devbridge ajax autocomplete doesn't update suggestion list - ajax

I am using devbridge ajax autocompletion script When I type something in the textfeild, the suggestion list does show up and the matched portion of the words are correctly highlighted. However, the problem is the list remains static. In other words, the suggestion list basically functions like a dropdown list. All the items (matched or not) remain on the list, and in the same order, no matter what you type in the text field.
Anybody can tell me what the problem is? Thanks!

To answer your question, Anyone need code what you are using for this.
I will reply after understanding your code.
Sample Code :
$ (document). ready (function ()
serviceUrl: 'search.php',
minChars: 1,
delimiter: /(,|;)\s*/, // regex or character
maxHeight: 400,
zIndex: 9999,
deferRequestBy: 0, //miliseconds
noCache: false, //default is false, set to true to disable caching
// callback function:
onSelect: function(value, data){ alert('You selected: ' + value + ', ' + data); },
// local autosugest options:
lookup: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May'] //local lookup values


jqgrid frozenColumns + (cell Edit & sortable/reordering of non frozen columns)

Please guide me on a work around for having a set of columns frozen and the rest having cell edit feature along with column reordering/ show- hide options using jqgrid.
Thank You.
Please try this, simple solution,
Hide or remove cellEdit: true
Then add the below lines in above and below the setFrozenColumns
Previous code:
New Code:
$("#jqGrid2").jqGrid("setGridParam", {cellEdit: false, sortable: false});
$("#jqGrid2").jqGrid("setGridParam", {cellEdit: true, sortable: true});
The problem is that the current implementation of setFrozenColumns have some restrictions. Editing (in any editing mode) and sortable: true is not allowed for frozen columns, but setFrozenColumns. Moreover sortable: true should don't allow to resort headers of frozen columns. On the other side setFrozenColumns contains simple test of some parameters (see here) and the method do nothing if some such parameters (like cellEdit or sortable) are set.
I suggested in the post (with the demo) the way how to implement a workaround. The way is modification of approach from the answer and this one.
I find your question interesting and so I created the demo which demonstrates how one do can implement your requirements. It displays the following results (animated gif):
It uses mostly the following code
// create the grid
$grid.bind("jqGridLoadComplete jqGridInlineEditRow jqGridAfterEditCell jqGridAfterRestoreCell jqGridInlineAfterRestoreRow jqGridAfterSaveCell jqGridInlineAfterSaveRow", function () {;
$grid.jqGrid("setGridParam", {cellEdit: false, sortable: false});
$grid.jqGrid("setGridParam", {cellEdit: true, sortable: true});$grid[0]);
try {
var p = $grid.jqGrid("getGridParam"), tid = $.jgrid.jqID(, colModel = p.colModel, i, n = colModel.length, cm,
skipIds = [];
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
cm = colModel[i];
if ($.inArray(, ["cb", "rn", "subgrid"]) >=0 || cm.frozen) {
skipIds.push("#jqgh_" + tid + "_" + $.jgrid.jqID(;
$grid.jqGrid("setGridParam", {sortable: {options: {
items: skipIds.length > 0 ? ">th:not(:has(" + skipIds.join(",") + "),:hidden)" : ">th:not(:hidden)"
$grid.jqGrid("sortableColumns", $($grid[0].grid.hDiv).find(".ui-jqgrid-labels"));
} catch (e) {}

