Magento theme preview in mobile device - magento

I'd like to choose an exist Magento Theme for mobile device.
so I try to find suitable themes at the following website :
Since those themes are not cheap, I can't buy it without UI preview.
even though Themeforest provide "preview" option, I can only preview the website version. for example :
in other words, even I preview the page via "iPad" or "iPhone" mobile device , I still get the website version of Magento Theme UI
is there any way to preview Magento UI on mobile device before buying it?

Simply open the preview on ThemeForest, disable ThemeForest frame (button [X] is at the top of the page on that black stripe). Then make your browser window narrower to see how the theme will look like on narrow screens.
Or use tools like this, they can be helpful:


Ninja Form doesn't work on mobile

I added a contact form with the Ninja Forms Wordpress plugin at my portfolio website.
It works great, but not so much on my iPhone 4 (and probably all other mobile devices). If I tap an input field it does focus and brings up the keyboard, but doesn't show my input and stays empty. Can't figure out what the problem is..
One of your stylesheets has -webkit-user-select set to none. This property controls the actual Selection operation.
This feature is non-standard and is not on a standards track. Read more in the Mozilla Developer Network docs.

Having trouble setting my listing icon in the chrome web store

I'm having trouble setting my icon for the Chrome Web Store.
For example:
Is the monkey in the first row the promotional image, or is it being set as an icon?

Icon is coming only in Windows Phone browser

I am developing a web app, in the page developed i am seeing this weird icon at the bottom of the page after the footer
It is not coming in other android or iOS.
Please help in solving why this image is coming only in windows phone browser.
My issue is solved that image which is not loaded in the page is shown as like that icon in WP browsers, but all the other browsers is neglecting the image tag with no image loaded.

How to avoid theme (lite&dark) efects on windows phone applications?

I developed one Windows Phone 7 application.
After installed the app to my mobile device (in emulator too) I'm experiencing the theme problem.
Means there are two themes in windows phone, LITE and DARK.
When I set my theme to dark and execute my app , it looks OK,
but if I change the theme to LITE everything is reverted.
It means white lables become black, and black background become white.
So I need a solution to my app, so that the user can set any theme, but it doesn't effect the appearrence of application.
Don't hardcode colours, brushes, etc, but instead use {StaticResource ResourceName} and use resources from Theme Resources for Windows Phone
Make sure that every TextBlock and TextBox has a Style associated with it (available values from the same link)
If you have have custom resources (colours, images, etc) that you wish to be theme-aware you are free to use the ThemeResourceDictionary I posted on my blog (and also for this SO question). I promise to commit the code to GitHub one of these days and also create a NuGet package.

How to add a Firebug Lite extension to Internet Explorer 7/8?

I've been trying to figure out how BrowserStack has added Firebug Lite as an extension to IE 7/8 but cannot seem to find anything that does this. See the image below and note how Firebug icon appears as button in the toolbar.
Can anyone tell me how to do this? I know how to add it to my Favorites, but I want the icon to appear in the toolbar along with the other buttons (by going to Tools -> Customize Toolbar)
It's a Browser Helper Object. The development steps are to add the icon, bind the click event to the browser, and inject the script content.
Mozilla ActiveX Control
Chrome Frame ActiveX Control
Browsium Catalyst FAQ
Measure Page Load Time BHO
Button Demo BHO
Building Browser Helper Objects with Visual Studio 2005
Customizing Internet Explorer with User Stylesheets
