How can I simplify or clean up this anagram method? - ruby

I have a method here that takes an array of strings and groups the ones that are anagrams of each other together, with each group forming a sub-array of the main anagram_groups array.
The output is fine but I feel like my code is probably overly-complicated. How could my logic and/or syntax be simplified, short of refactoring things into more methods?
def combine_anagrams(words)
anagram_groups = []
# For each word in array argument
words.each do |word|
# Tracking variable for the word
word_added = false
anagram_groups.each do |group|
# Check if word already exists (prevents duplicates)
if group.include? word
word_added = true
# Add word to group if it is an anagram of the first string in the group
elsif word.downcase.chars.sort == group[0].downcase.chars.sort
group << word
word_added = true
# If word was not an anagram of anything, create new group (subarray)
unless word_added
anagram_groups << [word]
word_added = true
return anagram_groups
This is an array of words for testing:
test_words = ['cars', 'for', 'potatoes', 'racs', 'four', 'scar', 'creams', 'scream']

test_words.group_by{|w| w.each_char.sort}.values
would give
["cars", "racs", "scar"],
["creams", "scream"]

I modified sawa's answer slightly in order to ignore case and make sure there's no duplicate values:
test_words.group_by{|w| w.downcase.each_char.sort}.values.each{|v| v.uniq!}
I realize this will still give duplicates in the output if the words have characters with different cases, but that's fine for my purposes. Now I'm all sorted, thanks!


Space before first word after .join array to string

To convert array to string I used Array#join and got space between the
beginning of the string, first quote mark, and the first word. I do not understand why this is happening.
I resolved with String#strip but I would like to understand
def order(words)
arr_new = []
arr = words.split(" ")
nums = ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"]
arr.each do |word|
nums.each do |num|
if word.include? num
arr_new[num.to_i] = word
arr_new.join(" ").strip
order("is2 Thi1s T4est 3a")
Without .strip the output is:
" Thi1s is2 3a T4est"
After .strip:
"Thi1s is2 3a T4est"
The reason you're seeing the extra space is because arrays in ruby are 0 indexed, so you have an nil array element because your first insert is a index 1
x = []
x[1] = "test"
This creates an array as such:
If you created an empty array named x and assigned x[10] = "test" you'd have 10 nil values, and the word "test" in your array.
So, your array, before joining, is actually:
[nil, "Thi1s", "is2", "3a", "T4est"]
You have a couple options:
Change your strings to start with zero
Change your assignment to adjust the offset (subtract one)
Use compact before you join (this will remove nils)
Use strip as you noted
I'd suggest compact because it would address a few edge cases (such as "gaps" in your numbers.
More info in the array docs
#Jay's explanation is indeed correct.
I'll simply suggest a cleaner version of your code that doesn't have the same problem.
This assumes that the 1-9 order isn't dynamic. Aka wouldn't work if you wanted to sort by random characters for example.
def order(words)
words.split.sort_by { |word| word[/\d/].to_i }.join ' '

