Ruby naming conventions? - ruby

For instance, for constants, is it:
Or something else...?
In fact, is there any sort of (quasi|)official reference for this whole subject?
I'd also like to be able to quickly double check questions like:
What naming patterns are enforced by Ruby itself (eg, Constants must start with a capital, right?) and which are simply conventions (method_names should be in snake case, right?)?
Are there any conventions for how to write a reminder of what class a variable is supposed to be into its name? ("Hungarian notation" or whatever... I mean, I kinda got the impression that if you ever feel the need to use it in Ruby code, you're Doing It Wrong, but regardless, is there a convention?)
and so on...

The Ruby Style Guide is a public effort to recommend consistent conventions and best practices to Ruby developers. You should check it out.

In brief
The camel case for classes and modules definition we use CamelCase
The snake case for files, variables and methods: snake_case

The syntax highlighting in your text editor can give you some good clues as you're learning a language and trying to develop an instinct for its conventions, enforced and otherwise. I use the Linux Gedit editor.
Yesterday I was pleasantly surprised to find that some of the conventions for commenting recommended by The Ruby Style Guide, such as # TODO and # FIXME, show up as bold face bright yellow. Constant names with ALL CAPS are bold cyan. Of course, different editors use different color schemes.


Why is prefixing class, method, or variable names with "My" considered bad practice?

Often in code snippets or examples, the prefix My is used for classes, methods, and variables.
We see this all the time, from Google's gcm example to numerous questions on stackoverflow. It can be found in documentation for PHP, Javascript, C#, and really just about every other language.
So, given it's extreme prevalence, why shouldn't I put MyClass with myMethod using myVar1 into production? Why is this bad practice, and what should I do instead?
Name are important
Everything else comes down to that one simple fact.
Having clear, meaningful variable names is an important factor in writing understandable and maintainable code. - Computational Fairy Tales
When you write a piece of code, you want anyone reading it (which includes you in three months!) to know what it does almost immediately. In order to remember, you would probably need to add a comment about it. However...
The proper use of comments is to compensate for our failure to express our self in code - Express Names in Code: Bad vs Clean
To help with this, your name should be both descriptive and concise. Generally, when the prefix My is added, it replaces a prefix that could be more informational. Instead of MyService, why not GcmListenerService?
What if I make it descriptive, but I just add My? Like MyGcmListenerService?
That breaks the consice part of the rule. What do you gain from adding My? Is the My adding value to the name? Even if you were attempting to take possession of the code (which would be better done and is feasible using vcs), My is meaningless. Who wrote My? Well, I did, obviously. It says it right there, "My".
If I really shouldn't use My, why is it in so many examples?
Really, it's just a placeholder.
It's like the metasyntactic variables "foo" and "bar" - it's usually used as a placeholder for a real name. - Opinions on using My as a class name prefix
Unfortunately, most experienced programmers just assume that people looking up examples will know this, and they will replace My with a good variable name when they actually use the code. However, for those new to programming, if you see it all over the place, instead of knowing it is a placeholder, you may think it is actually a standard, and best practice to use My.
Ok, then what do I use instead of My?
There are a lot of really good guides about naming variables and classes out there. You can start with wikipedia, but if you google around a bit you can find lots of articles about good vs bad names. At the heart of it all, though, is one rules: make names descriptive, and keep them concise.
If I read the name of a class, method, or variable and immediately know its purpose, it is a good name.

Migrating from one C language to another, change Style?

