Algorithms: Esau-Williams algorithm - algorithm

I would like to ask are there any sittuations that Esau-Williams algorithm may be useful? I know that it is used to solve CMST problem, but I can't find any sittuation that CMST problem may appear.

According to Wikipedia, "CMST problem is important in network design: when many terminal computers have to be connected to the central hub, the star configuration is usually not the minimum cost design. Finding a CMST that organizes the terminals into subnetworks can lower the cost of implementing a network."

As the name suggests, CMST stands for Capacitated Minimum Spanning Tree where each nodes have limited capacity to connect to other nodes. This makes a node to connect to limited number of other nodes depending on the node's capacity.
Typically in any practical applications, a minimum spanning tree is not the only objective. There can be a lot of other constraints as well, for instance, in a network design the maximum amount of data that the output port of router(node) can handle is one capacity constraint. This marks the importance on heuristic algorithms like Esau-Williams CMST algorithm, Modified Kruskal CMST Algorithm etc..
Like networking any field which uses graphs, for example logistics, based on their constraints can use heuristic algorithms like Esau-William

CMST can be utilised in cases such as deciding the cable layout for offshore wind turbines where each turbine has to be connected to a point in euclidean space called sub station. We cant use minimum spanning tree because it has capacity limitation on the number of turbines that can be connected on a single cable.


Minimum number of cameras required to cover all nodes in graph

I came across a problem in leetcode named "Binary Tree Camera".
I was wondering how to approach this similar problem:-
You have to place cameras at nodes of a graph such that whole graph is covered. A camera on a node monitors all its immediate neighbour nodes and itself. Find the minimum number of cameras required to cover all nodes.
This is a set cover problem, which there are many well-known algorithms for. To model it as an instance of the set cover problem, map each node to the set of nodes which a camera at that node would cover. The original problem of choosing the fewest number of nodes is equivalent to choosing the fewest number of those sets.
In general, this is an "NP Hard" problem, meaning there is no known algorithm which always gives the minimum covering and also scales well to large instances of the problem. Since the problem asks for the minimum, a heuristic algorithm is not suitable, so you will need to do something like a backtracking search.
This problem is called the Minimum Dominating Set and is NP-hard for the general graph case. Algorithms exist that approach this problem by either approximation, parameterization or restricting the class of graphs. See the Wikipedia link for details.

Path with bandwidth constraint in a weigthed graph

Suppose I have a network of interconnected switches. Every link connecting two different switches has its own positive usage cost and maximum bandwidth that it can pass through. Is there an algorithm / a combination of algorithms to optimally find paths between specified ports of different switches where every such path has minimal possible cost and guarantees to be able to pass through traffic of a predefined bandwidth?
Using Dijkstra's algorithm on a weighted graph solves the problem of finding minimal cost path, but what to do with bandwidth requirement? If such algorithm exists will it give optimal solution when requests to find a path aren't known all beforehand, but come one after another?
Thank you!
Merely determining the feasibility of routing several demands as paths is strongly NP-hard, by reduction from, e.g., the 3-partition problem. The tough constraint is routing a whole demand on just one path. If we allow multiple paths (i.e., a flow), then we get the minimum-cost multi-commodity flow problem, which is polynomial-time solvable (albeit inefficiently in practice). It seems unlikely that there is an optimal online algorithm for either problem.

Real world applications where spanning tree data structure is used

Does anyone of you know any real world applications where spanning tree data structure is used?
In networking, we use Minimum spanning tree algorithm often. So the problem is as stated here, given a graph with weighted edges, find a tree of edges with the minimum total weight that satisfies these three properties: connected, acyclic, and consisting of |V| - 1 edges. (In fact, any two of the three conditions imply the third condition.)
as an example,
For instance, if you have a large local area network with a lot of
switches, it might be useful to find a minimum spanning tree so that
only the minimum number of packets need to be relayed across the
network and multiple copies of the same packet don't arrive via
different paths (remember, any two nodes are connected via only a
single path in a spanning tree).
Other real-world problems include laying out electrical grids,
reportedly the original motivation for Boruvka's algorithm, one of the
first algorithms for finding minimum spanning trees. It shouldn't be
surprising that it would be better to find a minimum spanning tree
than just any old spanning tree; if one spanning tree on a network
would involve taking the most congested, slowest path, it's probably
not going to be ideal!
There are many other applications apart from the computer networks, i listed the references below:
Network design:
– telephone, electrical, hydraulic, TV cable, computer, road
The standard application is to a problem like phone network design. You have a business with several offices; you want to lease phone lines to connect them up with each other; and the phone company charges different amounts of money to connect different pairs of cities. You want a set of lines that connects all your offices with a minimum total cost. It should be a spanning tree, since if a network isn’t a tree you can always remove some edges and save money.
Approximation algorithms for NP-hard problems:
– traveling salesperson problem, Steiner tree
A less obvious application is that the minimum spanning tree can be used to approximately solve the traveling salesman problem. A convenient formal way of defining this problem is to find the shortest path that visits each point at least once.
Note that if you have a path visiting all points exactly once, it’s a special kind of tree. For instance in the example above, twelve of sixteen spanning trees are actually paths. If you have a path visiting some vertices more than once, you can always drop some edges to get a tree. So in general the MST weight is less than the TSP weight, because it’s a minimization over a strictly larger set.
On the other hand, if you draw a path tracing around the minimum spanning tree, you trace each edge twice and visit all points, so the TSP weight is less than twice the MST weight. Therefore this tour is within a factor of two of optimal.
Indirect applications:
– max bottleneck paths
– LDPC codes for error correction
– image registration with Renyi entropy
– learning salient features for real-time face verification
– reducing data storage in sequencing amino acids in a protein
– model locality of particle interactions in turbulent fluid flows
– autoconfig protocol for Ethernet bridging to avoid cycles in a network
Cluster analysis:
k clustering problem can be viewed as finding an MST and deleting the k-1 most
expensive edges.
you can read the details from here, and here, and for a demo check here please.