FineUploader uploads the same file multiple times at the same time

Say I want to upload several files at once, which is something I can do when setting the multiple option to true:
var myUploader = new qq.FineUploader({
element: $('#test')[0],
multiple: true,
request: { endpoint: 'path/to/master/server/php/' },
autoUpload: false,
Now, let's say I have a button that will allow me to select the files I want to upload. If I click said button and select, say, test.txt file, test.txt will be added to the list of files that will be uploaded. So far so good. Now, my problem is that, if I click the button again, and select test.txt file again, it will be added to the list even though it's already in the list.
Is there any way to prevent FineUploader from letting me do this?
Thanks in advance
I'd be careful declaring a file a duplicate simply based on the name. You should also take size into account, at least. Although, this is not possible in IE9 and older since we can't determine file size client-side in those browsers. Just for the purposes of simplicity, let's use the file name exclusively...
One way is to maintain an array of file names submitted to the uploader. You can add to this list in your an onSubmitted handler. The, you can contribute an onValidate handler that will reject the file if it already exists in the array. Your code would look something like this:
var filenames = [];
var myUploader = new qq.FineUploader({
element: $('#test')[0],
multiple: true,
request: { endpoint: 'path/to/master/server/php/' },
autoUpload: false,
callbacks: {
onSubmitted: function(id, name) {
onValidate: function(fileData) {
return qq.indexOf(filenames, < 0;
Also, just for kicks, why not just use Fine Uploader's jQuery plug-in, since you seems to already be using jQuery in your project? The above example is rewritten using the jQuery plug-in below:
var filenames = [];
multiple: true,
request: { endpoint: 'path/to/master/server/php/' },
autoUpload: false
.on("submitted", function(event, id, name) {
.on("validate", function(event, fileData) {
return $.inArray(, filenames) < 0;

jqGrid - form editing issues

In the inline editing, before the editing be made, it creates internally an array (savedRow) and fill it with the values of the fields that are being editable, so I can access this values.
I'd like to know if in the form editing it has something similar to this, because I need to access the values of the fields before the editing will be completed to do a validation before the fields are "saved" in the database.
Someone could help me?
I'm posting here a part of my code (the code of one field), and I'm trying to validate in both way (inline editing and form editing). For inline editing I'm validating using dataEvents and there I'm using savedRow to access the data that were not stored yet. But when I try to edit using form editing because of the the use of savedRow, it shows me an error: savedRow is not defined. In the case of this field the editrules fits with what I want to do, but I don't know if this will occurs in all of those fields.
{ name: 'ac_fd', index: 'ac_fd', width: 50, editable: true,
formatter: 'number', editrules: { number:true, required:true, minValue: 0.1,
maxValue: 1.0 }, formatoptions: { decimalPlaces: 1, decimalSeparator: '.'},
editoptions: {
dataEvents: [ {
type: 'blur', fn: function(e) {
var savedrow = $("#list").getGridParam('savedRow');
if($(this).val() != savedrow[0]['ac_fd']) {
var eid='#' + savedrow[0]['id'] + '_ac_fd';
var val_fd=$(this).val();
var fd_min=0.1;
var fd_max=1.0;
if( isNaN(val_fd) || val_fd > fd_max || val_fd < fd_min) {
content: {
text: 'Fator de Demanda deve ser um <b>número</b>
entre <b>' + fd_min.toFixed(1) + '</b> e <b>'
+ fd_max.toFixed(1) + '</b>.',
title: {
text: 'Atenção:',
button: true
show: {
event: false,
ready: true,
effect: function() {
$(this).stop(0, 1).fadeIn(400);
delay: 0,
hide: {
event: false,
effect: function(api) {
$(this).stop(0, 1).fadeOut(900).queue(function() {
style: {
classes: 'qtip-red qtip-rounded trif_tip_err',
tip: {
width: 10,
position: {
my: 'bottom left',
at: 'top center',
events: {
render: function(event, api) {, event);
} ]
So if dataEvents is common and used for the three forms of edit, where can I do this type of validation (using qtip too and I want that this validation be used in inline editing too)?
The reason why jqGrid save the editing row in interval savedRow parameter is because jqGrid modify the editing row in-place. Only because of that inline editing and cell editing use interval savedRow parameter. Form editing don't modifies the original row of grid till the editing will be finished. So no savedRow parameter are used by form editing.
If the form are closed or if the server response will contains some error HTTP code the new data entered by user will be not saved in the grid. So simple server side validation is typically enough. If you want implement additional client side validation you can use editrules feature. Custom validation is typically enough. It can help validate one field of the form. If you need compare multiple fields of form during validation (if the value of one field defines valid values of another field) then one uses beforeCheckValues callback additionally.
UPDATED: Inside of fn event handler you can test whether it will be called inside of form editing or not. There are many ways to do this. For example you can test $(".FormGrid").length > 0. If it's true then the event is inside of form. Additionally it's important to understand that the current editing row is not changed till successful saving on the server. So you can use any time getGridParam with "selrow" option to get the id of editing row and you can use getRowData or getCell to get the data from the grid before modification started (the same as savedrow).

