Bash script: using variables / parameter in sed - bash

I am trying to write a little bash script, where you can specify a number of minutes and it will show the lines of a log file from those last X minutes.
To get the lines, I am using sed
sed -n '/time/,/time/p' LOGFILE
On CLI this works perfectly, in my script however, it does not.
# Get date
now=$(date "+%Y-%m-%d %T")
# Get date minus X number of minutes -- $1 first argument, minutes
then=$(date -d "-$1 minutes" +"%Y-%m-%d %T")
# Filter logs -- $2 second argument, filename
sed -n '/'$then'/,/'$now'/p' $2
I have tried different approaches and none of them seem to work:
result=$(sed -n '/"$then"/,/"$now"/p' $2)
sed -n "/'$then'/,/'$now'/p" "$2"
sed -n "/$then/,/$now/p" $2
sed -n "/$then/,/$now/p" "$2
Any sugesstions?
I am on Debian 5, echo $SHELL says /bin/sh
EDIT : The script produces no output, so there is no error showing up.
In the logfile every entry starts with a date like this 2013-05-15 14:21:42,794

I assume that the main problem is that you try to perform an arithmetic comparison by string matching. sed -n '/23/,/27/p' gives you the lines between the first line that contains 23 and the next line that contains 27 (and then again from the next line that contains 23 to the next line that contains 27, and so on). It does not give you all lines that contain a number between 23 and 27. If the input looks like
it does not output anything (since there is no 23). An awk solution that uses string matching has the same problem. So, unless your then date string occurs verbatim in the log file, your method will fail. You have to convert your date strings into numbers (drop the -, <space>, and :) and then check whether the resulting number is in the right range, using an arithmetical comparison rather than a string match. This goes beyond the capabilities of sed; awk and perl can do it rather easily. Here is a perl solution:
NOW=$(date "+%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
THEN=$(date -d "-$1 minutes" "+%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
perl -wne '
if (m/^(....)-(..)-(..) (..):(..):(..)/) {
$date = "$1$2$3$4$5$6";
if ($date >= '"$THEN"' && $date <= '"$NOW"') {
}' "$2"

Don't give yourself a headache with nested quotes. Use the -v option with awk to pass the value of a shell variable into the script:
# Get date
now=$(date "+%Y-%m-%d %T")
# Get date minus X number of minutes -- $1 first argument, minutes
delta=$(date -d "-$1 minutes" +"%Y-%m-%d %T")
# Filter logs -- $2 second argument, filename
awk -v n="$now" -v d="$delta" '$0~n,$0~d' $2
Also don't use variable names of shell builtins i.e then.


Append number of days since the date in the line to each line in the file using Bash

I have a file that consists of the following...
I want to use the date in the 5th column to calculate the number of days from the current date and append it to each line in the file.
The end result would be a file that looks like the following, assuming the current date is 1/13/2022...
Some lines in the file will not contain a date value (which is expected). I need a solution for a Bash script on Linux.
I am able to submit a command using echo for a single line and then calculate the number of days from the current date by using cut on the 5th field (see below)...
echo "false|aaa|user|aaa001|2014-12-11" | echo $(( ($(date --date=date +"%Y-%m-%d" +%s) - $(date --date=cut -d'|' -f5 +%s) )/(60*60*24) ))
I don't know how to do this one line at a time, capture the 'number of days' value and then append it to each line in the file.
Here's an approach using
paste to append the outputs
sed to arrange the empty lines and
awk to calculate the desired days.
This works with GNU date. BSD date has to use something like date -jf x +%s.
EDIT: Updated the date to compare with to current day.
% current=$(date +%m/%d/%Y)
% paste -d"\0" file <(cut -d"|" -f5 file |
sed 's/^$/#/' |
xargs -Ix date -d x +%s 2>&1 |
awk -v cur="$(date -d "$current" +%s)" '/invalid/{print 0; next}
{print int((cur-$1)/3600/24)}')
Also date returns date: invalid date ‘#’ in the empty case. If any other implementation behaves differently the awk regex has to be adjusted accordingly.
% cat file

