how can I inject "nulls" into autowired spring beans? - spring

I am writing unit-tests and have a quite complex setting.
A dependent bean sets up some listeners and passes them autowired services.
I want to test that the listeners are present, but not call them, so I want to pass 'null' instead of the autowired service. (specifically: I do not have setters ...)
SomeService1 service1
SomeService2 service2
public List getListeners() {
List l = new ArrayList();
l.add(new AaaListener(service1));
l.add(new BbbListener(Service2));
return l;
public void testListeners() {
int exptecedSize = 2;
List l = sut.getX().getY().getListeners()
Note that the SUT does depend indirectly from the class that returns the listeners.
Since this is a very small example from a big setting, I do specifically do not want to use mocks here as I want to test only presence not behavior of the listeners.
Mocking 20 or 30 of such services will slow down the tests massively.
Question: What is the easiest way to inject these nulls into the autowired instance variables?
A) Add setters ?
B) ReflectionUtils ?
C) java-config + #Beans + return null ?

They're already null when the class is instantiated ... or are you actually running them in a spring context?
You can set properties to null in the xml config like this (from the documentation)
<bean class="ExampleBean">
<property name="email"><null/></property>

Don't use the Spring context and create the class manually
Use ReflectionTestUtils to set the field. ReflectionTestUtils allows for the setting of private fields where ReflectionUtils does not.


#autowire beans and #value properties after object mapper deserialized json

I am using spring framework.
I am using objectMapper to desiriale store.json file:
objectMapper.readValue(new File(jsonFilePath), Store.class)
"type": "Store",
"name": "myStore",
private Integer sroreSize;
private storePersistency storePersistency;
public Store(#JsonProperty("name") String name) {
I am trying find out how to #autowire beans and #value properties in store.class, beans and properties that exist in applicationContext.
In current example sroreSize and storePersistency still null.
I know that I can inject fields to object mapper and then use #JacksonInject annotation but I have a lot of field to inject - not a good option for me.
Custom desirializer also not a good option for me.
Is there any way not to use custom desirializer or not to inject every bean/property that I need in store.class?
Something that injects all the beans and properties and I simply can use it in Store.class.
So you want some Store fields like storePersistency and sroreSize to be initialized once at application startup (which is when Spring will setup the application context) and then at runtime create multiple different Store objects differing in some fields as name that are initialized by Jackson.
I suggest annotating Store with #Component to get Spring to initialize #Value and #Autowired fields. The #Scope annotation will cause a new independent Store instance to be created each time. Simplified example:
class Store {
private String name;
private Integer sroreSize;
Then the key is method readerForUpdating where you can pass an existing instance of Store and Jackson will update that instead of creating a new one as usually:
Store store = context.getBean(Store.class);
Where context is a Spring ApplicationContext reference that I autowired in a test class. You don't need to use the return value of readValue in this case, just inspect the existing store variable and name will be updated.

INTERFACES or TARGET_CLASS: Which proxyMode should I choose?

