-bash: sencha command not found - macos

I installed Sencha SDK and Sencha command on my mac-mini and done with some sample app.. but suddenly after some time when I tried to run sencha command on terminal, I got the response as '-bash: sencha command not found', I don't know why this was happened. Earlier I didn't find such type of response but now I got this error. Please tell me what are the possible scenarios for this thing to be happened.. Thanks for your help
Alens-Mac-mini:touch-2.2.0 SenchaTools$ sencha
-bash: sencha: command not found

You should procede that way:
Verify if this command is contained in PATH. PATH is an environment variable holded by bash and initialized when a new user is logged in (.bash_profile file for all user and the corrispective into home for single user). So check what echo $PATH told you and verify if this command is contained into those folder
Probably, from step 1, the answer will be "No, it isn't". So you have to procede this way: use whereis command to search this command (that will be an executable script) and once you find it, you have two possibilities: one is to use it directly by specifying full path (returned from whereis command).
If you want to run simply it with sencha -arguments you have to add executable path returned by whereis ($PATH=$PATH:/returned/path/by/whereis) into file .bash_profile
In that way you should be able to execute your command from any "point" in your filesystem

The Sencha installer expects you to use bash as shell. It fails, if you use any other (like the nice zsh). You need to copy the content of .bash_profile to your shell startup-file (.zprofile in my case), save it and open a new terminal window.

Add PATH and VAR manually in .bash_profile file at the root of your user folder,
export SENCHA_CMD_3_0_0="/Users/you/Path/To/Sencha/Cmd/3.0.0.XXX"
export PATH=/Users/you/Path/To/Sencha/Cmd/$PATH
Find out more about this issue at sencha forum https://www.sencha.com/forum/showthread.php?245243-Command-not-found-mac-OSX-mountain-lion


zsh: command not found on MacOS Monterey

I wanted to create a react project and when I executed the command it said zsh: command not found: npx
Then I tried the ls command and it said zsh: command not found: ls.
After setting the export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin" command both the ls and npx create-react-app command worked fine and when close the terminal and reopen again, the same command not found error shows.
Is there any permenent fix without setting export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin" command
For adding the variables to the path you need to add it to zshrc file for making that variable available locally.
The way you have used will only work until you use it in the same terminal window path only.
To solve the problem, follow these steps:
Goto you home directory
Simultaneously press cmd + shift + (.) Note:the last key is the key of dot
On following step 2, new hidden files will appear in home directory, look for (.zshrc) file and open it using any text editor.
Add your path variable in it, save and then close it.
Example: export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"
Open terminal and run the command: "echo $PATH" and see if your added variable is present in the output shown by terminal.
If yes, You are now ready to go to use it from anywhere in terminal now.
This is what worked for me on macOS Monterey,
Although I added the path to ./zshrc and sourced the file, after reopening the terminal the PATH was not exported
I followed these steps to solve this
Created .zprofile with touch .zprofile at the home directory. If the file already exists use that.
Add the required path to this file using vim or nano
eg: export PATH=${PATH}:/Users/Development/HashBaze/flutter/bin
If the above two steps don't work try sourcing both the .zprofile and .zshrc after following the above two steps.
This solution worked for me on macOS Monterey version 12.5

bash: ngc: command not found

I'm using #angular/compiler-cli to build my ng2 app in aot mode. When I input 'ngc -p tsconfig-aot.json' in my bash window, I get 'bash: ngc: command not found'. However, when I use 'node_modules/.bin/ngc -p tsconfig-aot.json' instead, it works. I googled for serval times but didn't get any usfull information. Can any give me a hand? Thx!
Seems like you need to put ngc in your path:
echo $PATH
Do you see ngc in binary in your path?
If not:
To make it permanent add to .bash_profile
export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/ngc
I've tried to change the slash to 'backslash' on windows and it worked for me:
If you don't want to set it globally, you can specify an absolut path in your angular-project, just make sure that you delete this part of the path when you don't use it anymore.
ngc is in node_modules/.bin, so depending on where you want to use ngc you can export the path like this:
To run commands located into the node_modules folder of your project, without installing them globally (operation that will make the ngc command work in any system folder), you can use this command:
ngx ncc <options>
Basically ngx is a shortcut that executes any command located in node_modules bin folder.

Mac OSx 7zcat command not found

I am trying to execute a Makefile script and my Mac complains about 7zcat, although I already have 7z installed.
/bin/sh: 7zcat: command not found
Any thoughts on what's missing on my system? Thank you!
I have never used 7zcat before.
However, it looks like it needs to be installed on your system.
Also, after you download install 7zcat you have to give it execute permission with chmod. Finally, you have to execute it by calling its full path for example if you installed it to the directory you are in you would run ./7zcat file.7z or you would add the path to the file to your environment's $PATH variable.
I hope this helps. You might have to do some more research though.
When you open a Terminal window and type 7zcat and hit enter, what happens? Same message? Well, if you cannot use it, why should make be able to use it? Where and how have you installed 7z? Is the folder with the 7z binaries in your PATH? Since if it isn't, of course the command won't be found.
When the system shall run a command, it will search for this command in the directories stored in the PATH variable. Execute echo $PATH in terminal and you will get a colon separated list of directories; only these directories are searched for binaries. So either you must move your binaries to one of these (or put a symlink to one of these) or add the directory with these binaries to the PATH.
Yet there is no official 7z command line installer for MacOS, which brings me back to the original questions "Where and how have you installed 7z?" And are you sure that whatever you installed even includes a 7zcat?

How to add something to bash path without messing up existing bash commands?

I'm doing some Android development and want to access the command line tools from anywhere.
There wasn't an existing .bash_profile file in my home directory so I created one and added the following line:
export PATH="/Users/Me/desktop/Android/Android SDK bundle/sdk/platform-tools"
I can now access the Android tools from terminal, however the ls command has stopped working, though cd still works. I get
-bash: ls: command not found
What should I do to get it to work again (and why has ls stopped working but cd still works?).
export PATH=$PATH:"/Users/Me/desktop/Android/Android SDK bundle/sdk/platform-tools"
It will append to the current PATH your sdk directory.
As for the later question, it stopped working because you overwritten your PATH variable, so bash can't find your binaries. However cdis a builtin command (http://linux.about.com/library/cmd/blcmdl1_builtin.htm) it doesn't need a path to be located and executed.

Command not found

I am quite new to the Mac Terminal environment.
I donwloaded sqlplus (which is recognised as a UNIX executable program) and then in Terminal I do cd a few times until I arrive in the folder I put this in (\Applications\instantclient_10) in this case.
When I type 'ls' I see a listing of all the files including the sqlplus. So I would then expect to simply type at the Telnet prompt 'sqlplus' and then this would start but instead keep getting
-bash: sqlplus: command not found
This is problem one.
I have now downloaded MySQL and again, when I go to the correct folder (\Library\StarupItems\MySQLCOM) and I type 'ls' I see my files (including MySQLCOM) but when I come to try to 'run' this by simply typing 'MySQLCOM' again the message is:
-base: MySQLCOM: command not found
What am I doing wrong?
To run binary/executables in current folder you need to prefix them with ./
The idea here is that you want to force execution of local file and not run it accidentally. Imagine app that would put ls binary into it's folder and it would automatically run if did ls in that folder.
