VS 2010 Video Card switching - visual-studio-2010

I have together an Intel(R) HD Graphics and NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660.
Now I am writing an OpenGL aplication in Visual Studio 2010. By checking the OpenGL version, it results OpenGL 3.3, so I think it`s running on the HD Graphics.
I would appreciate if someone could tell me how can I change it.


How can install intel OpenCL integrations with visual studio?

I have tried and installed every possible combination of Intel SDK toolkits and Visual Studio (2017/19/21) in the hope that the OpenCL integrations (project templates, compiler, and header and libraries) would be added as described here:
It is not quite clear to me what toolkit is currently needed, the links to the Intel OpenCL SDK does not give a download link, but if found elsewehre it installs some version of an Intel System Studio. If trying to download the OpenCL tools I'm redirected to an Intel oneAPI for IoT which does not set up the bindings, and the Base oneAPI does not do it either.
Any help or ideas here would be appreciated?

Missing Nsight Menu Visual Studio 2015

First of all , i have the following specs:
-Visual studio 2015Pro version: 14.0.25123.00 update 2
-Nvidia GeForce GTX 765M (i know it is not in the supported gpus list)
-Nsight 5.1 and Nsight 6.0 installed
-CUDA toolkit 8.0 installed
-Nvidia Driver version : 416.16 installed
-Microsoft Windows 10 64bit
My problem is that Nsight menu is missing in Visual Studio and I'd like to start CUDA debbuging.
The things that I have tried:
First I have installed Nsight 6.0 then 5.1 (i restarted my PC) still missing Nsight menu(I actually can't find Nsight in my VS Extensions and Updates box).Then updated to the latest Nvidia Driver(I have read the manual of it but I could not find if it is CUDA debugging capable).
My visual studio is installed on X:\ drive but I have the following shortcuts pointing to where Nsight is located on C:\
Shortcuts I've read in a different topic I must have these.
The story behind it:
I am developing a filtering program which is not working properly , I have followed the steps the program makes but I need to use the debugger.
At this point I am asking for some help.
I have updated my VS2015 to update3 also installed CUDA toolkit 10 and now the nsight menu is showing.

What CUDA version for VS2017 and GTX 870M?

I want to develop a program using CUDA but I am getting lost by install instructions on NVidia's site.
So here is what I have:
Windows 10 laptop with a NVidia GPU GeForce GTX 870M
(both OS and GPU driver are up to date)
Visual Studio 2017, Version 15.8 (also up to date) _MS_VER=1915
On this webpage, I found out that my GPU is CUDA enabled (good news) with "Compute capability" 3.0. What does it mean?
I know that CUDA versions are sensitive to the version of Visual Studio used, so
my question is simple:
what version of CUDA should I download and install? and can I build and run programs with my version of Visual Studio?
As far as I know, no version of the CUDA Toolkit currently supports Visual Studio 15.8. The latest CUDA 9.2 supposedly supports up to Visual Studio 15.6. Note that the issue of Visual Studio support really only concerns the NVCC compiler and Visual Studio Integration. There's nothing preventing you from, e.g., using the CUDA Driver API with whatever compiler you wish (including the latest version of VS).
One way around these issues used to be to put your CUDA code into a separate static library, build that with the VS 2015 compilers, and link it to the main project which could be built using VS 2017.
Make sure you have selected the VC++ 2015.3 v14.00 (v140) toolset for desktop package in Visual Studio Installer:
You can then switch the toolset to use for each project in Project Properties > General:
Unfortunately, I've recently encountered some issues with linking binaries built with VS 2015 to binaries built with the VS 2017 15.8 compilers, so that path might no longer work (seemed to be related to the new "Just My Code Debugging" feature). But then, binary compatibility across compiler versions was never really something to rely on in the first placeā€¦
Another solution would be to downgrade your Visual Studio to 15.6.
The compute capability of a device basically tells you what generation of GPU architecture you're dealing with and which features you can rely on. Or in the words of the CUDA Programming Guide:
The compute capability of a device is represented by a version number, also sometimes called its "SM version". This version number identifies the features supported by the GPU hardware and is used by applications at runtime to determine which hardware features and/or instructions are available on the present GPU.
More details on individual compute capabilities/architectures can be found, e.g., here.

Visual debugging for Direct3D/OpenGL/unity3d applications on windows 7

I need to visually debug scene rendering (step-by-step frame rendering) in unity3d (version 5) on Windows 7 64bit. "Visually debug" means that I need to walk through rendering process step-by-step and see what unity does to framebuffer at each step.
Which tools are currently available for that?
Few years ago I've been using PerfHUD for similar tasks, but it looks like it is discontinued? The latest version of perfhud(mentioned on nvidia website) is 6.7 and apparently it is from 2011. Perfkit and nsight does not seem to provide similar feature ('visual debugging") and are instead concerned with cuda performance.
On the web, there's mention of Microsoft PIX, BUT microsoft website mentions that it is replaced by "graphics debugging" feature in Visual Studio 2013. Visual studio 2013, meanwhile, really wants me to upgrade to windows 8 and does not let me use the feature otherwise. (VS express 2013 for windows desktop does not have this feature).
So, what else is available? I'm only need to run the tool on my own machine which means Nvidia GPU and windows 7 64 bit.
VS 2013 Community or VS 2013 Pro+ Update 4 is the best way to get the modern 'graphics debugging' features from Visual Studio for DirectX 11. The capture engine is much more robust on Windows 8.1 or Windows 10, but will work on Windows 7.
For Direct3D 9, you can still use the legacy PIX for Windows tool.
See DirectX SDK Tools Catalog and DirectX 11.1 and Windows 7 Update

Cocos2d-x opengl error in visual studio 2010

my windows is saying device driver is up to date. but in my visual studio its giving error opengl higher version required.
i attached the error screenshot.
According to this specsheet your graphics hardware supports up to OpenGL 1.4 but not 1.5. So you need a different graphics card or computer to launch cocos2d-x apps under windows.
