Transferring multiple files from ftps server to Liferay Portal - ftp

We have a client FTP server where they uploads multiple number of pdf files in /dev directory. The pattern of pdf files are [ORGANAIZATION_NAME]_CR.pdf . We are retrieving these files and uploading it our Liferay document library based on the [ORGANAIZATION_NAME].
We are facing issue while retrieving the multiple files using a single ftp connection. First time it retrieves the list of files of current directory (/dev) and uploads in Liferay document library. But when it trying to retrieve the second file, it returns the length of files as zero and throwing error as Exception sending alert: Connection reset by peer: socket write error:
Connection closed without indication.
Please refer the below code.
public static void importReports() {
InputStream is = null;
System.setProperty("", "ssl");
FTPSClient ftpClient = new FTPSClient();
// Store file on host
ftpClient.addProtocolCommandListener(new PrintCommandListener(new PrintWriter(System.out)));
// Connect to host
int reply = ftpClient.getReplyCode();
if (!FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(reply)) {
if (!ftpClient.login(loginname), PortletProps.get(password))) {
// Set protection buffer size
// Set data channel protection to private
List<Organization> orgList = OrganizationLocalServiceUtil.getOrganizations(-1, -1);
for (Organization organization : orgList) {
String folderPath ="/dev";
String ftpfileName = organization.getName();
String ftpFilePath = folderPath+StringPool.FORWARD_SLASH+ftpfileName;
// Enter local passive mode
FTPFile[] files = ftpClient.listFiles(folderPath);
for(FTPFile file : files)
if(file.isFile() && file.getSize() > 0 && file.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(ftpfileName))
is = ftpClient.retrieveFileStream(ftpFilePath);
if (Validator.isNotNull(is)) {
}catch(SocketException se)
{"SocketException :"+se.getMessage());
// Logout
// Disconnect
catch(PortalException e)
} catch (SystemException e) {;
} catch (IOException ioe) {;
try {
// Logout
// Disconnect
} catch (IOException e) {;


is it possible to read the content of the file present in the ftp server? [duplicate]

This is re-worded from a previous question (which was probably a bit unclear).
I want to download a text file via FTP from a remote server, read the contents of the text file into a string and then discard the file. I don't need to actually save the file.
I am using the Apache Commons library so I have:
Can anyone help please, without simply redirecting me to a page with lots of possible answers on?
Not going to do the work for you, but once you have your connection established, you can call retrieveFile and pass it an OutputStream. You can google around and find the rest...
FTPClient ftp = new FTPClient();
ByteArrayOutputStream myVar = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ftp.retrieveFile("remoteFileName.txt", myVar);
Normally I'd leave a comment asking 'What have you tried?'. But now I'm feeling more generous :-)
Here you go:
private void ftpDownload() {
FTPClient ftp = null;
try {
ftp = new FTPClient();
try {
int reply = ftp.getReplyCode();
if (!FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(reply)) {
throw new Exception("Connect failed: " + ftp.getReplyString());
if (!ftp.login(mUser, mPassword)) {
throw new Exception("Login failed: " + ftp.getReplyString());
try {
if (!ftp.setFileType(FTP.BINARY_FILE_TYPE)) {
Log.e(TAG, "Setting binary file type failed.");
} catch(Exception e) {
} finally {
if (!ftp.logout()) {
Log.e(TAG, "Logout failed.");
} catch(Exception e) {
} finally {
} catch(Exception e) {
private void transferFile(FTPClient ftp) throws Exception {
long fileSize = getFileSize(ftp, mFilePath);
InputStream is = retrieveFileStream(ftp, mFilePath);
downloadFile(is, buffer, fileSize);
if (!ftp.completePendingCommand()) {
throw new Exception("Pending command failed: " + ftp.getReplyString());
private InputStream retrieveFileStream(FTPClient ftp, String filePath)
throws Exception {
InputStream is = ftp.retrieveFileStream(filePath);
int reply = ftp.getReplyCode();
if (is == null
|| (!FTPReply.isPositivePreliminary(reply)
&& !FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(reply))) {
throw new Exception(ftp.getReplyString());
return is;
private byte[] downloadFile(InputStream is, long fileSize)
throws Exception {
byte[] buffer = new byte[fileSize];
if (, 0, buffer.length)) == -1) {
return null;
return buffer; // <-- Here is your file's contents !!!
private long getFileSize(FTPClient ftp, String filePath) throws Exception {
long fileSize = 0;
FTPFile[] files = ftp.listFiles(filePath);
if (files.length == 1 && files[0].isFile()) {
fileSize = files[0].getSize();
Log.i(TAG, "File size = " + fileSize);
return fileSize;
You can just skip the download to local filesystem part and do:
FTPClient ftpClient = new FTPClient();
try {
ftpClient.connect(server, port);
ftpClient.login(user, pass);
InputStream inputStream = ftpClient.retrieveFileStream("/folder/file.dat");
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream, "Cp1252"));
while(reader.ready()) {
System.out.println(reader.readLine()); // Or whatever
} catch (IOException ex) {
} finally {
try {
if (ftpClient.isConnected()) {
} catch (IOException ex) {

