I have some code that tries to change 'false' to 'true' in a ruby file, but it only works once while the script is running.
toggleto = true
text = File.read(filename)
text.gsub!("#{!toggleto}", "#{toggleto}")
File.open(filename, 'w+') {|file| file.write(text); file.close}
As far as I know, as long as I close a file, i should be able to read it it afterwards with what I previously wrote and thus change it back and forth no matter how many times.
Larger Context:
def toggleAutoAction
require "#{#require_path}/options"
filename = "#{#require_path}/options.rb"
writeToggle(filename, !OPTIONS[:auto])
def writeToggle(filename, toggleto)
text = File.read(filename)
text.gsub!(":auto => #{!toggleto}", ":auto => #{toggleto}")
File.open(filename, 'w+') {|file| file.write(text); file.close}
def exitOrMenu
puts "Are you done? (y/n)"
if gets.chomp == 'n'
def whichAction
if action == 5
puts "Sorry, that isn't an option...returning"
return 1
The problem lays within this method:
def toggleAutoAction
require "#{#require_path}/options" # here
filename = "#{#require_path}/options.rb"
writeToggle(filename, !OPTIONS[:auto])
Ruby will not load the options.rb a second time (i.e. with the exact same path name), hence your !OPTIONS[:auto] will only be evaluated once (otherwise you would get a constant-already-defined-warning, provided OPTIONS is defined in options.rb). See Kernel#require docs.
You could, of course, do crazy stuff like
eval File.read("#{#require_path}/options.rb")
but I would not recommend that (performance wise).
As noted above, reading/writing from/to YAML files is less painful ;-)
I am in need of a ruby way to detect if immutable is set on a file. If it is I need to remove it. Make my change to the file and then return it to immutability. I have looked at File and Fileutils, I have searched but all I can find with immutable and ruby is how to make ruby objects and threads immutable, which is of course a different thing then what I am looking for. I am trying to avoid using the shell, I want to stick to ruby code if at all possible. I am imagining code something like this:
file_name = '/boot/grub2/grub.cfg'
was_immutable = false
if File.immutable?(file_name)
FileUtils.chattr '-i', file_name
was_immutable = true
#my changes
if was_immutable
FileUtils.chattr '+i', file_name
This might seem like an over-simplification, but you can probably see where it is going:
file_name = '/boot/grub2/grub.cfg'
a = %x[lsattr #{file_name}].chomp
puts a if a[/i/]
Ok, so based on the link in the comments below, here is what I could come up with as a ruby version (if a guru around, happy to see how this should look):
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'fcntl'
FS_IOC_GETFLAGS = 0x80086601
EXT3_IMMUTABLE_FL = 0x00000010
$count = 0
def check(filename)
fd = IO.sysopen(filename, Fcntl::O_RDONLY)
f = IO.new(fd)
a = [0].pack("L_")
f.ioctl(FS_IOC_GETFLAGS, a)
unless a.unpack('L_')[0] & EXT3_IMMUTABLE_FL == 0
puts "#{filename} is immutable :- a[0] = #{a[0].to_s}"
$count += 1
ARGV.each do |arg|
Dir[arg + '/*'].each do |item|
check(item) if File.file?(item)
exit(1) unless $count == 0
So I'm trying to build a program which tells me how many days are left till someone's birthday. I have a text file that I'm drawing data from. The problem is the save method is not working for some reason, and nothing is being printed to the output file. Thank you so much in advance!
require 'date'
Person = Struct.new(:name, :bday)
module Family
Member = Hash.new
File.readlines("bday_info.txt").each do |line|
name, bday = line.split(',')
person = Person.new(name, bday)
Member[name] = bday
def self.next_bday(name)
birthday = Date.parse(Family::Member[name])
this_year = Date.new(Date.today.year, birthday.month, birthday.day)
next_year = Date.new(Date.today.year + 1, birthday.month, birthday.day)
if this_year > Date.today
puts "\n#{(this_year - Date.today).to_i} days to #{name}'s birthday"
puts "\n#{(next_year - Date.today).to_i} days to #{name}'s birthday"
def self.save(name)
File.open("days_left.txt", "w") do |file|
file.puts "#{next_bday(name)}"
loop do
puts "\nName:"
response = gets.chomp.capitalize
if response.downcase == "quit"
elsif Family::Member.has_key?("#{response}") == false
puts "\nYou ain't on the list"
Family.save(response) #WHY IS THIS LINE NOT WORKING???