Determine if the end of a string overlaps with beginning of a separate string

I want to find if the ending of a string overlaps with the beginning of separate string. For example if I have these two strings:
string_1 = 'People say nothing is impossible, but I'
string_2 = 'but I do nothing every day.'
How do I find that the "but I" part at the end of string_1 is the same as the beginning of string_2?
I could write a method to loop over the two strings, but I'm hoping for an answer that has a Ruby string method that I missed or a Ruby idiom.
Set MARKER to some string that never appears in your string_1 and string_2. There are ways to do that dynamically, but I assume you can come up with some fixed such string in your case. I assume:
MARKER = "###"
to be safe for you case. Change it depending on your use case. Then,
string_1 = 'People say nothing is impossible, but I'
string_2 = 'but I do nothing every day.'
(string_1 + MARKER + string_2).match?(/(.+)#{MARKER}\1/) # => true
string_1 = 'People say nothing is impossible, but I'
string_2 = 'but you do nothing every day.'
(string_1 + MARKER + string_2).match?(/(.+)#{MARKER}\1/) # => false
You can use a simple loop and test at the end:
while (idx<=a.length) do
break if string_2.start_with?(a[idx..-1].join)
p a[idx..-1].join if idx<a.length
Since this starts at 0, the longest sub string overlap is found.
You can use the same logic in a .detect block on the same array:
> a[(0..a.length).detect { |idx| string_2.start_with?(a[idx..-1].join) }..-1].join
=> "but I"
Or, as pointed out in comments, you can use the strings vs the array
string_1[(0..string_1.length).detect { |idx| string_2.start_with?(string_1[idx..-1]) }..-1]
Here's a solution that works by comparing the end of string_1 to the start of string_2—using the greatest common length as a starting point—with at least one matching character. It returns the index (from the end of string_1 or the beginning of string_2) if any matching character(s) are found, which can be used to extract the matching portion.
class String
def oindex(other)
[length, other.length].min.downto(1).detect do |i|
end_with?(other[0, i])
string_1 = 'People say nothing is impossible, but I'
string_2 = 'but I do nothing every day.'
if (idx = string_1.oindex(string_2))
puts "Last #{idx} characters match: #{string_1[-idx..-1]}"
Here's an alternative that finds all the indexes of the first character of the other string in the string, and uses those indexes as starting points to check for matches:
class String
def each_index(other)
return enum_for(__callee__, other) unless block_given?
i = -1
yield i while i = index(other, i.succ)
def oindex(other)
each_index(other.chr).detect do |i|
other.start_with?(self[i..-1]) and break length - i
This should be more efficient than checking every index, especially on longer strings with shorter matches, but I haven't benchmarked it.
Here are a couple of ways to do that. The first converts the two strings to arrays and then compares sequences from those arrays. The second operates on the two strings directly, comparing substrings.
#1 Convert strings to arrays and compare sequences from those arrays
Here's a simple alternative that requires the strings to be converted to arrays of words. It assumes all pairs of words are separated by one space.
def begins_with_ends?(end_str, begin_str)
end_arr = end_str.split
begin_arr = begin_str.split
!!begin_arr.each_index.find { |i| begin_arr[0,i+1] == end_arr[-1-i..-1] }
!!obj converts obj to false when it's "falsy" (nil or false) and to true when it's "truthy" (not "falsy"). For example, !!3 #=> true and !!nil #=> false.
end_str = 'People say nothing is impossible, but I when I'
begin_str = 'but I when I do nothing every day.'
begins_with_ends?(end_str, begin_str)
#=> true
Here the match is on the second word "I" in begin_str. Often, however, the last word of end_str only matches (at most) a single word in begin_str
#2 Compare substrings
I've implemented the following algorithm.
Set start_search to 0.
Attempt to match the last word of end_str (value of target) in begin_str, beginning at offset start_search. If no match is found return false; else let idx be the index of start_str where the last character of target appears.
Return true if the string comprised of the first idx characters of begin_str equals the string comprised by the last idx characters of end_str; else set start_search = idx + 2 and repeat step 2.
def begins_with_ends?(end_str, begin_str)
target = end_str[/[[:alnum:]]+\z/]
start_idx = 0
loop do
idx = begin_str.index(/\b#{target}\b/, start_idx)
return false if idx.nil?
idx += target.size
return true if end_str[-idx..-1] == begin_str[0, idx]
start_idx = idx + 2
begins_with_ends?(end_str, begin_str)
#=> true
This approach recognizes different numbers of spaces between the same two words in both strings (in which case there is no match).
Perhaps something like this would meet your needs?
string_1.split(' ') - string_2.split(' ')
=> ["People", "say", "is", "impossible,"]
Or this is more convoluted, but would give you the exact overlap:
map { |_, i| string_1.match(string_2[0..i]) }.
select { |s| s }.
max { |x| x.length }.
=> "but I"

