Error when trying to run packaged Jar (Maven) - maven

I am having an issue running a JAR that I have packaged using Maven. It is a very simple class that just takes a file from a directory on the local machine and posts it to an SFTP.
I am using the "mvn package" command and am seeing the JAR show up in my target folder, but when I attempt to run the JAR I am getting the following error:
"Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/jcraft/jsch/Jsch
at. java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethods0
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.jcraft.jsch.Jsch"
Now the program runs just fine when I run it in eclipse just running the main method, so I assume that it is something with the maven package command not bringing all the correct classes into my JAR? In my "Maven Dependencies" all I have is the "jsch-0.1.49.jar" and "junit-3.8.1.jar" Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am sure there is a step I missed somewhere in this process.

The maven package command and the maven-jar-plugin did not build jar files with the dependencies attached. They just build a jar file with your project sources.
You need an uber jar which consist of everything your main class need. The easiest way to archive this is by using the maven-shade-plugin:


Setup Intellij to hot update jars and run Maven Appassembler

I want to setup Intellij to automatically do what I am doing from the command-line with maven repeatedly, which is to run mvn package -DskipTests to rebuild my jar and run the Appassembler Maven plugin to produce my runnable scripts. Ideally, all I want it to do is hot update the classes within the jar which I have changed.
I have figured out how to tell Intellij to create jars with the Artifact tab in Project Structure, but can I get Intellij to import this artifact information from the pom instead of me setting it up manually?
It does auto-import pom changes, but never imported this artifact info.
This would enable it to use the exact output name of what maven produces, so that whether I'm working from the command-line or IDE I can work with one set of outputs. (reason below)
Appassembler adds an additional step, which includes it copying all the dependencies into its target folder and producing the scripts. If Intellij can't trigger Appassembler, I was thinking maybe Appassembler could use symlinks instead and the when the jar as updated, my runnable app scripts would immediately be using that version. Or in the worse case, I only need to run this particular step from the command-line, the jar having already been built.
In case it helps, here's how I use Appassembler in my pom.xml:
Thanks for the advice on the best way to achieve this.

Use Maven to Copy Files to WEB-INF Before WAR is Packaged

I have two servlet config files in my webapp, one for our normal environment (Heroku) and the other for WebLogic. I have a Maven profile for our WebLogic builds that should copy "servlet-context.xml.weblogic" to "servlet-context.xml". Everything appears to be working, except that the copy takes place AFTER the war file is built, so the correct servlet context doesn't get included in the package. What is the right build phase to use in the maven-antrun-plugin to get the copying done correctly?
Here is the relevant section of my POM.xml file:
This fails with the following error:
Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-antrun-plugin:1.3:run (default) on project radio: An Ant BuildException has occured: Warning: Could not find file C:\workspace\radio\target\radio-1.0.0-BUILD-SNAPSHOT\WEB-INF\spring\appServlet\radio-context.xml.weblogic to copy. -> [Help 1]
However, if I change the <phase> to package, the copy works, but after the war is built.
Any help would be appreciated.
As a reference, this page lists the Maven lifecycle phases.
The key phases you need to think about in your build are:
process-resources - where most of the files are placed into ${}
package - this is the phase where the WAR is built
Looking at the documentation of the WAR plugin, the copying of WAR resources to ${}/${} occurs in the war:war goal, which executes in the package phase also.
So let's take a step back. What you want to achieve is to use a different radio-context.xml file depending on your profile. Perhaps a better approach would be to configure the WAR plugin differently in your weblogic profile.
Have a separate webapp resource directory for your weblogic, put your custom radio-context.xml file in there, and only include that directory in the weblogic profile. e.g.
Try using process-resources, this copies your file before the war is built.

Maven Multi Module Project + root pom plugin

I have a maven multi module project why is it when I put this configuration:
in the root pom and mvn install the project no rebel.xml file is generated.
I can generate it using mvn org.zeroturnaround:jrebel-maven-plugin:1.1.3:generate but that only creates the rebel.xml under target/classes and does not include it in the jar\war package.
But when I put the above configuration in the individual maven module it does generate it during install and includes it in the package as per process-resources
But I don't want to duplicate the plugin in all modules, but only put it in the root pom and during install is should generate the rebel.xml file and include in the package.
Am I missing how maven works?
Turns out it was my bad I had put the plugin by error in the pluginManagement section when I thought I had put it in the build>plugins section where it should be, now it's working fine. Many Thanks

Configure jacoco agent for sonar2.12 (Multi Module maven)

The Sonar latest version 2.12 has the Jacoco plugin integrated and i want to use it for my code coverage part on a multi module project.
I have a structure like this
The Test cases for the provider project are in the test project. When i set the Code coverage plugin in sonar as jacoco it executes fine , but the combined code covergae is not presented on the DashBoard. Ihave seen a post that a single jacoco.exec file can solve the problem , but i am unable to do so.
I have tried to configure the below in my pom as below
<sonar.jacoco.jar> C:\sonar-2.12\war\sonar-server\deploy\plugins\jacoco\META-INF\lib\org.jacoco.agent-</sonar.jacoco.jar>
But on maven commandline " mvn clean install " i get this error :
Failed to find Premain-Class manifest attribute in C:\sonar-2.12\war\sonar-server\deploy\plugins\jacoco\META-INF\lib\org.jacoco.agent-
Error occurred during initialization of VM
agent library failed to init: instrument
Can anyone provide any help on this ?
the jar you are pointing to is not the jar..extract that using winrar and you will get another jar inside it. called jacocoagent.jar .to check whether you got the right jar just extract jacocoagent.jar
and look for and it should have an entry for premain class.
that should do.
I had the same problem. Take a look at the Jacoco agent artifacts at the central repository.
There is a normal jar artifact, and there is a jar with classifier runtime. You need the "runtime" artifact to be used as agent jar. What I do, I simply download the Jacoco agent runtime jar with maven dependency plugin like this:
Then you just need to define the following command line option:
Perhaps you should try setting the property sonar.core.codeCoveragePlugin to the value jacoco. The default code coverage tool in Sonar is still cobertura. See the following doco on code coverage.
If that doesn't help, I found the following link (which runs Jacoco from Maven as your trying to do):
Separating Code Coverage With Maven, Sonar and Jacoco

maven-install-plugin: Can i define a custom packaging type but get the artifact installed as jar in the repo?

I am trying to come out with a plugin to detect and process Java EE application clients.
I created a new packaging type called 'car' through META-INF/plexus/components.xml ( and a corresponding mojo for Java EE app clients. I have pretty much followed the same steps as the maven-ejb-plugin.
The behaviour i want is the same as the maven-ejb-plugin: Defines an ejb packaging type but the artifact gets installed in the repo as a .jar and gets bundled in the ear as .jar too.
I believe must be configurable some how because ejb packaging type gets installed as .jar but war packaging type produces a .war.
The problem in my case is that a .car file gets installed in the repo and a .car file gets bundled in the ear.
Does anyone know how to make sure it gets installed in the repo as a .jar file?
I ran into the same issue you have, except, I'm building a .war file and wanted a .jar file installed into my local repo. What I did was use the maven-jar-plugin to create a jar file in addition to a war file, it's generated in my /target directory. I also used the maven-install-plugin to install the outputted jar to my local repo.
Perhaps you could try using the packaging parameter in maven install plugin to see if that helps in your case?
I would assume you would have to specify
as well in the component descriptor. Otherwise it looks correct to me..
