Joomla login text alignment - joomla

I want the login text to be aligned in left for text "Forgot your password? Forgot your username? Create an account"

Create a template override. Just copy the modules/mod_login/tmpl to /templates/your_template/html/mod_login/ and edit it, wrap the 2 input fields in a div and the links in another; float both to the left.


Laravel Nova - How to remove delete button from file field in form

I have set up a form with image upload. By default laravel nova is showing a delete button and choose image button.
According to my requirement, my client wants to keep the image as non-editable (hide delete and choose button) in the laravel nova form.
How can I do this? Any ideas?
There is no option to hide "Choose File" button, only possible to hide delete button in some cases.
But for your case you can just hide whole field from edit form.
The delete operation can be disabled from the field with following code:
Bread and butter of Nova micro-customization, either:
Make custom field based on default Image field.
Use CSS to hide it.

How to change oracle apex 5 item after dynamic action button clicked?

This is for Oracle Apex 5.
I have a static content item on my login page, it has registration fields with a dynamic action button. Upon the click of the button their details are inserted into a table. I'd like the fields to disappear and 'registered. email verification sent' text to appear in that static content?
If that's not possible, is there a way for me to write that text underneath the registration fields and at the same time, clear all the fields - after button click?
If I understood correctly you have a Static Content Region (not item) with some text as source and you want that text to change if so i suggest you add a Display Only Item inside the Static Content Region and in that Dynamic Action simply change the value of the item using pl/sql, javascript or Set Value Dynamic Action.
Edit: You can use this plugin to have a timer that will run a Dynamic Action to change the text.

Django Autocomplete-Light allow any text input fields

I have Django Autocomplete-light running with Crispy Forms, but I need to allow users to enter any text into the form. At the moment the user can either select one of the options from the autocomplete dropdown, or nothing.
Note that I am using the Select2ListView from Autocomplete-light
Does anyone know how I can easily modify Autocomplete-light, or Crispy Forms to allow any text to be entered?
Your field is linked to a foreignkey, so you can create an inline form that points to your related model in your view.

How to change DIV content in a different page?

I know there is ways to change DIV content within a single page. Using Ajax for example to dynamically get div content from an external .html file and then replace Div content using load or get functions.
However, is there a way to do this on a different page?
For example, say there is 2 pages. One.html, and Two.html.
I want a button on the first page (One.html), that when clicked, will change DIV content (by default the div box is empty, I want the button to insert text into the box basically) for a specific DIV Id on page 2 (Two.html).
So the process is basically: Click button on One.html, some function gets div content from external html (Three.html for example), and the uses that content to update an empty div on Two.html. Also, I would like to load some basic CSS in a similar fashion. Not only insert text into the box, but also change the background color and text color.
Thank You!
You just store the info and send it to the next page, say, with the HTTP request and submit methods get and post.

How do I create an editable field with a Save button on Magento Admin's Order detail page?

I've already created a custom module that overrides the sales/order/view/tab/info.phtml layout file and creates a new field in the sales_flat_order table. Now I need figure out how to add a text input field to the order page:
The save button doesn't necessarily need to be right near the custom field and the field doesn't need to necessarily appear right where I put it in the graphic. Bottom line is, the administrator needs to be able to edit my new custom field in the admin.
What is the best way to do that?
Look at Comments History block
implementation - class Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Sales_Order_View_History, its template \app\design\adminhtml\default\default\template\sales\order\view\history.phtml and Mage_Adminhtml_Sales_OrderController::addCommentAction(). You should create similar block class with similar template and create controller with action which will save form data to your db field.
