Ruby Benchmarking Accuracy - Branch Prediction at its finest? - ruby

So this morning I decided to play around with Benchmarking for the first time.
I was curious about the speed different between code with "do-end" block formatting vs. "{ }" formatting.
So I stored the Benchmark code in a Proc so I could call it multiple times consecutively:
n = 100_000_000
bmp = do do |x| {n.times {a = "1"}} {n.times do; a = "1"; end}
My results we're expected when I ran it once.
user system total real
1.840000 0.030000 1.870000 ( 1.874507)
1.860000 0.050000 1.910000 ( 1.926101)
=> true
But then ran it again.
user system total real
1.870000 0.050000 1.920000 ( 1.922810)
1.840000 0.000000 1.840000 ( 1.850615)
To me this looks like the exact opposite of what I'm expecting. I am familiar with the concept of Branch Prediction. Is this a classic example of Branch Prediction? If not, what? Is there anyway to prevent any inaccuracies like this (if this is even considered one)?
EDIT: I did run this code over 30 times, after some suggestions. Frequently it would alternate between the two results. The sample of the data is found here:

First of all, your benchmark is utterly pointless. The difference between the do / end syntax and the { / } syntax is just that: syntax. There is no semantic difference. Ergo, there cannot possibly be any runtime performance difference whatsoever between the two. It's just not logically possible. You don't need to benchmark it.
The only performance difference that could exist, is that one takes longer to parse than the other. However, none of the two is harder to parse than the other. The only difference is precedence. Therefore, there very likely isn't any performance difference in parsing, either.
And even if there were a performance difference in parsing, your benchmark wouldn't show it. You are using a benchmark written in Ruby, but in order to run Ruby code, the Ruby execution engine has to parse it first, which means that parsing will already have happened, before your benchmark even starts. So, even if your benchmark weren't pointless, it would still be useless, since it cannot possibly measure the performance difference in parsing.
As to your question about Branch Prediction: there are no branches in your code, there is nothing to predict.
BTW: even if your benchmark was intended for a different purpose, it still wouldn't be measuring anything, since at least the more advanced Ruby implementations would recognize that your blocks are essentially no-ops and simply optimize them away. And even if they aren't optimized away, all they are measuring is memory allocator performance (allocating a couple hundred megabytes of tiny String objects), not the performance of blocks.

Just a quick primer on stats:
I'm not sure if two runs is enough to spot a trend. What if there was a difference in system load between the two test blocks the second time you ran it?
A rule of thumb for determining a statistical difference between two samples is that 30 or more data points will give you a statistically relevant result.
I'd run your tests at least that many times, store the results for the two versions independently, and then compare them internally to ensure they're consistent, before comparing the two sets to one-another.
It could be that your initial premise is incorrect :)


Why are these two smaller loops so much slower than a single loop containing the same instructions?

