MonoMac Package Does NOT Include Images - macos

I have several images and one application icon in my MonoMac application, all with build action set to "content", but when I build the installer (.pkg) file and install it on another machine, none of the images are available! Is this because I'm using the free version of MonoDevelop instead of Xamarin Studio? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
EDIT 1: On the test machine, I went into "Show Package Contents/Resources" and manually changed the permissions on the images from "Everyone - No Access" to "Everyone - Read/Write", and now the images are available in the application! The obvious problem is: how do I build the package so the images are installed with these rights? Thoughts?

I was finally able to get my images to show up by moving them into the resources folder and changing some path information. I still can't get my application icon to work correctly, but I'll post that question separately. Thanks.

Try setting the build action to BundleResource


Trying to publish ASP.NET Core React app with Electron.NET

So my understanding from the documentation to perform a publish is I need to call 'electronize build /target win'. This builds the project. However, there are some issues I'm unsure how to address.
The content path when I try to run it says the content root is C:\Windows\system32 instead of the actual working directory where the .exe resides. That isn't correct. Any ideas why? I think some of the other issues are caused by this.
Edit: I found out #1 uses the correct directory if it is ran as administrator. Unsure why.
How does one hide the command menu that comes up? all i want is the electron window to show on publish.
I see an electron window come up like when i run 'electronize start' but not after publishing. Any ideas?
Please try the latest version of Electron.NET. During development, a development menu is displayed. A standard behavior of Electron if you not have your own menu. With a build, the development menu is hidden again.

Android Studio: Refactoring cannot be performed when importing images

All of a sudden this morning I am unable to drag png files into my drawable folders in Android Studio. I get the message "Refactoring cannot be performed - the file is read-only". I have confirmed that these files are not read only and have tried this with numerous image files in different locations on my Mac. Any ideas as to how this can be fixed please?
PS - This is occurring in all my Android Studio projects. I am running Android Studio 0.5.9 on OS X 10.9.3
I managed to solve it somehow. Just copy and paste the *.png you need in your drawable folder instead of dragging it. Turns out there's a problem with moving it
Later edit: holding ALT whilst dragging the files should also do the job. Thanks #RunLoop
Right click the file you're attempting to add to, go to "Show in explorer" and then drag the files there. Worked for me!
Update to the most recent JDK here. The currently accepted answer by user DDsix worked for me, but that is a workaround. Updating the JDK will bring full functionality back.
I believe this is related to the following issue on the AOSP bug tracker.

How should I add images using PhoneGap and Windows Phone 7?

I am new to using PhoneGap for windows phone 7.
I'm not entirely sure what the problem is - when I try to add an existing image, it's not added to the CordovaSourceDictionary.xml file, but if I manually add the image to CordovaSourceDictionary.xml, it is deleted when I build. How should I fix this problem?
Here is a tutorial by Daniel Egan. Also I have some other links for you
Tutorial: how to create HTML5 applications on Windows Phone thanks to PhoneGap.
Getting Started with Windows Phone.
Getting Started with Windows 8.
Apache Cordova Documentation.
Hope this will help you.
Check image Build Action property (Solution explorer, item Properties view). It must be set to Content, (when you add image, by default this property value is Resource)
CordovaSourceDictionary.xml is updated by the build process which relies on the way Visual Studio works. You need to trigger a file update, you know, like Right click on the Solution > Add > Add new folder / Existing item etc.
What I do is drag the file from Windows Explorer into the Visual Studio project and drop it in the images folder. NOW Visual Studio knows you have add a new file and when you run the project CordovaSourceDictionary.xml gets automagically updated with your changes.
Keep up the good fight!
This probably isn't what is breaking your system, but the JS framework I use adds a url query to each image when in a debugging mode (in order to force browsers to reload image, instead of using cached). So, my image "image/background.jpg" would be accessed as "image/background.jpg?d=34342233". But, when running on phoneGAP for Windows Phone, it won't recognize the image, and thus it shows up as broken. So, I had to turn off debugging for the framework I use, and suddenly the images showed up. Don't forget to set the Build Action to "Content" as mentioned earlier.

Xcode 4.4 - iconset not found

I'm developing an application for the Mac and I have created an iconset to provide high-res icon for my app. When I drag it to project and run, Xcode gives me an error telling that iconset is not found, but it is there.
This is a silly suggestion but it has solved many problems for me in the past, relating to importing artwork or other resources:
have you tried Cleaning and Building?
Strange... Problem solved by moving my entire project folder from another folder to my Desktop. Now it's working fine.

.app file not get install using package installer

I have created a package installer using Xcode's PackageMaker. I want to install a .app file into the applications folder, but when i am running installer package, it's showing that the software is installed succesfully. When i checked the applications folder, the application i m installing is not there. Can anybody help me to solve this?
While the Installer is still running you can select the Window menu and choose the Installer Log option. In the Installer Log dialog select the 'Show All Logs' from the drop down control. This might help you determine where the Installer put your .app or what happened.
BTW I'm seeing the same thing with a .pkg I have written and would love to hear if you find a solution.
I ended up getting things working with my .pkg by making it install into /Applications/ with the trailing slash. I had previously been just using /Applications. Maybe that works for your package?
The issue is that the installer can upgrade packages even if their not located in /Applications. So if there is an application with the same name or it already exists on your hard drive it will try and install over that. To fix it click on the item your trying to install in the content pane then click on the components tab and make sure the "allow relocation" check box is unchecked. Should work perfect after that
