What indexes are created when indexing a document in elasticsearch - elasticsearch

If I create a first document of it's type, or put a mapping, is an index created for each field?
Obviously if i set "index" to "analyzed" or "not analyzed" the field is indexed.
Is there a way to store a field so it can be retrieved but never searched by? I imagine this will save a lot of space? If I set this to "no" will this save space?
Will I still be able to search by this, just take more time, or will this be totally unsearchable?
Is there a way to make a field indexed after some documents are inserted and I change my mind?
For example, I might have a mapping:
"title":{"type":"string", "index":"not_analyzed"},
so I want to be able to search by title, but also retrieve the shelf the book is on

index:no will indeed not create an index for that field, so that saves some space. Once you've done that you can't search for that particular field anymore.
Perhaps also useful in this context is to know aboutthe _source field, which is returned by default and includes all fields you've stored. http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/mapping/source-field/
As to your second question:
you can't change your mind halfway. When you want to index a particular field later on you have to reindex the documents.
That's why you may want to reconsider setting index:no, etc. In fact a good strategy to begin is to don't define a schema for fields at all, unless you're 100% sure you need a non-default analyzer for a particular field for instance. Otherwise ES will use generally usable defaults.


Best way to add data elastic search

I am posting data so I can search it later in elastic search.
I am posting it like this:
POST https://localhost:9200/superheroes/_doc/27
"name": "Flash",
"super_power": "Super Speed"
This is automatically stored on a _source object... but I read the _source field itself is not indexed (and thus is not searchable) online, and the entire purpose of this application is quick search by value... like if I wanna know which superheroes have super speed and I write super speed on the search bar.
you are right about the _source field, but if you don't define the mapping for your fields, Elasticsearch generates the default mapping with default param for these fields . You can read more about the mapping param and in your case, if you want field to be searchable it needs to be the part of the inverted index and this is controlled by the index param.
You can override the value of these params by defining your own mapping(recommended otherwise Elasticsearch will guess the field type based on the first data you index in a field).
Hope this helps and clears your doubt, in short if you are not defining your mapping, your text data is searchable by default.

analyzed field vs doc_values: true field

We have an elasticsearch that contains over half a billion documents that each have a url field that stores a URL.
The url field mapping currently has the settings:
index: not_analyzed
doc_values: true
We want our users to be able to search URLs, or portions of URLs without having to use wildcards.
For example, taking the URL with path: /part1/user#site/part2/part3.ext
They should be able to bring back a matching document by searching:
The way I see it, we have two options:
Implement an analysed version of this field (which can no longer have doc_values: true) and do match querying instead of wildcards. This would also require using a custom analyser to leverage the pattern tokeniser to make the extracted terms correct (the standard tokeniser would split user#site into user and site).
Go through our database and for each document create a new field that is a list of URL parts. This field could have doc_values: true still so would be stored off-heap, and we could do term querying on exact field values instead of wildcards.
My question is this:
Which is better for performance: having a list of variable lengths that has doc_values on, or having an analysed field? (ie: option 1 or option 2) OR is there an option 3 that would be even better yet?!
Thanks for your help!
Your question is about a field where you need doc_values but can not index with keyword-analyzer.
You did not mention why you need doc_values. But you did mention that you currently not search in this field.
So I guess that the name of the search-field do not have to be the same: you can copy the field value in an other field which is only for search ( "store": false ). For this new field you can use the pattern-analyzer or pattern-tokenizer for your use case.
It seems that no-one has actually performance tested the two options, so I did.
I took a sample of 10 million documents and created two new indices:
An index with an analysed field that was setup as suggested in the other answer.
An index with a string field that would store all permutations of URL segmentation.
I ran an enrichment process over the second index to populate the fields. The field values on the first index were created when I re-indexed the sample data from my main index.
Then I created a set of gatling tests to run against the indices and compared the gatling results and netdata (https://github.com/firehol/netdata) landscape for each.
The results were as follows:
Regarding the netadata landscape: The analysed field showed a spike - although only a small one - on all elastic nodes. The not_analysed list field tests didn't even register.
It is worth mentioning that enriching the list field with URL segmentation permutations bloated the index by about 80% in our case. So there's a trade off - you never need to do wildcard searches for exact sub-segment matching on URLs, but you'll need a lot more disk to do it.
Don't do this. Go for doc_values. Doing anything with analyzed strings that have a massive number of possible terms will mean massive field data that will, eventually, never fit in the amount of memory you can allocate it.

