'string' to ['s', 'st', 'str', 'stri', 'strin', 'string'] - ruby

What's the most elegant way of doing
=> ['s', 'st', 'str', 'stri', 'strin', 'string']
I've been trying to think of a one liner, but I can't quite get there.
Any solutions are welcome, thanks.

How about this?
s = 'string'
res = s.length.times.map {|len| s[0..len]}
res # => ["s", "st", "str", "stri", "strin", "string"]

The more declarative I can come up with:
s = "string"
1.upto(s.length).map { |len| s[0, len] }
#=> ["s", "st", "str", "stri", "strin", "string"]

You can use Abbrev in Standard Library
require 'abbrev'
s = Abbrev::abbrev(['string']).keys
puts s.inspect
I must add the other way to use this after requiring the Abbrev library, with the .abbrev method added to Array:
require 'abbrev'
s = ['string'].abbrev.keys
puts s.inspect
If the order is important to match your return in the question, just call .sort on keys.

s.chars.zip.inject{ |i,j| i << i.last + j.first }

Another variant (this will include the empty string in the result):
s.each_char.inject([""]) {|a,ch| a << a[-1] + ch}
starts with an array containing the empty string [""]
for each char ch in the string, appends ch to the last result a[-1] + ch
adds this to the result array

s = "string"
s.each_char.with_object([""]){|i,ar| ar << ar[-1].dup.concat(i)}.drop(1)
#=> ["s", "st", "str", "stri", "strin", "string"]


Modifying an Array

I have an Array like this
example_array = ['dog', 'cat', 'snake']
And I am trying to append the timestamp to each element of the array and the output should look like
example_array = [{'dog': 'time_stamp'},{'cat':'time_stamp'},{'snake':'time_stamp'}]
I've tried this but the output is incorrect:
a = {}
example_array.each_with_index do |element, i|
a.merge!("#{element}": "#{Time.now}")
Can anyone suggest me a solution in ruby?
I have tried a lot of ways but couldn't obtain the output like above.
How about this?
array = ["cat", "hat", "bat", "mat"]
hash = []
hash.push(Hash[array.collect { |item| [item, Time.now] } ])
OUTPUT: => [{"cat"=>"2018-02-28 04:23:08 UTC", "hat"=>"2018-02-28 04:23:08 UTC", "bat"=>"2018-02-28 04:23:08 UTC", "mat"=>"2018-02-28 04:23:08 UTC"}]
Instead of item.upcase you would insert your timestamp info. It gives me hashes inside of array.
example_array.product([Time.now]).map { |k,v| { k.to_sym=>v }}
#=> [{:dog=>2018-02-27 20:42:56 -0800},
# {:cat=>2018-02-27 20:42:56 -0800},
# {:snake=>2018-02-27 20:42:56 -0800}
]Note this ensures that all values (timestamps) are equal.
only weird thing is that you have to use => instead of :
arr = ['dog', 'cat', 'snake']
arr2 = []
for index in 0 ... arr.size
arr2.push({arr[index] => Time.now})
puts arr2
['dog', 'cat', 'snake'].map{|e| [{e.to_sym => "time_stamp"}]}
# => [[{:dog=>"time_stamp"}], [{:cat=>"time_stamp"}], [{:snake=>"time_stamp"}]]

How do I go backwards a letter?

