ZF2 using FilterProviderInterface to filter class method - filter

I have a model class witch basically is the fields from a database table with getter and setters.
class RealEstate extends BaseModel implements FilterProviderInterface
public $cityId;
public $stateId;
public $transferFields = array();
public function getFilter()
return new MethodMatchFilter('getTransferFields');
public function setTransferFields($transferFields)
$this->transferFields = $transferFields;
public function getTransferFields()
return $this->transferFields;
In my BaseTableGateway class I have a method save which takes this model object and extracts the data using get methods into an array.
$hydrator = new ClassMethods(false);
$model_data = $hydrator->extract($model);
I need the getTransferFields() method to bind the object to my form but I dont need it to be in the final array (be excluded while extracting).
public function getFilter()
return new MethodMatchFilter('getTransferFields');
This method does exactly what I want but only for 1 method. I can't find out how to filter more than 1 method. Does anyone know how this would be achieved?

Simply return a FilterComposite object. The FilterComposite implements FilterInterface and is treated the same as the MethodMatchFilter.
For example:
public function getFilter()
$myFilters = new FilterComposite();
$myFilters->addFilter('someParam', new MethodMatchFilter('getSomeParam'));
$myFilters->addFilter('someOtherParam', new MethodMatchFilter('getSomeOtherParam'));
return $myFilters;


Laravel contextual binding to be more specific to methods rather then class only

I am trying to understand laravel bind.
let's say, I have UploadFileController.php
Route::post('/upload/images', 'UploadFilesController#uploadImage');
Route::post('/upload/pdf', 'UploadFilesController#uploadPdf');
then in the controller,
class UploadFilesController extends Controller
private $uploadServiceInterface;
public function __construct(UploadServiceInterface $uploadServiceInterface)
$this->uploadServiceInterface = $uploadServiceInterface;
public function uploadImage(Request $request)
public function uploadPdf()
Now, the uploadServiceProvider,
class UploadServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
public function register()
Now, I know "when" says that UploadFileController class with uploadService interface will give the imageUploadService but is it possible I make it more specific to function in uploadFileController class, like
then it takes to the imagesUploadService class same for pdf upload class.

How to make binding in Laravel that depends on class and method

I look for the way to make simple binding in Laravel. This binding must depend on class and method that I am using.
That is my User Controller:
class UserController extends Controller {
public function getIndex(SomeClass $someClass) {
return $someClass->action();
That is my SomeClass:
class SomeClass {
private $number;
public function __construct(int $number) {
$this->number = $number;
public function action() {
return "Lorem ipsum ". $this->number;
I want to make in one binding that will follow the condition
When I use UserController and its the method getIndex then I want to call SomeClass with given param (and the key is that the given param I want to define in that binding.
I tried below example, but it does not work the way I need:
->give(function () {
return new SomeClass(4434);
Thanks in advance!

How to write a custom function in a model?

There is a model data:
class Order extends Model
How to write a custom method inside the Order class so that it can be called in constructor like this:
Where myMethod is:
public function myMethod() {
return DB::query(<SQL QUERY>);
Purpose is to move SQL queries inside model's class, that don't mess this code in controllers.
Rather create a custom function in Model, You can use traits to achieve the desired output.
Please follow either steps:-
Guess you are asking about the static functions:
class Order extends Model {
public static function myMethod() {
and you can call it anywhere like
You can achieve the desired behavior using magic methods __call and __callStatic
if your real method is static you can use __call() to intercept all "non static" calls and use it to call the static and use __callStatic to forward the calls to a new instance to that class .
Your methods should be always static because if a non static method exists and you are calling it statically php raises an error
Non-static method Foo::myMethod() should not be called statically
No problem if your method is static
class Order extends Model {
public static function myMethod() {
return static::query()->where(...)->get(); // example
public function __call($name, $arguments) {
return forward_static_call_array([__CLASS__, $name], $arguments);
public static function __callStatic($name, $arguments) {
return call_user_func_array([app(__CLASS__), $name], $arguments);
(new Order())->myMethod();
I can't understand your exact problem is. but if you are using laravel, then you can write custom method inside the ABC model like this
class ABC extends Model
//here is your fillable array;
public function abc()
//Here is your Eloquent statement or SQL query;
just call this abc() method inside the controller like this
use ABC;
class AbcController extends Controller
private $_abc; // it is private variable
// this is constructor
public function __construct(ABC $abc)
$this->_abc= $abc;
public function abcMethod()
I don't believe I'm understanding your intention. You've stated:
Purpose is to move SQL queries inside model's class, that don't mess this code in controllers.
Why does the Order->myMethod() need calling inside the constructor? If you're trying to design your data access layer to work efficiently, you can use data repositories.

