Queued Events in Laravel 4: Event::flusher() method not found - laravel

According to the Laravel 4 Documentation on queued Events, I tried to register an event flusher this way:
Event::flusher('foo.bar', function($data)
Mail::send(array('emails.notification', 'emails.notification_text'), array('content' => $data), function($message)
->to('email#example.com', 'My Name')
->subject('Message from Listener');
But I am getting the following error upon loading of the script:
Call to undefined method Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher::flusher()
I also couldn't find this method in the source codes of L4. But when I change this from Event::flusher() to Event::listen(), everything works as expected.
So my guess is, that the documentation isn't up to date and the Event::flusher() method has been dropped, since Event::listen() does the same work. Or are there any differences between those two methods and I have an error in my code?

You may need to update your libraries using:
$ composer update
If that doesn't work, let us know what your composer.json file looks like - you might be using a beta version if the framework. It was updated very often before the first stable release.


Laravel - Non-static method should not be called statically

I have recently started using laravel for work and I boumped into many issues I cannot stil solve.
I have looked over many many topics and already anwered questions but none of those have helped me with my issue
So, I get this error trying to do 'php artisan serve'
"Non-static method Illuminate\Cache\RateLimiter::for() should not be called statically"
So I went up looking at the code, this is the RateLimiter.php code that gives me the error
protected function configureRateLimiting()
RateLimiter::for('api', function (Request $request) {
return Limit::perMinute(60)->by(optional($request->user())->id ?: $request->ip());
the error is at the 2nd line of this code, in the RateLimiter:: etc
I get those errors in the CMD
Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\HandleExceptions::handleError("Non-static method Illuminate\Cache\RateLimiter::for() should not be called statically", "myPathToTheProject/app/Providers/RouteServiceProvider.php", [])
the function is called like this
hoping you can help me, I will give more infos if are needed
I found out the problem. You need to import the facade, and when you auto-import, it tends to get the wrong package.
Look at the imports. If you find:
use Illuminate\Cache\RateLimiter;
You should replace with
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\RateLimiter;
Worked for me!

NS MediaFilePicker - Class constructor Observable cannot be invoked without 'new' and 'on' property does not exist on type

Using MediaFilePicker exactly as documented after fresh install I get JS Console Error:
Class constructor Observable cannot be invoked without 'new'
Tried to follow the instructions on this pagehttps://market.nativescript.org/plugins/nativescript-mediafilepicker/
But I get two errors:
first error:
The call is a simple button referring to onSelectImageTap
onSelectImageTap() {
let mediafilepicker = new Mediafilepicker();
mediafilepicker.on("getFiles", function (res) {
let results = res.object.get('results');
At line 1 of that call I get Class constructor Observable cannot be invoked without 'new' error?
Later, the .on() call in VS Code gives me an error indication saying that 'on' is not a function.
As far as I can see I do everything as per the instructions?
Any hints?
I had the same issue, this is how I resolved the issue:
I was using version ^3.x.x of MediaFilePicker with NS 8.x.x
Changing to version ^4.x.x on MediaFilePicker in package.json and doing npm install resolved the issue for me. PS: Replace the "x" with actual digits e.g. 4.0.2

Executing Artisan command with arguments

Currently i'm facing following problem:
I want to update my search index automatically after my database has been updated.
I've registered a saved() listener on my tables in AppServiceProvider:
\App\Customer::saved(function(\App\Customer $customer) {
// Update search index here
Inside the closure i try to call an Artisan command (scout:import) passing App\\Customer to the command. I've tried
Artisan::queue('scout:import', ['' => 'App\\\Customer']);
// Fails with message: Uninitialized string offset: 0
Artisan::queue('scout:import', ['model' => 'App\\\Customer']);
// Fails: Cannot redeclare class App\Customer
Artisan::queue('scout:import', ['App\\\Customer']);
// Fails: Not enough arguments (missing: "model")
I did'nt find information where to put the required arguments in the offical documentation.
I'm sure that it's dead simple (like everything in laravel) but i'm not able to get it done ...
The correct format is:
Artisan::queue('email:send', [
'user' => 1, '--queue' => 'default'
As per: https://laravel.com/docs/5.3/artisan#programmatically-executing-commands
I'd say your middle example is probably closest, and is executing the command with the correct parameters, but there is something else going on under the surface.
Just did a bit more digging, you need to refer to the signature of the Console command, which isn't actually apparent on the surface. In your case, you need to refer to this console command:
Note the signature is marked with {model}.
So your command would look like:
Artisan::queue('scout:import', ['model' => 'App\\\Customer']);
Another example using the controller make command, note that this time we using the signature segment {name}:
Artisan::call('make:controller', ['name'=>'FOOBAR']);
Again, there is probably an underlying issue here - you should try running the import command from the console/terminal directly to see if you get the same issue.
Try this:
\App\Customer::saved(function(\App\Customer $customer, $input) {
// Update search index here
Artisan::queue('scout:import {input}', ['App\\\Customer']);
You don't need to sync with algolia using an artisan call.
Refer to algolia documentation:
Algolia Laravel Doc
'Every time you modify a model, Laravel emits an event. Scout is listening for that event, informing your app to make an HTTP call to Algolia to update its index.
You don’t have anything else to do, use your searchable class the way you usually would do'

how to use fireAnbu in laravel 3?