Using next, I created a method that encrypts a password by advancing every letter of a string one letter forward:
def encryptor
puts "Give me your password!"
password = gets.chomp
index = 0
while index < password.length
password[index] = password[index].next!
index +=1
puts password
I have to create a decrypt method that undoes that. In the end, this should be cleared:
encrypt("abc") should return "bcd"
encrypt("zed") should return "afe"
decrypt("bcd") should return "abc"
decrypt("afe") should return "zed"
I see that Ruby does not have a method to go backwards. I'm stuck with reversing letters. I tried to add an alphabet to index within the method, but I can't get it to do it.
Any help in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
I know that you can use .next to advance in a string.
Well, kind of, but there are special cases you have to be aware of:
'z'.next #=> 'aa'
I did this successfully
Not quite, your encryptor maps "xyz" to "yzab".
I see that Ruby does not have this option to just go backwards.
Take this example:
'9'.next #=> '10'
'09'.next #=> '10'
As you can see, the mapping is not injective. Both, '9' and '09' are mapped to '10'. Because of this, there is no String#pred – what should '10'.pred return?
Now I'm completely stuck with reversing it a letter.
You could use tr: (both, for encryption and decryption)
'abc'.tr('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', 'zabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy')
#=> 'zab'
tr also has a c1-c2 notation for character ranges, so it can be shortened to:
'abc'.tr('a-z', 'za-y')
#=> 'zab'
Or via Range#to_a, join and rotate:
from = ('a'..'z').to_a.join #=> "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
to = ('a'..'z').to_a.rotate(-1).join #=> "zabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy"
'abc'.tr(from, to)
#=> "zab"
Another option is to define two alphabets:
from = ('a'..'z').to_a
#=> ["a", "b", "c", ..., "x", "y", "z"]
to = from.rotate(-1)
#=> ["z", "a", "b", ..., "w", "x", "y"]
And create a hash via zip:
hash = from.zip(to).to_h
#=> {"a"=>"z", "b"=>"a", "c"=>"b", ..., "x"=>"w", "y"=>"x", "z"=>"y"}
Which can be passed to gsub:
'abc'.gsub(/[a-z]/, hash)
#=> "zab"
You can also build the regular expression programmatically via Regexp::union:
#=> /a|b|c|d|e|f|g|h|i|j|k|l|m|n|o|p|q|r|s|t|u|v|w|x|y|z/
You can use the .next to do this as long as you test for z:
> 'abc'.split("").map { |ch| ch=='z' ? 'a' : ch.next }.join
=> "bcd"
> 'zed'.split("").map { |ch| ch=='z' ? 'a' : ch.next }.join
=> "afe"
Then for decrypt you can do:
> "bcd".split("").map { |ch| ch=='a' ? 'z' : (ch.ord-1).chr }.join
=> "abc"
> "afe".split("").map { |ch| ch=='a' ? 'z' : (ch.ord-1).chr }.join
=> "zed"

Ruby string char chunking

I have a string "wwwggfffw" and want to break it up into an array as follows:
["www", "gg", "fff", "w"]
Is there a way to do this with regex?
scan is a little funny, as it will return either the match or the subgroups depending on whether there are subgroups; we need to use subgroups to ensure repetition of the same character ((.)\1), but we'd prefer it if it returned the whole match and not just the repeated letter. So we need to make the whole match into a subgroup so it will be captured, and in the end we need to extract just the match (without the other subgroup), which we do with .map(&:first).
EDIT to explain the regexp ((.)\2*) itself:
( start group #1, consisting of
( start group #2, consisting of
. any one character
) and nothing else
\2 followed by the content of the group #2
* repeated any number of times (including zero)
) and nothing else.
So in wwwggfffw, (.) captures w into group #2; then \2* captures any additional number of w. This makes group #1 capture www.
You can use back references, something like
'wwwggfffw'.scan(/((.)\2*)/).map{ |s| s[0] }
will work
Here's one that's not using regex but works well:
def chunk(str)
chars = str.chars
chars.inject([chars.shift]) do |arr, char|
if arr[-1].include?(char)
arr[-1] << char
arr << char
In my benchmarks it's faster than the regex answers here (with the example string you gave, at least).
Another non-regex solution, this one using Enumerable#slice_when, which made its debut in Ruby v.2.2:
str.each_char.slice_when { |a,b| a!=b }.map(&:join)
#=> ["www", "gg", "fff", "w"]
Another option is:
str.scan(Regexp.new(str.squeeze.each_char.map { |c| "(#{c}+)" }.join)).first
#=> ["www", "gg", "fff", "w"]
Here the steps are as follows
s = str.squeeze
#=> "wgfw"
a = s.each_char
#=> #<Enumerator: "wgfw":each_char>
This enumerator generates the following elements:
#=> ["w", "g", "f", "w"]
b = a.map { |c| "(#{c}+)" }
#=> ["(w+)", "(g+)", "(f+)", "(w+)"]
c = b.join
#=> "(w+)(g+)(f+)(w+)"
r = Regexp.new(c)
#=> /(w+)(g+)(f+)(w+)/
d = str.scan(r)
#=> [["www", "gg", "fff", "w"]]
#=> ["www", "gg", "fff", "w"]
Here's one more way of doing it without a regex:
'wwwggfffw'.chars.chunk(&:itself).map{ |s| s[1].join }
# => ["www", "gg", "fff", "w"]