Ruby v2.3.3p222
MacOS Catalina v10.15.3
Processor: 2.6GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7
I have the following performance benchmark script, which was designed to test the difference between one larger loop operation vs. two smaller loops:
require 'benchmark'
N = 10_000_000
def one_loop
N.times do
foo = 1+1
bar = 2+2
def two_loops
N.times do
foo = 1+1
N.times do
bar = 2+2
Benchmark.bmbm do |performance|"two smaller loops") { two_loops }"one large loop") { one_loop }
My hypothesis was that these two methods would execute in approximately the same amount of time, because (I thought) they were both executing the same number of instructions: the larger loop was doing 2 * 10,000,000 operations, while each of the 2 smaller loops was doing 1 * 10,000,000 operations.
However, that doesn't appear to be what I observed. When I run the script, I get the following output:
Rehearsal -----------------------------------------------------
two smaller loops 0.840000 0.000000 0.840000 ( 0.838101)
one large loop 0.500000 0.010000 0.510000 ( 0.506283)
-------------------------------------------- total: 1.350000sec
user system total real
two smaller loops 0.850000 0.000000 0.850000 ( 0.863052)
one large loop 0.500000 0.000000 0.500000 ( 0.494525)
This is really disappointing, because I was hoping to convince my team that we wouldn't see any reduced performance by splitting up our 1 large loop of code into several more concise loops which each did one thing and did it well.
I thought it might be due to the order in which the reports are generated, but when I reverse the order of the two calls to, I get similarly disappointing results:
Rehearsal -----------------------------------------------------
one large loop 0.500000 0.010000 0.510000 ( 0.508246)
two smaller loops 0.850000 0.000000 0.850000 ( 0.852467)
-------------------------------------------- total: 1.360000sec
user system total real
one large loop 0.490000 0.000000 0.490000 ( 0.496130)
two smaller loops 0.830000 0.000000 0.830000 ( 0.831476)
Am I missing something? Are the 2 smaller loops really doing a much greater amount of work than the single larger loop? Or did I somehow construct my benchmark script in a misleading or inaccurate way?
the larger loop was doing 2 * 10,000,000 operations, while each of the 2 smaller loops was doing 1 * 10,000,000 operations
It doesn't make sense to talk about "operations" without defining the machine model and cost model within which we model those "operations". Or, to put it simply: it doesn't make sense to count things until you are clear what you are counting.
In this case, you are counting additions. And you are correct: within your model which counts only additions, both versions have the same amount of additions.
They do, however, not have the same amount of block activations.
Remember, Integer#times looks roughly like this:
class Integer
def times
return enum_for(__callee__) unless block_given?
return self unless positive?
i = -1
yield i while (i += 1) < self
So, for each iteration of the loop, there is an activation (i.e. a yield) of the block passed to Integer#times.
If we add that as a new class of "operation", we have the following:
one_loop: 20,000,000 additions and 10,000,000 block activations
two_loops: 20,000,000 additions and 20,000,000 block activations
So, both methods have the same number of additions but two_loops has twice the number of block activations.
Which means, we also have to take into account the relative costs of additions versus block activations. Now, semantically, an addition is just a normal method call. And activating a block is sort-of similar to a method call.
So, we would expect that an addition and a block activation have roughly similar cost, which means our cost would be:
one_loop: 30,000,000 "method call like operations"
two_loops: 40,000,000 "method call like operations"
In other words, we would expect two_loops to be 33% slower or one_loop to be 25% faster, depending on how you look at it.
However, we actually find that the difference is much bigger, so clearly we are missing something in our model.
What we are missing are optimizations. Arithmetic operations on integers are extremely common and extremely performance-critical, and so all Ruby implementations go to great lengths to make them fast. In fact, on all Ruby implementations, simple additions such as the one you are using will be mapped directly to single CPU ADD instructions, and will not incur the overhead of a method call at all.
Block activations are also very important in Ruby, and thus they are also heavily optimized, but they are just fundamentally several orders of magnitude more complex than adding two machine-word integers.
In fact, the relative complexity of block activations to machine-word integer additions is so big, that we can actually ignore the additions completely in our model:
one_loop: 10,000,000 block activations
