Is there a way asterisk reconnect calls when internet connection is missed - cluster-computing

For being specific, I am using asterisk with a Heartbeat active/pasive cluster. There are 2 nodes in the cluster. Let's suppose Asterisk1 Asterisk2. Eveything is well configured in my cluster. When one of the nodes looses internet connection, asterisk service fails or the Asterisk1 is turned off, the asterisk service and the failover IP migrate to the surviving node (Asterisk2).
The problem is if we actually were processing a call when the Asterisk1 fell down asterisk stops the call and I can redial until asterisk service is up in asterisk2 (5 seconds, not a bad time).
But, my question is: Is there a way to make asterisk work like skype when it looses connection in a call? I mean, not stopping the call and try to reconnect the call, and reconnect it when asterisk service is up in Asterisk2?

There are some commercial systems that support such behavour.
If you want do it on non-comercial system there are 2 way:
1) Force call back to all phones with autoanswer flag. Requerment: Guru in asterisk.
2) Use xen and memory mapping/mirror system to maintain on other node vps with same memory state(same running asterisk). Requirment: guru in XEN. See for example this:
Sorry, both methods require guru knowledge level.
Note, if you do sip via openvpn tunnel, very likly you not loose calls inside tunnel if internet go down for upto 20 sec. That is not exactly what you asked, but can work.

Since there is no accepted answer after almost 2 years I'll provide one: NO. Here's why.
If you failover from one Asterisk server 1 to Asterisk server 2, then Asterisk server 2 has no idea what calls (i.e. endpoint to endpoing) were in progress. (Even if you share a database of called numbers, use asterisk realtime, etc). If asterisk tried to bring up both legs of the call to the same numbers, these might not be the same endpoints of the call.
Another server cannot resume the SIP TCP session of the other server since it closed with the last server.
The MAC source/destination ports may be identical and your firewall will not know you are trying to continue the same session.
If you goal is high availability of phone services take a look at the VoIP Info web site. All the rest (network redundancy, disk redundancy, shared block storage devices, router failover protocol, etc) is a distraction...focus instead on early DETECTION of failures across all trunks/routes/devices involved with providing phone service, and then providing the highest degree of recovery without sharing ANY DEVICES. (Too many HA solutions share a disk, channel bank, etc. that create a single point of failure)

Your solution would require a shared database that is updated in realtime on both servers. The database would be managed by an event logger that would keep track of all calls in progress; flagged as LINEUP perhaps. In the event a failure was detected, then all calls that were on the failed server would be flagged as DROPPEDCALL. When your fail-over server spins up and takes over -- using heartbeat monitoring or somesuch -- then the first thing it would do is generate a set of call files of all database records flagged as DROPPPEDCALL. These calls can then be conferenced together.
The hardest part about it is the event monitor, ensuring that you don't miss any RING or HANGUP events, potentially leaving a "ghost" call in the system to be erroneously dialed in a recovery operation.
You likely should also have a mechanism to build your Asterisk config on a "management" machine that then pushes changes out to your farm of call-manager AST boxen. That way any node is replaceable with any other.
What you should likely have is 2 DB servers using replication techniques and Linux High-Availability (LHA) (1). Alternately, DNS round-robin or load-balancing with a "public" IP would do well, too. These machine will likely be light enough load to host your configuration manager as well, with the benefit of getting LHA for "free".
Then, at least N+1 AST Boxen for call handling. N is the number of calls you plan on handling per second divided by 300. The "+1" is your fail-over node. Using node-polling, you can then set up a mechanism where the fail-over node adopts the identity of the failed machine by pulling the correct configuration from the config manager.
If hardware is cheap/free, then 1:1 LHA node redundancy is always an option. However, generally speaking, your failure rate for PC hardware and Asterisk software is fairly lower; 3 or 4 "9s" out of the can. So, really, you're trying to get last bit of distance to the "5th 9".
I hope that gives you some ideas about which way to go. Let me know if you have any questions, and please take the time to "accept" which ever answer does what you need.


ActiveMQ Artemis - how does slave become live if there's only one master in the group?

