, I use -P prd and the release works fine.
thank you for your answers.


Using Provided Artifact As Maven Plugin Dependency

This seems like it should be a simple question, but I can't seem to find any information about it. When a maven plugin has a required dependency, is it possible to tell it to use an artifact defined elsewhere in the section of the pom?
As an example, I'm trying to add the 'maven-processor-plugin' to my build. That plugin has a dependency on 'hibernate-jpamodelgen'. I'm working with wildfly, so I already have that jar as a dependency of the project. I want to ensure I am using the same version for both. Is what I'm trying to do even possible?
Some code snippets:
<!-- How do I handle this without hard coding the version? -->
<!-- <version>???</version> -->
Define a property like <hibernate-jpamodelgen.version> in the <properties> section of the POM.
Then use that property for the version like ${hibernate-jpamodelgen.version}.

Parallel execution with maven-surefire-plugin is throwing PluginResolutionException

I am trying to execute my feature files via files (by mentioning them in pom.xml) , in parallel using maven-surefire-plugin, for which i have set up pom.xml as below, but when i run pom.xml as maven test, its throwing PluginResolutionException when the version is 3.0.0-M3, when i have update the version to 2.19.1, the maven test is not running my feature files but the build is shown as successful
I have tried with different versions but not worked
Also I have tried replacing the configuration part with below changes
still my feature files are not executed but the build is
<argLine>-Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m</argLine>
PS: After reading the below artical
I understand that there is link between the Junit version and surefireflugin i use in my project, bow one thing is for sure, the correct combination of Junit and maven-surefire-plugin is very much necessary, i have tried with below combinations
JUnit 4.7
plugin 3.0.0-M3
JUnit 4.12
plugin 2.20
<argLine>-Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m</argLine>
but its not helpful, I suppose i am doing mistake in choosing this versions and the config of plugin with proper parameters, please help me
My complete pom is as below
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<executable>C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_211\bin\javac</executable>
<argLine>-Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m</argLine>
My feature files should run in parallel
My feature files are not executed
After changing the dependencies and plugin as suggested by sureshmani, this is how it looks
Finally i am able to solve this, to my initial pom, have started doing below changes. Which ran my feature files in parallel
Change 1: I happen to add the dependency for cucumber-jvm-parallel-plugin along with plugin ,so i have deleted the plugin
Change 2: I have realized that the cucumber-jvm-parallel-plugin is not able to recognize the feature files when I have them placed src/main/java , some of the posts said i have to move all feature files to src/main/resources/feature , where features is package
Change 3: I have realized that cucumber-jvm-parallel-plugin is not able to recognize the resources like step def's and drivers etc, so i have used build-helper-maven-plugin where i have declared the resources as below
Change 4: cucumber-jvm-parallel-plugin in the maven life cycle in my IDE, because for some reason maven is not able to consider this plugin in it execution
Eclipse --> Windoes --> Preferences --> Maven->LifeCycleMappings-> copy paste below code
Then , click on "Reload workspace lifecycle mapping metadata" button in Preference
Maven modal
My final pom looks like this
<project xmlns=""
<!-- <dependency>
<executable>C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_211\bin\javac</executable>
<version> 4.2.0</version>
<format> json </format>
<!-- Specify a custom template for the generated sources (this is a path
relative to the project base directory) -->
<!-- <customVmTemplate>src/test/resources/
</customVmTemplate> -->
<!-- Specify a custom package name for generated sources. Default is no
package. -->
<!--<packageName></packageName> <plugins> <plugin> <name>json</name>
<plugin> <name>html</name> </plugin> <plugin> <name>pretty</name> </plugin>
</plugins> -->
Even after these changes, an error started showing at <execution> in pom, it says
Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: com.github.temyers:cucumber-
jvm-parallel-plugin:4.2.0:generateRunners (execution: generateRunners, phase:
But, its fine, i am able to run the feature files in parallel even with this above

Configuring jetty:run to use the "final" lib folder

I have a Maven project using a war overlay. As outlined in this answer, one problem with WAR overlays is that they seem to effectively sidestep Maven's dependency resolution. This results in build and/or runtime verification errors.
Fortunately, there is a solution - using the overlay/excludes configuration directives. This ensures that the resultant WAR will only have what you want.
However, it seems that the jetty:run uses the war plugin's work directory for library resolution (which does contain the "bad" JAR).
The problem is avoided by using either jetty:run-war or jetty:run-exploded.
as most of our projects run fine using jetty:run,
and jetty-run with scanInterval is very convenient during development,
I'd like to know whether it's possible to add some configuration changes to the POM that would force the run goal to use the target lib folder?
For illustration purposes, here's the specific example:
the project uses the org.apache.solr:solr:3.6.2 overlay,
the overlay includes an old version of Guava, r05, while our code uses a more recent one, 14.0.1,
as stated before, while the target artifact war is fine, jetty:run includes the r05 version into the classpath, which causes verification errors in our code.
Here's the example POM:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>A Solr project</name>
<connector implementation="org.mortbay.jetty.nio.SelectChannelConnector">

For Selenium WebDriver - Maven and initial pom.xml configuration

I am new for Selenium Webdriver. When I start with the tool I came to know there are two things necessary to start with: Maven and pom.xml. But I didn't find the details on these things. Could anyone let know what is the meaning of these files and how do I create them.
Also I would be thankful, if someone could share some knowledge on the Selenium WebDriver like how do I start with the tool, and how to write a scripts - I have Java knowledge, so I can prefer to that language.
Thanks in advance :) awaiting to learn about the tools :)
Maven and it's pom.xml are not a must (but a recommended solution).
Their role in the process is just to add the selenium jar to your project.
You can manually add the Selenium jar file to your project by downloading the jar from and adding it to your classpath.
Selenium site has also the relevant documentation to get you started -
I would recommend starting with a pom.xml that looks like this. You will have to manually create the directories src/main/java, src/test/java, and src/test/resources, but after do so, if you run "mvn clean build", it will refresh and give you the proper perspective in Eclipse IDE. Maven can be confusing on a new project because it doesn't auto generate those directories. :
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""

External jar found in Maven Web Application but not when being deployed

I recently created a Maven Web Application through Netbeans 7.3, using GlassFish 3.1.2. In this I use an external jar, so I added it in pom.xml:
It shows up correctly and I can refer it in my Bean. BUT when I deploy the application, I get an error that the class in the jar (which I referred to without problems before) can not be found.
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: be/fedict/trust/xkms2/XKMSServiceFactory
Since I'm not that familiar with Maven, I don't know how and where I can fix this. Looking at the generated WAR file, the jar is there correctly. I set addClasspath to true so it is in the Classpath of the Manifest, but this doesn't seem to help.
My libraries are in WEB-INF/lib and my Bean is in WEB-INF/classes.
Any thoughts or general directions to what this problem may be? I found this topic: Spring Web App with Maven dependency - class not found during deploy
but I don't see how I can make it work for me (assuming he found a solution).
Thanks in advance!
My full pom.xml:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
I'm not sure it has anything to do with your POM. I suspect it's the libraries used in the target container (Glassfish) -- a classpath issue. Each container does classloading a little differently. This question & answer might give you some ideas. If there are two, different versions of this artifact, one in container, one in your POM, you will have to tell the container which to use. WebLogic uses a weblogic.xml file for this.