two_loops: 20,000,000 block activations
This gives us a factor of 2:1, so we would expect two_loops to be 100% slower or one_loop to be 50% faster.
By the way, I ignored another operation that is happening: the definition and initialization of the local variables. The argument is similar: that is an operation that is so fast that it is negligible compared to the block activation.
Actually, so far, we have only talked about the relative cost of those operations and how they mean that we can ignore the cost of the additions and the local variables. There is, however, an even stronger reason to ignore those: optimizations.
Even the most simple Ruby implementation will be able to optimize away the local variables completely: they are defined and initialized in only one place, and they are never accessed ever again. They only exist within the scope of the block, for the duration of one activation of the block, so even a very simple optimizer can see that they are completely useless, so even the most simple of optimizers will optimize the code to something roughly like this:
def one_loop
N.times do
def two_loops
N.times do
N.times do
Meaning that we can not only ignore the cost of the local variables because it is small compared to the other costs, but actually, the local variables don't even exist.
Likewise, a slightly smarter optimizer will recognize that the first addition in one_loop has no side-effects, is not returned, is not stored in a variable (or at least not in one that is used anywhere), and in general does not influence the outcome of the computation in any way, shape, or form, and thus will optimize the code to this:
def one_loop
N.times do
def two_loops
N.times do
N.times do
Furthermore, the same argument actually applies to the remaining addition. It has no side-effect, all it does is being returned from the block, but Integer#times ignores the return value of the block. I haven't taken a look at the generated code, but I strongly suspect that even the most stupid optimizer can easily prove that your blocks are no-ops, and thus it will optimize the code to something roughly like this:
def one_loop
N.times do
def two_loops
N.times do
N.times do
Which means that one_loop has N iterations of the block, two_loops has 2 * N iterations, and thus should take roughly twice as long.
Now, we can see in your benchmarks that the numbers are not actually 2:1. They are 1.75:1 or roughly 7:4.
I can confirm those results on my machine, here with YARV 2.7.1 without JIT, I get almost exactly 7:4:
user system total real
two smaller loops 0.711479 0.000099 0.711578 ( 0.711680)
one large loop 0.401808 0.000059 0.401867 ( 0.401916)
However, when I turn on the JIT, I get almost exactly the 2:1 we would expect:
user system total real
two smaller loops 0.587017 0.000279 0.587296 ( 0.587098)
one large loop 0.291713 0.000062 0.291775 ( 0.291779)
You will also notice that it is faster in general.
With JRuby, we get again slightly faster execution and almost 2:1:
user system total real
two smaller loops 0.740000 0.010000 0.750000 ( 0.517670)
one large loop 0.260000 0.000000 0.260000 ( 0.263270)
This was with default options, here are the results with some more aggressive compiler flags:
user system total real
two smaller loops 0.370000 0.000000 0.370000 ( 0.362050)
one large loop 0.390000 0.010000 0.400000 ( 0.213861)
TruffleRuby 20.1.0 is again much faster than even JRuby:
user system total real
two smaller loops 0.009955 0.000039 0.009994 ( 0.010035)
one large loop 0.004759 0.000007 0.004766 ( 0.004742)
And again, very close to 2:1. Also, even though we are only interested in the relative performance of the two methods, it is quite pleasing to see that TruffleRuby is 70x-100x faster than YARV on this benchmark!
Actually, I am somewhat surprised that TruffleRuby could not prove that Integer#times with an empty block body is a no-op. I would have expected it to be able to optimize the code like this:
def one_loop
def two_loops
And thus have no runtime difference between the two versions at all.
Am I missing something? Are the 2 smaller loops really doing a much greater amount of work than the single larger loop? Or did I somehow construct my benchmark script in a misleading or inaccurate way?
I would say all of the above.
The main problem is that you are measuring almost the exact opposite of what you are counting. You are counting only additions and ignoring block activations, and there is nothing wrong with that, IFF all you are interested in is the number of additions and nothing else.
And you are measuring only the cost of block activations and ignoring the cost of additions, which is also totally fine if that is what you are interested in.
The problem is that those two do not match up: you are not measuring what you are counting and you are not counting what you are measuring, so you simply cannot draw any conclusions from the results of your experiments towards your hypothesis.
