WebSphere 7.0 won't run filter for root URL - websphere

I have a WAR file that defines a filter to run on all URLs:
"-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"
The filter is designed to perform some redirects from 'convenience' URLs to a corresponding 'actual' URL, but I don't think that's really relevant to the problem.
On WebSphere 7.0, this filter doesn't run for requests to the root URL, e.g. /ctxroot or /ctxroot/; instead I just get a 404 response. It does run for /ctxroot/blah, whether blah is a valid or invalid path.
I've tried adding additional filter mappings for URL patterns <url-pattern>/</url-pattern> and <url-pattern></url-pattern>, but I get the same behavior.
I've tested on base WAS, and with the latest fix pack applied, i.e. WAS
The filter works as expected on WAS 8.5 and I'm pretty sure on WAS 8.0, as well as on every version of WebLogic, JBoss, and Tomcat that I've tried. This then seems to be a bug with WAS 7.0, but I'd still like to find a workaround. Anybody know of one?

I eventually looked at the body of the 404 error response and saw error code SRVE0190E, which led me to this helpful page. The issue is that filters aren't called by default for URLs that correspond to resources that don't exist (though I swear I tested that for a URL other than the context root, and my filter was called).
It's possible to configure WebSphere to call filters in this situation by setting a custom property as further described in the linked page:
I also found that for the case of the context root URL, setting a welcome-file entry in web.xml that maps to an existing resource causes the filter to be called:


HttpHeaderSecurityFilter is being weirdly ignored - it always sets max-age to 0 and ignores all parameters

This is the most bizarre tomcat configuration problem I've ever seen. I have the following entry in web.xml:
I intentionally put in a weird value for max-age so that it would be easy to see if the configuration is active or not.
And it's activated:
But it doesn't do what it should do. The resulting headers are always:
strict-transport-security: max-age=0
which is almost exactly what I don't want.
Any ideas on this? I can't even understand how this could be happening and it certainly goes against all the documentation. This is all with Tomcat 9.0.29, JDK 13. It seems like it should "just work" and seems like a very simple configuration.
To be clear, this is in the Tomcat web.xml (in $CATALINA/conf/web.xml), not in an application-specific web.xml. HSTS preload is for the entire domain (including subdomains which might be on other servers), not for any set of URIs within the domain, so it only makes sense to set preload in the server-wide web.xml.
EDIT: This is with a Spring Boot application. It seems that Spring Boot might be controlling this header and overriding whatever is being set in web.xml. This is unfortunate because Spring Boot is for a specific application in a specific context, whereas this header really applies to the entire domain, or even to sub-domains, and so is beyond any specific web application in a specific context. I think I need to figure out how to get Spring Boot to do nothing to HSTS headers and let Tomcat handle it all.

Java project unknown enum in web.xml

I am learning about filters. So I have the following code in my web.xml:
When I write is is autocompletes me ASYNC, but after that it becomes in red colour and IntelliJ show me that the error is that is is unknown enum.
Why is that?
Thanks for your attention.
P.S. I have problems with following code too:
on <error-code> it is written no child element expected at this point, but the code is working(I can run it).
from https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19879-01/819-3669/bnagf/index.html
4.In the Add Filter Mapping dialog, select one of the following dispatcher types:
REQUEST: Only when the request comes directly from the client
FORWARD: Only when the request has been forwarded to a component (see Transferring Control to Another Web Component)
INCLUDE: Only when the request is being processed by a component that has been included (see Including Other Resources in the Response)
ERROR: Only when the request is being processed with the error page mechanism (see Handling Servlet Errors)
So ASYNC is not a valid value.
Edit : it seems it was added in javaee 6 : http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/6/tutorial/doc/bnagb.html
So maybe you have some configuration problem of JRE/JDK version with your project and IDE.

How can I change j_spring_security_check?