I'm trying to understand a couple of items relating to failover in the ActiveMQ Artemis documentation. Specifically, there is a section (I'm sure I'm reading it wrong) that seems as if it's impossible to for a slave to take over for a master:
Specifically, the backup will become active when it loses connection to its live server. This can be problematic because this can also happen because of a temporary network problem. In order to address this issue, the backup will try to determine whether it still can connect to the other servers in the cluster. If it can connect to more than half the servers, it will become active, if more than half the servers also disappeared with the live, the backup will wait and try reconnecting with the live. This avoids a split brain situation
If there is only one other server, the master, the slave will not be able to connect to it. Since that is 100% of the other servers, it will stay passive. How can this work?
I did see that a pluggable quorum vote replication could be configured, but before I delve into that, I'd like to know what I'm missing here.
When using replication with only a single primary/backup pair there is no mitigation against split brain. When the backup loses its connection with the primary it will activate since it knows there are no other primary brokers in the cluster. Otherwise it would never activate, as you note.
The documentation should be clarified to remove this ambiguity.
Lastly, the documentation you referenced does not appear to be the most recent based on the fact that the latest documentation is slightly different from what you quoted (although it still contains this ambiguity).
Generally speaking, a single primary/backup pair with replication is only recommended with the new pluggable quorum voting since the risk of split brain is so high otherwise.

CPU bound/stateful distributed system design

I'm working on a web application frontend to a legacy system which involves a lot of CPU bound background processing. The application is also stateful on the server side and the domain objects needs to be held in memory across the entire session as the user operates on it via the web based interface. Think of it as something like a web UI front end to photoshop where each filter can take 20-30 seconds to execute on the server side, so the app still has to interact with the user in real time while they wait.
The main problem is that each instance of the server can only support around 4-8 instances of each "workspace" at once and I need to support a few hundreds of concurrent users at once. I'm going to be building this on Amazon EC2 to make use of the auto scaling functionality. So to summarize, the system is:
A web application frontend to a legacy backend system
task performed are CPU bound
Stateful, most calls will be some sort of RPC, the user will make multiple actions that interact with the stateful objects held in server side memory
Most tasks are semi-realtime, where they have to execute for 20-30 seconds and return the results to the user in the same session
Use amazon aws auto scaling
I'm wondering what is the best way to make a system like this distributed.
Obviously I will need a web server to interact with the browser and then send the cpu-bound tasks from the web server to a bunch of dedicated servers that does the background processing. The question is how to best hook up the 2 tiers together for my specific neeeds.
I've been looking at message Queue systems such as rabbitMQ but these seems to be geared towards one time task where any worker node can simply grab a job form a queue, execute it and forget the state. My needs are a little different since there could be multiple 'tasks' that needs to be 'sticky', for example if step 1 is started in node 1 then step 2 for the same workspace has to go to the same worker process.
Another problem I see is that most worker queue systems seems to be geared towards background tasks that can be processed anytime rather than a system that has to provide user feedback that I'm dealing with.
My question is, is there an off the shelf solution for something like this that will allow me to easily build a system that can scale? Would love to hear your thoughts.
RabbitMQ is has an RPC tutorial. I haven't used this pattern in particular but I am running RabbitMQ on a couple of nodes and it can handle hundreds of connections and millions of messages. With a little work in monitoring you can detect when there is more work to do then you have consumers for. Messages can also timeout so queues won't backup too greatly. To scale out capacity you can create multiple RabbitMQ nodes/clusters. You could have multiple rounds of RPC so that after the first response you include the information required to get second message to the correct destination.
0MQ has this as a basic pattern which will fanout work as needed. I've only played with this but it is simpler to code and possibly simpler to maintain (as it doesn't need a broker, devices can provide one though). This may not handle stickiness by default but it should be possible to write your own routing layer to handle it.
Don't discount HTTP for this as well. When you want request/reply, a strict throughput per backend node, and something that scales well, HTTP is well supported. With AWS you can use their ELB easily in front of an autoscaling group to provide the routing from frontend to backend. ELB supports sticky sessions as well.
I'm a big fan of RabbitMQ but if this is the whole scope then HTTP would work nicely and have fewer moving parts in AWS than the other solutions.