WebAPI File Upload MultipartFormDataStreamProvider cleanup access denied

I am unable to cleanup the temporary file after the user uploads a file using
MultipartFormDataStreamProvider. I get "access to the path '...' is denied". However, it can delete old temporary files.
I based my cleanup on the example given here MultipartFormDataStreamProvider Cleanup.
I checked the windows identity and it has Read&Execute/read/write access to the folder. I think, something has locked by the file somehow, but I can't tell what. I tried moving the delete to the end and adding a sleep, but neither helped.
What is the correct way to cleanup these files? I need to do it immediately after I am done using the file. There really should be a setting so it does it for you.
public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> UploadFile(string toolToken,
int Publication_ID,
string externalKey,
int dataTypeID,
int toolProject_ID,
string cngDesc)
Logger logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
logger.Info("application pool user - " + System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name);
string tempDir = Config.ServerTempDataDir; // is ~/App_Data";
var provider = new MultipartFormDataStreamProvider(tempDir); //using this instead of ReadAsMultipartAsync because of memory constraints
await Request.Content.ReadAsMultipartAsync(provider);
MultipartFileData file = provider.FileData.FirstOrDefault(); //only one file is sent
if (file != null)
var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(file.LocalFileName);
string begStr = Path.GetFileName(file.LocalFileName).Substring(0, 8);
//will do something with file
//delete file this fails every time, access denied
catch (Exception e)
logger.Error("Cleanup Failed" + e.Message);
return Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, e.Message);
//delete any lingering files - this works
foreach (var curFilePath in Directory.GetFiles(dir, begStr + "*"))
if (File.GetCreationTime(curFilePath) < (DateTime.Now.AddHours(-3)))
catch { }
var response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);
response.Content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue(#"application/json");
return response;
catch (Exception e)
logger.Error("Upload File Exception" + e.Message);
return Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, e.Message);
Our network guys had Read&Execute/read/write access but did not have "modify" access on the App_Data folder.

