Kendo UI Without Server Side been hosted - user-interface

OK Planing to Build small twitter App with Kendo UI . just wondering if that mean part of the app will be hosted in my server in order to get that work ?
I don't want host any part of the app at the server . i want this App to work directly Forward and backward from the app at user Device to twitter API
Please don't tell me it's just script will be hosted and the App that going to be created with Phonegap or whatever is just a Browser . Please don't tell me that

I am not sure I understand your question right but you can create a JavaScript only (no-server side code required) twitter client. You can embed all required JavaScript files and deploy them using PhoneGap.


Build complete own FrontEnd for RocketChat possible?

I would like to integrate Rocket.Chat into my website. I found out, that I can embed RocketChat via iframe and customize the style with the built in "Embedded Layout". However I would like to so to say build my own Web-Frontend-Client for a Rocket.Chat-Server with PHP and jQuery. Is that possible? So let us say I have 2 VMs running on my server, one for my homepage, one for Rocket.Chat. Could I somehow access the Rocket.Chat Server via jQuery Websocket Connection or with the Rocket.Chat API and login users and get and write messages (private and channel)? If yes, is there any documentation or example on this out there? Thank you very much.

How to integrate my java application with Google Home?

I am trying to integrate my java app to google home.
Agenda : Taking the input from the google home as request and sending it to my application as a request parameter and giving back the response to the Google home. This is my agenda.
I am new to google home so if anyone knows how to do this please help me.
You want to look into the Actions on Google platform.
Actions run in the cloud, not on a device. Your Assistant device (such as a Google Home) acts like a browser.
There is a Java/Kotlin library available.

How to Launch two session(App and Mobile Browser) in single appium server?

Hi I have this iOS native app functionality that needs to automate in Appium-Ruby + Cucumber.
After completing the registration flow(Signup), i need to put the app in background and open safari mobile web browser,then Go to and activate my account.
Could anyone help me in how to handle this?
I am new to Appium-Ruby+Cucumber.
I am using Appium 1.6 version
There are multiple alternative solutions to this rather than getting into the complications of opening the browser activity and leaving the app context in your test case..
1) Would be to integrate webdriver for browser within your appium test suite, maybe use phantomjs so the browser is headless.
def activate_my_account
browser = Selenium::WebDriver.for(:phantomjs)
<perform your action here>
2) Use a api driven mail client to get the latest email using api matching the subject line. Strip out the url from the email body and use hit the url. There is no browser involvement in this solution.
3) Get the token from database and create the validation url on the fly and hit the url using curl or http or rest client in ruby. Again this is no browser involvement solution.
Let me know in the comments if you face any issues!!
Hope it helps!!

Firebase web push notification in iframe is only working in firefox

I am using firebase for web push notification it is working perfect when I used it in same domain, but I have only one ssl domain and many non ssl website. So I have plan to use it in iframe and integrate this facility in all my non ssl websites too.
URL is
I have integrate it through iframe like below
<iframe src=''></iframe>
I have integrate this lines into my blogger But it is working perfectly in Firefox browser but not in chrome browser. No errors also displayed.
As per this link Does my web application require SSL for Firebase Cloud Messaging for Web to work?. It should not work, but how it is working in firefox browser.
I am not able to find a reference right now, but you want to do
embed a "push notification webpage" inside another via iframe
is blocked by Chrome for security reasons.

How to make Office Web App Server able to edit a document with Cobalt

I am trying to build my own WOPI host using ASP.NET MVC and its WebAPI functions according to this example
I successfully used that example to connect to my Office Web App Server and I can use that to access files of Excel and PowerPoint in local path and I am able to edit it, but I cannot use it to open word document in editing mode as the Post action handler isn't implemented completely without any response so that it cannot handle any edit request.
In order to add support for editing of Office document, I tried this example with POST request handler based on Cobalt library extracted from Office Web App Server.
With this example I managed to edit ans save all kinds of document with Office Web App Server. However, when I tried to integrate these two together I found that even if I can enter the edit window of Excel and PowerPoint and I can see that Post Requests from Office Web App Server like locking and Cobalt are handled by my WOPI Post API action handler. Those change doesn't take any effect on my local file at all. Moreover, I still cannot edit word document and when I checked the back log of Office Web App Server, I found the error message is Cobalt is not supported while I have already set the SupportsCobalt in CheckFileInfo response to true! Any help is very appreciated!
I think I have exactly what you are looking for. Check out my implementation of the WOPI host. It's an MVC6 app that takes the best from the both examples you are referring to and adds some extra features.
