Good morning. My friend gave me an interesting graph problem which goes as below.
Given a simple graph in which two cycles share at most one vertex, how to label edges with non negative real number such that for each vertex, sum of the labels of the edges incident on it is not more than a given constant(lets say K) and sum of labels on all edges of the graph is maximum. Thanks for your help in advance.
Ugh, this is using a sledgehammer to kill a fly, but here goes.
The class of input graphs is the class of graphs that forbid this minor:
* | *
Since the forbidden minor is planar, the class has bounded treewidth, and we can extract a suitable tree decomposition in linear time. The general fractional matching polytope is half-integral, so there exists an optimal solution with edge labels in {0, 1/2, 1}. We can use dynamic programming on the tree decomposition to find an optimal solution in linear time.
For an undirected graph G if possible I want to convert G to a directed graph such that in the directed graph each vertex must have an indegree of at least 2.
I worked out that for it to be possible the amount of edges will need be at least 2|V| therefore will only be possible from at least 5 vertexs.
I also worked out that each vertex will be in a cycle with at least two other vertex,
but I tried using a modification of N/F but can't seem to think of an algorithm that can actually do the conversion (if possible).
Any help / guidance will be appreciated
Given an undirected, unweighted graph with n vertices and m edges, you can decide whether an orientation with minimum indegree at least 2 exists (and find it, if so) in O(m^3) time. If there are no vertices of degree 3, you can sometimes do this fairly simply in O(m) time.
If v is a vertex of degree 1, the task is impossible. If v has degree 2, both its edges must be out-edges, so we can delete 'v' from our graph for now. We do this operation repeatedly based on the new degrees; it's possible that we end up with new degree-3 vertices, but we can now assume all vertices have degree >= 3.
If all vertices are degree 4 or greater, the orientation must exist, and you can use a standard Eulerian circuit algorithm (available in many standard graph libraries) as described in this post. You may need to modify the graph first: Eulerian circuits only exist if all vertex degrees are even. There are always an even number of odd degree vertices: match them up in pairs in any way, adding an edge for each pair. Orienting the edges on the original graph based on the circuit gives a solution for your problem.
For graphs with degree-3 vertices, you can combine a standard algorithm with a nonstandard one. The standard algorithm is maximum-cardinality matching for general graphs, usually the 'Blossom algorithm', which can be found in standard graph libraries. The non-standard (i.e., probably not found in your graph library) algorithm is found in the paper On finding orientations with the fewest number of vertices with small out-degree, which reduces the problem of 'Find an orientation with the fewest outdegree-less-than-2 vertices' to the problem of finding a maximum matching in a graph with O(m) vertices. The algorithm is quite short, and simpler since our graph has minimum degree 3. This solves your problem for fewest-indegrees-less-than-2 after you flip all edge directions.
Suppose you have been given a simple undirected graph and the graph has a max degree of d. You are given d + 1 colors, represented by numbers starting from 0 to d and you want to return a valid placement of colors such that no two adjacent vertices share the same color. And as the title suggests, the graph is given in adjacency list representation. The algorithm should run in O(V+E) time.
I think the correct way to approach this is by using a greedy coloring algorithm. However, this may sound stupid but I am stuck on the part where I try to find the first available color that hasn't been used by its neighbors for each vertex. I don't really know how I can do it so that it runs in O(number of neighbors) time for each vertex that helps to fit under time complexity requirements.
specific question here. Suppose you have a graph where each vertice specifies how many connections they must have to another vertices and the following rules/properties apply:
1- The graph can be incomplete (no need to every vertice to have a connection with every other)
2- There can be two connections between two vertices only if they are in opposite directions (e.g: A points do B, B points to A).
3- Suppose they are on a 2D plane, there can be no crossing of connections (not even tangents).
4- Theres no interest for the shortest path, just respecting the properties and knowing if the solution is unique or not.
5- There can be no possible solution
EDIT: Alright guys sorry for not being specific. I'll try to clarify my point here: what I want to do is given a number of vertices, know if a graph is connected (if all the points have at least a connection to the graph). The vertices given can be impossible to make a graph of it so I want to know if there's is a solution, if the solution is unique or not or (worst case scenario) if there is no possible solution. I think that clarifies point 4 and 5. The graph is undirected, the connections can Not curve, only straight lines.The Nodes (vertices) are fixed, we have their position from or W/E input. I wanted to know the best approach and I've been researching and it is a connectivity problem, though maybe some specific alg may be more efficient doing this task. That's all, sorry for late reply
EDIT2: Alright guys would the problem be different if we think that each vertice is on a row and column of a plane matrix and they can only connect with other Vertices on the same column or row? So it would be just 90/180/270/360 straight connections. This would hugely shorten the possibilities right?
I am going to assume that the question is: Given the degree of each vertex, work out a graph that passes all the constraints given.
I think you can reduce this to a very large integer programming problem - linear constraints, but with the variables required to be integers (in fact either 0 or 1), which makes the problem much more difficult than ordinary linear programming.