find Anagrams words using Regxp in ruby

An anagram group is a group of words such that any one can be converted into any other just by rearranging the letters. For example, "rats", "tars" and "star" are an anagram group.
Now I have an array of words and I am going to find the anagram words
to find this I have written the following code
actually it works for some words like scar and cars, but it doesn't work
for [scar , carts].
words.each do |e|
temp=e.split(//) # make an array of letters
words.each do |z|
if z.match(/#{temp}/) # match to find scar and cars
puts "exp is True"
puts "exp is false"
I just think that while [abc] means a or b or c I can separate my words to letters and then look for other cases in the array
Your algorithm is incorrect and inefficient (quadratic time complexity). Why regex?
Here's another idea. Define the signature of a word such that all the letters of a word are sorted. For example, the signature of hello is ehllo.
By this definition, anagrams are words that have the same signature, for example, rats, tars and star all have the signature arst. The code to implement this idea is straight-forward.
Two words are anagrams if they contain the same letters. There are several ways to figure out whether they do, the most obvious one is sorting the letters alphabetically. Then you want to separate the words into groups. Here's an idea:
words = %w[cats scat rats tars star scar cars carts]
words.group_by {|word| word.each_char.sort }.values
# => [['cats', 'scat'], ['rats', 'tars', 'star'], ['scar', 'cars'], ['carts']]
The problem is that /#{e.split(//)}/ here is pretty much nonsensical.
To illustrate this, lets see what happens:
word = 'wtf'
letters = word.split(//) # => ["w", "t", "f"]
regex = /#{letters}/ # => /["w", "t", "f"]/
'"'.match(regex) # => 0
','.match(regex) # => 0
' '.match(regex) # => 0
't'.match(regex) # => 0
What happens is interpolating something in a regex replaces it with the result of its to_s method. And since character sets match a single character in what's inside, you will get a regex that matches " or , or or any of the letters in the original word.
Therefore, I will unfortunately call your solution unsalvageable.
A very easy way to check if two words are anagrams is to sort their characters and see if the result is the same.
The faster way would be:
def is_anagram? w1, w2
w1.chars.sort == w2.chars.sort
You could also do something like this I suppose:
def is_anagram? w1, w2
w2 = w2.chars
then run it like this:
is_anagram? "rats", "star"
=> true
This post has been edited as per Cary Swoveland's advice.
words = ['demo', 'none', 'tied', 'evil', 'dome', 'mode', 'live',
'fowl', 'veil', 'wolf', 'diet', 'vile', 'edit', 'tide',
'flow', 'neon']
groups = words.group_by { |word| word.split('').sort }
groups.each { |x, y| p y }

Counting words in Ruby with some exceptions

Say that we want to count the number of words in a document. I know we can do the following:
text.each_line(){ |line| totalWords = totalWords + line.split.size }
Say, that I just want to add some exceptions, such that, I don't want to count the following as words:
(1) numbers
(2) standalone letters
(3) email addresses
How can we do that?
You can wrap this up pretty neatly:
text.each_line do |line|
total_words += line.split.reject do |word|
Roughly speaking that defines an approximate email address.
Remember Ruby strongly encourages the use of variables with names like total_words and not totalWords.
assuming you can represent all the exceptions in a single regular expression regex_variable, you could do:
text.each_line(){ |line| totalWords = totalWords + line.split.count {|wrd| wrd !~ regex_variable }
your regular expression could look something like:
regex_variable = /\d.|^[a-z]{1}$|\A([^#\s]+)#((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})\Z/i
I don't claim to be a regex expert, so you may want to double check that, particularly the email validation part