Why jqGrid is very slow when number of rows displayed increases?

When I display a small amount per page, it's quick and very good. When I increase it to 100 or more it starts getting slow. At 1000 it's unbearable! This is the code used for drawing the grid:
mtype: "POST",
datatype: function(postdata) {
url: 'ajax/ajax_termsSearchGridSimple.php',
data: postdata,
async: false,
dataType: "xml",
error: function(){
alert('Error loading XML document');
success: function(data,stat,xmldata){
//check error
var $error=$(data).find('error').text();
var $content=$(data).find('content').text();
var thegrid = $("#stSearchTermsGrid")[0];
colNames:["tId","term", "revTerm", "uType","freq","description","fId","facet","modifiedTime"],
//term (editable)
//revTerm (editable)
//uType (editable)
{name:'uType',index:'uType',align:"center",searchoptions:{sopt:['eq','ne','in','ni']},editable:true,edittype:'select',editoptions:{value:{'':'any','NPU':'proper noun','NU':'noun','VU':'verb'}}},
//description (editable)
gridComplete: function(){
var $ids=$("#stSearchTermsGrid").jqGrid('getDataIDs');
var $reference="G";
//update columns
//coloring the recently classified row
var $colorRecentlyModified = '#DFFC91';
var modifiedTime = $("#stSearchTermsGrid").jqGrid('getCell',$ids[$i],'modifiedTime');
var timeDiff = Math.abs(new Date() - new Date(modifiedTime.replace(/-/g,'/')));
// 86400000 is the number of milliseconds in one day. Multiplying by days to mark the ones which are modified a few days ago
timeLimit = 86400000 * 1.5;
if(timeDiff < timeLimit)
for(colN=2; colN<9; colN++)
$("#stSearchTermsGrid").jqGrid('setCell', $ids[$i], colN, '', {'backgroundColor':$colorRecentlyModified});
//coloring the unclassified row
var $colorUnclassified = '#FFCECE';
var $fId = $("#stSearchTermsGrid").jqGrid('getCell',$ids[$i],'fId');
if($fId == "0")
for(colN=2; colN<9; colN++)
$("#stSearchTermsGrid").jqGrid('setCell', $ids[$i], colN, '', {'backgroundColor':$colorUnclassified});
sortable: true,
width: 900, //width for grid
height: 250, //height for grid
sortname: 'term', //default sort column
caption: "Terms", //caption for grid (empty will hide)
hidegrid: false,
gridview: true, //load the grid more fast
multiselect: true, //support mulitselect
//multiboxonly: true,
pager: '#stSearchTermsGridPager',
viewrecords: true, //show view record information
viewsortcols: [true,'vertical',true], //show sortable column with icons
editurl: 'ajax/ajax_termsEdit.php'
// edit options
onclickSubmit : function(params, posdata) {
var $tId=$("#stSearchTermsGrid").jqGrid('getGridParam','selrow');
if($tId && $tId.length>0)
var $rowAry=$("#stSearchTermsGrid").jqGrid('getRowData',$tId);
var $fId=$rowAry["fId"];
return {"fId":$fId}
afterSubmit : gridAfterSubmit,
reloadAfterSubmit: true,
bottominfo:"Fields marked with (*) are required."
// add options
//del options
msg: "Selected records(s) will be permanently deleted and cannot be recovered.<br/> Are you sure?",
afterSubmit : gridAfterSubmit,
reloadAfterSubmit: true,
// search options
//view options
$("#stSearchTermsGrid").jqGrid('gridResize',{minWidth:900,maxWidth:2000,minHeight:250, maxHeight:1000});
I see many places where the grid can be improved.
1) You should use paging. If you show the user 1000 rows of data, the data will be not displayed on the monitor at once. The user have to scroll the windows of web browser to see the most parts of data. Which sense has to spend time to paint the parts of window which will not be seen? The scrolling of data with respect of jqGrid is much more effective as scrolling of browser window. Moreover no person are able to analyse the 1000 rows of data. He have to change sorting and set different filters to understand which from the data are interesting for him. It is one more argument for the data paging and implemented some searching. It you already use advanced searching you can consider to use additionally toolbar searching with the parameter stringResult:true which is compatible with the advanced searching.
2) you should rewrite the code of gridComplete totally. I suppose, that for relatively large number of rows the function is the bottleneck of your code. To verify this just temporary comment the function and compare the time of the grid painting. You should understand that every time you get data by id or set data by id jQuery will have to search the DOM element by id. Especially modification of data on the page can be very slow. By the way it seems to me that you set the same 'background-color' (what is 'backgroundColor' ???) CSS style for almost the whole cells of the rows. Why not set the 'background-color' for the row (<tr> element) instead?
3) I strictly recommend you not use datatype as function. Your server part should return some error HTTP code. In the case the loadError event will work and you can decode and display the custom error message. All other in your data seems be standard and you need not use datatype as function. If you will use datatype:"xml" you can for example try to use loadonce:true and implement client-side data paging and sorting if you will have problem with implementation of this features on the server.
I don't want to write too long text so I stop on the 3 most important points. By the way if you will switch from XML to JSON as the datatype used for the communication with the server, it will also improve a little the performance.
UPDATED: To see the performance of jqGrid with 1000 rows of data without paging and with data paging look at the links. Is by the way the performance of my example with 1000 rows without paging also so slow as in your case?

