Execute ruby subprocess which requires interactive input - ruby

I need to start a subprocess from ruby, that takes over then returns control.
This subprocess needs interactive input from the user, so it's io should be tied to stdin stdout and stderr. Further it requests for input changes depending on the circumstances.
An example of a program like that is TeX, which I would start on a file but during the process TeX may encounter a user error which it has to query the user how to fix.
Essentially I am looking for a reentrant version of exec.
For those who cannot read carefully let me reiterate.
This subprocess needs interactive input from the user
That means that if the ruby program runs in a tty, that its output goes to the tty not the Ruby program and its input comes from the tty, not the Ruby program.
In other words:
Essentially I am looking for a reentrant version of exec.
I use TeX as an example so let me show you an example. I found a sample piece of TeX on the at Sample Tex . I intend to put an error in but it seems I don't have to it chokes on my system. Save it in sample1.tex, sample2.tex, sample3.tex.
Now I would like to run this bit of ruby code:
# It is really a latex command.
commmand_that_I_am_looking_for("latex #{file}")
When I run this code I should see in the terminal, three times a bunch of stuff:
Generic information about the latex program, progress in processing etc.
! LaTeX Error: File `html.sty' not found.
Type X to quit or <RETURN> to proceed,
or enter new name. (Default extension: sty)
Enter file name:
Where upon each of the three times the program waits for the user to type something.

You can pair fork with exec:
Process.fork { exec('./somescript') }
The Process.wait ensures that you wait for the subprocess to complete.

Ruby standard library has a special command for your needs. It is called open3. Here is an example from its docs:
Open3.popen3("pwd", :chdir=>"/") {|stdin, stdout, stderr, thread|
p stdout.read.chomp #=> "/"


Python subprocess.Popen terminates when stdin=PIPE is specified

I'm new to subprocesses in python, I need to spawn a number of independent subprocesses, keep them alive and pass commands into them. At first sight, subprocess library is what I'm looking for.
I've read the documenations for it and as I'm understanding to pass any command into the subprocess, I'd have to specify the input.
I need to run commands via windows command line, hence the toy example below is good enough that if I have it working, I'm pretty much done. Running code below via IDLE opens a new cmd window, printing a list of cwd files, however I can't write to it as stdin is not specified (would be writing to it using p.stdin.write('DIR') with 'DIR' being an example command).
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
p = Popen(['cmd', '/K', 'DIR'])
Therefore I specify the stdin as PIPE, as per documentations.
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
p = Popen(['cmd', '/K', 'DIR'], stdin=PIPE)
However, running the second snippet of code instantly terminates the opened cmd window. Is that the expected behavior? As far as I could find in the documentations, only p.kill() or p.terminate() end the child process. If so, what are the possible workarounds? If not, what am I doing incorrectly, what other libraries should I be using? Thanks!

Send captured characters back to the process

Right now, I have the following code to capture a character in ruby using the IO.read,
tty_param = `stty -g`
system 'stty raw -echo'
capt = IO.read '/dev/stdin', 1
system "stty #{tty_param}"
The code is called through a key-binding, so I'll be in the middle of an application like vim or just the bash prompt, when this is called.
What I'm wondering is, how do I send the characters back to my process once I've finished running my program?
Open3 can be what you are looking for.
Open3 grants you access to stdin, stdout, stderr and a thread to wait
for the child process when running another program. You can specify
various attributes, redirections, current directory, etc., of the
program in the same way as for Process.spawn.

Ruby Command Prompt Commands

I am designing a ruby program that needs to run a command and store it a variable.
var = exec('some command');
This doesn't work the way I want it to, it just prints the output from the command prompt and then ends the program.
So is there a function that doesn't end the program, doesn't print the cmd output and stores the information in a variable?
Thanks in advance.
You need to use either Ruby's built in backtick syntax, or use %x
output = `some command`
output = %x(some "command")
Open3 grants you access to stdin, stdout, stderr and a thread to wait
the child process when running another program. You can specify
various attributes, redirections, current directory, etc., of the
program as Process.spawn.
See the various ways of executing a command

Why will a script not accept input on stdin when invoked from bash's bind?

