Superfish dropdown doesn't show IE8 (animation/screen update) - internet-explorer-8

My Superfish dropdown menu won't show only in IE8 when I hover on the parent items. But when I double-click to select the text of parent item. The dropdown menu will show up. It seems like the screen is not updating when Superfish is trying to render dropdown menu. I also have a picture slider which is doing the animation without any problem, and when the slider is changing(animating), the dropdown menu will appear.

After trying each of my css rules. I found that "filter: ..." for the menu container is not compatible with Superfish dropdown menu animation. After removing the it, dropdown menu works now.


A simple CSS code for hamburger Icon that shows content when I focus or hover on it

I have created a hamburger menu icon i need a css code that will show the menu content when I hover on the icon
Like I said previously I have e created the hamburger code just need a css code to display the content when I hover or focus on the icon

Hamburger button not showing up whith Shell default Template

I am trying to show 3bar/hamburger on shell layout of xamarin .net standard .When i create default shell project hamburger button is not display and when i swipe the screen right to left flyout design will comes but my issues is i want to display the hambuger button ,so when i click on button flyout manu/item layout comes.
flyout manu image is when i swipe window right to left

Xamarin Forms: Single button that opens a dropdown menu

Hi does anybody knows if I can make a button in Xamarin Forms that opens a small dropdown menu? I did this in android studio but I can't find a way how this could work in Xamarin.
It should look like this:
And like this if the button is clicked:
And the Button should not be in the navigation bar because this page don't have one.
So if anybody could help me I would be very grateful and sorry for my bad english.
The closest API in Xamarin that does that is to display a pop-up using DisplayActionSheet, but the dropdown menu will be at the bottom of the screen. Or you can use a Picker (link to documentation).
If you want to implement something that look exactly like the image in your post, you can create a StackLayout that contains a few buttons, and show it when the drop down menu button is clicked.
i think that you can do it not directly but if we let some things be together we can achieve it, you have to add toolbar item for the button and for the menu list it's a popup page that has transparent background and list menu on the top right !

Is there any way to hide excess buttons from CKEditor toolbar?

I wanna clean up my CKEditor setup, but without removing some seldom-used buttons. I like the approach on Google Drive, where excess buttons at the end of the toolbar get hidden inside a dropdown menu.
Is it possible to do the same on CKEditor?

Bootstrap Dropdown Menu Content to slide left

I am using a bootstrap Dropdown Menu and I want to slide (animate) content of the dropdown to the left and bring a new content. This is similar to google email option, after logged in you can click on the picture and dropdown shows up with all latest messages and you can click on the first one and it slides it and shows the content for that.