Identifying the files older than x-months by the filename only and deleting them

I have 4 different files with different formats, having a date embedded as part of the name. I want to identify the files older than 3 months based on their name only because the files would be edited/changed later as well. I want to create a shell script and run it as a cron.
Here below are the file under the same directory:
I have checked the existing example but have not found what I am actually looking for!
Working on the premise that you mean 90 days - if you need specifically months, we can check that too, but it's different logic.
here's some code you could work from -
(you said you don't want to work from a list, so I edited to use the current directory.)
$: cat chkDates
# while read f # replaced with -
for f in *[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]*
do # first get the epoch timestamp of the file based on the sate string embedded in the name
date +%s -d $(
echo $f | sed -E 's/.*([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}).*/\1/'
) # this returns the date substring
) # this converts it to an epoch integer of seconds since 1/1/70
# now see if it's > 90 days ( you said 3 months. if you need *months* we have to do some more...)
daysOld=$(( ( $(date +%s) - $filedate ) / 86400 )) # this should give you an integer result, btw
if (( 90 < $daysOld ))
then echo $f is old
else echo $f is not
done # < listOfFileNames # not reading list now
You can pass date a date to report, and a format to present it.
sed pattern explanation
Note the sed -E 's/.*([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}).*/\1/' command. This assumes the date format will be consistently YYYY-MM-DD, and does no validations of reasonableness. It will happily accept any 4 digits, then 2, then 2, delimited by dashes.
-E uses expanded regexes, so parens () can denote values to be remembered, without needing \'s. . means any character, and * means any number (including zero) of the previous pattern, so .* means zero or more characters, eating up all the line before the date. [0-9] means any digit. {x,y} sets a minimum(x) and maximum(y) number of consecutive matches - with only one value {4} means only exactly 4 of the previous pattern will do. So, '.*([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}).*' means ignore as many characters as you can until seeing 4 digits, then a dash, 2 digits, then a dash, then 2 digits; remember that pattern (the ()'s), then ignore any characters behind it.
In a substitution, \1 means the first remembered match, so
sed -E 's/.*([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}).*/\1/'
means find and remember the date pattern in the filenames, and replace the whole name with just that part in the output. This assumes the date will be present - on a filename where there is no date, the pattern will not match, and the whole filename will be returned, so be careful with that.
(hope that helped.)
By isolating the date string from the filenames with sed (your examples were format-consistent, so I used that) we pass it in and ask for the UNIX Epoch timestamp of that date string using date +%s -d $(...), to represent the file with a math-handy number.
Subtract that from the current date in the same format, you get the approximate age of the file in seconds. Divide that by the number of seconds in a day and you get days old. The file date will default to midnight, but the math will drop fractions, so it sorts out.
here's the file list I made, working from your examples
$: cat listOfFileNames
I added a file for each that would be within the 90 days as of this posting - including one that is "post-dated", which can easily happen with this sort of thing.
Here's the output.
$: ./chkDates
fileone.log.2018-03-23 is old
fileone.log.2018-09-23 is not
file_two_2018-03-23.log is old
file_two_2018-08-23.log is not
filethree.log.2018-03-23 is old
filethree.log.2018-10-02 is not
file_four_file_four_2018-03-23.log is old
file_four_file_four_2019-03-23.log is not
That what you had in mind?
An alternate pure-bash way to get just the date string
(You still need date to convert to the epoch seconds...)
instead of
date +%s -d $(
echo $f | sed -E 's/.*([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}).*/\1/'
) # this returns the date substring
) # this converts it to an epoch integer of seconds since 1/1/70
which doesn't seem to be working for you, try this:
tmp=${f%[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]*} # unwanted prefix
d=${f#$tmp} # prefix removed
tmp=${f#*[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]} # unwanted suffix
filedate=${d%$tmp} # suffix removed
filedate=$( date +%s --date=$filedate ) # epoch time
This is hard to read, but doesn't have to spawn as many subprocesses to get the work done. :)
If that doesn't work, then I'm suspicious of your version of date. Mine:
$: date --version
date (GNU coreutils) 8.26
Simple Version:
Method for using the date inside of the file's name :
typeset stamp=$(date --date="90 day ago" +%s)
for file in /directory/*.log; do
fdate="$(echo "$file" | sed 's/[^0-9-]*//g')"
fstamp=$(date -d "${fdate} 00:00:00" +"%s")
if [ ${fstamp} -le ${stamp} ] ; then
echo "${file} : ${fdate} (${fstamp})"
A More Complete Version:
This version will look at all files, if it fails to make a date value from the file it moves on.
typeset stamp=$(date --date="90 day ago" +%s)
for file in /tmp/* ; do
fdate="$(echo "$file" | sed 's/[^0-9-]*//g')"
fstamp=$(date -d "${fdate} 00:00:00" +"%s" 2> /dev/null)
[[ $? -ne 0 ]] && continue
if [ ${fstamp} -le ${stamp} ] ; then
echo "${file} : ${fdate} (${fstamp})"
/tmp/file_2016-05-23.log : 2016-05-23 (1463976000)
/tmp/file_2017-05-23.log : 2017-05-23 (1495512000)
/tmp/file_2018-05-23.log : 2018-05-23 (1527048000)
/tmp/file_2018-06-23.log : 2018-06-23 (1529726400)
/tmp/file_2018-07-23.log : 2018-07-23 (1532318400)
in this example the following were ignored :
/tmp/file_2018-08-23.log : 2018-08-23 (1534996800)
/tmp/file_2018-10-18.log : 2018-10-18 (1539835200)

