Print text between two strings on the same line - bash

I've been searching for a ling time, and have not been able to find a working answer for my problem.
I have a line from an HTML file extracted with sed '162!d' skinlist.html, which contains the text
<a href="/skin/dwarf-red-beard-734/" title="Dwarf Red Beard">.
I want to extract the text Dwarf Red Beard, but that text is modular (can be changed), so I would like to extract the text between title=" and ".
I cannot, for the life of me, figure out how to do this.

awk 'NR==162 {print $4}' FS='"' skinlist.html
set field separator to "
print only line 162
print field 4

Solution in sed
sed -n '162 s/^.*title="\(.*\)".*$/\1/p' skinlist.html
Extracts line 162 in skinlist.html and captures the title attributes contents in\1.

The shell's variable expansion syntax allows you to trim prefixes and suffixes from a string:
line="$(sed '162!d' skinlist.html)" # extract the relevant line from the file
temp="${line#* title=\"}" # remove from the beginning through the first match of ' title="'
if [ "$temp" = "$line" ]; then
echo "title not found in '$line'" >&2
title="${temp%%\"*}" # remote from the first '"' through the end

You can pass it through another sed or add expressions to that sed like -e 's/.*title="//g' -e 's/">.*$//g'

also sed
sed -n '162 s/.*"\([a-zA-Z ]*\)"./\1/p' skinlist.html


Extract and list every occurrence of string between two delimiters match from text body

I would like to understand how to extract all links (starting with www and ending with .com) from a text body such as below. Multiple occurrences may or may not occur per line.
cat body.txt
text more-text url="">textblabla textbla=textblabla url="">textblabla textblabla=textblabla textblabla
url=""> textblabla textblablabla=bla
Desired output:
Hope this helps:
myStr='text more-text url="">textblabla textbla=textblabla url="">textblabla textblabla=textblabla textblabla url=""> textblabla textblablabla=bla';
for aString in ${myStr[#]}; do
if [[ ${aString} =~ www.*?com ]]; then
echo ${BASH_REMATCH[0]}
Using grep
$ grep -o 'www\.[^.]*\.com' input_file

How to get values in a line while looping line by line in a file (shell script)

I have a file which looks like this (file.txt)
I want to loop trough this line by line an extract the key values.
so the result should be like ,
So I wrote a code like this to loop line by line and extract the value between {"key":" and ","rule": because key values is in between these 2 patterns.
while read p; do
echo $p | sed -n "/{"key":"/,/","rule":,/p"
done < file.txt
But this is not working. can someone help me to figure out me this. Thanks in advance.
Your sample input is almost valid json. You could tweak it to make it valid and then extract the values with jq with something like:
sed -e 's/squid/"squid/' -e 's/$/"}/' file.txt | jq -r .key
Or, if your actual input really is valid json, then just use jq:
jq -r .key file.txt
If the "random-txt" may include double quotes, making it difficult to massage the input to make it valid json, perhaps you want something like:
awk '{print $4}' FS='"' file.txt
sed -n '/{"key":"\([^"]*\).*/s//\1/p' file.txt
while IFS=\" read open_brace key colon val _; do echo "$val"; done < file.txt
For the shown data, you can try this awk:
awk -F '"[:,]"' '{print $2}' file
With the give example you can simple use
cut -d'"' -f4 file.txt
there may be other lines in the file so we need to focus on just the lines with "key" and "rule"
the only text between "key" and "rule" is the desired string (eg, squid never shows up between the two patterns of interest)
Adding some additional lines:
$ cat file.txt
ignore this line}
ignore this line}
ignore this line}
ignore this line}
ignore this line}
ignore this line}
One sed idea:
$ sed -nE 's/^(.*"key":")([^"]*)(","rule".*)$/\2/p' file.txt
-E - enable extended regex support (and capture groups without need to escape sequences)
-n - suppress printing of pattern space
^(.*"key":") - [1st capture group] everything from start of line up to and including "key":"
([^"]*) - [2nd capture group] everything that is not a double quote (")
(","rule".*)$ - [3rd capture group] everything from ",rule" to end of line
\2/p - replace the line with the contents of the 2nd capture group and print