I am looking for a way to store my object and it seems that the best approach is to use proxies. I found 2 annotation in the internet, which one should I use :
#Scope(value = "session", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.INTERFACES)
#Scope(value = "session", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS )
Moreover, is it true that the proxies is the best way to use than using #Component
#Scope("session") or using #SessionAttributes?
You'll need to understand what each of those annotations does to choose for yourself. See the javadoc, here. Continue for a more detailed explanation.
The first
#Scope(value = "session", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.INTERFACES)
a JDK dynamic proxy implementing all interfaces exposed by the class of the target object
In other words, the proxy will be a subtype of the interfaces that the target object's class implements, but won't be a subclass of the target object's class itself.
Essentially Spring does the following
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Foo target = new Foo();
InvocationHandler proxyHandler = ... // some proxy specific logic, likely referencing the `target`
// works fine
Printable proxy = (Printable) Proxy.newProxyInstance(Example.class.getClassLoader(),
target.getClass().getInterfaces(), proxyHandler);
// not possible, ClassCastException
Foo foo = (Foo) proxy;
public static class Foo implements Printable {
public void print() {
public interface Printable {
void print();
The proxy returned won't be of type Foo and you therefore can't inject it into any targets of that type. For example, Spring will fail to inject it into a field like
private Foo foo;
but will successfully inject the proxy into a field like
private Printable printable;
All calls to the proxy will be handled by the InvocationHandler (which usually performs some use case specific logic then delegates to the target object).
The second annotation
#Scope(value = "session", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS )
a class-based proxy (uses CGLIB).
In addition to interfaces, with CGLIB Spring will be able to create a proxy whose class is a subclass of the target's class. In essence, it does the following
Foo target = new Foo();
net.sf.cglib.proxy.Enhancer enhancer = new net.sf.cglib.proxy.Enhancer();
net.sf.cglib.proxy.MethodInterceptor interceptor = ... // some proxy specific logic, likely referencing the `target`
// works fine
Foo proxy = (Foo) enhancer.create();
CGLIB creates a new class that is a subclass of Foo and instantiates it (invoking the constructor of Foo). All calls to the proxy will be intercepted by the provided callback (which usually performs some use case specific logic and then delegates to the target object).
Since the proxy class extends Foo, Spring can inject the proxy into a field (or constructor/method parameter) like
private Foo injectMe;
All this to say, if you're programming to interfaces, then ScopedProxyMode.INTERFACES will be sufficient. If you're not, then use ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS.
As for using #SessionAttributes, it is not an alternative to session scoped beans. Session attributes are just objects, they are not beans. They don't possess the full lifecycle, injection capabilities, proxying behavior that a bean may have.
If you want to store the whole bean in the session, use #Scope, otherwise use #SessionAttributes. In the case of using #Scope, if the class implements some interfaces then use INTERFACES proxy mode, if not use TARGET_CLASS.
Usually your service implements an interface, which allows the use of JDK proxies (INTERFACES mode). But if that is not the case then use TARGET_CLASS, which creates a CGLIB proxy.
Using INTERFACES should be used if possible and TARGET as last resort if the bean does not implement interfaces.
While going through a blog post provided in the comments above, I found a comment stating cons of interface-based proxies.
On the post, user Flemming Jønsson posted this:
Be careful with using interface-based proxies.
If you are using Spring Security or Spring Transactions you might experience oddities when using interface-based proxies.
E.g. if you have a bean T and that bean has methods a() and b() that are both annotated transactional. Calls from other beans directly to a() or b() will behave properly (as configured). However if you introduce an internal call - where a() calls b() then b's transactional metadata will have no effect. The reason is that when you are using interface-based proxies the internal call will not go through the proxy - and thus the transactional interceptor will not have a chance to start a new transaction.
The same goes for Security. If method a() only requires USER-role but calls b() that requires ADMIN-role, then the internal call from a to b will be performed for any USER with no warnings. Same reason as above, internal calls do not go through the proxy and thus the security interceptor does not have a chance to act upon the call to b() from a().
To solve issues like these use targetClass.