To print past 2years weekends dates using shell scripting

I want the code in Bash scripting
"It should print the dates in the below manner
From : 2015-October-03 2015-October-04(in the next line again it should print)
2015-October-10 2015-October-11
" "
" "
To :2017-October-21 2017-October-22
2017-October-28 2017-October-29
So, this should print all the months from the 2015-till date weekend dates in the above format only. please help me at the earliest
The following is the solution for your query.
Date_Diff_Count=` echo $[$[$(date +%s)-$(date -d "2015-01-01" +%s)]/60/60/24] `
for i in ` seq -$Date_Diff_Count 0 `
VALUE=`date -d "+$i day" | egrep -i "Sat|Sun" | awk -F" " '{print $2" "$3" "$6}'`
[[ ! -z ${VALUE} ]] && date -d "${VALUE}" +%Y-%B-%d
done > sample.txt
paste -d " " - - < sample.txt
2015-January-03 2015-January-04
2015-January-10 2015-January-11
2015-January-17 2015-January-18
2015-January-24 2015-January-25
2015-January-31 2015-February-01
2016-May-07 2016-May-08
2016-May-14 2016-May-15
2016-May-21 2016-May-22
2016-May-28 2016-May-29
2017-October-07 2017-October-08
2017-October-14 2017-October-15
2017-October-21 2017-October-22
2017-October-28 2017-October-29
Date_Diff_Count is the variable i.e. getting number of days by
subtracting the start date from the current date. Based on your wish
you can edit the start date.
For loop is starting from -Date_Diff_Count to 0 for Ex: if
Date_Diff_Count is 500, for loop sequence starts from -500 to 0.
Value is where we are fetching only year,month and date after doing pipe on the output of date and egrep command.
if value is not zero then we are converting date into the format YYYY-month-DD
Final output will be saved in sample.txt file
Final paste command is to merge 2 consecutive lines into a single line. If you want to merge 3 lines then use paste -d " " - - -
d is delimiter to separate the merged lines. You can use any other operators based on your requirements.

How to compare a field of a file with current timestamp and print the greater and lesser data?