In one of your comments, you asked:
so does this mean that each iteration of each loop counts as its own operation, in addition to whatever operation(s) happen inside the loop?
We can't tell you that. You need to define what operations you are interested in, and what operations you want to ignore. If you define "operation" to only mean "addition", then no, each iteration of the loop does not count as its own operation, and both of your examples have the exact same amount of operations.
Another problem is that your hypothesis "the number of additions is the same, therefore the execution time is the same" is invalid, because additions are not the only operations that take time. And even if you count other kinds of operations, then your hypothesis still assumes that every operation takes the same amount of time, which is also not true.
There are also some more problems with your benchmarking approach in general, which however are not the source of your confusion. Here are some of the problems with your benchmarks I have identified, although I am sure there others:
Your benchmarks are written in a way that all the operations you are interested about are optimized away, leaving only operations you are not interested about.
Even if they weren't optimized away, their execution time negligible compared to the execution time of the operations you don't care about.
Your benchmarks don't run long and often enough to give the optimizer a chance. For example, the default threshold for when a method is compiled is between 20 and 20000 calls depending on the Ruby implementation, compiler flags, etc. Both your methods are only called twice, once during rehearsal, once during the real thing. You would need to make sure they are called a lot more than 20000 times to ensure that a) they get compiled at all, and b) there are enough iterations after they have been compiled that the slower iterations before they were compiled do not significantly affect the outcome.
I always recommend that someone who wants to write a benchmark read and understand the following mailing list thread:
JMH vs Caliper: reference thread
Especially the sub-thread and following discussion starting at the linked message.
While this thread is about a specific benchmark tool for benchmarking Java code, anything that is discussed in the thread applies to all benchmarking on all modern high-performance language implementations.
There is a reason why benchmarks are written by benchmark engineers who have writing benchmarks as their full-time job: it takes a lot of knowledge and expertise to write benchmarks.
You need, at least
Deep knowledge of computer organization in general.
Deep knowledge of all the specific hardware platforms that you are benchmarking on.
Deep knowledge of programming languages in general.
Deep knowledge of al the specific programming languages you are writing benchmark code in.
Deep knowledge of language implementations in general, including but not limited to ahead-of-time compilers, JIT compilers, interpreters, VMs, garbage collectors, memory allocators, optimizers, inlining, loop unrolling, dead code elimination, constant folding, common subexpression elimination, tail call elimination, peephole optimizations, compile-time evaluation, Polymorphic Inline Caching, and lots more.
Deep knowledge of the specific language implementations you are running your code on.
And more, e.g. operating systems, scheduling, NUMA, multi-threading, SMT, CMT, …
And when you have all of that, you are presented with a bunch of numbers you need to know how to interpret, which requires deep knowledge of statistics.
The benchmark library in the Ruby stdlib is an example of many of those "sins". It was perfectly fine 25 years ago, when there was only one single Ruby implementation which was simply a dumb AST-walking interpreter with no optimizations whatsoever, and computers had one CPU with no out-of-order execution or speculation, and that was it. But for current times, where we have a multitude of aggressively optimizing Ruby implementations (most prominently TruffleRuby) and complex CPUs that perform their own optimizations as well, it just doesn't cut it anymore.
Unfortunately, there is no benchmark tool of comparable sophistication to what's available e.g. in the Java world, but there are at least some alternatives such as better-benchmark (no longer maintained), benchmark-ips (by Evan Phoenix, founder of Rubinius), or fruity (by Marc-André Lafortune, ruby-core team member).
This is 10 million iterations, and in each iteration two calculations are done, for a total of 30 million of what we'll call operations:
N.times do
foo = 1+1
bar = 2+2
This is 20 million iterations, and in each iteration one calculation is done, for a total of 40 million of what we'll call operations:
N.times do
foo = 1+1
N.times do
bar = 2+2
30 < 40, therefore the first example is faster.

