SVN Commit failed, access forbidden - windows

Recently I am facing problem of commit to SVN. The SVN server I am using is VisualSVN Server 2.5.9 and the client is TortoiseSVN 1.7.12.
At first, one user is having problem to commit files to SVN. But that user still can access to the repository and download the update. The second user on second PC is working properly. But today, the second user is having the same problem as the first user.
Why is this happen? How can the problem be solved? Thanks.

If the problem lies client side, this could be one of the causes of the error.
On clients TortoiseSVN saves client credentials under
Tortoise settings / saved data / authentication data.
I got the same error trying to commit my files, but my credentials were changed. Clearing this cache here will give you a popup on next commit attempt for re-entering your correct credentials.

You can get the "Forbidden" error if your user account lacks access permissions to a repository or repository path; it makes sense to check authorization settings for your user account. Make sure your system administrator hasn't provided you with No Access permission to the repository path.
If you are sure that permissions are set correctly, then double-check the URL you use. URLs in Apache Subversion are case-sensitive.
Additionally, I advise you to read articles on authorization in Subversion and VisualSVN Server:
SVNBook about path-based authorization.
VisualSVN Team's article about path-based authorization. It explains the principles of SVN authorization by comparing it with Windows Access Control.

The solution for me was to check the case sensitivity of the username. A lot of people are mentioning that the URL is case sensitive, but it seems the username is as well!

As a new user to these two software packages, I experienced the exact same problem. As was also discovered above, my solution was to use the same case letters as is in the Repository path.
Here's a tip that I find helpful: In VisualSVN, you can right click on the path, then click "Copy URL to Clipboard" for pasting in Tortoise to be sure that the path is the identical case.

Actually, I had this problem same as you.
My windows is server 2008 and my subversion info is :
TortoiseSVN 1.7.6, Build 22632 - 64 Bit , 2012/03/08 18:29:39
Subversion 1.7.4,
apr 1.4.5
apr-utils 1.3.12
neon 0.29.6
OpenSSL 1.0.0g 18 Jan 2012
zlib 1.2.5
I used this way and I solved this problem.
I used [group] option. this option makes problem.
I rewrite authz file contents.
I remove group option. and I set one by one.
I use well.
Thanks for reading.

Actually, I had this problem same as you. You can get the "Forbidden" error if your commit includes different directories ; Like external items.
And ı solved in one step. Just commit external items in another case.
Additionally, I advise you to read articles on External Items in Subversion and VisualSVN Server:
VisualSVN Team's article about Daily Use Guide External Items. It explains the principles of External Items in SVN.

I had a similar issue in Mac where svn was picking mac login as user name and I was getting error as
svn: E170013: Unable to connect to a repository at URL 'https://repo:8443/svn/proj/trunk'
svn: E175013: Access to '/svn/proj/trunk' forbidden
I used the --username along with svn command to pass the correct username which helped me.
Alternatively, you can delete ~/.subversion/auth file, after which svn will prompt you for username.

I was unable to commit csharp-files (*.cs). In the end the problem was that at some point i installed mod_mono, which made the *.cs-files inaccessible, through its configuration. So it may well be an apache-configuration issue, if only some sort of files are not accessible.
grep ".cs" /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/*
mod_mono_auto.conf:AddType application/x-asp-net .cs

My issue was my SVN permissions.
I had the same problem "Access to '/svn/[my path]/!svn/me' forbidden" when trying to commit files to a project I had been working on daily for several months. After trying the steps above, I could not resolve the issue. I also tried pulling the project down from scratch, logging in/out of SVN, etc. Finally I contacted my company's IT department and there was a permissions issue that spontaneously emerged which changed my access from read/write to read-only access. The IT department refreshed my permissions and this solved the problem.


How to enter SVN credentials into Jenkins without using UI?

