Responsive Web Design Testing Tool is not opened on IE 8 - windows-7

I'm testing a Responsive Web Design and I'm using the following tool on Windows 7:
The tool is working well on Chrome and Firefox. But it is not being opened on IE8. The following pop up message was displayed:
"Internet Explorer has stopped working"

You can use it's work fine on IE to test responsive web design


Test Webforms Masterpages with Mobile browsers

What is a good way to test a Webforms website with a mobile master page from code? Electric Mobile Studio works but it is not free.
I use Chrome DevTools (Ctrl+Shift+I).
From DevTools you can toggle device tool bar (Ctrl+Shift+M).
Once open you can view as different:
network speeds
and change from portrait to landscape.
This is the best solution I have been able to find in the past year+
Chrome has an extension called "User-Agent Switcher for Chrome." It can be used to switch to iPad and other views that will invoke the mobile master page.
The main strength of this solution (for me) is that it can be used from code in debug mode.

off-canvas menu designed by helix3 disappears in mobile mode of my site

I'm building a persian (rtl) website with an offcanvas menu using helix3. The site works fine in all modes (mobile/desktop) when testing with "responsive web design Tester" or other testing tools. But when surfing the site with tablet or ipad, the offcanvas menu appears for a second or 2 and then disappears surprisingly (It works fine over iPhone 7).
I am using helix3, joomla 3.8.10 and jquery v1.12.0.
my site:
Any help would be highly appreciated.

VS2012 debugging server side code with Google Chrome

I work on an mvc app.
This morning I was able to debug my server side code from a Google Chrome browser instance. I simply select Google Chrome in place of Internet Explorer in my VS2012 then click on it to run the app. When a breakpoint was reached (for example in my controller) it switch automatically to VS2012 for debugging.
This afternoon I am not able to do it again with Google Chrome. Only able to debug with Internet Explorer.
Any idea what's wrong?
It shouldn't matter which browser you tell VS to open your website in. If your debugger is attached to your C# your breakpoints should be hit as long as you're using the correct URI defined by your MVC app. I use fiddler and postman to debug my controllers all the time. Are you sure you didn't make any changes that would cause Chrome to make an incorrect request? Or perhapse the browser has cached old code and that's why the breakpoints are not being hit? I always open Chrome with ctrl + shift N to avoid having any caching issues.

browser add-on to test mobile design

Are there any add-ons to test an HTML page to see what it will look like on a mobile device? I'm developing with PhoneGap but Eclipse emulator is too slow to refresh it all the time so I want to have a browser extension that make screen resolution like on mobile.
If you care only about the screen size, Firefox 15 (currently Beta, release coming up in two weeks) has Responsive Design View in the Web Developer menu that allows you to adjust "screen size". For example, you can select 360x640 (nHD resolution) and have a look at your page.
However, mobile browsers do custom adjustments to web pages and these adjustments depend on the browser used. For example, Firefox Mobile does something called Font Inflation. You cannot reproduce it in a desktop browser, you have to actually run Firefox Mobile for that. The problem: mobile browsers will only run on mobiles, even Mozilla stopped supplying Firefox Mobile for the desktop after they switched to the native Android UI.
Edit: Starting with Firefox 33, there is a Firefox OS simulator built into Firefox (thanks to Tomek for pointing me into this direction). To start it, open WebIDE, then click "Select Runtime" and choose "Firefox OS 1.3." This will start the simulator, all you need to do then is clicking the Firefox icon (for me it's a blue one, not the usual orange). There you are, you can test any website in a real mobile browser, right on your desktop.
Firefox OS simulator can do the trick: Just install it. Run it - and run the browser inside. :)

Debugging web app on the palm pre?

I have a web app that works fine on desktop browsers, but struggles on the palm pre browser (via the emulator). How do I debug the app on the palm pre browser? There doesn't seem to be any error console, dom inspector, etc... I'd expect such tools from a web-app oriented phone.
The debugging tools on the webOS platform are generally still poor, and thats speaking for the application development.
I dont think there is any debugger for the web browser. You're stuck with document.write and related.
And for applications themselves, its better, but not by much. There is a command line debugger that you can use to set break points and inspect. There is also an inspector based on Safari that you can use to inspect the dom and such. And there is basic info/warn/error debugging to syslog. But these are for applications using the Mojo framework, and not exposed to web pages.
That said, the browser is based on Webkit, so its fairly close to Safari 4. There are some good sized chunks missing in Canvas and advanced CSS support. Browsing the developer forums will help see what CSS and Canvas features are missing or broken.