In addition to the other answers, a little gem hunting came up with this:
WordsCounted Gem
Get the following data from any string or readable file:
Word count
Unique word count
Word density
Character count
Average characters per word
A hash map of words and the number of times they occur
A hash map of words and their lengths
The longest word(s) and its length
The most occurring word(s) and its number of occurrences.
Count invividual strings for occurrences.
A flexible way to exclude words (or anything) from the count. You can pass a string, a regexp, an array, or a lambda.
Customisable criteria. Pass your own regexp rules to split strings if you prefer. The default regexp has two features:
Filters special characters but respects hyphens and apostrophes.
Plays nicely with diacritics (UTF and unicode characters): "São Paulo" is treated as ["São", "Paulo"] and not ["S", "", "o", "Paulo"].
Opens and reads files. Pass in a file path or a url instead of a string.
Have you ever started answering a question and found yourself wandering, exploring interesting, but tangential issues, or concepts you didn't fully understand? That's what happened to me here. Perhaps some of the ideas might prove useful in other settings, if not for the problem at hand.
For readability, we might define some helpers in the class String, but to avoid contamination, I'll use Refinements.
module StringHelpers
refine String do
def count_words
remove_punctuation.split.count { |w|
!(w.is_number? || w.size == 1 || w.is_email_address?) }
def remove_punctuation
gsub(/[.!?,;:)](?:\s|$)|(?:^|\s)\(|\-|\n/,' ')
def is_number?
self =~ /\A-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?\z/
def is_email_address?
include?('#') # for testing only
module CountWords
using StringHelpers
def self.count_words_in_file(fname)
IO.foreach(fname).reduce(0) { |t,l| t+l.count_words }
Note that using must be in a module (possibly a class). It does not work in main, presumably because that would make the methods available in the class self.class #=> Object, which would defeat the purpose of Refinements. (Readers: please correct me if I'm wrong about the reason using must be in a module.)
Let's first informally check that the helpers are working correctly:
module CheckHelpers
using StringHelpers
s = "You can reach my dog, a 10-year-old golden, at"
p s = s.remove_punctuation
#=> "You can reach my dog a 10 year old golden at"
p words = s.split
#=> ["You", "can", "reach", "my", "dog", "a", "10",
# "year", "old", "golden", "at", ""]
p '123'.is_number? #=> 0
p '-123'.is_number? #=> 0
p '1.23'.is_number? #=> 0
p '123.'.is_number? #=> nil
p "".is_email_address? #=> true
p "fido(at)".is_email_address? #=> false
p s.count_words #=> 9 (`'a'`, `'10'` and "" excluded)
s = "My cat, who has 4 lives remaining, is at abbie(at)"
p s = s.remove_punctuation
p s.count_words
All looks OK. Next, put I'll put some text in a file:
FName = "pets"
text =<<_
My cat, who has 4 lives remaining, is at abbie(at)
You can reach my dog, a 10-year-old golden, at
File.write(FName, text)
#=> 125
and confirm the file contents:
#=> "My cat, who has 4 lives remaining, is at abbie(at)\n
# You can reach my dog, a 10-year-old golden, at\n"
Now, count the words:
#=> 18 (9 in ech line)
Note that there is at least one problem with the removal of punctuation. It has to do with the hyphen. Any idea what that might be?
Something like...?
def is_countable(word)
return false if word.size < 2
return false if word ~= /^[0-9]+$/
return false if is_an_email_address(word) # you need a gem for this...
return true
wordCount = text.split().inject(0) {|count,word| count += 1 if is_countable(word) }
Or, since I am jumping to the conclusion that you can just split your entire text into an array with split(), you might need:
wordCount = 0
text.each_line do |line|
line.split.each{|word| wordCount += 1 if is_countable(word) }