Java - Generic class extended by concrete class

I have a number of classes, POJO style, that shares a single functionality, say readCSV method. So I want to use a single parent (or maybe abstract, not sure if it should be) class that these POJOs can extend. Here's a pseudo-code:
(abstract) class CSVUtil {
private String[] fileHeader = null;
protected void setFileHeader(fileHeader) {
this.fileHeader = fileHeader;
protected List<WhateverChildClass> readCSV(String fileName) {
// read CSV using Apache Commons CSV
// and return a List of child type
List<WhateverChildClass> list = null;
// some declarations
try {
list = new ArrayList<WhateverChildClass>();
csvParser = new CSVParser(fileReader, csvFormat);
List csvRecords = csvParser.getRecords();
for (...) {
CSVRecord record = (CSVRecord) csvRecords.get(i);
WhateverChildClass childClass = new WhateverChildClass();
// loop through fields of childClass using reflection and assign
for (// all fields of childClass) {
return list;
on one of the child classes, say ChildA
class ChildA extends CSVUtil {
// fields, getters, setters
How do I code the CSVUtil such that I can determine in runtime the child class in readCSV defined in the parent class?
Is it possible to make this method static and still be inherited?
As an alternative, is there API in Apache Commons CSV that can generally read a CSV, determine its schema, and wrap it as a generic Object (I don't know if I make sense here), and return a list of whatever that Object is ?
You want that readCSV to be a static method ?
Then, i would say that ChildA class shouldn't inherit from CSVUtil, but implement an Interface ... something like that :
public final class CSVUtil {
private CSVUtil() {
public static <T extends ICSV> List<T> readCSV(String filename) {
class ChildA implements ICSV

BeforeSaveEntity get fired after save

I'm using Breeze with my Web API and I want to add some auditoring on my Entities. So I want to use the BeforeSaveEntityDelegate but when I implement it, it gets fired after the save function...
Here is my Breezecontroller:
public class EssController : ApiController
private readonly ESSContextProvider _contextProvider;
public EssController(ESSContextProvider contextProvider)
_contextProvider = contextProvider;
protected bool BeforeSaveEntity(EntityInfo entityInfo)
// create audit record and add to your instance of your context
// this.Context.YourAuditEntity.Add(...)
if (entityInfo.EntityState == EntityState.Modified)
var auditable = (Entity)entityInfo.Entity;
auditable.UpdatedBy = "jja";
auditable.UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now;
return true;
public SaveResult SaveChanges(JObject saveBundle)
_contextProvider.BeforeSaveEntityDelegate = BeforeSaveEntity;
return _contextProvider.SaveChanges(saveBundle);
public string Metadata()
return _contextProvider.Metadata();
So first he execute SaveChanges and then enters BeforeSaveEntity...
I think there is no error in the sequence of calls. When you call _contextProvider.SaveChanges(saveBundle); the ContextProvider's SaveChanges method will call the BeforeSaveEntityDelegate if any, then it will persist the changes and call the AfterSaveEntities delegate.
Take a look a the source code for ContextProvider here https://github.com/IdeaBlade/Breeze/blob/master/Breeze.ContextProvider/ContextProvider.cs . Look for the "OpenAndSave" method inside the class.
Don't confuse your ApiController SaveChanges with ContextProvider's SaveChanges.
