Intellij navigate through multiple maven projects - maven

So I have a file structure that looks like this:
TheAppIWorkOn uses jars from app1, 2, and 3 which are maven dependencies so when I need to edit something in app1, 2, or 3 it's a painful process. If I use the "jump to declaration" functionality it just shows me the locked jar. Is it possible to set it up so that when I "Jump to declaration" it take me to the actual code that I can make edits on?

If you would have a maven reactor build it would have made all the module setup for you. Now you only have dependencies to jar files and IntelliJ cannot know that you have the modules to depend on. But you can help IntelliJ by pointing out the module dependencies and after that you will be able to navigate between all the classes in the project.
The best way would be to create a pom.xml in the root directory of the project. This pom would keep together the different modules and also define the build order. When you want to open the project for the first time you just point IntelliJ to this pom file and all the dependencies would be resolved and setup so the navigation between classes in the different modules is a breeze.
Sample pom file for the root directory:
<project xmlns=""
If you cannot do this for some reason then you'll have to inform IntelliJ about the module dependencies. You do this by opening up the Project Structure.
Then select the module TheAppIWorkOn and press the plus sign in the bottom and choose Module Dependency....
And there you can select all modules that you want to have as dependency.
Press Ok and then Ok again.
Now you will be able to navigate between the different classes in the project.
If app1, app2 and app3 also have dependencies between each other then you will have to do the same for them.
But the simplest way is definitely to have a pom file in the root project directory with all inter module dependencies there.


Call hierachy of properties in pom.xml

I have a maven project with multiple nested projects. All of them do always have the same version. Untill now, if I want to increase the version, I went through all pom.xml files and changed the version number.
Now, I wanted to outsource the version to the properties tag of the parent pom.xml file. It works, for all nested projects, but not for the parent pom itself.
In which order are the attributes in the pom.xml called? I can not reference
the project version in the parent pom.xml file.
The code snippet shows the parent pom.xml
<project xmlns=""
I expect the pom to take the version number defined in the properties. But it failes building with the error invalid reference format
I expect the pom to take the version number defined in the properties.
But it failes building with the error invalid reference format
By running a maven goal from the parent project, maven first binds the artifact/group/version in the current build process, so it uses the version defined here :
I can not reference the project version in the parent pom.xml file.
In this case, you could "cheat" by creating an aggregator/multimodule project that defines a not used/fake version (1.0-NOT-USED for example) that has as unique module the parent pom. When you build the aggregator/multimodule project, you can now pass as parameter the version to use in the parent project and all its modules.
As a side note, to use a central version for a set of projects, you should use the flatten maven plugin that relieves you from the hell version management.

How to access files from module using maven without searching it in local .m2 repository & central maven repository?

I have two projects. Project A & B. Project B is dependent on project A.
To run project B, I have to add project A's depedency in project B's pom.xml.
If I change something from Project A. I have to do mvn install again to update local repository with latest code of project A. Then I can run Project B.
Can I access Project A's changed code in project B without doing mvn install?
No. You can't access the updated code. That is because, when you build a maven application, it will get all the dependencies from your .m2 repository. If it does not find the dependency there, then it will search your remote repository.
In your case, when you update A's code and don't build it, then the updated artifact will not be be available in your .m2 repository. Now if you build Project B, then it will try to fetch project A artiufact from .m2 repository. Since you did not build A after modifying the code, B will fetch the artifact that is currently there in the .m2 folder i.e. the artifact with the old code.
Another approach that you can use is to have a parent pom. This is just an aggregator pom which will execute the pom.xml for both of your modules. For eg:
<project xmlns=""
Please be aware that the packaging for this should be pom.

Intellij - Add project as dependency to another project

I am trying to make my project work on intellij (it works with eclipse). I have a project with this in my pom:
<project xmlns=""
<description>Socle Commun FitnetManager / SyrhaLogic</description>
Now i have another project which needs to be linked to this one, so I had:
The problem is that on Intellij, the version is not accepted for some reason, I don't know why, it tells me that the version 6.0.2-Final is not found for the artifact fitnet-common
To confirm - you are actually running mvn clean install (or similar) on the first project before trying to resolve the dependency in the second project?
If you are, it sounds like you're installing the project using one Maven repo location, and then in the other project it is looking in a completely different location. Are your .m2 location settings identical for both projects?
Is it because you're specifying the first project as a war packaging, but in the dependency declaration you are looking for a jar? They would essentially be two different artefacts:
.war - com.fitnetapplication:fitnet-common:6.0.2-Final:war
.jar - com.fitnetapplication:fitnet-common:6.0.2-Final:jar
Check in your .m2/com/fitnetapplication/fitnet-common/6.0.2-Final to see what you have there, likely it is just the war file.

In a multi-module build, why does a child module need to be told where to find the parent POM?

Consider the following scenario of a flat multi-module layout:
| parent-pom
| - pom.xml
| module1
| - pom.xml
Where parent-pom/pom.xml is the parent POM of all modules:
Now, the pom.xml of module1 contains the following parent section:
I'm starting with a clean local repository; none of the artifacts is pre-built, everything done from scratch. Trying to execute mvn install on parent-pom will result in an error, because the Maven reactor will look for my-group:base-pom in the local repository, fail (because it's not there) and then look for ../pom.xml.
Fine. My question is this: if the build of module1 is invoked through the build of parent-pom, why does Maven even have to look for the parent's pom.xml anywhere? when Maven comes to build module1, it already knows the following things:
The physical location, of the file system, of my-group:parent-pom:1.0.0.
The fact that module1 is rooted in my-group:parent-pom:1.0.0.
Why look elsewhere?
The Introduction to the POM:Project Inheritance:Example 2 told us as the following: -
The Scenario
However, that would work if the parent project was already installed in our local repository or was in that specific directory structure (parent pom.xml is one directory higher than that of the module's pom.xml).
But what if the parent is not yet installed and if the directory structure is
|-- my-module
| `-- pom.xml
`-- parent
`-- pom.xml
The Solution
To address this directory structure (or any other directory structure), we would have to add the <relativePath> element to our parent section.
As the name suggests, it's the relative path from the module's pom.xml to the parent's pom.xml.
The getRelativePath told us as the following
Get the relative path of the parent pom.xml file within the check out. The default value is ../pom.xml. Maven looks for the parent pom first in the reactor of currently building projects, then in this location on the filesystem, then the local repository, and lastly in the remote repo. relativePath allows you to select a different location, for example when your structure is flat, or deeper without an intermediate parent pom. However, the group ID, artifact ID and version are still required, and must match the file in the location given or it will revert to the repository for the POM. This feature is only for enhancing the development in a local checkout of that project.
I hope this may help.

Why Maven is looking for .pom file when .jar is present in the repository?

I have the following dependency in my pom.xml
I also have the anArtifact-aVersion.jar file in ~/.m2/repository/aGroup/anArtifact/aVersion directory.
When I start building the project, maven looks for a .pom file instead of using the .jar file and attempts to download the following
How can I configure maven to use the existing .jar file?
Every jar needs to have a pom file describing it, you can just add something simple like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<name>a Name</name>
Run your build using the "-o" switch to use Maven in offline mode. In offline mode, Maven will not check for updates of snapshot dependencies in remote repositories.
the best way to install an artifact to the local repository which were not built by Maven ist to use
mvn install:install-file ...
have a look at the install:install goal.
POM that is installed to nexus will describe the jar. Used to pull the dependencies that are associated to corresponding jar. When we add the jar as dependency to our project, all the jars required for the included jar will be identified through the corresponding pom.
It is looking for the pom to, among other things, resolve the transitive dependencies.
