Using distinct in Spring data over multiple columns - spring

My domain model is like this:
CollectedData {
String name;
String description;
int count;
int xAxis,
int yAxis
Using Spring data repository query, I would like to retrieve all the unique rows (unique with name, xAxis, yAxis)
I am trying something like this
#Query("select distinct, a.xAxis, a.yAxis from CollectedData a")
List<CollectedData> findAllDistinctData();
So, when I do
List<CollectedData> records= findAllDistinctData();
for (CollectedData record : records) { //Exception on this line
[Ljava.lang.Object; cannot be cast to CollectedData.
Is there any other way to write query for this ?

#Query return ArrayList of Object(s) instead of specific type of object. so you have to define some thing like
#Query("select distinct, a.xAxis, a.yAxis from CollectedData a")
List<Object> findAllDistinctData();
then cast according to your requirement,
List<Object> cdataList=findAllDistinctData();
for (Object cdata:cdataList) {
Object[] obj= (Object[]) cdata;
String name = (String)obj[0];
String description = (String)obj[1];;

Instead of returning an object you can use JPA's constructor expression feature to return a more specific object holding only the columns you're interested in. See also following answer:
JPQL Constructor Expression - org.hibernate.hql.ast.QuerySyntaxException:Table is not mapped
According to your example you could create a new Object with only the columns you are interested in:
SELECT DISTINCT new com.mypackage.MyInterestingCollectedData(, a.xAxis, a.yAxis) from CollectedData a

If you want to select complete object based on distinct values of multiple columns,
In that case the native query would be the option.
value = "select distinct on (column1, column2, column3) * From my_table where someId=: order by column1 asc,column2 desc,column3 desc,column4 desc",
nativeQuery = true
fun finalAllDistinctBy(containerId: String): List<MyTable>


Get Records on the basis of list of string Criteria Query Predicates

I created one class
class Employee { Integer id; String name; String departments; }
and in sql server database i have records
I stored departments as ";" separated. For Example Department = Computer;Civil
Now i want to filter data with departments let's say there is one multiselect in frontend where i have list of departments and i select two departments for example-> Computer,Civil and in backend i got List<String> deparmentFilter as parameter say Computer;Civil
Now as per my requirement i have to return two data from Spring Boot Controller
Right Now what i did is i executed the query to fetch all the records and then i right below logic
List<Employee> employeesToBeRemoved = new ArrayList<>();
if (!departmentNames.isEmpty()) {
allEmployees.forEach(employee -> {
if (employee.getDepartment() != null) {
Set<String> departmentNamesResult = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(employee.getDepartment().
Boolean isExist = Collections.disjoint(departmentNamesResult, departmentNames);
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(isExist)) {
} else {
I tried to move it to predicates but not able to do that, This solution is taking much time to execute,
Please suggest me some other better ways (optimized way) to improve performance.
Is there is any way to add this filter in predicates?
Another approach i am thinking (12/05/2022)
Let's say i have one table employee_department_mapping and in that table i have employeeId and departmentName so in this correct way to add predicate?
CriteriaQuery<Object> subQuery1 = criteriaBuilder.createQuery();
Root<EmployeeDepartmentMapping> subQueryEmpDptMp = subQuery1.from(EmployeeDepartmentMapping.class);
You might achieve better performance by splitting your table and using join:
class Employee { Integer id; String name; Integer departmentsId; }
class EmployeeDepartments { Integer departmentsId; String department; }
You may use Element Collection to achieve this.
Now, instead of having a the following row:
You will have the following:
Execute a join to get all row from table2 with table1 to get your result

How to get Distinct record from JPA

I have implemented a method which gives me specification, but what I want is the query should be as below:
Select Distinct *
From (another select query)
I generate query dynamically.
How do I perform the same using specification in Spring Boot?
Try something like this
Specification<T> spec = getSpecification();
Specification<T> distinctSpec = (root, query, cb) -> {
return spec.toPredicate(root, query, cb);
if you want to get distinct records, you have to write a query like this in the repository.
The below query gives the distinct author from the post table.
#Query("select distinct author from Post")
List<String> findUniqueAuthor();
Write this in the repository
#Query(value = "Select Distinct * From (another select query)", nativeQuery = true)
List<Object> findUniqueData();