How do I compare current timestamp and a field of a file and print the matched and unmatched data. I have 2 columns in a file (see below)
oac.bat 09:09
klm.txt 9:00
I want to compare the timestamp(2nd column) with current time say suppose(10:00) and print the output as follows.
At 10:00
xyz.txt 10:32
mnp.csv 23:54
oac.bat 09:09
klm.txt 9:00
Could anyone help me on this please ?
I used awk $0 > "10:00", which gives me only 2nd column details but I want both the column details and I am taking timestamp from system directly from system with a variable like
d=`date +%H:%M`
With GNU awk you can just use it's builtin time functions:
awk 'BEGIN{now = strftime("%H:%M")} {
print > ((cur > now ? "greater" : "lesser") ".txt")
}' file
With other awks just set now using -v and date up front, e.g.:
awk -v now="$(date +"%H:%M")" '{
cur = sprintf("%02d:%02d",t[1],t[2])
print > ((cur > now ? "greater" : "lesser") ".txt")
}' file
The above is untested since you didn't provide input/output we could test against.
Pure Bash
The script can be implemented in pure Bash with the help of date command:
# Current Unix timestamp
let cmp_seconds=$(date +%s)
# Read file line by line
while IFS= read -r line; do
let line_seconds=$(date -d "${line##* }" +%s) || continue
(( line_seconds <= cmp_seconds )) && \
outfile=lesser || outfile=greater
# Append the line to the file chosen above
printf "%s\n" "$line" >> "${outfile}.txt"
done < file
In this script, ${line##* } removes the longest match of '* ' (any character followed by a space) pattern from the front of $line thus fetching the last column (the time). The time column is supposed to be in one of the following formats: HH:MM, or H:MM. Actually, date's -d option argument
can be in almost any common format. It can contain month names, time zones, ‘am’ and ‘pm’, ‘yesterday’, etc.
We use the flexibility of this option to convert the time (HH:MM, or H:MM) to Unix timestamp.
The let builtin allows arithmetic to be performed on shell variables. If the last let expression fails, or evaluates to zero, let returns 1 (error code), otherwise 0 (success). Thus, if for some reason the time column is in invalid format, the iteration for such line will be skipped with the help of continue.
Here is a Perl version I have written just for fun. You may use it instead of the Bash version, if you like.
# For current date
#cmp_seconds=$(date +%s)
# For specific hours and minutes
cmp_seconds=$(date -d '10:05' +%s)
perl -e '
my #t = localtime('$cmp_seconds');
my $minutes = $t[2] * 60 + $t[1];
while (<>) {
/ (\d?\d):(\d\d)$/ or next;
my $fh = ($1 * 60 + $2) > $minutes ? STDOUT : STDERR;
printf $fh "%s", $_;
}' < file >greater.txt 2>lesser.txt
The script computes the number of minutes in the following way:
HH:MM = HH * 60 + MM minutes
If the number of minutes from the file are greater then the number of minutes for the current time, it prints the next line to the standard output, otherwise to standard error. Finally, the standard output is redirected to greater.txt, and the standard error is redirected to lesser.txt.
I have written this script for demonstration of another approach (algorithm), which can be implemented in different languages, including Bash.

bash shell date parsing, start with specific date and loop through each day in month

I need to create a bash shell script starting with a day and then loop through each subsequent day formatting that output as %Y_%m_d
I figure I can submit a start day and then another param for the number of days.
My issue/question is how to set a DATE (that is not now) and then add a day.
so my input would be 2010_04_01 6
my output would be
[radical#home ~]$ cat
START=`echo $1 | tr -d _`;
for (( c=0; c<$2; c++ ))
echo -n "`date --date="$START +$c day" +%Y_%m_%d` ";
Now if you call this script with your params it will return what you wanted:
[radical#home ~]$ ./ 2010_04_01 6
2010_04_01 2010_04_02 2010_04_03 2010_04_04 2010_04_05 2010_04_06
Very basic bash script should be able to do this:
for i in `seq 1 $num_days`
date=`date +%Y/%m/%d -d "${start_date}-${i} days"`
echo $date # Use this however you want!
Note: NONE of the solutions here will work with OS X. You would need, for example, something like this:
date -v-1d +%Y%m%d
That would print out yesterday for you. Or with underscores of course:
date -v-1d +%Y_%m_%d
So taking that into account, you should be able to adjust some of the loops in these examples with this command instead. -v option will easily allow you to add or subtract days, minutes, seconds, years, months, etc. -v+24d would add 24 days. and so on.
inputdate="${1//_/-}" # change underscores into dashes
for ((i=0; i<$2; i++))
date -d "$inputdate + $i day" "+%Y_%m_%d"
Very basic bash script should be able to do this.
for i in seq 1 $num_days
date=date +%Y/%m/%d -d "${start_date}-${i} days"
echo $date # Use this however you want!
You can also use cal, for example
YYYY=2014; MM=02; for d in $(cal $MM $YYYY | grep "^ *[0-9]"); do DD=$(printf "%02d" $d); echo $YYYY$MM$DD; done
(originally posted here on my commandlinefu account)
You can pass a date via command line option -d to GNU date handling multiple input formats:
Pass starting date as command line argument or use current date:
underscore_date=${1:-$(date +%y_%m_%d)}
for days in $(seq 0 6);do
date -d "$date + $days days" +%Y_%m_%d;
you can use gawk
awk -vd="$DATE" -vn="$num" 'BEGIN{
t=mktime(D[1]" "D[2]" "D[3]" 00 00 00")
print d
print strftime("%Y_%m_%d",t)
$ ./ 2010_04_01 6