Speed differences between proc,, lambda, and stabby lambda

Procs and lambdas differ with respect to method scoping and the effect of the return keyword. I am rather interested in the performance differences between them. I wrote a test as shown below:
def time(&block)
start =
p "that took #{ - start}"
def test(proc)
def test_block(&block)
def method_test
time{(1..10000000).each{|n| my_method(n)}}
proc1 ={|x| x*x}
proc2 = proc{|x| x*x}
lam1 = lambda{|x| x*x}
lam2 = ->x{x*x}
def my_method(x)
test_block{|x| x*x}
The result of this code is shown below.
"that took 0.988388739"
"that took 0.963193172"
"that took 0.943111226"
"that took 0.950506263"
"that took 0.960760843"
"that took 1.090146951"
"that took 0.644500627"
method(:my_method) is the slowest, which is because it checks a look up table for each iteration in the loop.
Similarly, another test as below:
def test2(&block)
test2{{|x| x*x}}
test2{proc{|x| x*x}}
test2{lambda{|x| x*x}}
returns this result:
"that took 0.415290453"
"that took 0.378787963"
"that took 0.3888118"
"that took 0.391414639" is the slowest creation method, which is because we have the overhead of creating an entire object to wrap our proc.
I assert that the execution time of the procs and lambdas are the same as one another regardless of their creation method.
Why is normal method invocation so much faster than procs and lambdas (1/3 time reduction)?
Do people think this is likely to change with different block functions etc.?
Are there any other (performance based) reasons to chose between the different approaches?
So it seems you have three questions. The middle one is unclear to me, so I will address the other two:
Why is normal method invocation so much faster?
This is the easier of the questions.
First realize that the times involved here are for function call overhead. I did my own timings based on your code (but with an identity function instead of multiplication), and non-direct invocations took 49% longer. With one multiplication, non-direct invocations took only 43% longer. In other words, one reason why you're seeing a large disparity is that your function itself is doing almost nothing. Even a single multiplication makes 6% of the difference "vanish". In a method of any reasonable complexity, the method call overhead is usually going to be a relatively small percentage of the overall time.
Next, remember that a proc/block/lambda is essentially a chunk of code that is being carried around (though a block literal cannot be saved into a variable). This implies one more level of indirection than a method call...meaning that at the very least the CPU is going to have to traverse a pointer to something.
Also, remember that Ruby supports closures, and I'm betting there is some overhead in deciding which environment the indirect code should run in.
On my machine, running a C program that invokes a function directly has 10% less overhead than one that uses a pointer to a function. An interpreted language like Ruby, where closures are also involved, is definitely going to use more.
My measurements (Ruby 2.2) indicate a direct method invocation takes about as long as 6 multiplications, and an indirect invocation takes about as long as 10.
So while the overhead is nearly twice as large, remember that the overhead in both cases is often relatively small.
Are there any other (performance based) reasons to chose between the different approaches?
I'd say given the above data the answer is usually no: you're much better off using the construct that gives you the most maintainable code.
There are definitely good reasons to choose one over the other. To be honest, I'm surprised about the difference I see between lambdas and blocks (on my machine, lambdas have 20% less overhead). Lambdas create anonymous methods that include parameter list checking, so if anything I would expect it to be slightly slower, but my measurements put it ahead.
That the direct invocation is faster simply isn't surprising at all.
The place where this kind of thing makes a difference is in very frequently called code where the overhead adds up to be noticeable in wall-clock kinds of ways. In this case, it can make sense to do all manner of ugly optimizations to try to squeeze a bit more speed, all the way up to inlining code (dodge the function-call overhead altogether).
For example, say your application uses a database framework. You profile it and find a frequently-called, small (e.g. less than 20 multiplications worth of work) function that copies the data from the database result into data structures. Such a function might comprise the lion's share of the result processing, and simply inlining that function might shave off significant amounts of CPU time at the expense of some code clarity.
Simply inlining your "square function" into a long numeric calculation with a billion steps could save you dramatic amounts of time because the operation itself takes a lot less time than even a direct method invocation.
In most cases, though, you're better off with clean, clear code.

Do speeds of if statements in a repetitive loop affect overall performance?

If I have code that will take a while to execute, printing out results every iteration will slow down the program a lot. To still receive occasional output to check on the progress of the code, I might have:
if (i % 10000 == 0) {
# print progress here
Does the if statement checking every time slow it down at all? Should I just not put output and just wait, will that make it noticeably faster at all?
Also, is it faster to do: (i % 10000 == 0) or (i == 10000)?
Is checking equality or modulus faster?
In general case, it won't matter at all.
A slightly longer answer: It won't matter unless the loop is run millions of times and the other statement in it is actually less demanding than an if statement (for example, a simple multiplication etc.). In that case, you might see a slight performance drop.
Regarding (i % 10000 == 0) vs. (i == 10000), the latter is obviously faster, because it only compares, whereas the former possibility does a (fairly costly) modulus and a comparison.
That said, both an if statement and a modulus count won't make any difference if your loop doesn't take up 90 % of the program's running time. Which usually is the case only at school :). You probably spent a lot more time by asking this question than you would have saved by not printing anything. For development and debugging, this is not a bad way to go.
The golden rule for this kind of decisions:
Write the most readable and explicit code you can imagine to do the
thing you want it to do. If you have a performance problem, look at
wrong data structures and algorithmic choices first. If you have done
all those and need a really quick program, profile it to see which
part takes most time. After all those, you're allowed to do this kind
of low-level guesses.

How to benchmark Matlab processes?