Configuring Skype for Business delegates using UCMA

I have been struggling to programatically add a delegate to a user (boss/admin scenario).
After running my test code in the boss sfb client the admin appears as a delegate however, in the admin's sfb client the boss does not appear under the section "people I manage calls for". I verified in the rtc frontend database that the delegation is configured, however the admin subscription record does not list the boss. Below is the code I used to achieve this.
Any ideas why the admin sfb client is not being notified of the new delegation?
1) add delegate-management
public void SendAddDelegate()
string body = string.Format($"<setDelegates xmlns=\"\" version=\"1\"><delegate uri=\"\" action=\"add\"/></setDelegates>");
byte[] encBody = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(body);
RealTimeAddress rta = new RealTimeAddress("");
System.Net.Mime.ContentType contentType = new System.Net.Mime.ContentType("application/msrtc-setdelegate+xml")
endpoint.InnerEndpoint.BeginSendMessage(MessageType.Service, rta, contentType, encBody, SendAddDelegateManagementMessageComplete, null);
private void SendAddDelegateManagementMessageComplete(IAsyncResult result)
SipResponseData srd = endpoint.InnerEndpoint.EndSendMessage(result);
logger.Debug($"srd.ResponseCode - {srd.ResponseCode}");
catch (Exception exc)
logger.Error("Exception SendMessageComplete with message - {0}", exc.Message);
2) Publish presence
public void PublishRoutingCategory(string delegateUri)
//routes not created here for sample brevity
routes.DelegateRingEnabled = true;
routes.SimultaneousRingEnabled = true;
routes.SkipPrimaryEnabled = true;
routes.ForwardAudioAppInvitesEnabled = true;
userEndpoint.LocalOwnerPresence.BeginPublishPresence(new PresenceCategory[] { routes }, PublishComplete, null);
catch (Exception exc)
logger.Error("Unknown error - {0}", exc.Message);
private void PublishComplete(IAsyncResult result)
catch (Exception exc)
logger.Error("Error Publish Complete- {0}", exc.Message);

SqlCeException in windows phone 7

I have been using Microsoft Live API for uploading & downloading database. but after downloading or uploading if i tried to access the database in anyway my app gives SqlCeException Unhandled & exits.
If i restart the app before accessing database it doesn't give any errors so for now the solution is
Restart the application
This is my code
IsolatedStorageFileStream fileStream = null;
private void Upload_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
if (client == null || client.Session == null)
MessageBox.Show("You Must Sign In First.");
if (MessageBox.Show("Are You Sure? This Will Overwrite Your Old Backup File!", "Backup?", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel) == MessageBoxResult.OK)
public void UploadDatabase()
if (SDFolderID != string.Empty)
WLInfo.Text = "Uploading Backup...";
this.client.UploadCompleted += new EventHandler<LiveOperationCompletedEventArgs>(ISFile_UploadCompleted);
using (IsolatedStorageFile store = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
fileStream = store.OpenFile("DB.sdf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
client.UploadAsync(SDFolderID, "DB.sdf", fileStream, OverwriteOption.Overwrite);
WLInfo.Text = "Upload Complete.";
WLInfo.Text = "Error: Restart Application.";
private void ISFile_UploadCompleted(object sender, LiveOperationCompletedEventArgs args)
if (args.Error == null)
client = new LiveConnectClient(session);
client.GetCompleted += new EventHandler<LiveOperationCompletedEventArgs>(GetFiles_GetCompleted);
client.GetAsync(SDFolderID + "/files");
this.WLInfo.Text = "Error Uploading Backup File.";
void GetFiles_GetCompleted(object sender, LiveOperationCompletedEventArgs e)
List<object> data = (List<object>)e.Result["data"];
foreach (IDictionary<string, object> content in data)
if (((string)content["name"]).Equals(FileName))
FileID = (string)content["id"];
if (FileID != null)
WLInfo.Text = "Backup Found On Sky Drive.";
WLInfo.Text = "Backup Not Found On Sky Drive.";
I'm guessing it's probably of a Stream not properly closed so your database file is still locked. When you upload or download your database file make sure you use the using statement on all disposable object so that all the Stream are properly disposed automatically
In your code fileStream is not disposed which is probably what is causing the problem (you should "save" this variable in a local filed and call dispose on it in ISFile_UploadCompleted).
Also when if you use using there is no need to call dispose on the object (no need to have store.Dispose();, it's automatically done when you go out of the using scope)