convert a file content using shell script

Hello everyone I'm a beginner in shell coding. In daily basis I need to convert a file's data to another format, I usually do it manually with Text Editor. But I often do mistakes. So I decided to code an easy script who can do the work for me.
The file's content like this
to this:
The script should ignore the first line and print the second and third values separated by '>'
I'm half way there, and here is my code
#while Loops
while IFS=\" read t1 t2 t3
test $i -eq 1 && ((i=i+1)) && continue
echo $t1|cut -d\, -f2 | { tr -d '\n'; echo \>$t2; }
done < $1
The problem in my code is that the last line isnt printed unless the file finishes with an empty line \n
And I want the echo to be printed inside a new CSV file(I tried to set the standard output to my new file but only the last echo is printed there).
Can someone please help me out? Thanks in advance.
Rather than treating the double quotes as a field separator, it seems cleaner to just delete them (assuming that is valid). Eg:
$ < input tr -d '"' | awk 'NR>1{print $2,$3}' FS=, OFS=\>
If you cannot just strip the quotes as in your sample input but those quotes are escaping commas, you could hack together a solution but you would be better off using a proper CSV parsing tool. (eg perl's Text::CSV)
Here's a simple pipeline that will do the trick:
sed '1d' data.txt | cut -d, -f2-3 | tr -d '"' | tr ',' '>'
Here, we're just removing the first line (as desired), selecting fields 2 & 3 (based on a comma field separator), removing the double quotes and mapping the remaining , to >.
Use this Perl one-liner:
perl -F',' -lane 'next if $. == 1; print join ">", map { tr/"//d; $_ } #F[1,2]' in_file
The Perl one-liner uses these command line flags:
-e : Tells Perl to look for code in-line, instead of in a file.
-n : Loop over the input one line at a time, assigning it to $_ by default.
-l : Strip the input line separator ("\n" on *NIX by default) before executing the code in-line, and append it when printing.
-a : Split $_ into array #F on whitespace or on the regex specified in -F option.
-F',' : Split into #F on comma, rather than on whitespace.
perldoc perlrun: how to execute the Perl interpreter: command line switches