Query to check if the record exists in Spring Jdbc Template

I am fairly new to spring ,I am looking to check if a certain email id exists in database or not , using Spring Jdbc Template ,I looked here but could'nt find the proper answer .I am looking something like ,SELECT count(*) from table where email=?
Any help will be appreciated.
You can do something as below if you are using jdbctemplate and new version of spring
private boolean isEmailIdExists(String email) {
String sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM table WHERE email = ?";
int count = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql, new Object[] { email }, Integer.class);
return count > 0;
queryForObject method of jdbcTemplate accepts the sql query as the first parameter, second argument is an array of objects for the sql query place holders and the third argument is the expected return value from the sql query.
In this case we only have one place holder and hence I gave the second argument as new Object[] { email } and the result we are expecting is a count which is a Integer and hence I gave it as Integer.class
I kind of got this answer from
You can go through it if you are interested.
private boolean isEmailIdExists(String email) {
return jdbcTemplate.queryForObject("SELECT EXISTS(SELECT FROM table WHERE email = ?)", Boolean.class, email);

Issue with writing named sql query with hibernate

I am trying to access database FK using named SQL query with Hibernate, the idea is to query a customer table which contains name, and companyId,etc. CompanyId is the FK for a commpany table. The query I wrote is as follows:
#NamedNativeQuery(name="getcustomer", query="Select CUSTOMER.* from CUSTOMER,COMPANY where CUSTOMER_FIRST_NAME = (?1) and CUSTOMER_LAST_NAME= (?2) and CUSTOMER_COMPANY_ID_FK = (?3) ",resultClass=Customer.class)
The issue I am currently having as follow:
Exception in thread "main" org.hibernate.QueryParameterException:
Position beyond number of declared ordinal parameters. Remember that
ordinal parameters are 1-based! Position: 2 at
at com.comresource.scrapmetalapp.Config.Run.main(
My DAO implementation is like this:
public Customer searchCustomer(String fName, String lName, Integer company) {
Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
return (Customer) session.getNamedQuery("getcustomer").setParameter(1, fName)
.setParameter(2, lName)
.setParameter(3, company)
What is the issue here?
For this, I would need to see how you are associating the mapping in your model class, but the query should go like this.
public Customer getMeThatCustomer(String param1, String param2, int foreignkey){
session = getCurrentSession();
org.hibernate.Query query = session.createQuery("From Customer as c where and c.lastname=:param2 and");
//Note the last parameter, where I have mentioned, in place of
company, there should be the foregin key association and then the primary key in java class.
return (Customer) query.uniqueResult();
So, try it out, let me know if there is any problem

LINQ query fails for NULL values

var query = from t1 in Table1
join t2 in Table2
on new { t1.Id }
equals new { t2.Id}
select new
t1.MiddleName,//allows null values in the database
t1.LastName, //allows null values in the database
if(query.Count()>0)//fails here"The value for column MiddleName in table'Table1' is DBNULL"
Is there a way in which I can get all the rows including null values for middleName and Phone in my LINQ query?
If you are using linq-to-datasets you must manually convert nullable columns to null because their value in DataRow is DBNull.Value. In strongly typed DataSet you should be able to do something like:
var query = from t1 in Table1
join t2 in Table2
on new { t1.Id }
equals new { t2.Id}
select new
t1.IsMiddleNameNull ? null : t1.MiddleName,
t1.IsPhoneNull ? null : t1.Phone
In untyped DataSet you will call something like t1.IsNull("MiddleName") ? null : t1["MiddleName"]
It sounds like the metadata is out of sync with your DB schema. It seems as if when the classes were generated for your schema MiddleName was not nullable, but now it is. If that's the case, you need to refresh your EDMX if you're using Entity Framework or refresh your classes if you're using LINQ to SQL.
Could you please give this a shot
var query = from t1 in Table1
join t2 in Table2
on new { t1.Id }
equals new { t2.Id}
select new
Id = t1.Id,
FirstName = t1.FirstName,
MiddleName = t1.MiddleName,//allows null values in the database
LastName = t1.LastName,
Phone = //allows null values in the database
if(query.Count()>0)//fails here"The value for column MiddleName in table'Table1' is DBNULL"
The problem is that a new anonymous object has its properties defined on-the-fly with types inferred from the values.
In such a line
MiddleName = t1.MiddleName,//allows null values in the database
a new property called MiddleName is created whose type is t1.MiddleName's type. But if t1.MiddleName is null, what is the type ??? Null has no type.
To prevent any ambiguousity simply put
MiddleName = (string)t1.MiddleName,
to let the compiler know that anyway it's a string, even if not provided.