Multi-client RPC routing daemon

I've spent a few weeks looking for a daemon that is capable of the following:
Handling arbitrary numbers of clients from other network hosts.
Allowing clients to register services under an identity.
Allowing other clients to make RPC calls to these registered services, with reliable error handling (if client registered for that service detaches, the daemon should report an error to the caller, not leave it hanging).
Allowing clients to register to receive events, which other clients can broadcast.
The simpler, the better.
The closest thing I've found in the F/LOSS world is D-Bus, which meets all of these criteria except the first: it cannot reliably work with remote connections. I have spent time looking into other options (ESB and MQ daemons -- spending the most time with 0MQ and RabbitMQ) and they all fall short in one way or another: ESBs tend to be extremely complicated with a high learning curve, and MQ daemons tend to provide half of the solution (routing) while leaving the other half (error recovery) extremely complicated, if not impossible.
I'm not looking for any fantastic routing capabilities beyond one client saying "I provide service 'foo'" and another client saying "I want to invoke method 'bar' on service 'foo'."
It seems like something like this would exist already, and I hesitate to roll my own.
The use case is that I will have many processes across many hosts. Each host will have a governor process/service that will provide control of the lifetimes of these processes from a control panel. The processes themselves will also be services, allowing for direct inquiry about status as well as reconfiguration requests from this panel. The trick is that processes will come and go, and so static configuration of endpoints isn't something I really want to bother with; I would rather have each process be responsible for telling a daemon "I'm service so-and-so" and then let the daemon do the inter-client routing.
The only piece I'm really missing to develop this system is something that can route RPC requests between all of these processes. Is there any such daemon out there, or is there some other model that would better fit my needs?

Many-to-many messaging on local machine without broker

I'm looking for a mechanism to use to create a simple many-to-many messaging system to allow Windows applications to communicate on a single machine but across sessions and desktops.
I have the following hard requirements:
Must work across all Windows sessions on a single machine.
Must work on Windows XP and later.
No global configuration required.
No central coordinator/broker/server.
Must not require elevated privileges from the applications.
I do not require guaranteed delivery of messages.
I have looked at many, many options. This is my last-ditch request for ideas.
The following have been rejected for violating one or more of the above requirements:
ZeroMQ: In order to do many-to-many messaging a central broker is required.
Named pipes: Requires a central server to receive messages and forward them on.
Multicast sockets: Requires a properly configured network card with a valid IP address, i.e. a global configuration.
Shared Memory Queue: To create shared memory in the global namespace requires elevated privileges.
Multicast sockets so nearly works. What else can anyone suggest? I'd consider anything from pre-packaged libraries to bare-metal Windows API functionality.
(Edit 27 September) A bit more context:
By 'central coordinator/broker/server', I mean a separate process that must be running at the time that an application tries to send a message. The problem I see with this is that it is impossible to guarantee that this process really will be running when it is needed. Typically a Windows service would be used, but there is no way to guarantee that a particular service will always be started before any user has logged in, or to guarantee that it has not been stopped for some reason. Run on demand introduces a delay when the first message is sent while the service starts, and raises issues with privileges.
Multicast sockets nearly worked because it manages to avoid completely the need for a central coordinator process and does not require elevated privileges from the applications sending or receiving multicast packets. But you have to have a configured IP address - you can't do multicast on the loopback interface (even though multicast with TTL=0 on a configured NIC behaves as one would expect of loopback multicast) - and that is the deal-breaker.
Maybe I am completely misunderstanding the problem, especially the "no central broker", but have you considered something based on tuple spaces?
After the comments exchange, please consider the following as my "definitive" answer, then:
Use a file-based solution, and host the directory tree on a Ramdisk to insure good performance.
I'd also suggest to have a look at the following StackOverflow discussion (even if it's Java based) for possible pointers to how to manage locking and transactions on the filesystem.
This one (.NET based) may be of help, too.
How about UDP broadcasting?
Couldn't you use a localhost socket ?
In the end I decided that one of the hard requirements had to go, as the problem could not be solved in any reasonable way as originally stated.
My final solution is a Windows service running a named pipe server. Any application or service can connect to an instance of the pipe and send messages. Any message received by the server is echoed to all pipe instances.
I really liked p.marino's answer, but in the end it looked like a lot of complexity for what is really a very basic piece of functionality.
The other possibility that appealed to me, though again it fell on the complexity hurdle, was to write a kernel driver to manage the multicasting. There would have been several mechanisms possible in this case, but the overhead of writing a bug-free kernel driver was just too high.

