change any rule in codeigniter to match function - codeigniter

I have set up my routes.php to suit the nature of my site. Unfortunately, there is a problem with my last route i.e.:
$route['(:any)'] = "profile/profile_guest/$1";
If the username password name passed is correct, for e.g., it will load his/her data. if not, it loads the page with errors (because failure to retrieve data with non-existent user in database). This is my problem! I want to avoid this error showing.
Is there anyway I could avoid this error from happening? None of the echoes seems to be printing or the redirect neither is working. Don't know why! it is as if the code inside this method is not executing and the view is loaded instead. below is part of the profile_guest function:
public function profile_guest($username)
$username = $this->uri->segment(1);
//echo "Hello " . $username;
redirect('main', 'refresh');
if($username != '')
/* echo "<h1>HELLO WORLD SOMETHING</h1>"; */

It's hard to say without seeing the rest of the code.
Maybe you need to check the value before running the query:
// user_model
function get_user($username = NULL){
return $this->db->query(...
return false;
Then check that the query returned anything before loading the view
//show the page
echo "no user found";


CodeIgniter, set_flashdata not working after redirect

set_flashdata is not working directly after redirect with only one redirect.
I am using one controller in this process - Profilers' Controller. It handles the member confirmation process and also displays the login page on the redirect. The process is as follows:
this session set_flashdata ('topic', 'newmember')
redirect ('login')
route ['login'] = 'profilers/signIn'
topic = $this session flashdata ('topic')
I have turned off all database session configuration for cleaner debugging and even though session library is turned on in configs, I have started calling it anyways which doesn't seem to work either.
Here is my code. As you can see, I am sending path info to a log file path.log:
in controller Profilers, function confirmMember:
public function confirmMember()
$this->form_validation->set_rules('handle', 'Unique Member Name', 'trim|xss_clean|required|min_length[5]|max_length[30]');
$this->form_validation->set_rules('confirmation', 'Confirmation Code', 'trim|xss_clean|required|min_length[20]|max_length[20]|alpha_numeric');
if ($this->form_validation->run() === FALSE) {echo "here";exit;
} else {
$post = $this->input->post(NULL,TRUE);
$data['member'] = $this->Signing_model->model_confirmMember($post);
if ($data['member']['confirmed']!==FALSE) {
error_log("member confirmation not false\n",3, LOG_DIR.'path.log');
$this->session->set_flashdata('topic', 'newmember');
// $this->session->keep_flashdata('topic');
} else {
error_log("member confirmation IS FALSE\n",3, LOG_DIR.'path.log');
My log file shows that the path is using the correct path and showing "member confirmation not false".
I have tried with keep_flash data on (which I assumed wouldn't work since there are no other redirects) and off.
I have also tried redirect without 'refresh'.
In config/routes.php:
<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
$route['join'] = 'profilers/joinUp';
$route['login'] = 'profilers/signIn';
Login page uses Profilers Controller, signIn function as show above:
public function signIn()
$topic = $this->session->flashdata('topic');
if (isset($topic)) {
$message = "topic is set. topic = ".$topic."\n";
if ($topic!==FALSE) {
error_log("flash var topic is not false\n", 3, LOG_DIR.'path.log');
} else {
error_log("flash var topic is FALSE\n", 3, LOG_DIR.'path.log');
} else {
$message = "topic is NOT set\n";
log file is showing that topic is set but is false.
"flash var topic is FALSE"
"topic is set. topic = "
Of course topic var not set since it is FALSE.
As you can see, I have moved the get flash data function to the beginning of my controller function to bypass anything that may be corrupting data.
You may need to start the session again after you have destroyed it.
Try adding this after your call to sess_destory():
Alternatively you could avoid destroying the session, and unset() the values you wish to get rid of.

displaying page with value with error message in codeigniter

Hi guys I make my code simplier just to display the error message but still now showing.
public function check_profile_ifexist($id)
$this->form_validation->set_rules('username','Username','trim|min_length[6]|max_length[20]|is_unique[user_details.username]|xss_clean'); $this->form_validation->set_message('is_unique',"That %s already exists!");
$this->form_validation->set_message('max_length', 'the maximum characters for %s is 20');
$this->form_validation->set_message('min_length', 'the minimum characters for %s is 6');
if ($this->form_validation->run())
Instead of echoing out all of your errors just store them all to a property:
First initiate an empty property so you know it exists - you could do this at the beginning of check_profile_ifexist() method:
$this->profile_errors = '';
Then within your check_profile_ifexist() method just add the errors to the property as you go rather than echoing them e.g.
if (MD5($username)==$pass){
echo "username cannot be the same as password";
if (MD5($username)==$pass){
$this->profile_errors .= "username cannot be the same as password\n";
This property will then be available to all your methods so you could add it to your data array in view_profile() like so:
$data['errors'] = $this->profile_errors;
$data['errors'] = '';
and the errors are available in your view as $errors, so you could echo $errors; to print out all of the errors.
NOTE Obviously you will have to make sure that the property always exists or check for its existence to avoid errors of your own. I have also added newlines to your errors so that they will look a bit neater when printed out in bulk if more than one.
SECOND NOTE You seem to have a lot of stuff I would put in a model in this code, which I presume is a controller. You should probably keep all your db stuff in models or the MVC police will come for you.