Searching for single words and combination words in Ruby

I want my output to search and count the frequency of the words "candy" and "gram", but also the combinations of "candy gram" and "gram candy," in a given text (whole_file.)
I am currently using the following code to display the occurrences of "candy" and "gram," but when I aggregate the combinations within the %w, only the word and frequencies of "candy" and "gram" display. Should I try a different way? thanks so much.
myArray = whole_file.split
stop_words= %w{ candy gram 'candy gram' 'gram candy' }
nonstop_words = myArray - stop_words
key_words = myArray - nonstop_words
frequency = (0)
key_words.each { |word| frequency[word] +=1 }
key_words = frequency.sort_by {|x,y| x }
key_words.each { |word, frequency| puts word + ' ' + frequency.to_s }
It sounds like you're after n-grams. You could break the text into combinations of consecutive words in the first place, and then count the occurrences in the resulting array of word groupings. Here's an example:
whole_file = "The big fat man loves a candy gram but each gram of candy isn't necessarily gram candy"
[["candy"], ["gram"], ["candy", "gram"], ["gram", "candy"]].each do |term|
terms = whole_file.split(/\s+/).each_cons(term.length).to_a
puts "#{term.join(" ")} #{terms.count(term)}"
EDIT: As was pointed out in the comments below, I wasn't paying close enough attention and was splitting the file on each loop which is obviously not a good idea, especially if it's large. I also hadn't accounted for the fact that the original question may've need to sort by the count, although that wasn't explicitly asked.
whole_file = "The big fat man loves a candy gram but each gram of candy isn't necessarily gram candy"
# This is simplistic. You would need to address punctuation and other characters before
# or at this step.
split_file = whole_file.split(/\s+/)
terms_to_count = [["candy"], ["gram"], ["candy", "gram"], ["gram", "candy"]]
counts = []
terms_to_count.each do |term|
terms = split_file.each_cons(term.length).to_a
counts << [term.join(" "), terms.count(term)]
# Seemed like you may need to do sorting too, so here that is:
sorted = counts.sort { |a, b| b[1] <=> a[1] }
sorted.each do |count|
puts "#{count[0]} #{count[1]}"
Strip punctuation and convert to lower-case
The first thing you probably want to do is remove all punctuation from the string holding the contents of the file and then convert what's left to lower case, the latter so you don't have worry about counting 'Cat' and 'cat' as the same word. Those two operations can be done in either order.
Changing upper-case letters to lower-case is easy:
text = whole_file.downcase
To remove the punctuation it is probably easier to decide what to keep rather than what to discard. If we only want to keep lower-case letters, you can do this:
text = whole_file.downcase.gsub(/[^a-z]/, '')
That is, substitute an empty string for all characters other than (^) lowercase letters.1
Determine frequency of individual words
If you want to count the number of times text contains the word 'candy', you can use the method String#scan on the string text and then determine the size of the array that is returned:
scan returns an array with every occurrence of the string 'candy'; .size returns the size of that array. Here \b ensures 'candy gram' has a word "boundary" at each end, which could be whitespace or the beginning or end of a line or the file. That's to prevent `candycane' from being counted.
A second way is to convert the string text to an array of words, as you have done2:
myArray = text.split
If you don't mind, I'd like to call this:
words = text.split
as I find that more expressive.3
The most direct way to determine the number of times 'candy' appears is to use the method Enumberable#count, like this:
You can also use the array difference method, Array#-, as you noted:
words.size - (words - ['candy']).size
If you wish to know the number of times either 'candy' or 'gram' appears, you could of course do the above for each and sum the two counts. Some other ways are:
words.size - (myArray - ['candy', 'gram']).size
words.count { |word| word == 'candy' || word = 'gram' }
words.count { |word| ['candy', 'gram'].include?(word) }
Determine the frequency of all words that appear in the text
Your use of a hash with a default value of zero was a good choice:
def frequency_of_all_words(words)
frequency =
words.each { |word| frequency[word] +=1 }
I wrote this as a method to emphasize that words.each... does not return frequency. Often you would see this written more compactly using the method Enumerable#each_with_object, which returns the hash ("object"):
def frequency_of_all_words(words)
words.each_with_object( { |word, h| h[word] +=1 }
Once you have the hash frequency you can sort it as you did:
frequency.sort_by {|word, freq| freq }
which you could write:
frequency.sort_by {|_, freq| freq }
since you aren't using the first block variable. If you wanted the most frequent words first:
frequency.sort_by {|_, freq| -freq }
All of these will give you an array. If you want to convert it back to a hash (with the largest values first, say):
or in Ruby 2.0+,
Count the number of times a substring appears
Now let's count the number of times the string 'candy gram' appears. You might think we could use String#scan on the string holding the entire file, as we did earlier4:
text.scan(/\bcandy gram\b/).size
The first problem is that this won't catch 'candy\ngram'; i.e., when the words are separated by a newline character. We could fix that by changing the regex to /\bcandy\sgram\b/. A second problem is that 'candy gram' might have been 'candy. Gram' in the file, in which case you might not want to count it.
A better way is to use the method Enumerable#each_cons on the array words. The easiest way to show you how that works is by example:
words = %w{ check for candy gram here candy gram again }
#=> ["check", "for", "candy", "gram", "here", "candy", "gram", "again"]
enum = words.each_cons(2)
#=> #<Enumerator: ["check", "for", "candy", "gram", "here", "candy",
# "gram", "again"]:each_cons(2)>
#=> [["check", "for"], ["for", "candy"], ["candy", "gram"],
# ["gram", "here"], ["here", "candy"], ["candy", "gram"],
# ["gram", "again"]]
each_cons(2) returns an enumerator; I've converted it to an array to display its contents.
So we can write
words.each_cons(2).map { |word_pair| word_pair.join(' ') }
#=> ["check for", "for candy", "candy gram", "gram here",
# "here candy", "candy gram", "gram again"]
and lastly:
words.each_cons(2).map { |word_pair|
word_pair.join(' ') }.count { |s| s == 'candy gram' }
#=> 2
1 If you also wanted to keep dashes, for hyphenated words, change the regex to /[^-a-z]/ or /[^a-z-]/.
2 Note from String#split that .split is the same as both .split(' ') and .split(/\s+/)).
3 Also, Ruby's naming convention is to use lower-case letters and underscores ("snake-case") for variables and methods, such as my_array.