I have a number of bash/bind tools that I've written to simplify my command-line existence, and have recently wanted to make one of these tools interactive. If I try to read from stdin in one of these scripts, execution locks up at the point of reading. My example here is in python, but I have seen the exact same behavior when the invoked script is written in ruby:
~> cat tmp.py
import sys
foo = sys.stdin.readline()
print "foo: %s" % foo,
~> python tmp.py
>>>yodeling yoda
foo: yodeling yoda
So the script works. When I invoke it, I can give it input and it prints what I fed it.
~> bind -x '"\eh":"echo yodeling yoda"'
[output deleted]
~> [Alt-H]
yodeling yoda
bind works as expected. The bound keystroke invokes the command. I use this stuff all the time, but until now, I've only invoked scripts that required no stdin reads.
Let's bind [Alt-H] to the script:
~> bind -x '"\eh":"python tmp.py"'
[output deleted]
Now we're configured to have the script read from stdin while invoked by the bound keystroke. Hitting [Alt-H] starts the script but nothing typed is echoed back. Even hitting [Crl-D] doesn't end it. The only way to get out is to hit [Crl-C], killing the process in the readline. (sys.stdin.read() suffers the same fate.)
~> [Alt-H]
>>>Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tmp.py", line 7, in <module>
foo = sys.stdin.readline()
As I mentioned at the top, I see the same issue with ruby, so I know it's nothing to do with the language I'm using. (I've omitted the script.)
~> bind -x '"\eh":"ruby tmp.rb"'
[Output deleted]
~> [Alt-H]
>>>tmp.rb:3:in `gets': Interrupt
from tmp.rb:3
I've looked through the Bash Reference Manual entry on bind, and it says nothing about a restriction on input. Any thoughts?
If I cat /proc/[PID]/fd/0 while the process is stuck, I see the script's input being displayed. (Oddly enough, a fair number of characters - seemingly at random - fail to appear here. This symptom only appears after I've given a few hundred bytes of input.)
Found this, a description of how and when a terminal switches between cooked and raw modes. Calling stty cooked and stty echo at the beginning of prompting, then stty sane or stty raw afterward triggers a new cascade of problems; mostly relating to how bound characters are handled, but suffice it to say that it destroys most alt bindings (and more) until return has been hit a couple times.
In the end, the best answer proved to be cooking the tty and manually turning on echo, then reverting the tty settings back to where they were when I started:
def _get_terminal_settings():
proc = subprocess.Popen(['/bin/stty', '-g'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
settings = proc.communicate()[0]
os.system('stty cooked echo')
return settings
def _set_terminal_settings(settings):
os.system('stty %s' % settings)
settings = _get_terminal_settings()
user_input = sys.stdin.readline()
You should be able to do this in any language you choose.
If you're curious about why this insanity is required, I would encourage you to read the link I added (under EDIT), above. The article doesn't cover anywhere enough detail, but you'll at least understand more than I did when I started.
Hmm, my guess is that what's happening is the python script is running and waiting for input from stdin when you press [Alt-H],but that it's stdin scope is not the same as the stdin scope of the calling script. When you type in something, it goes to the Bash scripts stdin, not the pythons. Perhaps look up a way to "reverse pipe" or forward the stdin from the bash shell to the stdin of a called script?
Okay, I researched it a bit, and it looks like pipes might work. Here's a really informative link:
bash - redirect specific output from 2nd script back to stdin of 1st program?

Piping stdin to ruby script via `myapp | myscript.rb`

I have an app that runs continuously, dumping output from a server and sending strings to stdout. I want to process this output with a Ruby script. The strings are \n-terminated.
For example, I'm trying to run this on the command line:
myapp.exe | my_script.rb
...with my_script.rb defined as:
while $stdin.gets
puts $_
I ultimately am going to process the strings using regexes and display some summary data, but for now I'm just trying to get the basic functionality hooked up. When I run the above, I get the following error:
my_script.rb:1:in `gets': Bad file descriptor (Errno::EBADF)
from my_script.rb:1
I am running this on Windows Server 2003 R2 SP2 and Ruby 1.8.6.
How do I continuously process stdin in a Ruby script? (Continuously as in not processing a file, but running until I kill it.)
I was able to make this work, sort of. There were several problems standing in my way. For one thing, it may be that using Ruby to process the piped-in stdin from another process doesn't work on Windows 2003R2. Another direction, suggested by Adrian below, was to run my script as the parent process and use popen to connect to myapp.exe as a forked child process. Unfortunately, fork isn't implemented in Windows, so this didn't work either.
Finally I was able to download POpen4, a RubyGem that does implement popen on Windows. Using this in combination with Adrian's suggestion, I was able to write this script which does what I really want -- processes the output from myapp.exe:
file: my_script.rb
require 'rubygems'
require 'popen4'
status =
POpen4::popen4("myapp.exe") do |stdout, stderr, stdin, pid|
puts pid
while s = stdout.gets
puts s
This script echoes the output from myapp.exe, which is exactly what I want.
Try just plain gets, without the $stdin. If that doesn't work, you might have to examine the output of myapp.exe for non-printable characters with another ruby script, using IO.popen.
gets doesn't always use stdin but instead tries to open a file.
See SO.
Try executing your Ruby script by explicitly calling ruby:
myapp.exe | ruby my_script.rb
I've experienced some odd behavior using stdin in Ruby when relying on Windows to invoke the correct program based on the file associations.
