How to rewrite SEO URL in Magento? - magento

I am working on FAQ custom module which lists all FAQ related with particular product.
The following is the my product view page link:
And following is the my custom FAQ page link for this product:
Now, my requirement is create above link SEO friendly respective with product like following:
How can I achieve this?

First of all you have to create your custom rewrite in admin.
Just go to url rewrite management and choose custom url rewrite type
Give unique id path in id path field
In request path give this
This is your request path from frontend
And in target path give this
internally magento use your target path.
And save your url rewrite


what to use custom URL structure in magento extension

We are using magento team extension and URL for all team member list is and by default the team member detail page url is
We want url of to SEO friendly like for e.g.
Just make URL rewrite for each developer in Magento Admin. Such rewrite rule will look similar to product rules

Magento - How to create a custom url based on attributes?

In the Magento Admin > Catalogue > Attributes > Attribute Sets, we have a set of attributes for "Manufacturers" which group products under designers.
I am trying to create a hyperlink that maps a custom route to an attribute query like so
this is route i want:
this is what it will map to:
I have tried creating a custom url rewrite under Catalogue > URL Rewrite Management with no luck.
Please refer this this may help you
if you want to create custom url, than follow the steps...
From the Admin panel, select Catalog >> URL Rewrite Management
In the upper-right corner, click the Add URL Rewrite button
In the Add New URL Rewrite section, set Create URL Rewrite to “for Product.”
Find the product in the list below and click to open the record and click Skip Category Selection button
In the URL Rewrite section, do some following things:
a.In the Request Path field, enter the new value for the updated URL. The Request Path must be unique for each rewrite.
b.Set Redirect to one of the following:
Temporary (302)
Permanent (301)
For your own reference, enter a brief description of the rewrite.
click to save and enjoy ;)

Is there a way to change login page URL in Magento?

I want to change the URL for customer login in Magento.
From the URL,
To something like this:
How can I do this?
I have not tried this method yet but you can achieve this with url rewrite.
Go to url rewrite and add custom url rewrite, give unique id path.
And in request path give this url and in target path give this url magento internally consider target path for its use.
For more Info on url rewrite you can see here
1)Login to magento admin panel
2)Goto catalog->URL Rewrite Management
3)In Requestpath give
4)In Targetpath give

Magento migration from single store to multistore. Redirects

I have 1 website for now. Its URL is, for example.
I want to create second website on the same domain adding store codes to URLs. So my URLs will be
But as I can see all my previous URLs will show 404 on their open. So if I open
it will show 404. It is not good because I loose my SEO.
How can I create redirects so if user opens
he will be automatically redirected to default website, like
Shall I have any issues with such redirects? (Like API will not work)
Or is it possible for URL
to show product from default website, if exists?
Magento has a very good system for SEO.
For Rewrite Management these are the steps:
1.Loginto Admin.
2.Move mouse over Catalog and you will find a drop down.
3 Select URL Rewrite management.
Catalog >> UrlRewrite Management
4.Then click on ADD URL Rewrite Button.
5.Then on next screen select custom from option provided
Create URL Rewrite : Select Custom
Now following important fields and values that should go:
Request Path (Old URL ) Target Path ( New URL ) redirect (Permanent 301).
Note : This approach will be good if you have few products but if you have too many product then some .htaccess rule is recommended.

SEO: category and product path (URL) - Magento

I have one or two categries in magento but these are not always showing up in URL.
When I navigate to a product page the path looks like this:
However, when I click a product directly from the frontpage (newest, featured), then the URL structure looks like this:
My first thought was to deactivate, that the category is showing up within the URL (backend seo tab).
Well, I'm trying to seo the shop and not very happy with this solution. I'd like to have always a clear structured URL.
Any ideas?
If your website has a complicated structure, you will have multiply URL for a single product, just like you mentioned. This situation may damage your website's profile to the customer, but it won't be any problems to Search Engine. The latest version of Magento provides canonical URL support for product and category. You may access the configuration under
System -> Configuration -> Catalog -> Search Engine Optimizations -> Use Canonical Like Meta Tag for Products
If you are going to eliminate this situation throughly, you can create URL writes to the URL you want through a 403 status code, which also will tell search engine that the content has been permanently migrate to the target URL and user can only access the URL you want to present to them.
The problem you have is that a product can belong to multiple categories so what category should be used in this case?
Depending on how you are outputting the newest, featured etc.. you could use a static block instead and simply put in the products manually which you can then link to the product in the category you want. This is a manual process but one that would work for what you want to do without requiring custom work.
