How can I use a list function in CouchDB to generate a valid (/normal) ViewResults object? - view

I have a simple problem I need to solve, and list functions are my current attempt to do so. I have a view that generates almost what I need, but in certain cases there are duplicate entries that make it through when I send in edge-case parameters.
Therefore, I am looking to filter these extra results out. I have found examples of filtering, which I am using (see this SO post). However, rather than generate HTML or XML or what-have-you, I just want a regular ol' view result. That is, the same kind of object that I would get if I queried CouchDB without a list function. It should have JSON data as normal and be the same in every way, except that it is missing duplicate results.
Any help on this would be appreciated! I have tried to send() data in quite a few different ways, but I usually get that "No JSON object could be decoded", or that indices need to be integers and not strings. I even tried to use the list to store every row until the end and send the entire list object back at once.
Example code (this is using an example from this page to send data:
function(head, req) {
var row; var dupes = [];
while(row=getRow()) {
if (dupes.indexOf(row.key) == -1) {
Lastly, I'm using Flask with Flask-CouchDB, and I'm seeing the aforementioned errors in the flask development server that I'm running.
Thanks! I can try to supply more details if need be.

Don't you need to prepend a [, send a , after each row value except the last, and end with ]? To actually mimic a view result, you'd actually need to wrap that in a JSON structure:
{"total_rows":0,"offset":0,"rows":[<your stuff here>]}


GraphQL Skip directive - can this be used to exclude items? [duplicate]

Given the following GQL
query getMembers {
repository(owner: "nasa", name: "cumulus") {
mentionableUsers(first: 100) {
nodes {
organization(login: "nasa") {
(Query against GitHub v4 GraphQL)
the value for login under organization is either "nasa" or null
I am trying to figure out if it's possible to use #skip against the login/organization so that only contributors to the repo, who are members of the nasa org are shown. I believe for this particular query you can do it another way, but this is just an example.
How would you use #skip/#include with a non boolean. There is minimal documentation on this. While I could filter the response JSON in my client side app, it would be more efficient to receive less data sent over the network and then to parse in my app.
Playing in GraphQLi I received errors trying this various ways - maybe its only possible if the field returns a boolean itself?
e.g., I couldn't do login #skip(if login==null). I also tried setting a value to null in the variables section and the referencing it in the query, but none of the variations I tried work.
What I would really like to do is not include the parent if the child field is some value. e.g., if login=null then don't include that mentionable user. There is no search field option on mentionableUser. From my reading, I am guessing that the only way to do this would be if the API was modified to put a search or filter field on the mentionalbeUsers, otherwise I would need to do this with my client?
Couple of points.
Both the #skip and #include directives provide the same functionality -- allowing the client to arbitrarily chose whether a field should be included in the request.
Let's say we have a query like:
query ($skipBar: Boolean!) {
bar #skip(if: $skipBar)
If I set skipBar to true, I am effectively just sending this query:
query {
If I set it to false, I am effectively just sending this query:
query {
As a client, my logic has to determine the value to assign to skipBar, but I could just as easily use that same logic to decide between sending one of those two queries. In other words, like variables and fragments, #skip and #include are simply a convenient way to keep things DRY on the client-side. They cannot be used to filter the result returned by the server.
GraphQL syntax does not support expressions (or for that matter, any sort of references to parts of the response). Additionally, #skip and #include only take a single argument (if) and that argument must be passed a Boolean -- either as a variable or as a literal value. Even if you could somehow pass an expression to the if argument, though, the directives determine whether the field is included in the request, period. So if the skipped field is part of a returned List (like a List of nodes), it will be absent from every node when it's skipped.
So, is there a workaround?
Not really :( As you've already guessed, if the GitHub API doesn't provide a way to filter a field, there's not much you can do as a client -- you'll have to apply the filtering logic client-side.

Best way to output the content i load from ajax

I want to load objects with ajax and then for every object make with options.
What is better to do when i load content from server via ajax:
put everything in a string variable (including html tags) named output with += and put it on a loop for each object,then append it.
append an output for every object i load in a div
or a better solution
if there is a better solution is there anyone who can help me ?
Well that really depends on a technology stack that you are using.
But in essence it is exactly what is going on.
You have some array of products coming back from an ajax request.
You want to clear out the contents of the area where you are inserting those.
Then you wanna iterate over your collection of items and using some kind of template generate an html for each one. the simplest one in plain java script would be string concatenation.
then you concatenate them all and insert the result as innerHTML inside your container.
It may be ugly for a start but as you will learn more - you will improve.

Parse JSON from Jenkins, once hash, then nil

Jenkins gives me JSON from
Then I use HTTParty to get it like so:
response = self.get( url, options )
change = response['changeSet']['items'][0]
This gives me the content of the last changes. change.class returns "Hash".
If I try this:
change = response['changeSet']['items'][0]['revision']
as looking at the JSON suggests, I get "Undefined method '[]' on NilObject".
What am I doing wrong?
Of course, the problem lies between User and keyboard. The method was first called on another JSON, because it's polling the changes for more than one project, and one of the returned JSON objects didn't contain those keys. D'oh!
If you get that kind of error you're hitting an empty key and then trying to use it as if it's populated. Without seeing what your JSON is, it's hard to say, but one of those is failing. You'll want to inspect these:
If any of those end up being nil then you can pin-point the problem. JSON comes back as an arbitrary structure so chaining a bunch of calls together without any sort of testing can lead to trouble.

CodeIgniter 2.0.2:Processing Output

I use this Processing Output function _output(), it work very good with me, but in my controller some output like json, image, i wonn't proccessed by this function!!
so,How _output() function works only in specific type of header?
_output, like _resolve is a catch-all (It's in the docs and I've seen it in the code). It will fire every time and there really isn't a way around that. It's sort of the point of those functions, actually.
You do have options, however, in what you'd like to do with the data once you have it, but then you are limited to either putting a private var in your controller (before you call view, you set a flag, $this->_myFlag = 'BITMAP' or something) or parsing output's parameter (that can get expensive fast).
After that, you're stuck out of luck.

jQuery POST and GET methods: Construct URL or use data param?

I am using the post and get methods for Ajax calls, and have a general question. There are two methods I've seen people use on the web:
Construct the URL and parameters by
Use the data parameter
Both approaches work. I've included them below:
// Construct the POST URL by hand
queryStringDelimiter = "?";
settings.queryParam = "q";
$.post(settings.url + queryStringDelimiter + settings.queryParam + "=" + query, {}, callback, settings.contentType);
// Use the data param
$.post(settings.url, {q:query}, callback, settings.contentType);
Are there any situations where you would construct the URL and parameters by hand instead of using the built-in data parameter? Any advantages of one method over the other?
I'd say the data approach is better since it formalizes the process and reduces the chances of producing errors while string building. Besides, the JQuery library will do the string building for you so its basically the same amount of work.
No reason I can think of why one would construct them by hand unless they didn't know of the data parameter if there's more than 1 or 2 parameters, it's also cleaner to keep them separated so if you have to loop through the data object and possibly modify some values you'd just iterate over the object instead of parsing a string manually.
If you let jQuery concatenating the data in to the appropriately formatted string you...
avoid having to duplicate that code...
avoid worrying about escaping the data for transport...
can easily switch between GET and POST requests in the future...
Really, the only argument AGAINST using the data parameter is if you already have the data in a concatenated format.
If I am using a GET I tend to just construct the URL, but when using POST I use the data parameter.
I do it because it is closer to how I was doing ajax calls before jQuery, when I wrote everything myself.