Spring container - annotation for null argument

In my application that uses Spring container I created my own annotation, and I wanted at runtime get Class objects of classes that are annotated with my annotation. For this I wanted to utilize Spring container.
In my .xml configuration file I put
<context:component-scan base-package="some.package" >
<context:include-filter type="annotation" expression="some.package.Question" />
so the classes that are annotated with my Question annotation are detected by Spring. Problem is that those classes don't have no parameter constructor, so now I have 2 options:
Define no-parameter constructor in those classes
Define the beans in .xml and use constructor-arg
but is it possible to annotate constructor arguments with some annotation, so Spring will know that it needs to pass null value during creation of a bean?
Also those beans will have prototype scope, and from the point of view of an application the contents of an constructor arguments are not known during the creation of a bean.
I had to use #Value("#{null}") for annotation constructor arguments
I think your first suggestion of using a no-arg constructor sounds cleaner - the reason is that the object created is, from your perspective, being considered properly initialized even though the instance variables have null values - this can be indicated by having a default constructor
If it cannot be changed, your approach of using #Value("#{null}") also works, I was able to test out in a test case:
public class Component1 {
private String message;
public Component1(#Value("#{null}") String message){
this.message = message;
public String sayHello(){
return this.message;
This may not be what you're looking for, but if you want to re-use Spring's classpath scanner and wrap it in your own implementation, you can use the following;
Class annotation = [your class here ];
String offsetPath = [your path here ];
// Scan a classpath for a given annotation class
ClassPathScanningCandidateComponentProvider scanner = new ClassPathScanningCandidateComponentProvider(false);
// MZ: Supply the include filter, to filter on an annotation class
scanner.addIncludeFilter(new AnnotationTypeFilter(annotation));
for (BeanDefinition bd : scanner.findCandidateComponents(offsetPath))
String name = bd.getBeanClassName();
Class classWithAnnotation = Class.forName(name);
catch (Exception e)
//Logger.fatal("Unable to build sessionfactory, loading of class failed: " + e.getMessage(), e);
return null;

How do I get a property value from an ApplicationContext object? (not using an annotation)

If I have:
#Autowired private ApplicationContext ctx;
I can get beans and resources by using one of the the getBean methods. However, I can't figure out how to get property values.
Obviously, I can create a new bean which has an #Value property like:
private #Value("${someProp}") String somePropValue;
What method do I call on the ApplicationContext object to get that value without autowiring a bean?
I usually use the #Value, but there is a situation where the SPeL expression needs to be dynamic, so I can't just use an annotation.
In the case where SPeL expression needs to be dynamic, get the property value manually:
somePropValue = ctx.getEnvironment().getProperty("someProp");
If you are stuck on Spring pre 3.1, you can use
somePropValue = ctx.getBeanFactory().resolveEmbeddedValue("${someProp}");
Assuming that the ${someProp} property comes from a PropertyPlaceHolderConfigurer, that makes things difficult. The PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer is a BeanFactoryPostProcessor and as such only available at container startup time. So the properties are not available to a bean at runtime.
A solution would be to create some sort of a value holder bean that you initialize with the property / properties you need.
public class PropertyHolder{
#Value("${}") private String foo;
#Value("${}") private String bar;
// + getter methods
Now inject this PropertyHolder wherever you need the properties and access the properties through the getter methods

Inject Dynamic Values for the property in Spring

I am very new to Spring and while going through the DI topic through various sources (Book & Internet) I have seen the following pattern of defining bean configuration:
For example we have a class "SampleApp"
public class SampleApp
private int intValue;
private float floatValue;
public SampleApp(int value)
intValue = value;
public void setIntValue(int value)
intValue = value;
public void setFloatValue(float floatValue)
this.floatValue = floatValue;
Corresponding bean configuration is as follows:
<bean class="somepackage.SampleApp" id="samplebeanapp">
<constructor-arg value="15" />
<property value="0.5" name="floatValue"></property>
We have been hard-coding the value here to 15 & 0.5.
Here are my questions :
Is it possible to pass those values as run time parameter with scope as prototype?
If yes, how can we do it? and please elaborate with some example.
Spring configuration files are processed at startup, and Spring singleton beans are instantiated too in that moment. They are not processed again during the application lifecycle, in normal conditions.
You can use such type of property injection to pass configuration values, while you can use injection of object references to determine the structure of your application.
To avoid hardcoding the values inside the XML files, you can extract them in property files using a PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer.
The principle is to program to interfaces as much as possible, so you don't tie yourself to any specific implementation. However, for the case you're thinking, you'll just pass the values at runtime.
Example: BeanA needs the services of DaoBean, but the DaoBean won't be instantiated by BeanA. It will be passed to BeanA through dependency injection and BeanA will only talk to a DaoInterface.
At this point if BeanA want to save 15 and 0.5, will call the methods with the actual values (or more commonly variables).
I don't use dependency injection to pass the values in this case. Dependency injection is a great tool, but doesn't meant that it has to be used everywhere.