I've installed the bundle fireAnbu in my local laravel 3 app, but I can't figure out how to use it! (feeling silly)
I've got 'fireanbu' => array('auto' => true), in bundles.php and 'profiler' => true, in fireanbu/config/fireanbu.php, and I've tried:
I've had a look in fireanbu/start.php for clues, but I'm guessing :(
The best clue I've had so far is:
Non-static method FirePHP::log() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context
I've looked at http://www.firephp.org/HQ/Use.htm and it looks like fireanbu is using the OO API..
What am I doing wrong / how should I call it within my controllers?
I also created a Laravel 4 version for this if anyone finds this thread looking for a L4 version (like I did, and in the absence of finding one created my own):
There no need to do anything. It would listen to event from Laravel's own Log class and attach it to FirePHP.
Log::info('foo'); would just work nicely.

Joomla >1.7 hide log messages from browser

I'm developing an extension for Joomla!; at the moment I'm trying to make it 3.0 compatible - as with 3.0 the logging changed a little (*). Building on the answer from this related question, my current code looks like this:
'text_file' => 'plg_system_myplg.log.php'
JLog::add('blah blah log msg');
The problem is that the log also goes to the messages which are shown to the user - this I want to prevent, I want the log msg only to go to the log file. I think it has to do with the "category" that JLog::add takes as a 3rd (optional) parameter, but I have no idea what to pass there?
Can anybody tell me how to hide the messages / or tell me if I'm on the right way with the categories and what value I should use?
(*) It actually changed already with 1.7 as far as I gathered so far, but the old method of calling addEntry on the return of JLog::getInstance(...) seems to have been removed from 2.5 to 3.0.
Edit: Think I found a way now; using:
'text_file' => 'plg_system_myplg.log.php',
JLog::add('blah blah log msg', JLog::INFO, 'myplg');
all my log entries go only into my log file (and not to the messages shown to the user). However, I also get a few deprecation warnings - one about my code, but also some unrelated ones:
WARNING deprecated JAccess::getActions is deprecated. Use JAccess::getActionsFromFile or JAcces::getActionsFromData instead.
WARNING deprecated JSubMenuHelper::getEntries() is deprecated. Use JHtmlSidebar::getEntries() instead.
WARNING deprecated JSubMenuHelper::getFilters() is deprecated. Use JHtmlSidebar::getFilters() instead.
WARNING deprecated JSubMenuHelper::getAction() is deprecated. Use JHtmlSidebar::getAction() instead.
Not sure what to make of those - why do they appear in my log file, shouldn't they go to the default error.log file instead of my file ?
This is what I am using, works for Joomla 1.5 - 3.2:
if(version_compare(JVERSION,'1.7.0','ge')) {
jimport('joomla.log.log'); // Include the log library (J1.7+)
$priorities = JLog::ALL ^ JLog::WARNING; // exclude warning (because of deprecated)
// In J3.0 we need to ensure that log messages only go to our file, thus use the categories (already supported in J2.5)
if(version_compare(JVERSION,'2.5.0','ge')) {
$logCategory = 'com_mycomponent';
JLog::addLogger(array('text_file' => $logFileName), $priorities, $logCategory);
JLog::add($msg, JLog::INFO, $logCategory);
JLog::addLogger(array('text_file' => $logFileName), $priorities);
JLog::add($msg, JLog::INFO);
} else {
// Joomla! 1.6 and 1.5
jimport('joomla.error.log'); // Include the log library
$log = &JLog::getInstance($logFileName);
$log->addEntry(array('comment' => $msg, 'level' => 'INFO'));
This shows the trick for gettring of the deprecated messages.
And yes, you have to include a category for your messages to ensure they are not showing up as system messages.
new JException('Something happened');
This will only add it to debug log but will not show anything.
It seems, that Joomla 3.0 has no default logger enabled. The same in Joomla 3.0.3. Nothing turns logging on by default - even Debug mode.
Finally I think I have solved my issue with unrelated log entries showing up.
A close look at the API documentation of the addLogger function revealed that the third parameter, $categories, is supposed to be an array of categories for which this log will be used.
This is in contradiction to the version of http://docs.joomla.org/Using_JLog that is current at the time of this writing, where a single category is given instead of an array.
Changing my call to addLogger to use an array, like this:
'text_file' => 'plg_system_myplg.log.php',
And keeping my fingers crossed that this will fix the issue!
Edit: unfortunately even this still doesn't solve my issue - still got unrelated entries :(.
I found the answer.. hope this script make you understand.. I already built as function . this code work on joomla 3. hope work in joomla 2
function logWrite($level, $values, $file='%s.php',$path='',$showOnTop=0,
jlog Joomla 3.4
created by:gundambison (2015.04.26).
THX: hbit#stackoverflow
//You can change this com_name
$component= $component==''? 'com_gundambison': $component;
$date= date("Ymd");
$filename= sprintf($file, $date);
$format= $option=='' ?"{TIME}\t{CLIENTIP}\t{CATEGORY}\t{MESSAGE}": $option;
// create options and text
$txt = is_array($values)? json_encode($values): $values;
$options = array('text_file' => $filename,'text_entry_format'=>$format );
$options['text_file_path']=$path==''?'logs': $path;
JLog::addLogger ($options);
if you want the error to show in your page. just see the different