Let the unknowns be of the form Xij, where Xij is 1 if there is an edge from node i to node j, and 0 otherwise. The requirements on the number of connections then amount to requirements of the form SUM_{all i}Xij = K for some K dependent on the requirement. The requirement that the graph is planar reduces to the requirement that the graph not contain two known graphs as subgraphs - Each possible subgraph then produces a constraint such as X01 + X02 + ... < 5 - there will be a huge number of these constraints - so large that for large number of nodes simply producing all the constraints may be too expensive to be practical, let alone solving them. The number of constraints goes up as at least the 6th power of the number of nodes. However this is polynomial, so theoretically practical to write down the MIP to be solved - so perhaps this is better than no algorithm at all.
Assuming that you are asking us to:
Find out if it is possible to generate one-or-more directed planar graphs such that each vertex has a given out-degree (not necessarily the same out-degree per vertex).
Let's also assume that you want the graph to be connected.
If there are n vertices and the vertices have degrees d_1 ... d_n then for vertex i there are C(n-1,d_i) = (n-1)!/((d_i)!*(n-1-d_i)!) possible combinations of out-edges from that vertex. Taking the product of all these combinations over all the vertices will give you the upper bound on the number of possible graphs.
The naive approach is:
Generate all possible graphs.
Filter the graphs to only have connected graphs.
Run a planarity test on the graph to determine if it is planar (you can consider the graph to be undirected in this step); discard if it isn't.
Given N points in a map of edges Map<Point, List<Edge>>, it's possible to get the polygons formed by these edges in O(N log N)?
What I know is that you have to walk all the vertices and get the edges containing that vertex as a starting point. These are edges of a voronoi diagram, and each vertex has, at most, 3 artists containing it. So, in the map, the key is a vertex, and the value is a list where the vertex is the start node.
For example:
Points: a,b,c,d,e,f,g
Edges: [a,b]; [a,c]; [a,d], [b,c], [d,e], [e,g], [g,f]
My idea is to iterate the map counterclockwise until I get the initial vertex. That is a polygon, then I put it in a list of polygons and keep looking for others. The problem is I do not want to overcome the complexity O(N log N)
You can loop through the edges and compute the distance from midpoint of the edge to all sites. Then sort the distances in ascending order and for inner voronoi polygons pick the first and the second. For outer polygons pick the first. Basically an edge separate/divide 2 polygons.
It's something O(m log n).
If I did find a polynomial solution to this problem I would not post it here because I am fairly certain this is at least NP-Hard. I think your best bet is to do a DFS. You might find this link useful Finding all cycles in undirected graphs.
You might be able to use the below solution if you can formulate your graph as a directed graph. There are 2^E directed graphs (because each edge can be represented in 2 directions). You could pick a random directed graph and use the below solution to find all of the cycles in this graph. You could do this multiple times for different random directed graphs keeping track of all the cycles and until you've reached a satisfactory error bounds.
You can efficiently create a directed graph with a little bit of state (Maybe store a + or - with an edge to note the direction?) And once you do this in O(n) the first time you can randomly flip x << E directions to get a new graph in what will essentially be constant time.
Since you can create subsequent directed graphs in constant time you need to choose the number of times to run the cycle finding algorithm to have it still be polynomial and efficient.
UPDATE - The below only works for directed graphs
Off the top of my head it seems like it's a better idea to think of this as a graph problem. Your map of vertices to edges is a graph representation. Your problem reduces to finding all of the loops in the graph because each cycle will be a polygon. I think "Tarjan's strongly connected components algorithm" will be of use here as it can do this in O(v+e).
You can find more information on the algorithm here
I have a grid based graph, where nodes and edges occupy cells. Edges can cross, but cannot travel on top of each other in the same direction.
Lets say I want to optimize the graph so that the distance covered by edges is minimized.
I am currently using A* search for each connection, but the algorithm is greedy and does not plan ahead. Consider the diagram below, where the order in which connections are made is changed (note also that there can be multiple shortest paths for any given edge, see green and
purple connections).
My intuition says this is NP-Complete and that an exhaustive search is necessary, which will be extremely expensive as the size of the graph grows. However, I have no way of showing this, and it is not quite the same as other graph embedding problems which usually concern minimization of crossing.
You didn't really describe your problem and your image is gone, but your problem sounds like the minimum T-join problem.
The minimum T-join problem is defined on a graph G. You're given a set T of even size, and you're trying to find a subgraph of the graph where the vertices of T have odd degree and the other vertices have even degree. You've got weights on the edges and you're trying to minimise the sum of the weights of edges in the subgraph.
Surprisingly, the minimum T-join problem can be solved in polynomial time thanks to a very close connection with the nonbipartite matching problem. Namely, if you find all-pairs shortest paths between vertices of T, the minimum T-join is attained by the minimum-weight perfect matching of vertices in T, where there's an edge between two vertices whose length is the length of the shortest path in G.
The minimum T-join will be a collection of paths. If two distinct paths, say a->b and c->d, use the same edge uv, then they can be replaced by a->u->c and b->v->d and reduce the cost of the T-join. So it won't use the same edge twice.