I have a nested hash like this:
BG: {
Name: 'Български',
Flag: ''
EN: {
Name: 'English',
Flag: ''
RU: {
Name: 'Руский',
Flag: ''
UK: {
Name: 'Украински',
Flag: ''
and need to format it like the following hash:
BG: 'Български',
EN: 'English',
RU: 'Руский',
UK: 'Украински'
in order to use it as simple_form input parameter like this:
<%= f.input :language_code, collection: SecurityUser::LANGUAGE_DETAILS,
label_method: :last,
value_method: :first,
as: :radio_buttons , label: 'Choose language' %>
Is there a way to transform the SecurityUser::LANGUAGE_DETAILS hash into new one in this context or I should create the hash on hand in the model?
You can do it like this:
Hash[LANGUAGE_DETAILS.map{|k, h| [k, h[:Name]]}]
Not seeing Quill editor in active admin form.
followed all instructions from here and the whole description box doesn't diplay. same happened to other editors i tried.
form title: "Drinks" do |f|
f.inputs "Drinks" do
f.input :title
f.input :description, as: :quill_editor
f.input :steps
f.input :source
Please ensure you have included active_admin/base to your app/assets/javascripts/active_admin.js file:
//= require active_admin/base
//= require activeadmin/quill_editor/quill
//= require activeadmin/quill_editor_input
This is what was causing the issue for me.
I have implemented Quill Rich Text Editor in Active Admin by following the below steps in Rails 6 application:
Add the gems:
gem 'activeadmin_quill_editor'
gem 'sassc'
Add below js code in app/assets/javascripts/active_admin.js:
//= require activeadmin/quill_editor/quill
//= require activeadmin/quill_editor_input
Add below css code in app/assets/stylesheets/active_admin.scss
#import 'activeadmin/quill_editor/quill.snow';
#import 'activeadmin/quill_editor_input';
For defualt toolbar options use the below syntax:
form do |f|
f.inputs 'Notices' do
f.input :description, as: :quill_editor
For customized toolbar options the use below syntax:
form do |f|
f.inputs 'Notices' do
f.input :description, as: :quill_editor, input_html: { data: { options: { modules: { toolbar: [ ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strike'],['blockquote', 'code-block'], [{ 'header': 1 }, { 'header': 2 }], [{ 'list': 'ordered'}, { 'list': 'bullet' }], [{ 'script': 'sub'}, { 'script': 'super' }], [{ 'indent': '-1'}, { 'indent': '+1' }], [{ 'direction': 'rtl' }], [{ 'size': ['small', false, 'large', 'huge'] }], [{ 'header': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, false] }], [{ 'color': [] }, { 'background': [] }], [{ 'font': [] }], [{ 'align': [] }], ['clean'] ] }, theme: 'snow' } } }
For more information visit:
I have an array of hashes like this:
{ name: 'Pratha', email: 'c#f.com' },
{ name: 'John', email: 'j#g.com' },
{ name: 'Clark', email: 'x#z.com' },
And this is second group array of hashes:
{ name: 'AnotherNameSameEmail', email: 'c#f.com' },
{ name: 'JohnAnotherName', email: 'j#g.com' },
{ name: 'Mark', email: 'd#o.com' },
What I want is, merge these two arrays into one, merge based on :email and keep latest (or first) :name.
Expected Result (latest name overrided):
{ name: 'AnotherNameSameEmail', email: 'c#f.com' },
{ name: 'JohnAnotherName', email: 'j#g.com' },
{ name: 'Mark', email: 'd#o.com' },
{ name: 'Clark', email: 'x#z.com' },
or (first name preserved)
{ name: 'Pratha', email: 'c#f.com' },
{ name: 'John', email: 'j#g.com' },
{ name: 'Mark', email: 'd#o.com' },
{ name: 'Clark', email: 'x#z.com' },
So, basically, I want to group by :email, retain one :name, drop dupe emails.
The examples found on SO is creates an array of values for :name.
