How to export database from Oracle Application Express - oracle

Really would appreciate any help whatsoever on this one.
How to generate DDL from Application Express... including the actual data.
I can create a DDL; but one which contains none of the necessary inserts into the database tables. :<
There is no command console in Application Express.

You could use another tool, such as SQL Developer, which can export the data as INSERT statements; alternatively, use Oracle's schema export utility (expdp) which can either export just the data or the entire schema if you like.


Oracle DB Export does not preserve order or dependencies

I'm trying to export an Oracle DB using Oracle SQL Developer having tables, sequences, view, packages, etc. with dependencies on each other.
When I use Tools -> Database Export and select all DDL options, unfortunately the exported SQL file does not preserve the other that is some DB objects should be created before some other.
Is there a way to make the DB export utility preserve object dependencies/order? Or Is there any other tool do you use for this task?
Thank you
Normally expdp does a pretty good job. Problems arise when there are dependencies on objects/users that are not part of the dump. This is because the counter part, impdp, does not add grants on objects that are not created by impdp. I call that the 'not created by me syndrome' that impdp has.
If you have no external dependencies (external meaning to schema's that are not part of the dump), expdp/impdp do a good job for you. You might not be able to use it if you can not have access to the database server since expdp writes it's files on the database server.
If you happen to have access to a database server that is able to connect to the original database, you could pull the data over into your local database using a database link.

Export & Import in SQL DEVELOPER without datapump

I want to export below things from SQL developer
1-Only schema (tables structure)
2-Only data in excel form
3-Schema with data
after exporting this i want to import the same to the another database
So what steps should i follow for export and import?
I can not use DATA PUMP as i don't have DBA privilege
As you use Oracle 11g, I'd suggest you to forget about SQL Developer and use the original EXP and IMP utilities. Doing so, you'd avoid DBA-related-problems as these utilities don't require access to the directory (an Oracle object which points to (usually database server's) filesystem directory, and - in order to be able to use it - you'd need to have read/write privileges on it).
So - if you don't already have these, install Oracle Client which contains EXP/IMP and use them.

How to use bcp utility with oracle dB or any other better options

I have a csv file which has to be bulk imported to oracle dB. I was working on other sybase dB engine before so I had a sample script which has the environment setup for it. Right now I have to do the process in a oracle dB so what should be the first line I know about the rest other parameters but want to know the path which has to be defined when I write
path/bcp dbtable in data.txt
If anyone could help what should be the path for oracle dB
The primary tools for bulk or flat file loading are:
External Tables (and here)
GUI Tools like SQL*Developer
It is much more cumbersome, but if necessary you can roll your own solution with the UTL_FILE PL/SQL package.

Import and Export Data plus schema using SQLDeveloper 3.0.04

i am newbie to oracle and i like to export database from remote database and import it on local machine. eOn both machines i have oracle 10.2.
I need to know how to export/import schema and data from oracle 10.2 using SQLDeveloper
To export from remote database, i have used export Tool-> Database Export -> export wizard.
and at the end i have got only sql file with DDL and DML statements but somewhere in file it is written
"Cannot render Table DDL for object XXX.TABLE_NAME with DBMS_METADATA attempting internal generator error.
I have ignored previously mentioned message and tried to run those DDL and DML statements but all this ended up with errors.
Is it possible that all this tied with read-only database user? More over, i dont find any table under tables but also tables under other users in SqlDeveloper.
Thanks in advance
As a test, can you select one object in the tree, and navigate to the script panel? SQLDEV also uses DBMS_METADATA to generate those scripts.
Also, as a work-around, try using DataPump to export and import your data. It will be much more efficient for moving around larger schemas.
Your note about not seeing tables under indicates your schema doesn't actually own any tables. You may be working with synonyms that allow you to query objects as if they are in your account. You could be running into a privilege issue, but your error message doesn't indicate that. Error messages often come in bunches, and the very first one is usually the most important.
If you could try using the EXPORT feature say against a very simple schema like SCOTT as a test, this should indicate whether there is a problem with your account settings or with the software.
I'm not sure with SQL Developer 3.0 but with version 3.1 you can follow this:
SQL Developer 3.1 Data Pump Wizards (expdp, impdp)

Oracle: exporting only schema

I have an Oracle 10g database, and now I need to export, if possible, only the schema.
(Only table structures with index etc... without data!)
Is this possible with exp/imp or do I need expdp/impdp?
It is possible with exp, using parameter ROWS=N.
10g documentation is here.
Data pump is preferred these days though; the equivalent parameter is CONTENT=METADATA_ONLY.
Check scheme2ddl tool from oracle-ddl2svn bundle.
scheme2ddl is command line utility for export oracle schema in set of ddl scripts. provide lot of configurations via basic command line options or advanced XML configuration
If you are only interested in the table definitions with their constraints and indexes you can also do an export using Oracle's SQL Developer.
In SQL Developer 4.0, this is under Tools | Database Export... On the first page of the wizard, ensure that "Export DDL" is checked and "Export Data" is not. Note that this allows you to export all types of database objects; you can limit it to just tables and indices if you like on the "Object Types" page.