Magento returning incorrect customer data on frontend pages

isn't this the right method to get Name of logged in customer?
<?php echo Mage::helper('customer')->getCustomer()->getName(); ?>
I have a website with live chat functionality. Yesterday I have been asked to pass email address and the name of the logged into the user into the Javascript Tracking variable code placed in the head section of the website. So that the operators could see who is on the website and whom are they talking to without any need to ask about their information.
So I passed the information from Magento into the Javascript code but now I see this very strange thing happening. For example,
If I am logged in with credentials Name = John Email =
Then This name and email variable values are changing with the change of pages. For example if I click on any product page the variable values which I am passing changes to some other user's information.
Name becomes Ricky Email becomes
this variable values are kept on changing back to john and from john to something else with the change of pages. So operator does not have any idea whom are they talking because the values are kept on changing. Also, user ricky or who ever it changes to also exist in the database. so it is picking up random person from the database.
This is what i did to pass the code to javascript. Please let me know if that is not the right code to pass the information. Please check the php code I am using to fetch information from Magento. Roughly, I receive incorrect value once in 5 times. Please provide some assistance. Thanks in advance.
$customer = Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->getCustomer();
$email = $customer->getEmail();
$firstname = $customer->getFirstname();
$lastname= $customer->getLastname();
$name = $firstname . ' ' . $lastname;
<script type="text/javascript">
if (typeof(lpMTagConfig) == "undefined"){ lpMTagConfig = {};}
if (typeof(lpMTagConfig.visitorVar) == "undefined"){ lpMTagConfig.visitorVar = [];}
lpMTagConfig.visitorVar[lpMTagConfig.visitorVar.length] = 'Email=<?php echo $email; ?>';
lpMTagConfig.visitorVar[lpMTagConfig.visitorVar.length] = 'Name=<?php echo $name; ?>';
I'm also attaching a snap shot
I'd be interested to hear how you're adding this code to the page? Is it in it's own block, or are you adding it to footer.phtml, or similar? If your adding to an existing block be sure to check the block caching settings of that template.
To confirm the caching hypothesis I'd ask the following:
Do you get the same name, all the time, on the same page? When you refresh the page, do you get the same name and email in the Javascript?
Does the problem persist with caching disabled?
This doesn't sound like a singleton problem at all. Each execution of the PHP script is isolated from the others, serving one page request. There's no chance of another customer's object moving between invokations of the script.
It is a matter of understanding the singleton pattern. If you call your code twice:
$customer_1 = Mage::helper('customer')->getCustomer()->getName();
$customer_2 = Mage::helper('customer')->getCustomer()->getName();
you get two different instances of the object. But... if one of them has already implemented a singleton pattern in its constructor or has implemented a singleton getInstance then both objects will actually point to the same thing.
Looking at the customer/helper/Data.php code you can see the function
public function getCustomer()
if (empty($this->_customer)) {
$this->_customer = Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->getCustomer();
return $this->_customer;
That means that in one of the cases singleton is already implemented/called and in other one - not as the property is already set.
The correct way to work with quote/customer/cart in order to get always the correct data is always to use the singleton pattern.
So using this:
$customer = Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->getCustomer();
always guarantee that you get the correct customer in that session. And as may be you know singleton pattern is based on registry pattern in app/Mage.php:
public static function getSingleton($modelClass='', array $arguments=array())
$registryKey = '_singleton/'.$modelClass;
if (!self::registry($registryKey)) {
self::register($registryKey, self::getModel($modelClass, $arguments));
return self::registry($registryKey);
and looking at app/Mage.php:
public static function register($key, $value, $graceful = false)
if (isset(self::$_registry[$key])) {
if ($graceful) {
self::throwException('Mage registry key "'.$key.'" already exists');
self::$_registry[$key] = $value;
public static function registry($key)
if (isset(self::$_registry[$key])) {
return self::$_registry[$key];
return null;
you can see that Magento checks is it is already set. If so, Magento will either throw an Exception, which is the default behavior or return null.
Hope this will help you to understand the issue you face.
I have sorted this out. I have moved the code from footer.phtml to head.phtml and it's working fine now.Values are not changing anymore. If anyone know the logic behind please post and I will change my answer. So far this is working.

