IntelliJ IDEA debug jumps inside instead of going over - debugging

I use last stable SBT with Scala 2.10 and last Scala plugin in IntelliJ IDEA 12.x. And have very simple test Scala project.
I have specs2 test where I want to start my debug from. Having several breakpoints, I'm expecting going over lines, (from one break point to another - in my test and in My code), but instead: the debbuger going somewhere inside library classes, stops there, showing me some strange sources.
That's reproducible all the time, and I have to click 2, 3, sometimes 5 times on the next-arrow-button (on debug panel) to reach next break point (in the test or in the code).
I run my test with SBT 'test-compile' action, like IntelliJ pop-up suggests.
Aldo I found this debug settings for Scala ("Do not step into specific Scala classes"). But I have this check-box selected.
I've post an issue in IntelliJ IDEA site.

IntelliJ 15 now has support for adding breakpoints inside lambdas. See this blog post for details.


golang breakpoints not work in intellij idea 2016.1.1

I was debugging a GoLang program. I set break points and run the debugger. But the break points only works the first time I run the debugger and failed in the second, the third, and all following debugging whatever I do. I cancelled them and reset them, I close the debugging window and open a new one, I change the settings in the "Breakpoints" tool window. All these didn't work at all.
What's the problem?
Update, this has been fixed in the latest release of the plugin, please check it out
This is a well known problem and it lies in delve not the plugin itself. Please see this this issue for further reference.

Debugging cucumber steps in WebStorm

I'm experimenting with Cucumber/WebdriverIO UI tests using Webstorm (NodeJs platform). At certain steps I would really love to stop it in debug mode, check the retrieved element and see what can I do with it.
But unfortunately the Debug button is disabled and I couldn't find anything specific in Webstorm documentation as well.
If I can achieve my original goal (stopping a step and experimenting with the elements) without using Webstorm's Debug mode, that's totally fine for me.
Debugging Cucumber specs is not currently supported, please vote for WEB-15146
I'm not sure how this would work with Cucumber but WebdriverIO now has a debug command you can use

How to use NetBeans debugger with JRebel

I recently installed the JRebel plugin for NetBeans and have noticed the following problem when debugging within the IDE:
If I set a breakpoint in a class and change the code afterwards, then my debugger doesn't always hit the breakpoint. I found a workaround: resetting the breakpoint (or reattaching the debugger to project) after reloading the class.
But this solution is not perfect because class is reloaded when app needs it for the first time(debugger doesn't work yet) so I have to make some action which I want to debug two times which can cause so many problems.
Another thing is what I can't explain at all.. even when I hit the breakpoint with success, I can't hit another one in another class.
Maybe someone has figured this issue out - ? Is there a way to reload changed classes on save?
NetBeans 7.2.1 with JRebel plugin, Glassfish 3.1.2
This is a known issue. The solution exists but not released yet.
Also, please check Options->Java->Java Debugger. Is the "Apply code changes after save" checkbox enabled? If not, could you enable it and try in this configuration - will it make any difference?

Test Suite Execution Jubula

I've been looking at Jubulas automated functional testing tool and following along with the tutorials, but I've become stuck before I ever even got off the ground with it. The user manual provided with the installation hasn't given any answers and I can't find anything in blogs dedicated to Jubula.
My question: I have my test suite, complete with test cases & steps, all set up and ready to go. I've mapped my objects using the editor. I've started the AUT and connected to it. All I have to do is start the test execution.... I click start.... nothing happens.
The Java application is visible (it's a simple calculator) and I can interact with it. But I don't get any dialogue boxes when I press start, which is what is supposed to happen according to the tutorial.
Has anyone tried Jubula and had this problem?
Two things come to mind.
If the "Start Test Suite" button is disabled, then it means you still have some sort of a problem stopping the Test Suite being executed (e.g. missing data or object mapping).
If the "Start Test Suite" button is enabled, then it might just be that you need to select a Test Suite to execute from the drop-down menu (opened by clicking on the small arrow next to the green button).
I had the same problem but at least I got a report about the tests failing. After I specified the JRE for the AUT (this setting is only shown if you click on the advanced or expert button) my tests finally started to work.
I think it's none of the previous answers. If you get a Failed-test report or your Start Test Suite button is disabled then it's pretty obvious. You can find those mistakes mentioned in documentation/blogs.
BUT! There are two errors which leave no traits; no error messages, nothing in logs.
1.) If there's a version incompatibility If you installed Jubula from a standalone installer or from Eclipse marketplace then it will work. But if you put it together for yourself then you cold mix up the components. I have an answer on these issues:
Jubula doesn´t recognize running AUT after upgrade to 2.0
2.) If you mislead your AUT-agent by starting an other .exe It has exactly the symptoms mentioned in the question. It's happening because the application has the Remote-Control (rc) plugin started in it and the AUT-agent is notified about the start. It tries to identify the process within the AUT-configs listed in the client's (testexec's) database and it misidentifies it.
You can solve this by adding each run-situation as a different AUT-config in your database. It's mostly about location in the filesystem: about where the exec process is launched from. I.e: debug-local (from Eclipse launch-bar), exported-local (for Delta-pack exports), QA-local (if you have PDE in your build) etc.

Scala Eclipse IDE suddenly ignoring breakpoints

I've been using Scala 2.8RC1 and Scala Eclipse plugin for 2.8 RC1 happily for a few days. However, last night after adding a couple jar files to my environment (apache http client jars) the debugger just stopped stopping at breakpoints in scala code.
Java code stops fine at breakpoints. I tried creating a new mimimal scala app breakpoints don't stop. I've tried switching to sun-jre- from the openjdk-1.6.18 I had been using. I've switched to the scala 2.8 nightly and also eclipse plugin for scala nightly builds. No luck.
I would greatly appreciate ideas for fixes. Rather frustrating as the initial experience with 2.8 was really great.
Says that scala eclipse plugin doesn't stop at breakpoints if you're class is in the default package (no package)
Adding a package and moving my class to it - make the debugger start working again.
It's possible that you've discovered a bug in the Scala tooling for Eclipse. The best place to take the issue is the scala-ide-user list here,
If you're already sure that you've found a bug you can find instructions for opening a ticket here,
I've just encountered this problem. Code is not in default package. I'm getting a warning about missing line numbers, but apparently that bug has been fixed and I can ignore the warning, per
It did seem to stop at breakpoints in the main file, though.