jqGrid navGrid search submit on Enter keypress not working

I'd like to be able to invoke the find button on the search dialog when the "Enter/Return" key is pressed. Unfortunately the 'savekey' option doesn't submit the form and the same way it does in the edit and add Form Editing.
Here's a snippet of the code I'm using.
$("#list").jqGrid('navGrid', '#pager',
{edit: true, add: true, del: true, search: true, view: true},
caption: "Search",
closeAfterSearch: true,
closeOnEscape: true,
sopt: ['cn','eq'],
savekey: [true, 13]
Here's a link to the form_editing documentation I've consulted:[]=savekey
Here's a link to the Single field searching documentation:[]=navgrid
I can't find anything to suggest this feature exists but I seems like a no-brainer. As always, any help or direction is greatly appreciated.
It seems to me that the problem cam be solved if you replace savekey: [true, 13] option which really not work for searching to the following beforeShowSearch and onClose event handle
beforeShowSearch: function(form){
form.keydown(function(e) {
if (e.which == 13) {
$(".ui-search", form).click();
onClose: function(form){
This method will work not only for the single field searching but for advance searching also.
If you want that the 'Enter' key work only in the input fields you can replace form.keydown to $('.vdata',form).keydown and make the corresponding changes in the unbind.
I had the same problem on FireFox but the above solution worked fine in IE. In order to make it work on Firefox I had to use the focus function instead of click as below:
beforeShowSearch: function (form) {
form.keydown(function (e) {
if (e.which == 13) {
This was pretty helpful, but I'm the provided solution isn't quite working for me. I tweaked the code provided and it somewhat works now, but it doesn't appear to be submitting the correct data. Whenever I press the enter key, it submits a "0" in the input box instead of whatever I've actually put in there. For whatever reason it is not posting the searchString. The code I'm using is:
beforeShowSearch: function(form){
$(form).keydown(function(e) {
if (e.keyCode == 13) {
onClose: function(form){
Do any of you guys have a suggestion as to what might be going on here?
Edit: Interesting, when I alert something out(anything) right before the .click() method, the data is posted perfectly. Any ideas?
Try the following code. Works for me:
beforeShowSearch: function(form){
$(form).keydown(function(e) {
if (e.keyCode == 13) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 200);
return true;
onClose: function(form){
There seems to be an issue when the click method is called too quickly. Giving the grid 200ms to do what it has to do before searching seems to do the trick.
