how i can disable the approval email at the time of first time login in joomla - joomla

Here is the message that i got when a new user first time login
Your registration process is not yet complete! Please check again your email for further instructions that have just been resent. If you don't find the email, check your spam-box. Make sure that your email account options are not set to immediately delete spam. If that was the case, just try logging in again to receive a new instructions email.

Go to Users->User Manager on the admin side. Click Options in the upper right. You are likely wanting to change "New User Account Activation" to "None". This will allow them login immediately after sign-up without checking their email.
I'm not sure that this will retroactively activate anyone that has already signed up, so if that is an issue, you would want to activate them manually using the User Manager. (You would want to see green checks in the "Enabled" and "Activated" columns for the users to be able to login.


umbraco 7 - users added via back end can't login

I'm working on a reasonably fresh install of umbraco (7.1.8). I've only installed three plugins at the moment, so I don't believe they are the issue.
If I login using the id created during the install process, I can login fine. But now I want to start adding other users to allow them to add content, and I can't seem to get the users created so they can get access to the back end.
I've double and triple checked the passwords (even using the reset password and copy/pasting from one browser to the next). I've tried using both the email address and the login, but no joy in either scenario. I've tried to just make this first account an admin - no joy.
I opened the console and found this error on the console:
POST /umbraco/backoffice/UmbracoApi/Authentication/PostLogin 400 Bad Request 114ms
I'm hoping it's something glaringly obvious, but I can't see it for the life of me.
Had a similar issue a while back in version 6 where members created programmatically would not be able to login once they updated their email address. Had to ensure that the login was the same as the email address in order for them to login the next time. It is rather confusing I must admit.
Ensure login field value of user = email address field value of user

Unable to sign up at Heroku

I am unable to create an account at for some reason. Note that I do not have an account and am trying to create one.
I am able to click "Sign Up" on the home page, input my email address, receive the validation email, follow the link from validation email to page where input password and then am supposed to click "Save". At this screen, my email address has already been filled out (since I followed the link from the email) so I just pick a password, and put the same password in the "Confirm Password" box.
At this point I would expect the "Save" button to light up (or allow me to click it) but nothing happens when I click it.
I would check the Heroku site for help but am required to log in before getting help.
Using Chrome on Win 7. Using Lastpass for password management.
Heroku requires that the password be typed in rather than automatically added with something like Lastpass. Once the password has been typed in, the "Save" button will light up and allow you to proceed.

D7 doesn't sent mail after user registration

I have a local site on Drupal 7.21. The problem is it doesn't sent mail after registration. It still sends "lost password" messages, as well as contact form messages.
To debug it I've added a _mail_alter to track messages using dd() and dpm() functions. And added this code to settings.php:
$conf['mail_system'] = array('default-system' => 'DevelMailLog',);
And $message contains no info about registration mail. How can I debug what is going on?
P.S. I don't know if it is important. On REGISTRATION AND CANCELLATION tab on config page (admin/config/people/accounts) I selected these option: Visitors can register accounts, but require e-mail verification when a visitor creates an account.
Make sure "Notify user when account is activated" is also checked. It's located under the Account activation tab on the Account settings config page (admin/config/people/accounts).
If you're creating users via admin/people/create, there's a similar checkbox you'll need to check.