Searching for an idea how to avoid using loop in my Matlab code, I found following comments under one question on SE:
The statement "for loops are slow in Matlab" is no longer generally true since Matlab...euhm, R2008a?
Have you tried to benchmark a for loop vs what you already have? sometimes it is faster than vectorized code...
So I would like to ask, is there commonly used way to test the speed of a process in Matlab? Can user see somewhere how much time the process takes or the only way is to extend the processes for several minutes in order to compare the times between each other?
The best tool for testing the performance of MATLAB code is Steve Eddins' timeit function, available here from the MATLAB Central File Exchange.
It handles many subtle issues related to benchmarking MATLAB code for you, such as:
ensuring that JIT compilation is used by wrapping the benchmarked code in a function
warming up the code
running the code several times and averaging
Update: As of release R2013b, timeit is part of core MATLAB.
Update: As of release R2016a, MATLAB also includes a performance testing framework that handles the above issues for you in a similar way to timeit.
You can use the profiler to assess how much time your functions, and the blocks of code within them, are taking.
>> profile on; % Starts the profiler
>> myfunctiontorun( ); % This can be a function, script or block of code
>> profile viewer; % Opens the viewer showing you how much time everything took
Viewer also clears the current profile data for next time.
Bear in mind, profile does tend to slow execution a bit, but I believe it does so in a uniform way across everything.
Obviously if your function is very quick, you might find you don't get reliable results so if you can run it many times or extend the computation that would improve matters.
If it's really simple stuff you're testing, you can also just time it using tic and toc:
>> tic; % Start the timer
>> myfunctionname( );
>> toc; % End the timer and display elapsed time
Also if you want multiple timers, you can assign them to variables:
>> mytimer = tic;
>> myfunctionname( );
>> toc(mytimer);
Finally, if you want to store the elapsed time instead of display it:
>> myresult = toc;
I think that I am right to state that many of us time Matlab by wrapping the block of code we're interested in between tic and toc. Furthermore, we take care to ensure that the total time is of the order of 10s of seconds (rather than 1s of seconds or 100s of seconds) and repeat it 3 - 5 times and take some measure of central tendency (such as the mean) and draw our conclusions from that.
If the piece of code takes less than, say 10s, then repeat it as many times as necessary to bring it into the range, being careful to avoid any impact of one iteration on the next. And if the code naturally takes 100s of seconds or longer, either spend longer on the testing or try it with artificially small input data to run more quickly.
In my experience it's not necessary to run programs for minutes to get data on average run time with acceptably low variance. If I run a program 5 times and one (or two) of the results is wildly different from the mean I'll re-run it.
Of course, if the code has any features which make its run time non-deterministic then it's a different matter.

How to analyze the length of time a specific function runs in R

I just got a gig to help speed up a program in R by improving the efficiency of the algorithms used to calculate data. There are many loops that do different calculations, and I'm wondering which loops end up using the most resources. I want to know how can I count the amount of time it takes for a loop to completely finish. I can use that information to figure out which algorithms to optimize, or even to write a C extension that will handle the calculations.
You can use:
Sys.time() or system.time()
The rbenchmark package
The microbenchmark package
Or a profiler (e.g. ?RProf)
I use Rprof to tell where to look.
It generates a file of stack samples, and I just look at a small number of those, like 10, chosen randomly.
Or I just make the time between samples large enough so I don't get too many samples to begin with.
There are 2 reasons this works.
1) By actually examining individual stack samples, with your own eyes, you can see problems that simple statistics don't expose, because by looking at the stack, you can see the reasons why things are being done. That tells you if you could get rid of it, and that's the essential information.
2) If you see such a pattern of activity that you could improve, you only have to see it on more than one sample to know it's worth fixing.
All the extra samples, if they mean you cannot do (1), are actually detrimental.
here is an example of using benchmark from another SO questions which compared using tapply vs by vs data.table: Edited as per on comments
# Different tests being compared
benchmark( using.tapply = tapply(x[, 1], x[, "f"], mean), = by(x[, 1], x[, "f"], mean),
using.dtable = dt[,mean(col1),by=key(dt)]),
# Number of reps. How results are.
replications = 250, order = "relative"
# COMPARING data.table VS tapply VS by #
# test elapsed relative
# 2 using.dtable 0.168 1.000
# 1 using.tapply 2.396 14.262
# 3 8.566 50.988