When configuring a build job for the first time that uses Subversion for SCM you get an error that looks like this:
I'm aware that to enter my credentials I simply need to use this url.
http://< my-server >/scm/SubversionSCM/enterCredential
But I'm trying to completely automate the set up/configuration of my jenkins server. Is there a way to give jenkins svn credentials without having to access the UI?
My jenkins server is on Windows and is the latest version. Subversion is on linux.
Edit: I've come across a screenshot online similar to the one above except the is a Credentials field! Does anyone know why I can't see this field. Here is the url of the image
this can provide credentials to svn repo.
what actually you gonna do? just access the SVN or looking for the SVN SCM change or any other. simply enter password i don't forsee a need of jenkins plugin
The solution is to create some "domain credentials" in the "Manage credentials" section (admin part: http://<server>:8080/credentials/):
One way around this is to use the Subversion command line. Jenkins doesn't need the command line client and you might have to install it.
However, for a particular repository, do a checkout of a project via the command line with the user you want to use. Then, say "Yes" when Subversion asks if you want to cache the credentials.
When Jenkins does a checkout, it will use these cached credentials if you didn't specify a particular Jenkins credential to use. This works per Subversion repository.

Permission denied, public key (GIT push)

I am very new to coding, I have actually just started learning how to through the use of video tutorials. Anyway one of the steps along the path of learning is setting up an account on GIT and linking this account to my ruby command prompt, where all the work I do is saved onto this app.
The problem I have run into is that, for some reason, after following the instructions of both GIT and the video tutorial I am not quite able to do the following step.
git push -u origin master
the error I get is:
warning: Permanently added to the RSA host key for IP address .....
Permission denied (publickey).
My best guess is there is an issue with being an administrator or something along those lines but I do not possess the knowledge to change that at the moment.
I would like to point out here that I am a windows user, I have seen a lot of "solutions" out there which simply dont work for me as they include commands like "sudo" or others which do not exist in the windows format, well at least not on mine as I have decided not to go through Cygwin.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance to who ever tries to help!
The issue is with your SSH public key. Somehow the git server is not able to recognize you and refuse to accept the code you pushed.
SSH keys are stored in ~/.ssh/. You should make sure there's one created. If there's one, then link it with your git server account, otherwise, create one and link it.
Checkout this tutorial on creating SSH keys:

How to configure svn authz on Windows?

We would like to start two new development projects: Project1 and Project2. We have two groups of developers:
GroupA should have full (read + write) access to both projects, and
GroupB should have no access to Project1, but full access to Project2.
I followed Jeff Atwood's tutorial and successfully installed subversion 1.7.6 on Windows Server 2003 as a Windows service. I tested the system by adding folders and files, and commiting changes, and everything worked as it should (the client was TortoiseSVN 1.7.9).
Unfortunately, I couldn't figure out how I could configure the access rights of our developer groups in authz. The developers can connect to the server, but get Authorization failed messages when try to commit something.
Thank you for your help in advance.
I advise you to read the SVNBook (Version Control with Subversion). Please see the chapter which describes the path-based authorization. I think that the chapter answers your question.
The sample authz file is provided below. Please note that I don't explicitly set 'no access' rule for GroupB on /repo/Project1 repository directory. I set 'no access' to the root node for 'everyone' and then this permission gets inherited by it's child items unless you explicitly provide access to a folder or a file.
I'd like to note that you can drastically simplify the process of managing SVN user permissions if you use VisualSVN Server Manager.
It provides comfortable UI to manage user permissions which you can find really helpful:
Update 2016
To manage access rules for SVN repositories hosted on VisualSVN Server you can now use PowerShell cmdlets packaged with VisualSVN Server. Beginning with version 3.4, VisualSVN Server includes PowerShell module that should help you with this task. The cmdlets you are looking for are
Read the article KB88: VisualSVN Server PowerShell Cmdlet Reference for the complete list of VisualSVN Server PowerShell cmdlets.

