I added an extra image attribute called 'Specification' along with (Base Image, Small Image,Thumbnail).
I want to find out if the 'specification' has no_image option box ticked. I tried quite a few things but nothing helped me (PHP). It would be great if someone could help me. Thanks.
$_product->getSpecification2() == 'no_selection' Works
I want to create a new text field right under the SKU text field in the Product Information > General tab and populate it with the product's attribute set value. What I want can be seen in the picture below.
Unfortunately, for the past 4 hours I have been trying to locate the file that includes the code which produces the specific layout but so far I had no luck. I 'd be really grateful if anyone could give me a heads up.
Thank you for your time!
Enable backend path hints to find out which file it is. You can do it this way.
Please note this is basically hacking. A better way to do it would be to follow something like this
It's up to you, speed or do it the right way. Goodluck
The scenario:
I'm on the Startpage of my Blog, and there is an Article with its post-thumbnail. When I click on the Header or the "…read more-link I get to the post.
My question:
Is it possible to set the image bigger when you're on the single-post-page? Furthermore I would like to understand how to set this post-thumbnail-difference up.
I hope you've understood my bad english :) I'm looking forward in receiving help from you guys.
Best regards
Here two Screenshots of the Scenario:
Startpage > http://s1.directupload.net/images/130517/ltxuxyj6.png
Singlepost > http://s1.directupload.net/images/130517/lap5re2j.png
The images belongs to me (© Morten Sassi)
I think it depends on the theme you're using : on mine, thumbnail isn't used for the startpage but it use the "featured image", and once on the page of the article I just add the image directly in the body of the article with the size I want.
Maybe you can have a look to your template code and either edit it (but if you're using a theme you didn't create and you update it later your modifications will be deleted) or create a child theme (better solution) to edit only the files you want.
Hope this will help ^^
The best & easy tricky way is uplod your image from media, copy the path and paste this on your post or page editor from backend..and you will get what you want.
I am a rookie, and I\’m taking over another developer\’s website.
Now my problem is that I have already set Best Value in the Adm, and the Toolbar shows Position as default, But products are still displayed by price.
The position option works only when I click it.
so I think that the previous developer has changed something, but I don\’t know where.
Please somebody give me some advice where to check.
Thanks in advance.
You can check magento\app\design\frontend\default\YOURTHEME\template\catalog\product\list\toolbar.phtml
for magento 1.7just around line 81
I’m scratching my head over this one as I can’t quite figure out what’s going on.
The Specifications tab is supposed to show all the attributes for these two products, but there’s nothing shown here:
These two products are in the Digital Recorders Attribute set, just like the rest of these DVRs on other pages...
All of these DVRs show Specifications (Additional Data) correctly.... but why only on the two pages above nothing would show...?
Please share some ideas with me…
I’ve tried recreating the product (not duplicating), but the result is the same.
Does anyone know where to start? I know that it has something to do with view.phtml… or something. Or is it that perhaps the folder in which the attributes are stored have wrong permission?
Does anyone know where to look for permission status for certain products’ attributes??
I also added “Downloads” and they are also not shown…
Anyone? Please help?
Thank you!!
The additional attributes are actually rendered if you look at the generated page source. There seems to be a <div> nesting error in the description content, so the javascript selector to show the attributes doesn't work correctly.
I suggest cleaning up the HTML for the description, and the other tab should start working again.
Does anyone know where I could find a FREE module that displays articles along with images on multiple columns like here http://raxo.org/demo.html ?
I've been on this for a few days now, I just know there is something out there..
Try Gavick News Show Pro. http://tools.gavick.com/newshowpro.html
Eventually, back then, I edited the template myself. Couldn't find a module that did exactly what I wanted.