Your Family.next_bday does not return anything (to be more precise - it's returning nil that last puts returns), thus nothing is written to the file.
Other notes(not directly related):
No reason in calling Family.next_bday(response) twice, just save return value from the first call
Family::Member constant looks more like a variable, more clean design will be to make the whole thing a class that takes input file name, reads data in initializer and then stores into a instance variable
Let's say you have the following code:
from_file, to_file = ARGV
puts "Copying from #{from_file} to #{to_file}"
#in_file = open(from_file)
#indata = in_file.read
indata = open(from_file).read # Combined in_file and indata.
puts "The input file is #{indata.length} bytes long."
puts "Does the output file exist? #{File.exist?(to_file)}"
puts "Ready, hit RETURN to continue or CTRL-C to abort."
out_file = open(to_file, 'w')
puts "Alright, all done."
How would you close the file descriptor invoked by indata? You will need to close File open, but indata is really a (File open).read.
P.S. Since it's a script, it will be closed automatically upon exit. Let's assume that we're running a general, consistently running backend service. And we don't know whether garbage collector will kick in, so we will need to explicitly close it. What would you do?
If you are just copying the file...
you could just use FileUtils#cp:
FileUtils.cp("from_file", "to_file")
or even shell-out to the operating system and do it with a system command.
Let's suppose you want to do something to the input file before writing it to the output file.
If from_file is not large,...
you could "gulp it" into a string using IO.read:
str = IO.read(from_file)
manipulate str as desired, to obtain new_str, then then blast it to the output file using IO#write:
IO.write("to_file", new_str)
Note that for the class File:
File < IO #=> true # File inherits IO's methods
which is why you often see this written File.read(...) and File.write(...).
If from_file is large, read a line, write a line...
provided the changes to be made are done for each line separately.
f = File.open("to_file", "w") # or File.new("to_file", "w")
IO.foreach("from_file") do |line|
# < modify line to produce new_line >
f.puts new_line
foreach closes "from_file" when it's finished. If f.close is not present, Ruby will close "to_file" when the method containing the code goes out of scope. Still, it's a good idea to close it in case other work is done before the code goes out of scope.
Passing File.open a block is generally a nice way to go about things, so I’ll offer it up as an alternative even if it doesn’t seem to be quite what you asked.
indata = File.open(from_file) do |f|
I am doing the EventManager tutorial from Jumpstart Labs. Originally I could not get it my .rb file to read a .erb file, and I think I may have solved that, but I am not sure as I do not know what I SHOULD be seeing if all is running correctly and unfortunately the tutorial doesn't tell you. Here is my original question
Now after a simple change, I am no longer getting the error - but I am also not getting any indication that the code is working as expected. The tutorial says that this code should be creating a new directory and storing a copy of each 'thank you' letter into a file called 'output' in that new directory. But when I run it all I see is the => EventManager initialized from the terminal, which tells me that my .rb is being read and (I think) that the .erb is finally being read...but I do not see any new directories/files in the file structure, nor any indication that anything was created - so I can't tell if it is actually doing anything.
I am kind of expecting to see some kind of message telling me the directory has been created, perhaps with a file path or something.