I'm working with ZK and spring.
I downloaded 2 different project that now I try to merge. My problem is in this part of code:
<html:form action="j_spring_security_check" method="POST" xmlns:html="native">
that is in the file login.zul. I found these lines in web.xml:
I saw that if I change /* with /login.zul it happened that in my url becomes: localhost:8080/myProject/j_spring_security_check and I saw error 404.
If I didn't change my url is localhost:8080/myProject/ and the page index.zul works correctely.
But index.zul is in the same folder as login.zul.
I saw the same error also if I set /index.zul in state of "/*".
How can I decide another url in stead of /*?
The above URL pattern /* declares that you want to protect all your pages. It has nothing to with the fact, which page do you want to load after the successfull login.
The title is also missleading, j_spring_security_check is just the default URL for Spring Security login form submission: SpringSec will start his authentication module (that is username/password checking) when a request to this URL comes. You do not want to change it. You may change it if you for example do not want to tell the world that you uses Spring Security, or you do not want to change your existing login form that uses an other action attribute.
You may have a configuration XML for Spring Security like spring-security.xml or an equivalent Java based configuration) - with a tag in it. You need to set the default-target-url attribute of that tag as
<form-login login-page="/some_dir/login.zul" default-target-url="/some_other_dir/panel.zul"
You should use relative URLs inside your webapp.
You may have an authentication-success-handler-ref instead of default-target-urlin a more complicated situation, but you should not mix them .

HTTP Status 404 - /gwtspring/com.javacodegeeks.gwtspring.Application/Application.html

I have problem: HTTP Status 404 - /gwtspring/com.javacodegeeks.gwtspring.Application/Application.html I tried to write spring gwt aplication according to tutorial: http://www.javacodegeeks.com/2010/07/gwt-2-spring-3-jpa-2-hibernate-35.html. I dont know how I public client resources for example css, html, js, pictures. I have Tomcat 7.0. Cient resources are in sub directory, where tomcat blocking readning.![enter image description here][1]
Assuming you have your static resources in a root-folder called "res", you could do it like this. In your web.xml, add a servlet mapping BEFORE the springGwtRemoteServiceServlet mapping like
That maps all requests to /res/* to the tomcat "default" servlet instead of passing it the the GWT servlet. Other servlet-engines have similar capabilities, but they may not call the default servlet "default".

UrlRewriteFilter with Glassfish

How can I integrate URL rewriting in my Glassfish v3 server?
The reason why I want to know this is that I am deploying a PHP application into my Glassfish server using Quercus.
But Quercus relies on mod_rewrite in the Apache Server to provide URL rewriting and this is not available in Glassfish.
Well, you have two options:
either front your GlassFish instance with Apache and use mod_rewrite
or use Tuckey's Url Rewrite Filter
I guess the former is not an option (or you wouldn't post this question). Regarding the later, you could adapt the solution given in Drupal on Glassfish with clean urls using Url Rewrite Filter. Basically, you'll have to:
Get Quercus's war and unpack it
Download the filter and unpack it inside Quercus (this will put the filter jar inside WEB-INF/lib and the urlrewrite.xml under WEB-INF)
Declare the filter in the web.xml (see the instruction)
"Port" your rewrite rules to the urlrewrite.xml file
repackage and deploy the war (or deploy it as an exploded archive)
I've been looking for the answer to this for a couple weeks.
Follow these instructions for JBoss:
He links to an article where one had done this for Tomcat: http://www.brianshowalter.com/blog/running_drupal_on_quercus
In a nutshell, you want to rewrite the URL only IF the requested file or directory do not exist on the system. This is why just UrlRewriteFilter is not enough. You have to add a class-filter to UrlRewriteFilter to check for this.
The instructions I linked to uses an older version of UrlRewriteFilter (3.2.0), it probably works just as well with the newer version (I did it with 3.2.0).
You will use that in conjunction with a class filter (there is a google project repository for this, thanks to the author of the linked article, at https://code.google.com/p/drupalrewritefilter/ )
The instructions say to add the files to Eclipse, but I used Netbeans (just start a new project with existing sources).
You'll need to add the servlet.api.jar (some where on your system, if you have J2EE installed) and the UrleRewriteFilter.jar file you are using to the classpath for the build.
Place the resulting drupalrewritefilter.jar file and the UrlRewriteFilter.jar file you are using in WEB-INF/lib
Your WEB-INF/web.xml should have this filter directive:
Use this instead of the one the website for UrlRewriteFilter says to use.
NOTE: The Quercus install contains a DOCTYPE tag in the beginning for the Servlet API 2.2 or 2.3. But the <filter> tag is in the Servlet API 2.4 or higher. Your app will error-out unless you either link to a new Server API DTD or (and this is what I did) just delete the DOCTYPE tag all together.
Then you should have a WEB-INF/urlwrite.xml with:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE urlrewrite PUBLIC "-//tuckey.org//DTD UrlRewrite 4.0//EN"
<class-rule class="com.brianshowalter.drupalrewrite.DrupalRule" />
Reload your drupal app, and then go enable clean URLS's