I find myself in conflict, regarding which code style I should follow when using a different C language.
Currently I am doing work (different projects) in C++, C# and Objective-C
I noticed there is a lot of discrepancy in the conventions basic frameworks follow. Generally, I don't think it's a bad idea to adhere to these conventions, as it makes code feel more "integrated" into the environment. However it is hard for me to remember all the differences and apply principles correctly.
In C# for example, all methods of a class start Uppercase, while Objective-C seems to prefer camelCase style methods.
What tactic would you choose:
One style to rule them all (as far as applicable)
Stick with what is common in the given environment
I do especially like the google styleguides, which seem to recommend the latter. However I disagree with them on using spaces instead of tabs and their indentation in general (e.g. methods on same level as class etc.)
I think you should stick to the "accepted" styles for each language. My rationale for that is that I think it would be much easier to recall what environment you're in when you have to think in the style used for that language. It will also be much easier for someone who is familiar with that environment to look at your code and feel more comfortable with the style and formatting (i.e. less chance for them to misunderstand what they're looking at).
My rule with porting code is: Don't touch it unless you have to.
My rule with modifying old code is: Use the style of the file.
Outside of those two situations, things like coding standards and perhaps your own opinion on good style can come into play.

Does identifier casing really matter?

FxCop thought me (basically, from memory) that functions, classes and properties should be written in MajorCamelCase, while private variables should be in minorCamelCase.
I was talking about a reasonably popular project on IRC and quoted some code. One other guy, a fairly notorious troll who was also a half-op (gasp!) didn't seem to agree. Everything oughta be in the same casing, and he quite fervently favored MajorCamelCase, or even underscore_separation.
Ofcourse, he was just a troll so I reckoned I'd just keep doing it the way I already did. Before I learned the above guidelines, I hardly even had a coherent naming style.
He got me thinking, though -- does stuff like this really matter?
You need to make sure that your code is readable in the future. Please remember that you might want to pass the development of your application to someone else and this person will need to read and understand it. You could stop actively working on a project and return to it after a year - and be suprised that you have to read code carefully to understand how it works.
I believe it was Steve McConnell who said that specific naming style does not really matter (you could use anything you want as long as you are consistent) but this only applies when everyone working on the project agree with you.
In general it is better to adopt community-accepted coding styles where possible to facilitate code reuse and shorten learning curves.
If you don't care about long-term maintanability of your project (or consistency or readability) then no, casing (and coding conventions in general) don't really matter. Otherwise, they do matter. See this.
Your specific coding style doesn't matter (much), so long as it is consistent throughout the project.
This improves readability and understanding, as if an identifier is named in a particular way, the reader can (hopefully) be confident as to what that naming style implies.
As regards CamelCase v underscores, etc: again, it's down to your coding convention. One approach which uses both is to apply a prefix with underscore to indicate the module in which the function, or file-scope/global variable, is used, e.g. Config_Update(), Status_Get().

What are the things you would like improved in the Ruby language?

What are the things you wish Ruby (and more generally the Ruby community) would improve?
I read somewhere that Ruby is the love-child of Smalltalk and LISP, with Miss Perl as the Nanny.
I have a lot of respect for Ruby's parents, but I'm not sure I like the influence Miss Perl had on the child. Specifically, I don't like the predefined variables: I need a cheat sheet to know what they mean. You could say "just don't use them". Well, I don't... but other people do. And when I download a plugin on the Web, I have no choice but to fetch my cheat-sheet if I ever need to go and touch the source code. I just wish they would remove those from the language itself.
Also, I think that Ruby is too much of a moving target. My code breaks on every new Ruby upgrade, even on minor releases. This is true also of Ruby on Rails and most Rails plugins I have worked with: they just change all the time, and nobody seems to care whether the changes break everything or not. IMHO, although I love a lot of things in Ruby, this lack of stability is almost a show-stopper.
I wish people would consider backward compatibility between minor releases as an unbreakable rule when releasing a new language (or library or framework) version.
I wish that some of the lesser used modules of the standard library were documented.
Make require-ing files less painful. Don't ask me how, but maybe have one file dedicated to knowing the paths involved and just get rid of the relative path crud from everything else.
Getting rid of the artificial distinction between Modules and Classes would be nice.
Both Modules and Classes are Namespaces. Modules are also Mixins, while Classes aren't. Classes can also be instantiated while Modules can't. This distinction is unnecessary. Just get rid of Modules and allow Classes to be used as Mixins.
An example of a language where this works is Newspeak.
I'd appreciate being able to install ruby 1.9 as an RPM rather than having to use the source.
Make Ruby completely Message Sending based, get rid of everything that is not a message send: local variables, global variables, instance variables, class hierarchy variables, constants, magic globals, magic constants, builtin operators, builtin keywords, even literals. See Self, Ioke or Newspeak for the incredible power and elegance this gains.
I wish they would get rid of the predefined variables: $!, $&, $+, etc.
I would like to have support for static compile-time metaprogramming. The Converge Programming Language might be a good starting point.
Replace the Mixin system with a Traits system.
Replace Exceptions with a Common Lisp style Conditions system.