Ruby 2.6.3
Maybe you could just call Array#uniq with a block on email key of the concatenation (Array#+) of the two arrays:
(ary1 + ary2).uniq { |h| h[:email] }
a1 = [
{ name: 'Pratha', email: 'c#f.com' },
{ name: 'John', email: 'j#g.com' },
{ name: 'Clark', email: 'x#z.com' },
a2 = [
{ name: 'AnotherNameSameEmail', email: 'c#f.com' },
{ name: 'JohnAnotherName', email: 'j#g.com' },
{ name: 'Mark', email: 'd#o.com' },
Let's first keep the last:
(a1+a2).each_with_object({}) { |g,h| h.update(g[:email]=>g) }.values
#=> [{:name=>"AnotherNameSameEmail", :email=>"c#f.com"},
# {:name=>"JohnAnotherName", :email=>"j#g.com"},
# {:name=>"Clark", :email=>"x#z.com"},
# {:name=>"Mark", :email=>"d#o.com"}]
To keep the first, do the same with (a1+a2) replaced with (a2+a1), to obtain:
#=> [{:name=>"Pratha", :email=>"c#f.com"},
# {:name=>"John", :email=>"j#g.com"},
# {:name=>"Mark", :email=>"d#o.com"},
# {:name=>"Clark", :email=>"x#z.com"}]
I'm trying to create a unique field for embedded documents:
class Chapter
include Mongoid::Document
field :title
class Book
include Mongoid::Document
field :name
embeds_many :chapters
index({ 'name' => 1 }, { unique: true })
index({ 'name' => 1, 'chapters.title' => 1 }, { unique: true, sparse: true })
# index({ 'name' => 1, 'chapters.title' => 1 }, { unique: true })
I run the task: rake db:mongoid:create_indexes
I, [2017-02-22T08:56:47.087414 #94935] INFO -- : MONGOID: Created indexes on Book:
I, [2017-02-22T08:56:47.087582 #94935] INFO -- : MONGOID: Index: {:name=>1}, Options: {:unique=>true}
I, [2017-02-22T08:56:47.087633 #94935] INFO -- : MONGOID: Index: {:name=>1, :"chapters.title"=>1}, Options: {:unique=>true, :sparse=>true}
But it doesn't work as I would expect...
Book.new( name: 'A book', chapters: [ { title: 'title1' }, { title: 'title1' }, { title: 'title2' } ] ).save # no errors
Book.new( name: 'Another book', chapters: [ { title: 'title2' } ] ).save
b = Book.last
b.chapters.push( Chapter.new( { title: 'title2' } ) )
b.save # no errors
Any idea?
UPDATE: Ruby 2.4.0, Mongo 3.2.10, Mongoid 5.2.0 | 6.0.3 (trying both)
UPDATE2: I add also the tests I made directly with mongo client:
use books
db.books.ensureIndex({ title: 1 }, { unique: true })
db.books.ensureIndex({ "title": 1, "chapters.title": 1 }, { unique: true, sparse: true, drop_dups: true })
db.books.insert({ title: "Book1", chapters: [ { title: "Ch1" }, { title: "Ch1" } ] }) # allowed?!
db.books.insert({ title: "Book1", chapters: [ { title: "Ch1" } ] })
b = db.books.findOne( { title: 'Book1' } )
b.chapters.push( { "title": "Ch1" } )
db.books.save( b ) # allowed?!
db.books.findOne( { title: 'Book1' } )
db.books.insert({ title: "Book2", chapters: [ { title: "Ch1" } ] })
UPDATE3: I made more tests but I didn't succeed, this link helped but the problem remains
You should use drop_dups
class Category
include Mongoid::Document
field :title, type: String
embeds_many :posts
index({"posts.title" => 1}, {unique: true, drop_dups: true, name: 'unique_drop_dulp_idx'})
class Post
include Mongoid::Document
field :title, type: String
Rails console:
irb(main):032:0> Category.first.posts.create(title: 'Honda S2000')
=> #<Post _id: 58adb923cacaa6f778215a26, title: "Honda S2000">
irb(main):033:0> Category.first.posts.create(title: 'Honda S2000')
Mongo::Error::OperationFailure: E11000 duplicate key error collection: mo_development.posts index: title_1 dup key: { : "Honda S2000" } (11000)
I've got an array full of hashes of which I want to combine specific keys to a new one, e.g.
[{ firstname: 'john', lastname: 'doe', something: 'else', key: ... }, { firstname: 'Joe', lastname: 'something', something: 'bla', key:... }]
should become
[{ name: 'john doe' },{ name: 'Joe something' }]
Please note: there are more keys in the hash as first and lastname. Is there a common ruby method to do this? Thanks!
Just do as
array = [{ firstname: 'john', lastname: 'doe' }, { firstname: 'Joe', lastname: 'something' }]
array.map { |h| { :name => h.values_at(:firstname, :lastname) * " " } }
# => [{:name=>"john doe"}, {:name=>"Joe something"}]
Read this Hash#values_at and Array#* .
This is:
a = [{ firstname: 'john', lastname: 'doe' }, { firstname: 'Joe', lastname: 'something' }]
a.map { |n| { name: n.values.join(' ') } }
# => [{:name=>"john doe"}, {:name=>"Joe something"}]
In a book they showed me this declaration:
friends = [ { first_name: "Emily", last_name: "Laskin" }, { first_name: "Nick", last_name: "Mauro" }, { first_name: "Mark", last_name: "Maxwell" } ]
This doesn't look like a hash. And when I enter it in IRB i get an error.
What is this format?
It's an array of hashes, written in the Ruby 1.9 hash syntax.
{ first_name: "Emily", last_name: "Laskin" }
is equivalent to:
{ :first_name => "Emily", :last_name => "Laskin" }
The {key: value} syntax is new in 1.9 and is equivalent to {:key => value}.
It is an array of hashes, only the hashes are 1.9 style hashes.