Common Issues in Developing Cluster Aware non-web-based Enterprise Applications

I've to move a Windows based multi-threaded application (which uses global variables as well as an RDBMS for storage) to an NLB (i.e., network load balancer) cluster. The common architectural issues that immediately come to mind are
Global variables (which are both read/ written) will have to be moved to a shared storage. What are the best practices here? Is there anything available in Windows Clustering API to manage such things?
My application uses sockets, and persistent connections is a norm in the field I work. I believe persistent connections cannot be load balanced. Again, what are the architectural recommendations in this regard?
I'll answer the persistent connection part of the question first since it's easier. All good network load-balancing solutions (including Microsoft's NLB service built into Windows Server, but also including load balancing devices like F5 BigIP) have the ability to "stick" individual connections from clients to particular cluster nodes for the duration of the connection. In Microsoft's NLB this is called "Single Affinity", while other load balancers call it "Sticky Sessions". Sometimes there are caveats (for example, Microsoft's NLB will break connections if a new member is added to the cluster, although a single connection is never moved from one host to another).
re: global variables, they are the bane of load-balanced systems. Most designers of load-balanced apps will do a lot of re-architecture to minimize dependence on shared state since it impedes the scalabilty and availability of a load-balanced application. Most of these approaches come down to a two-step strategy: first, move shared state to a highly-available location, and second, change the app to minimize the number of times that shared state must be accessed.
Most clustered apps I've seen will store shared state (even shared, volatile state like global variables) in an RDBMS. This is mostly out of convenience. You can also use an in-memory database for maximum performance. But the simplicity of using an RDBMS for all shared state (transient and durable), plus the use of existing database tools for high-availability, tends to work out for many services. Perf of an RDBMS is of course orders of magnitude slower than global variables in memory, but if shared state is small you'll be reading out of the RDBMS's cache anyways, and if you're making a network hop to read/write the data the difference is relatively less. You can also make a big difference by optimizing your database schema for fast reading/writing, for example by removing unneeded indexes and using NOLOCK for all read queries where exact, up-to-the-millisecond accuracy is not required.
I'm not saying an RDBMS will always be the best solution for shared state, only that improving shared-state access times are usually not the way that load-balanced apps get their performance-- instead, they get performance by removing the need to synchronously access (and, especially, write to) shared state on every request. That's the second thing I noted above: changing your app to reduce dependence on shared state.
For example, for simple "counters" and similar metrics, apps will often queue up their updates and have a single thread in charge of updating shared state asynchronously from the queue.
For more complex cases, apps may swtich from Pessimistic Concurrency (checking that a resource is available beforehand) to Optimistic Concurrency (assuming it's available, and then backing out the work later if you ended up, for example, selling the same item to two different clients!).
Net-net, in load-balanced situations, brute force solutions often don't work as well as thinking creatively about your dependency on shared state and coming up with inventive ways to prevent having to wait for synchronous reading or writing shared state on every request.
I would not bother with using MSCS (Microsoft Cluster Service) in your scenario. MSCS is a failover solution, meaning it's good at keeping a one-server app highly available even if one of the cluster nodes goes down, but you won't get the scalability and simplicity you'll get from a true load-balanced service. I suspect MSCS does have ways to share state (on a shared disk) but they require setting up an MSCS cluster which involves setting up failover, using a shared disk, and other complexity which isn't appropriate for most load-balanced apps. You're better off using a database or a specialized in-memory solution to store your shared state.
Regarding persistent connection look into the port rules, because port rules determine which tcpip port is handled and how.
When a port rule uses multiple-host
load balancing, one of three client
affinity modes is selected. When no
client affinity mode is selected,
Network Load Balancing load-balances
client traffic from one IP address and
different source ports on
multiple-cluster hosts. This maximizes
the granularity of load balancing and
minimizes response time to clients. To
assist in managing client sessions,
the default single-client affinity
mode load-balances all network traffic
from a given client's IP address on a
single-cluster host. The class C
affinity mode further constrains this
to load-balance all client traffic
from a single class C address space.
In an app what allows session state to be persistent is when the clients affinity parameter setting is enabled; the NLB directs all TCP connections from one client IP address to the same cluster host. This allows session state to be maintained in host memory;
The client affinity parameter makes sure that a connection would always route on the server it was landed initially; thereby maintaining the application state.
Therefore I believe, same would happen for your windows based multi threaded app, if you utilize the affinity parameter.
Network Load Balancing Best practices
Web Farming with the
Network Load Balancing Service
in Windows Server 2003 might help you give an insight
Concurrency (Check out Apache Cassandra, et al)
Speed of light issues (if going cross-country or international you'll want heavy use of transactions)
Backups and deduplication (Companies like FalconStor or EMC can help here in a distributed system. I wouldn't underestimate the need for consulting here)
