What does caret(^) in Oracle translate function mean? - oracle

I encountered this statement from other developer's code which returns ABCDEF:
SELECT TRANSLATE('ABC123DEF456', '^0123456789', '^') FROM DUAL;
Then I tested with the following which have the same result:
SELECT TRANSLATE('ABC123DEF456', '^0123456789', ' ') FROM DUAL;
SELECT TRANSLATE('ABC123DEF456', '0123456789', ' ') FROM DUAL;
But this one returns null:
SELECT TRANSLATE('ABC123DEF456', '0123456789', '') FROM DUAL;
What does caret(^) mean? Why is it necessary?

TRANSLATE(expr, from_string, to_string):
You cannot use an empty string for to_string to remove all characters
in from_string from the return value. Oracle Database interprets the
empty string as null, and if this function has a null argument, then
it returns null.
Thus you cannot specify '' as the value for the to_string parameter, because it would be interpreted as null.
I suspect ^ is used here because it will never appear in the expr, and thus you will never see it in the resulting string as in TRANSLATE('ABC12^3DE0F456', '^0123456789', '^') which returns ABC^DEF.
Your original function SELECT TRANSLATE('ABC123DEF456', '^0123456789', '^') FROM DUAL; effectively strips all digits from the source string because for every matching digit in from_string there's no corresponding character in to_string, the other characters are just ignored.


call function from sql script in oracle

In this code I am calling this FSG.REPLACE_STRING function which has 2 parameters, original string and special characters string. The original string is a select query from a table and special character string is 'A'.
I have written the code:
but this is not working.
You are trying to pass the table column value into the function, so you need to restructure your statement:
WHERE PRAD_ID= '003204091007';
Although the NVL() part seems a bit pointless if you're filtering for a specific (not-null) value in the query. Casting to char looks suspicious too.

Replacing multiple CHR() from PLSQL string

I have a PLSQL string which contains chr() special characters like chr(10), chr(13). I want to replace these special characters from the string. I tried the following ways
select regexp_replace('Hello chr(10)Goodchr(13)Morning','CHR(10)|chr(13)','') from dual;
This do not works since regexp_replace do not replace chr() function. Then I tried
select translate('Hello chr(10)Goodchr(13)Morning', 'chr(10)'||'chr(13)', ' ') from dual;
It works partially, ie; I am forced to replace chr() with white space(third parameter). No option if I do not want to replace chr() with white spaces . If I pass third character as null then above query returns null result.
Anybody have any other methods?
The problem with your replacement isn't the logic, it's the syntax. Parentheses are regex metacharacters, and as such, if you want to replace a literal parenthesis, you need to escape it. So your pattern should be this:
Here is a working query:
regexp_replace('Hello chr(10)Goodchr(13)Morning','chr\(13\)|chr\(10\)','', 1, 0, 'i')
from dual
The fifth parameters in the above call to regexp_replace is 'i' and indicates that we want to do a case insensitive replacement.
The above logic removes the literal text chr(13) and chr(10) from your text. If instead you want to remove the actual control characters chr(13) and chr(10), then you may add those control characters to the alternation, e.g.
regexp_replace('Hello chr(10)Goodchr(13)Morning','chr\(13\)|chr\(10\)|chr(10)|chr(13)','', 1, 0, 'i')
from dual
Since regular expression functions are relatively expensive in Oracle I think it's worth showing the alternate method which just uses REPLACE for the same effect.
This replaces occurrences of the each control characters with a space;
SELECT REPLACE(REPLACE('ABC'||CHR(10)||'DEF'||CHR(13)||'GHI'||CHR(10)||'JKL',CHR(13),' '),CHR(10),' ') from dual
And this replaces occurrences of the strings 'CHR(13)' and 'CHR(10)';
select REPLACE(REPLACE('ABCCHR(10)DEFCHR(13)GHICHR(10)JKL','CHR(13)',' '),'CHR(10)',' ') from dual

How Can I Extract String in Oracle

I would like to extract following string in Oracle. How can I do that?
Original String: 011113584378(+) CARD, STAFF
Expected String: STAFF CARD
I presume you have the luxury of writing a PL/SQL function? Then just use "SUBSTR", and/or "INSTR", and || concatenation operator to parse your input.
Here is an example:
...The field may contain the following value:
In this case, I need to return the value of '1-60SS', as this is the value that resides between the 3rd and 4th underscores.
create or replace function parse_value (pValue varchar2)
return varchar2
v_pos3 number;
v_pos4 number;
/* Return 3rd occurrence of '_' */
v_pos3 := INSTR (pValue, '_', 1, 3) + 1;
/* Return 4rd occurrence of '_' */
v_pos4 := INSTR (pValue, '_', 1, 4);
return SUBSTR (pValue, v_pos3, v_pos4 - v_pos3);
end parse_value;
Ok, I'll bite. This example uses REGEXP_REPLACE to describe the string, saving the parts you need in order to rearrange them before returning them. It would be better if you showed some real-world examples of the data you are dealing with as I can only guarantee this example will work with the one line you provided.
The regular expression matches any characters starting at the beginning of the string and ending with a close paren-space. The next set of any characters up to but not including the comma-space is "remembered" by enclosing them in parens. This is called a captured group. The next captured group is the set of characters after that comma-space separator until the end of the line (the dollar sign). The captured groups are referred to by their order from left to right. The 3rd argument is the string to return, which is the 2nd and 1st captured groups, in that order, separated by a space.
SQL> with tbl(str) as (
select '+011113584378(+) CARD, STAFF' from dual
select regexp_replace(str, '^.*\) (.*), (.*)$', '\2 \1') formatted
from tbl;

To insert a value in a String

I have a requirement to manipulate a string to get the required value.
I need to change ACTUALSTRING99 to ACTUALSTRING_99. Currently I am passing this ACTUALSTRING99 to a function and returning it as ACTUALSTRING_99 in the following way.
concat(concat(REGEXP_REPLACE('VALUE', '[[:digit:]]'),'_'),REGEXP_REPLACE('VALUE', '[[:alpha:]]')) AS REQUIRED
FROM dual;
Passing VALUE asACTUALSTRING99. Do we have any other simple way (using or without using regular expression) to do it with out calling the function?
To prepend underscore before numerical part of the string, you can simply use regexp_replace with backreference.
FROM dual;
You can do this using substring and length functions:
FROM dual;

what will translate function do if I want to change some chars to nothing?

I have a sql statement:
select translate('abcdefg', 'abc', '') from dual;
Why the result is nothing?
I think it should be 'defg'.
From the documentation:
You cannot use an empty string for to_string to remove all characters in from_string from the return value. Oracle Database interprets the empty string as null, and if this function has a null argument, then it returns null. To remove all characters in from_string, concatenate another character to the beginning of from_string and specify this character as the to_string. For example, TRANSLATE(expr, 'x0123456789', 'x') removes all digits from expr.
So you can do something like:
select translate('abcdefg', '#abc', '#') from dual;
... using any character that isn't going to be in your from_string.
select translate('abcdefg', 'abc', '') from dual;
To add to Alex's answer, you could use any character(allowed in SQL) for that matter to concatenate to remove all the characters. So, you could even use a space instead of empty string. An empty string in Oracle is considered as NULL value.
So, you could also do -
SQL> SELECT TRANSLATE('abcdefg', ' abc', ' ') FROM dual;
Which is the same as -
SQL> SELECT TRANSLATE('abcdefg', chr(32)||'abc', chr(32)) FROM dual;
Since the ascii value of space is 32.
It was just a demo, it is better to use any other character than space for better understanding and code readability.