retrieve numbers from a string with regex

I have a string which returns duration in the below format.
"152M0S" or "1H22M32S"
I need to extract hours, minutes and seconds from it as numbers.
I tried like the below with regex
But it does not return as expected. Anyone has any idea where I am going wrong here.
#=> ["1", "22", "0']
You can use this expression: /((?<h>\d+)H)?(?<m>\d+)M(?<s>\d+)S/.
#=> #<MatchData "1H22M32S" h:"1" m:"22" s:"32">
#=> #<MatchData "152M0S" h:nil m:"152" s:"0">
Question mark after group makes it optional. To access data: $~[:h].
If you want to extract numbers, you could do as :
# => ["1", "22", "32"]
# => "22"
# => "1"
Me, I'd hashify:
def hashify(str)
str.gsub(/\d+[HMS]/).with_object({}) { |s,h| h[s[-1]] = s.to_i }
hashify "152M0S" #=> {"M"=>152, "S"=>0}
hashify "1H22M32S" #=> {"H"=>1, "M"=>22, "S"=>32}
hashify "32S22M11H" #=> {"S"=>32, "M"=>22, "H"=>11}
hashify "1S" #=> {"S"=>1}

How do you replace a string with a hash collection value in Ruby?

I have a hash collection:
my_hash = {"1" => "apple", "2" => "bee", "3" => "cat"}
What syntax would I use to replace the first occurrence of the key with hash collection value in a string?
eg my input string:
str = I want a 3
The resulting string would be:
str = I want a cat
My one liner:
hash.each { |k, v| str[k] &&= v }
or using String#sub! method:
hash.each { |k, v| str.sub!(k, v) }
"I want a %{b}" % {c: "apple", b: "bee", a: "cat"}
=> "I want a bee"
Assuming Ruby 1.9 or later:
str.gsub /\d/, my_hash
I didn't understand your problem, but you can try this:
my_hash = {"1" => "apple", "2" => "bee", "3" => "cat"}
str = "I want a 3"
str.gsub(/[[:word:]]+/).each do |word|
my_hash[word] || word
#=> "I want a cat"
Just to add point free style abuse to fl00r's answer:
my_hash = {"1" => "apple", "2" => "bee", "3" => "cat"}
my_hash.default_proc = Proc.new {|hash, key| key}
str = "I want a 3"
my_hash = {"1" => "apple", "2" => "bee", "3" => "cat"}
str = "I want a 3"
If there isn't any general pattern for the strings you want to substitute, you can use:
str.sub /#{my_hash.keys.map { |s| Regexp.escape s }.join '|'}/, my_hash
But if there is one, the code becomes much simpler, e.g.:
str.sub /[0-9]+/, my_hash
If you want to substitute all the occurrences, not only the first one, use gsub.
You can use String.sub in ruby 1.9:
string.sub(key, hash[key])
The following code replace the first occurrence of the key with hash collection value in the given string str
str.gsub(/\w+/) { |m| my_hash.fetch(m,m)}
=> "I want a cat"