Magento + PayPal Sandbox

So, recently PayPal switched from sandbox.paypal to developer.paypal interface. It is still in beta mode, so it's not working perfectly, and on the other hand sandbox is practically disabled, you can not register nor login with old credentials.
So, when trying to make a test system in Magento, I create one seller account and one buyer account in new developer.paypal interface, but when I try to make a purchase it keeps showing me the wrong login/pass error (I enter the seller account e-mail and password).
Before all this I remember I had to be logged in the sandbox.paypal with my main sandbox account for this to work, but now login to sandbox is not possible any more, and login to developer doesn't help.
Anyone had similar issues? I tried anywhere to find any clue for solution, but no luck, and I don't waiting for PayPal to complete their test environment is an option.
I haven't had the same issue however have you imported your old accounts? That way you can use the same test email addresses and passwords as before.
Log into
Click Applications
Click Sandbox accounts
Click "Import data"
Enter your email address and password for the old developer account.
All settings for the prior accounts should be imported as well. is still accessible too, you do need to be logged into your developer account to access it which is the same condition as before.
If you continue receiving a password error trying resetting the password to the accounts by following the steps below:
Log into
Click Applications
Click Sandbox accounts
Expand the account in question
Click "Profile"
Click "Change Password"
Lastly, you'll also want to delete all cookies and cache before using the beta environment. If you do not, you'll see the error message below:
"This Sandbox email address is not available. Please enter another email address."
Let me know if you continue to receive errors.

Firefox extension to log out user after the page has been closed

I am writing my first FireFox extension and I have some questions. Maybe someone can help.
I have a website which requires login. The sign-in is one user per login type. So if I am logged with the username "tom" from one PC and go to other PC and try to login with the same details, it fails. When I click the log-out button from my authenticated page, the new location executes a PHP function to log-out the user (updates the "logged" status of the user in MySQL). The problem is that if a user is logged in from his work desk and surfing the page then suddenly he gets a call by a friend to quickly grab lunch in his break and has to meet him in short time, he just clicks the X (close) button from Firefox, forgetting to press the log-out button so the status of the logged is still 1. Later on, if he wants to access the page again from home, he won't be able to log in.
So, I need to grab the "close" event from firefox somehow. I am thinking about looking for the ones that contain the "" domain only. Then, if a tab is closed or the main window of Firefox is closed, send an unique key, and the username to that URL that logs out the user and the problem may be solved. I don't know if this is possible. Please post any idea (followed by code if you can) for this extension to be built.
Thank you.
By design, this is wrong.
If a user's PC crashes (harddisk failure, power failure) your plugin won't be able to log out the user. And so, the user won't be able to login on any PC.
Let's revisit the premise,
a. why does logging in from another PC need to fail?
b. How about invalidating the login from the previous PC (log out) when the user logs in to another PC. THis is kind of like how chat applications like Yahoo! Messenger work.
From your answers, here's what i would suggest: if the user is logged in on another PC, warn and present the user with options:
cancel logging in
forcibly log out the other user and proceed to logging in
Logging the user out after a certain time of inactivity is the (application or web) server's responsibility, not (only) the client-browser's. This is called a session timeout.
You might be able to avoid the timeout by a browser implementation as you describe it, but this should not be the primary solution.
Here's an off hand approach you might take:
In your case I would include a timestamp in the table where the 'locked' state is stored. Every time a user does an action that timestamp is updated. When you try to login again ad the timestamp is older that a certain threshold (e.g. 15min) your login code should silently logout the previous user.
In order to receive a notice about the tab being closed, you'll want to do something like this sample code. However, instead of listening for load, you'll want to listen for unload.
When you do end up getting notified about unload, you'll have to do a request to the logout page just like the web application does. You can figure out what the location of the document that is unloading is by checking aEvent.originalTarget.location.href. Note that aEvent.originalTarget will give you the document object of the tab that is closing. You'll then want to use an XLMHttpRequest for this in your event handler.
You could use ajax that would ping a page on the site - all the session info will be passed and you can verify that the user still has an active browser/page open. If Firefox crashes it won't be able to ping the website anymore and the session could time-out after 15 minutes. I think that allowing a forced logout on another sign-in would be best. Usually when I leave work at the end of the day I wouldn't close all the programs or logout or anything - just lock my computer to prevent anyone from using it. Next morning I come back with all my programs still running so I can continue where I left off.
BTW, Yahoo Web messenger probably uses some form of session-based cookies. That is, cookies are stored in memory and are gone when the tab or browser are closed.
Just enable to the user to re-login from another machine. And if you get a request from the user on first machine, ask him to re-login too. So you get a single logged in user at a time.