BlackBerry - Downloaded images are corrupted on wifi with HttpConnection

In my app I need to download several images from a server. I use this code to get a byte array :
HttpConnection connection = null;
InputStream inputStream = null;
byte[] data = null;
//connection = (HttpConnection);
connection = (HttpConnection), Connector.READ_WRITE, true);
int responseCode = connection.getResponseCode();
if(responseCode == HttpConnection.HTTP_OK)
inputStream = connection.openInputStream();
data = IOUtilities.streamToBytes(inputStream);
return data;
catch(IOException e)
return null;
The url are formed with the suffix ";deviceSide=false;ConnectionType=MDS - public" (without spaces) and it is working perfectly well.
The problem is that with phones that do not have a sim card, we can't connect to the internet via the MDS server. So we changed to use the connection factory and let BB choose whatever he wants :
ConnectionFactory connFact = new ConnectionFactory();
ConnectionDescriptor connDesc;
connDesc = connFact.getConnection(url);
if (connDesc != null)
final HttpConnection httpConn;
httpConn = (HttpConnection)connDesc.getConnection();
final int iResponseCode = httpConn.getResponseCode();
if(iResponseCode == HttpConnection.HTTP_OK)
InputStream inputStream = null;
inputStream = httpConn.openInputStream();
byte[] data = IOUtilities.streamToBytes(inputStream);
return data;
catch(Exception e)
return null;
} catch (IOException e)
return null;
catch (IOException e)
System.err.println("Caught IOException: " + e.getMessage());
return null;
The connection works because it select the good prefix (interface=wifi in our case), but this create another problem.
Some images are not well downloaded, some of them (not the sames at each try) are corrupted, but only when the phone use a wifi connection to get these images.
How can I avoid this problem ? What method to get a connection do I have to use ? Is it possible to check if the user have a sim card in orderto use MDS - public ?
Here is an example of a corrupted image :
error image
try this:
public static String buildURL(String url) {
String connParams = "";
connParams = ";interface=wifi"; //Connected to a WiFi access point.
} else {
int coverageStatus = CoverageInfo.getCoverageStatus();
if ((coverageStatus & CoverageInfo.COVERAGE_BIS_B) == CoverageInfo.COVERAGE_BIS_B) {
connParams = ";deviceside=false;ConnectionType=mds-public";
} else if ((coverageStatus & CoverageInfo.COVERAGE_DIRECT) == CoverageInfo.COVERAGE_DIRECT) {
// Have network coverage and a WAP 2.0 service book record
ServiceRecord record = getWAP2ServiceRecord();
if (record != null) {
connParams = ";deviceside=true;ConnectionUID=" + record.getUid();
} else {
connParams = ";deviceside=true";
} else if ((coverageStatus & CoverageInfo.COVERAGE_MDS) == CoverageInfo.COVERAGE_MDS) {
// Have an MDS service book and network coverage
connParams = ";deviceside=false";
Log.d("connection param"+url+connParams);
return url+connParams;
private static ServiceRecord getWAP2ServiceRecord() {
String cid;
String uid;
ServiceBook sb = ServiceBook.getSB();
ServiceRecord[] records = sb.getRecords();
for (int i = records.length -1; i >= 0; i--) {
cid = records[i].getCid().toLowerCase();
uid = records[i].getUid().toLowerCase();
if (cid.indexOf("wptcp") != -1
&& records[i].getUid().toLowerCase().indexOf("wap2") !=-1
&& uid.indexOf("wifi") == -1
&& uid.indexOf("mms") == -1) {
return records[i];
return null;
What happens when you append interface=wifi? Can you run the network diagnostic tool attached to below kb article and run all tests with SIM removed
Please also note that when download large files over BES/MDS there are limits imposed by MDS. Please ensure you review the below kb article
You can check to see if coverage is sufficient for BIS_B (MDS public) but that won't help you if you are trying to support SIM-less users. I wonder if the problem is in an incomparability between the connection on Wi-Fi and IOUtilities.streamToBytes(). Try coding as recommended in the API documents.