Redirect to show_404 in Codeigniter from a partial view

I am using the HMVC pattern in CodeIgniter. I have a controller that loads 2 modules via modules::run() function and a parameter is passed to each module.
If either module cannot match the passed paramter I want to call show_404(). It works, but it loads the full HTML of the error page within my existing template so the HTML breaks and looks terrible. I think I want it to redirect to the error page so it doesn't run the 2nd module. Is there some way to do that and not change the URL?
Is it possible to just redirect to show_404() from the module without changing the URL?
Here is an over simplified example of what's going on:
The url calls this function in the users controller:
function profile($username)
echo modules::run('user/details', $username);
echo modules::run('user/friends', $username);
Which run these modules, which find out if user exists or not:
function details($username)
$details = lookup_user($username);
if($details == 'User Not Found')
show_404(); // This seems to display within the template when what I want is for it to redirect
$this->load->view('details', $details);
function friends($username)
$details = lookup_user($username);
if($friends == 'User Not Found')
show_404(); // Redundant, I know, just added for this example
$this->load->view('friends', $friends);
I imagine there is just a better way to go at it, but I am not seeing it. Any ideas?
You could throw an exception if there was an error in a submodule and catch this in your controller where you would do show_404() then.
function profile($username)
$out = modules::run('user/details', $username);
$out .= modules::run('user/friends', $username);
echo $out;
catch(Exception $e){
function details($username)
$details = lookup_user($username);
if($details == 'User Not Found')
throw new Exception();
// Added third parameter as true to be able to return the data, instead of outputting it directly.
return $this->load->view('details', $details,true);
function friends($username)
$details = lookup_user($username);
if($friends == 'User Not Found')
throw new Exception();
return $this->load->view('friends', $friends,true);
You can use this function to redirect 404 not found page.
if ( ! file_exists('application/search/'.$page.'.php')) {
show_404(); // redirect to 404 page
its very simple , i solved the problem
please controler name's first letter must be capital e.g
A controller with
pages should be Pages
and also save cotroler file with same name Pages.php not pages.php
also same for model class

CodeIgniter flashdata

I'm running into a problem I just can't seem to fix. I'm working on kind of a CMS kind of thing. And one of the functions is making image slideshows.
In one controller, I check if a slideshow with a certain ID exists, and if it exists, it should take the data and work with it, otherwise, set an error message (CodeIgniter flashdata) and redirect to the homepage.
The code I use for this is the following:
if($this->Mslideshow->slideshowExists($showid) === FALSE){
echo 'I\'m getting here';
echo 'Slideshow exists';
And the code of the slideshowExists() function is:
public function slideshowExists($showid)
$query = $this->db->get('slideshows');
if($query->num_rows() < 1){
return FALSE;
$this->currentquery = $query;
return TRUE;
And the problem is this, very strange actually. If the result I get back is FALSE, everything goes as planned. Error message gets set and redirect goes to 'admin/index'.
But if what I get back is TRUE, then the stange thing happens. I do get an echo with 'Slideshow exists', but I also get the error message.
I've tried everything, deleted cookies. Reset all sessions etc.
And even stranger is that when I tried to put the $showid I use to check into the error message, all of a sudden $showid is ' img '. While everywhere else is '1' or '2'...
Hope someone can help. Thanks!
I tried to edit the code and simplify it. Right now I have this code in my Controller:
public function slideshow($showid){
$query = $this->db->where('id',$showid)->get('slideshows');
if($query->num_rows() < 1){
$this->session->set_flashdata('error','Slideshow doesn\'t exist.');
$data['page'] = 'slideshow';
$data['title'] = 'Slideshows';
When I run this with a $showid, that doesn't exist, I get the error message after being redirected to 'admin/index'. When I use a $showid that does exist, I do get the error, but no redirect but just the rest of the code.
I think you have to read your flash data in your view:
$error = $this->session->flashdata('error');
or in your Controller:
$error = $this->session->flashdata('error');
if(isset($error)) {
Also you can read this question: CodeIgniter "flashdata" doesn't work
you can get the flash data by following way
$error = $this->session->flashdata('error');
echo $error;
You can try
if($this->session->flashdata('msg') != "")
This works for me.