Applications of Kruskal and Prim's algorithms

Could anyone please give some applications of the two algorithms,
where and which applications they can be used for?
Minimum spanning trees were first studied for ways to lay out electrical networks in a way that minimizes the total cost of the wiring. In a minimum spanning tree, all the nodes (houses) would be connected to power by wires in a way that has minimum cost and redundancy (cutting any wire necessarily cuts the power grid into two pieces).
Since then, the problem has been well-studied and is often used as a subroutine in more complex algorithms. The Christofides algorithm for finding approximate solutions to the Traveling Salesman Problem uses it in a key step, as do some algorithms for finding Steiner trees.
Minimum spanning trees have also been used to generate mazes. Both Kruskal's and Prim's algorithm have been used this way, often creating high-quality mazes.
If you're interested in a full history of the minimum spanning tree problem, its applications, and its algorithms, there is a truly excellent paper available here that covers all of these. I'd strongly suggest giving it a read!
Hope this helps!
Quoting Wikipedia:
One example would be a cable TV company laying cable to a new neighborhood. If it is constrained to bury the cable only along certain paths, then there would be a graph representing which points are connected by those paths. Some of those paths might be more expensive, because they are longer, or require the cable to be buried deeper; these paths would be represented by edges with larger weights. A spanning tree for that graph would be a subset of those paths that has no cycles but still connects to every house. There might be several spanning trees possible. A minimum spanning tree would be one with the lowest total cost.
First you must understand that both Prim's and Kruskal's algorithm are useful for finding Minimum spanning Tree in a Graph. One of the pratical applications of minimal spanning tree, I can think of is connecting different offices of the same company with least cost.
Both Prims And Kruskal Algorithms are used to find the minimum spanning trees.
Now the applications of Kruskal and Prims Algorithm are basically the applications of MST. So what are the applications of MST?
Well, to answer a few, here are some of the areas in which you will find them usable:
If you want to connect several cities using highways or rail networks, you can use these algos to find the minimum length of roads/railtracks connecting all these cities.
Network Design - Suppose you have a business with several offices. You have to lease phone cables to connect all these offices. So you can make use of these algos to find out what is the minimum cost to connect all your offices with minimum use of phone cables.
Can be used to find the travelling salesman problem. This is a very famous problem using MST.
You want to apply a set of houses with - Electric Power, Telephone Lines, Sewage Lines.
Designing Local Area Networks.
Routing Algorithms
Generation of Mazes
Mechanical / Electrical / Computer Networks
Study of Molecular bonds in Chemistry
Applications of Kruskal and Prim's algorithms often come up in computer networking. For example, if you have a large LAN with many switches, finding a minimum spanning tree will be vital to ensure that only a minimum number of packets will be transmitted across the network.

What is a good measure of strength of a link and influence of a node?

In the context of social networks, what is a good measure of strength of a link between two nodes? I am currently thinking that the following should give me what I want:
For two nodes A and B:
Strength(A,B) = (neighbors(A) intersection neighbors(B))/neighbors(A)
where neighbors(X) gives the total number of nodes directly connected to X and the intersection operation above gives the number of nodes that are connected to both A and B.
Of course, Strength(A,B) != Strength(B,A).
Now knowing this, is there a good way to determine the influence of a node? I was initially using the Degree Centrality of a node to determine its "influence" but I somehow think its not a good idea because just because a node has a lot of outgoing links does not mean anything. Those links should be powerful as well. In that case, maybe using an aggregate of the strengths of each node connected to this node is a good idea to estimate its influence? Am I in the right direction? Does anyone have any suggestions?
My Philosophy (and understanding of the terms):
Strength indicates how far A is
willing to do what B has already done
Influence indicates how far A can make B do something (persuasion perhaps?)
Access to only a subgraph. I mean, I am trying to be realistic here because social networks are huge and having a complete view is not so practical.
you might want to check out some more sophisticated notions of distance.
A really cool one is "resistance distance", which lets you view distance as how likely a random path from one node will lead you to another
there are several days of lecture notes plus references to further reading at
Few thoughts on this:
When you talk about influence of a node in a graph one centrality measurement that comes to mind it closeness centrality. Closeness centrality looks at the number of shortest paths in a graph the node is on. From an influence point of view, the node that is on the most shortest paths is the node that can share information the easiest, ie its nearer to more nodes than any other.
You also mention using the strengths of each node connected to a node. Maybe you should look at eigenvector centrality which ranks a node highly if its connected to other high degree nodes. This is an undirected version of PageRank.
Some questions that might affect you choice here are:
Is you graph directed?
Do you edges have weight? You mention strength... do you mean weights of some kind?
If you do have weights maybe the next step from a simple degree centrality would be to try a weighted degree centrality approach. Thus, just having a high number of connections doesn't automatically make you the most influential.
