posix shell: stdout to file, exitcode to a variable and last line of stderr to another variable - shell

I implemented the following in POSIX shell (not bash):
echo something useful
echo warning 1 >&2
echo warning 2 >&2
echo an error message >&2
exit 100
The command prints something I want to use on stdout, some warnings on stderr and an error message on stderr as well before failing with exit code 100.
echo something useful
echo warning 1 >&2
echo warning 2 >&2
exit 0
This command prints something to stdout and some warnings to stderr but finishes successfully with exit code 0.
#!/bin/sh -e
rm -f success
msg=$({ $script > useful; touch success; } 2>&1 | tail -1;)
if [ -f success ]; then
echo success
echo failure
echo last error was: $msg
In this script I want to run either of those two scripts and provide the following functionality:
the output of the scripts must be redirected to a file
the last line of stderr must be saved to a variable so that I can print that last line later in case the command didnt exit successfully
I want to detect whether or not the command exited successfully by checking its exit status
My script test.sh achieves all of that but it uses an external file. Since I use -e the touch will only be executed if $script executed successfully. Can I capture the exit code of $script without this technique?
The script must be written in POSIX shell and must use -e.

#!/bin/sh -e
if msg=$($script 2>&1 >useful); then
echo success
echo failure
msg=$(echo "$msg" | tail -1)
echo last error was: $msg


Previous command output on mac OS X

I have below script. When I run each line in iTerm on MacOs, every command works. But if i save this as a shell script, it says "!! command not found". I have tried #!/bin/bash. But still it doesn't work.
if !! | grep "errors: 0"
echo Success
echo Failure
I could have done
if ./ongoingShellScript.sh | grep "errors: 0"
But in this case, output of ongoingShellScript won't be printed in realtime.
What am i doing here ?
Thank you in advance
!! doesn't refer to previous output -- it runs the whole command over again, and thus generates a new set of output. Moreover, the featureset it comes from -- called "history expansion" -- is an interactive extension turned off by default during script execution.
If you want to print status for the user while testing stdout for a string, the easy tool for the job is grep:
if ./ongoingShellScript.sh | tee /dev/stderr | grep -q "errors: 0"; then
echo "Success" >&2
echo "Failure" >&2
...assuming that errors: 0 comes at the end of output, and thus that it's acceptable for tee to exit as soon as grep has seen this string.

false | true; echo $? [duplicate]

I currently have a script that does something like
./a | ./b | ./c
I want to modify it so that if any of a, b, or c exit with an error code I print an error message and stop instead of piping bad output forward.
What would be the simplest/cleanest way to do so?
In bash you can use set -e and set -o pipefail at the beginning of your file. A subsequent command ./a | ./b | ./c will fail when any of the three scripts fails. The return code will be the return code of the first failed script.
Note that pipefail isn't available in standard sh.
You can also check the ${PIPESTATUS[]} array after the full execution, e.g. if you run:
./a | ./b | ./c
Then ${PIPESTATUS} will be an array of error codes from each command in the pipe, so if the middle command failed, echo ${PIPESTATUS[#]} would contain something like:
0 1 0
and something like this run after the command:
test ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -eq 0 -a ${PIPESTATUS[1]} -eq 0 -a ${PIPESTATUS[2]} -eq 0
will allow you to check that all commands in the pipe succeeded.
If you really don't want the second command to proceed until the first is known to be successful, then you probably need to use temporary files. The simple version of that is:
if ./a > $tmp.1
if ./b <$tmp.1 >$tmp.2
if ./c <$tmp.2
then : OK
else echo "./c failed" 1>&2
else echo "./b failed" 1>&2
else echo "./a failed" 1>&2
rm -f $tmp.[12]
The '1>&2' redirection can also be abbreviated '>&2'; however, an old version of the MKS shell mishandled the error redirection without the preceding '1' so I've used that unambiguous notation for reliability for ages.
This leaks files if you interrupt something. Bomb-proof (more or less) shell programming uses:
trap 'rm -f $tmp.[12]; exit 1' 0 1 2 3 13 15
...if statement as before...
rm -f $tmp.[12]
trap 0 1 2 3 13 15
The first trap line says 'run the commands 'rm -f $tmp.[12]; exit 1' when any of the signals 1 SIGHUP, 2 SIGINT, 3 SIGQUIT, 13 SIGPIPE, or 15 SIGTERM occur, or 0 (when the shell exits for any reason).
If you're writing a shell script, the final trap only needs to remove the trap on 0, which is the shell exit trap (you can leave the other signals in place since the process is about to terminate anyway).
In the original pipeline, it is feasible for 'c' to be reading data from 'b' before 'a' has finished - this is usually desirable (it gives multiple cores work to do, for example). If 'b' is a 'sort' phase, then this won't apply - 'b' has to see all its input before it can generate any of its output.
If you want to detect which command(s) fail, you can use:
(./a || echo "./a exited with $?" 1>&2) |
(./b || echo "./b exited with $?" 1>&2) |
(./c || echo "./c exited with $?" 1>&2)
This is simple and symmetric - it is trivial to extend to a 4-part or N-part pipeline.
Simple experimentation with 'set -e' didn't help.
Unfortunately, the answer by Johnathan requires temporary files and the answers by Michel and Imron requires bash (even though this question is tagged shell). As pointed out by others already, it is not possible to abort the pipe before later processes are started. All processes are started at once and will thus all run before any errors can be communicated. But the title of the question was also asking about error codes. These can be retrieved and investigated after the pipe finished to figure out whether any of the involved processes failed.
Here is a solution that catches all errors in the pipe and not only errors of the last component. So this is like bash's pipefail, just more powerful in the sense that you can retrieve all the error codes.
res=$( (./a 2>&1 || echo "1st failed with $?" >&2) |
(./b 2>&1 || echo "2nd failed with $?" >&2) |
(./c 2>&1 || echo "3rd failed with $?" >&2) > /dev/null 2>&1)
if [ -n "$res" ]; then
echo pipe failed
To detect whether anything failed, an echo command prints on standard error in case any command fails. Then the combined standard error output is saved in $res and investigated later. This is also why standard error of all processes is redirected to standard output. You can also send that output to /dev/null or leave it as yet another indicator that something went wrong. You can replace the last redirect to /dev/null with a file if yo uneed to store the output of the last command anywhere.
To play more with this construct and to convince yourself that this really does what it should, I replaced ./a, ./b and ./c by subshells which execute echo, cat and exit. You can use this to check that this construct really forwards all the output from one process to another and that the error codes get recorded correctly.
res=$( (sh -c "echo 1st out; exit 0" 2>&1 || echo "1st failed with $?" >&2) |
(sh -c "cat; echo 2nd out; exit 0" 2>&1 || echo "2nd failed with $?" >&2) |
(sh -c "echo start; cat; echo end; exit 0" 2>&1 || echo "3rd failed with $?" >&2) > /dev/null 2>&1)
if [ -n "$res" ]; then
echo pipe failed
This answer is in the spirit of the accepted answer, but using shell variables instead of temporary files.
if TMP_A="$(./a)"
if TMP_B="$(echo "TMP_A" | ./b)"
if TMP_C="$(echo "TMP_B" | ./c)"
echo "$TMP_C"
echo "./c failed"
echo "./b failed"
echo "./a failed"