Joomla! 2.5.4 Hacked: Having trouble with diagnosis

My Joomla 2.5.4 site was cracked last night. Moreover, the Joomla forum is currently down, and I can't even run Joomla's diagnostic utility. (fpa-en.php)
I have followed Joomla's instructions for diagnosis with no success. (See below) I have also emailed my webhost (I am on a shared server, but I use a host recommended by Joomla that is a specialist in Joomla sites). So, my question is what do I do next?
Here is the info that I have so far.
Using Joomla 2.54 (the latest). All extension were updated to most recent release, and none are on the Joomla vulnerable extensions list.
Passwords of other administrators were changed but not mine fortunately.
User_notes table deleted, which renders the User Manager in the admin section useless.
According to logs the attack hit the following files in this sequence:
/index.php (Root)
and then the changes to the users and user_notes tables.
There is no junk in either index.php
Attack ip was, which is from a Fort Worth server of
Fortunately, I have backups and there was no defacement, but until I can't get fpa-en.php to work and access to the Joomla forums, I am not sure what to d0 other than change all passwords and block the ip.
Thanks in advance for any help!
Firstly, reset the passwords of all the administrators, including yours, then change them and ensure they include letters and numbers. Then change the password for the host control panel using the password generator if they provide one. If not, use a password generator online. Once this is done change the password for your database username and don't forget to also update the configuration.php with your new password.
Secondly, download and install Admin Tools which will add more security to your site for the future. Admin Tools also comes with an Emergency Offline button which is useful.
Then download and install Saxum IP Logger which will trace all the registered users, giving you their IP address, country and so on and you can also block IP addresses using the plugin that comes with it.
Next, go to the host control panel and look at the logs to see which IP addresses have entered your website and while files they have accessed. The IP address that coresponds to the files edited, you can then block using the plugin I mentioned before. Joomla 2.5 is very hard to hack so it is rather likely you have an extension that is badly developed and allows SQL injection. Therefore you should always choose popular extensions to install on your website when they are database related.
Hope this helps you in the future. Regards
EDIT : You can also password protect your folders in the FTP for additional security.
You may also find this extension quite useful
After you recover from this, make sure you place a password on the /administrator directory with .htaccess, assuming this is a Linux based server.
Couple of steps that will help you identify the point of access.
Also depends on if you have access to some server side tools.
Contact host and ask them if they run Mod_Sec if so ask them for the Mod_sec flag for that IP.
Ask the host if they run any type of maldet tools - if so ask for a scan of your account.
If you have shell access run a check on what were the most recent files changes... Side from tmp and cache files.
Fixing the hack
1. Change all your passwords -
2. Install project honey pot.
3. Admin tools install is good but you need the pro version to really gain access to the security tools.
4. Migrate to a host that specializes in Joomla platforms, in most cases they already have the accounts configured for common security issues in Joomla.
Getting hacked really sucks... Good luck!
Relocate your administrator page by editing the config.php files .. and edit your FTP permission settings. If your administration login url was the standard location. ( ) change this location and block access using your hosting control panel to only certain ip address (and even restrict access by hours of availability.
How many administrator user accounts do you have. There really should be only one person with super user access . It is really not productive or safe to have other users that do minor edits of the website with administrator privileges; and they could accidentally cause issues. These are basic steps and there is a lot more you can do. Send an email if you need help/step by step instructions. Hope all goes well.

SVN Server with single repo and no root path

I have a strange SVN server configuration issue I cannot figure out.
A previous employee setup Collabnet svn server (version 1.6.9) on a windows server at work which we use for development. It's a great system, love using it.
We use a local LAN path for the repository with all our various folders, like this...
It has one repository called "repo".
I have recently installed a second SVN on another server (same version, same OS)
It has one repository called "main". In order to access it I have to use the svn path of ...
So the question is.... does anyone know how we ended up with one server requiring to use a "repo name" after the server name (and does not work without it) and one server not requiring a "repo name" (and does not work with it)?
The main reason for asking is I also need to setup additional repositories on the original server and do not want to affect the current configuration. I assume this is some level or option or configuration or a "default repo" setting or something, but I just can't seem to find where and how it was set.
Check the entry in your conf file. If you have your svn information within a location tag, the location is the only way to access the repository.