I have never done anything like this and I'm not sure what I should be seeing...can anyone tell me how I would know that this code is preforming as expected? And if it is not, why?
require "csv"
require "sunlight/congress"
require "erb"
Sunlight::Congress.api_key = "e179a6973728c4dd3fb1204283aaccb5"
def save_thank_you_letters(id, form_letter)
Dir.mkdir("output") unless Dir.exists? ("output")
filename = "output/thanks_#{id}.html"
File.open(filename, 'w') do |file|
file.puts form_letter
def legislators_by_zipcode(zipcode)
legislators = Sunlight::Congress::Legislator.by_zipcode(zipcode)
def clean_zipcode(zipcode)
puts "EventManager initialized."
contents = CSV.open "event_attendees.csv", headers: true, header_converters: :symbol
template_letter = File.read( "event_manager/form_letter.erb")
erb_template = ERB.new template_letter
contents.each do |row|
id = row[0]
name = row[:first_name]
zipcode = clean_zipcode(row[:zipcode])
legislators = legislators_by_zipcode(zipcode)
form_letter = erb_template.result(binding)
save_thank_you_letters(id, form_letter)
I've (ever so slightly) modified your save_thank_you_letters method to spit out some helpful information as it writes files:
def save_thank_you_letters(id, form_letter)
Dir.mkdir("output") unless Dir.exists? ("output")
filename = "output/thanks_#{id}.html"
File.open(filename, 'w') do |file|
file.puts form_letter
puts "Wrote ID: #{id} to #{filename}"
The line puts "Wrote ID: #{id} to #{filename}" will print the ID and file path of the message it has written. You can place additional puts "Your text here..." throughout your Ruby logic to print more information to the console as you see fit.
Side note: in general, it's a super bad idea to post your personal API keys to any public forums. If this key is private/unique to you, delete it and request a new one. Anyone can now impersonate your account at Sunlight Labs.
I'm writing a test for one of my classes which has the following constructor:
def initialize(filepath)
#transactions = []
File.open(filepath).each do |line|
next if $. == 1
elements = line.split(/\t/).map { |e| e.strip }
transaction = Transaction.new(elements[0], Integer(1))
#transactions << transaction
I'd like to test this by using a fake file, not a fixture. So I wrote the following spec:
it "should read a file and create transactions" do
filepath = "path/to/file"
mock_file = double(File)
expect(File).to receive(:open).with(filepath).and_return(mock_file)
expect(mock_file).to receive(:each).with(no_args()).and_yield("phrase\tvalue\n").and_yield("yo\t2\n")
filereader = FileReader.new(filepath)
filereader.transactions.should_not be_nil
Unfortunately this fails because I'm relying on $. to equal 1 and increment on every line and for some reason that doesn't happen during the test. How can I ensure that it does?
Global variables make code hard to test. You could use each_with_index:
File.open(filepath) do |file|
file.each_with_index do |line, index|
next if index == 0 # zero based
# ...
But it looks like you're parsing a CSV file with a header line. Therefore I'd use Ruby's CSV library:
require 'csv'
CSV.foreach(filepath, col_sep: "\t", headers: true, converters: :numeric) do |row|
#transactions << Transaction.new(row['phrase'], row['value'])
You can (and should) use IO#each_line together with Enumerable#each_with_index which will look like:
File.open(filepath).each_line.each_with_index do |line, i|
next if i == 1
# …
Or you can drop the first line, and work with others:
File.open(filepath).each_line.drop(1).each do |line|
# …
If you don't want to mess around with mocking File for each test you can try FakeFS which implements an in memory file system based on StringIO that will clean up automatically after your tests.
This way your test's don't need to change if your implementation changes.
require 'fakefs/spec_helpers'
describe "FileReader" do
include FakeFS::SpecHelpers
def stub_file file, content
FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(file)
File.open( file, 'w' ){|f| f.write( content ); }
it "should read a file and create transactions" do
file_path = "path/to/file"
stub_file file_path, "phrase\tvalue\nyo\t2\n"
filereader = FileReader.new(file_path)
expect( filereader.transactions ).to_not be_nil
Be warned: this is an implementation of most of the file access in Ruby, passing it back onto the original method where possible. If you are doing anything advanced with files you may start running into bugs in the FakeFS implementation. I got stuck with some binary file byte read/write operations which weren't implemented in FakeFS quite how Ruby implemented them.