Standards Document

I am writing a coding standards document for a team of about 15 developers with a project load of between 10 and 15 projects a year. Amongst other sections (which I may post here as I get to them) I am writing a section on code formatting. So to start with, I think it is wise that, for whatever reason, we establish some basic, consistent code formatting/naming standards.
I've looked at roughly 10 projects written over the last 3 years from this team and I'm, obviously, finding a pretty wide range of styles. Contractors come in and out and at times, and sometimes even double the team size.
I am looking for a few suggestions for code formatting and naming standards that have really paid off ... but that can also really be justified. I think consistency and shared-patterns go a long way to making the code more maintainable ... but, are there other things I ought to consider when defining said standards?
How do you lineup parenthesis? Do you follow the same parenthesis guidelines when dealing with classes, methods, try catch blocks, switch statements, if else blocks, etc.
Do you line up fields on a column? Do you notate/prefix private variables with an underscore? Do you follow any naming conventions to make it easier to find particulars in a file? How do you order the members of your class?
What about suggestions for namespaces, packaging or source code folder/organization standards? I tend to start with something like:
I'm curious to see if there are other, more accepted, practices than what I am accustomed to -- before I venture off dictating these standards. Links to standards already published online would be great too -- even though I've done a bit of that already.
First find a automated code-formatter that works with your language. Reason: Whatever the document says, people will inevitably break the rules. It's much easier to run code through a formatter than to nit-pick in a code review.
If you're using a language with an existing standard (e.g. Java, C#), it's easiest to use it, or at least start with it as a first draft. Sun put a lot of thought into their formatting rules; you might as well take advantage of it.
In any case, remember that much research has shown that varying things like brace position and whitespace use has no measurable effect on productivity or understandability or prevalence of bugs. Just having any standard is the key.
Coming from the automotive industry, here's a few style standards used for concrete reasons:
Always used braces in control structures, and place them on separate lines. This eliminates problems with people adding code and including it or not including it mistakenly inside a control structure.
All switches/selects have a default case. The default case logs an error if it's not a valid path.
For the same reason as above, any if...elseif... control structures MUST end with a default else that also logs an error if it's not a valid path. A single if statement does not require this.
In the occasional case where a loop or control structure is intentionally empty, a semicolon is always placed within to indicate that this is intentional.
Naming standards have very different styles for typedefs, defined constants, module global variables, etc. Variable names include type. You can look at the name and have a good idea of what module it pertains to, its scope, and type. This makes it easy to detect errors related to types, etc.
There are others, but these are the top off my head.
I'm going to second Jason's suggestion.
I just completed a standards document for a team of 10-12 that work mostly in perl. The document says to use "perltidy-like indentation for complex data structures." We also provided everyone with example perltidy settings that would clean up their code to meet this standard. It was very clear and very much industry-standard for the language so we had great buyoff on it by the team.
When setting out to write this document, I asked around for some examples of great code in our repository and googled a bit to find other standards documents that smarter architects than I to construct a template. It was tough being concise and pragmatic without crossing into micro-manager territory but very much worth it; having any standard is indeed key.
Hope it works out!
It obviously varies depending on languages and technologies. By the look of your example name space I am going to guess java, in which case is a really good place to start. You might also want to look at something like maven's standard directory structure which will make all your projects look similar.