Only index certain fields from Wikipedia River

I'm trying to use the Wikipedia River
Is there a way / How can I customize the mapping so that ElasticSearch only index the title fields (I'd still like to access the whole text)?
The mapping is useful more to decide how you index data rather than what you index, unless you set it to dynamic: false which means that elasticsearch effectively accepts only the fields that are explicitly declared in the mapping.
The problem is that the wikipedia river always sends a set of fields for every document and this behaviour is not currently configurable, thus there's no way to index only a subset of those fields (e.g. only title and _source). What you could do is modify your search request so that you get back only the fields that you are interested in, but the content of the index will stay the same.

Is there a need for a boolean field index in elasticsearch

I am trying to optimize my elasticsearch.
I have several boolean fields, which I use queries with.
I could dispense with them, but that would give my client side a hard time.
My question is whether or not setting those fields to "index":"yes" will actually have a significant negative effect on my index's performance, such as indexing time and size (other than the obvious "store" space it would take)?
Does a boolean indexed field really take up more space? It seems it shouldn't. Moreover, I don't see any benefit in creating such an index for any DB, not only elasticsearch.
But, I have to specify "index":"yes" to be able to filter by it, right?
If you want to search against a field you have to index it. By default a boolean field is indexed, and will take a small amount of space to do so. There will be a list of docs where "myfield": true and "myfield": false.
If you didn't want to maintain this index, then when you wanted to find docs where "myfield": true you would have to through every doc to check the field.
If you don't want to search/filter with that field, by all means set "index": "no", just be warned you will need to re-index everything if you change your mind about this field in the future!
Have a look at the elasticsearch docs on mappings; the core types section, scroll down to the boolean type.

ElasticSearch: mappings for fields that are sorted often

Suppose I have a field "epoch_date" that will be sorted often when I do Elastic Search queries. How should I map this field? Right now, I just have stored: yes. Should I index it even though this field will not count towards the relevancy scoring? What should I add to this field if I intend to sort on this field often, so it will be more efficient?
"tweet" : {
"properties" : {
"epoch_date" : {
"type" : "integer",
"store" : "yes"
There's nothing you need to change to sort on the field given your mapping. You can only sort on a field if it's indexed, and the default is "index":"yes" for numeric or dates. You can not set a numeric type to analyzed, since there's no text to analyze. Also, better to use the date type for a date instead of the integer.
Sorting can be memory expensive if your field you are sorting on has a lot of unique terms. Just make sure you have enough memory for it. Also, keep in mind that sorting on a specific field you throw away the relevance ranking, which is a big part of what a search engine is all about.
Whether you want to store the field too doesn't have anything to do with sorting, but just with the way you retrieve it in order to return it together with your search results. If you use the _source field (default behaviour) there's no reason to store specific fields. If you ask for specific fields using the fields option when querying, then the stored fields would be retrieved directly from lucene rather than extracted from the _source field parsing the json.
An index is used for efficient sorting. So YES, you want to create an index for the field.
As to needing it to be "more efficient", I'd kindly advise you to first check your results and see if they're fast enough. I don't see a reason beforehand (with the limited info you provided) to think it wouldn't be efficient.
If you intend to filter on the field as well (date-ranges?) be sure to use filters instead of queries whenever you feel the filters used will be used often. This because filters can be efficiently cached.