How to keep make log and check it online?

I want to redirect make's log and see what's doing on make. Here is the script
make |& tee make.log # bash syntax
# make 2>&1 | tee make.log # or, sh syntax
[ $? -ne 0 ] && echo "Error: stopped" && exit 1
echo "Done"
I found it won't execute the Error exit when make failed.
I guess it is caused by the pipe, but how to refine the build script?
Since you're already restricting yourself to using bash, not portable POSIX sh, you can just use bash's pipefail shell option; run set -o pipefail. The man page for bash says:
If pipefail is enabled, the pipeline's return status is the value of the last (rightmost) command to exit with a non-zero status, or zero if all commands exit successfully.
set -o pipefail
if make |& tee make.log ; then
echo "Done"
echo "Error: stopped"
exit 1

Bash command substitution stdout+stderr redirect

Good day. I have a series of commands that I wanted to execute via a function so that I could get the exit code and perform console output accordingly. With that being said, I have two issues here:
1) I can't seem to direct stderr to /dev/null.
2) The first echo line is not displayed until the $1 is executed. It's not really noticeable until I run commands that take a while to process, such as searching the hard drive for a file. Additionally, it's obvious that this is the case, because the output looks like:
sh-3.2# ./runScript.sh
sh-3.2# com.apple.auditd: Already loaded
sh-3.2# Attempting... Enable Security Auditing ...Success
In other words, the stderr was displayed before "Attempting... $2"
Here is the function I am trying to use:
function saveChange {
echo -ne "Attempting... $2"
exec $1
if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]; then
echo -ne " ...Failure\n\r"
echo -ne " ...Success\n\r"
saveChange "$(launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.auditd.plist)" "Enable Security Auditing"
Any help or advice is appreciated.
this is how you redirect stderr to /dev/null
command 2> /dev/null
ls -l 2> /dev/null
Your second part (i.e. ordering of echo) -- It may be because of this you have while invoking the script. $(launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.auditd.plist)
The first echo line is displayed later because it is being execute second. $(...) will execute the code. Try the following:
function saveChange {
echo -ne "Attempting... $2"
err=$($1 2>&1)
if [ -z "$err" ]; then
echo -ne " ...Success\n\r"
echo -ne " ...Failured\n\r"
exit 1
saveChange "launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.auditd.plist" "Enable Security Auditing"
EDIT: Noticed that launchctl does not actually set $? on failure so capturing the STDERR to detect the error instead.

Shell scripting: die on any error

Suppose a shell script (/bin/sh or /bin/bash) contained several commands. How can I cleanly make the script terminate if any of the commands has a failing exit status? Obviously, one can use if blocks and/or callbacks, but is there a cleaner, more concise way? Using && is not really an option either, because the commands can be long, or the script could have non-trivial things like loops and conditionals.
With standard sh and bash, you can
set -e
It will
$ help set
-e Exit immediately if a command exits with a non-zero status.
It also works (from what I could gather) with zsh. It also should work for any Bourne shell descendant.
With csh/tcsh, you have to launch your script with #!/bin/csh -e
May be you could use:
$ <any_command> || exit 1
You can check $? to see what the most recent exit code is..
# A Tidier approach
# Function. Parameter 1 is the return code
# Para. 2 is text to display on failure.
if [ "${1}" -ne "0" ]; then
echo "ERROR # ${1} : ${2}"
# as a bonus, make our script exit with the right error code.
exit ${1}
### main script starts here ###
grep "^${1}:" /etc/passwd > /dev/null 2>&1
check_errs $? "User ${1} not found in /etc/passwd"
USERNAME=`grep "^${1}:" /etc/passwd|cut -d":" -f1`
check_errs $? "Cut returned an error"
check_errs $? "echo returned an error - very strange!"