Convert multi-line csv to single line using Linux tools

I have a .csv file that contains double quoted multi-line fields. I need to convert the multi-line cell to a single line. It doesn't show in the sample data but I do not know which fields might be multi-line so any solution will need to check every field. I do know how many columns I'll have. The first line will also need to be skipped. I don't how much data so performance isn't a consideration.
I need something that I can run from a bash script on Linux. Preferably using tools such as awk or sed and not actual programming languages.
The data will be processed further with Logstash but it doesn't handle double quoted multi-line fields hence the need to do some pre-processing.
I tried something like this and it kind of works on one row but fails on multiple rows.
sed -e :0 -e '/,.*,.*,.*,.*,/b' -e N -e '1n;N;N;N;s/\n/ /g' -e b0 file.csv
CSV example
First name,Last name,Address,ZIP
The output I want is
First name,Last name,Address,ZIP
John,Doe,Country City Street,12345
Jane,Doe,Country City Street,67890
First my apologies for getting here 7 months late...
I came across a problem similar to yours today, with multiple fields with multi-line types. I was glad to find your question but at least for my case I have the complexity that, as more than one field is conflicting, quotes might open, close and open again on the same line... anyway, reading a lot and combining answers from different posts I came up with something like this:
First I count the quotes in a line, to do that, I take out everything but quotes and then use wc:
quotes=`echo $line | tr -cd '"' | wc -c` # Counts the quotes
If you think of a single multi-line field, knowing if the quotes are 1 or 2 is enough. In a more generic scenario like mine I have to know if the number of quotes is odd or even to know if the line completes the record or expects more information.
To check for even or odd you can use the mod operand (%), in general:
even % 2 = 0
odd % 2 = 1
For the first line:
Odd means that the line expects more information on the next line.
Even means the line is complete.
For the subsequent lines, I have to know the status of the previous one. for instance in your sample text:
First name,Last name,Address,ZIP
You can say line 1 (John,Doe,"Country) has 1 quote (odd) what means the status of the record is incomplete or open.
When you go to line 2, there is no quote (even). Nevertheless this does not mean the record is complete, you have to consider the previous status... so for the lines following the first one it will be:
Odd means that record status toggles (incomplete to complete).
Even means that record status remains as the previous line.
What I did was looping line by line while carrying the status of the last line to the next one:
cat file.csv | while read line; do
quotes=`echo $line | tr -cd '"' | wc -c` # Counts the quotes
incomplete=$((($quotes+$incomplete)%2)) # Check if Odd or Even to decide status
if [ $incomplete -eq 1 ]; then
echo -n "$line " >> new.csv # If line is incomplete join with next
echo "$line" >> new.csv # If line completes the record finish
Once this was executed, a file in your format generates a new.csv like this:
First name,Last name,Address,ZIP
John,Doe,"Country City Street",12345
I like one-liners as much as everyone, I wrote that script just for the sake of clarity, you can - arguably - write it in one line like:
i=0;cat file.csv|while read l;do i=$((($(echo $l|tr -cd '"'|wc -c)+$i)%2));[[ $i = 1 ]] && echo -n "$l " || echo "$l";done >new.csv
I would appreciate it if you could go back to your example and see if this works for your case (which you most likely already solved). Hopefully this can still help someone else down the road...
Recovering the multi-line fields
Every need is different, in my case I wanted the records in one line to further process the csv to add some bash-extracted data, but I would like to keep the csv as it was. To accomplish that, instead of joining the lines with a space I used a code - likely unique - that I could then search and replace:
i=0;cat file.csv|while read l;do i=$((($(echo $l|tr -cd '"'|wc -c)+$i)%2));[[ $i = 1 ]] && echo -n "$l ~newline~ " || echo "$l";done >new.csv
the code is ~newline~, this is totally arbitrary of course.
Then, after doing my processing, I took the csv text file and replaced the coded newlines with real newlines:
sed -i 's/ ~newline~ /\n/g' new.csv
Ternary operator:
Count char occurrences:
Other peculiar cases:
Run this:
i=0;cat file.csv|while read l;do i=$((($(echo $l|tr -cd '"'|wc -c)+$i)%2));[[ $i = 1 ]] && echo -n "$l " || echo "$l";done >new.csv
... and collect results in new.csv
I hope it helps!
If Perl is your option, please try the following:
perl -e '
while (<>) {
$str .= $_;
while ($str =~ /("(("")|[^"])*")|((^|(?<=,))[^,]*((?=,)|$))/g) {
if (($el = $&) =~ /^".*"$/s) {
$el =~ s/^"//s; $el =~ s/"$//s;
$el =~ s/""/"/g;
$el =~ s/\s+(?!$)/ /g;
push(#ary, $el);
foreach (#ary) {
print /\n$/ ? "$_" : "$_,";
}' sample.csv
First name,Last name,Address,ZIP
First name,Last name,Address,ZIP
John,Doe,Country City Street,12345
John,Doe,Country City Street,67890
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed ':a;s/[^,]\+/&/4;tb;N;ba;:b;s/\n\+/ /g;s/"//g' file
Test each line to see that it contains the correct number of fields (in the example that was 4). If there are not enough fields, append the next line and repeat the test. Otherwise, replace the newline(s) by spaces and finally remove the "'s.
N.B. This may be fraught with problems such as ,'s between "'s and quoted "'s.
Try cat -v file.csv. When the file was made with Excel, you might have some luck: When the newlines in a field are a simple \n and the newline at the end is a \r\n (which will look like ^M), parsing is simple.
# delete all newlines and replace the ^M with a new newline.
tr -d "\n" < file.csv| tr "\r" "\n"
# Above two steps with one command
tr "\n\r" " \n" < file.csv
When you want a space between the joined line, you need an additional step.
tr "\n\r" " \n" < file.csv | sed '2,$ s/^ //'
EDIT: #sjaak commented this didn't work is his case.
When your broken lines also have ^M you still can be a lucky (wo-)man.
When your broken field is always the first field in double quotes and you have GNU sed 4.2.2, you can join 2 lines when the first line has exactly one double quote.
sed -rz ':a;s/(\n|^)([^"]*)"([^"]*)\n/\1\2"\3 /;ta' file.csv
-z don't use \n as line endings
:a label for repeating the step after successful replacement
(\n|^) Search after a newline or the very first line
([^"]*) Substring without a "
ta Go back to label a and repeat
awk pattern matching is working.
answer in one line :
awk '/,"/{ORS=" "};/",/{ORS="\n"}{print $0}' YourFile
if you'd like to drop quotes, you could use:
awk '/,"/{ORS=" "};/",/{ORS="\n"}{print $0}' YourFile | sed 's/"//gw NewFile'
but I prefer to keep it.
to explain the code:
/Pattern/ : find pattern in current line.
ORS : indicates the output line record.
$0 : indicates the whole of the current line.
's/OldPattern/NewPattern/': substitude first OldPattern with NewPattern
/g : does the previous action for all OldPattern
/w : write the result to Newfile

Extracting a part of lines matching a pattern

I have a configuration file and need to parse out some values using bash
Ex. Inside config.txt
some_var= Not_needed
tests= spec1.rb spec2.rb spec3.rb
some_other_var= Also_not_needed
Basically I just need to get "spec1.rb spec2.rb spec3.rb" WITHOUT all the other lines and "tests=" removed from the line.
I have this and it works, but I'm hoping there's a much more simple way to do this.
while read run_line; do
if [[ $run_line =~ ^tests=* ]]; then
echo "FOUND"
all_selected_specs=`echo ${run_line} | sed 's/^tests= /''/'`
done <${config_file}
echo "${all_selected_specs}"
all_selected_specs=$(awk -F '= ' '$1=="tests" {print $2}' "$config_file")
Using a field separator of "= ", look for lines where the first field is tests and print the second field.
This should work too
grep "^tests" ${config_file} | sed -e "s/^tests= //"
How about grep and cut?
all_selected_specs=$(grep "^tests=" "$config_file" | cut -d= -f2-)
all_selected_specs=$(awk '/^tests/{sub(/.*= /,"");print}' Input_file)
searching for string tests which comes in starting of a line then substituting that line's all values till (= ) to get all spec values, once it is substituted then we are good to get the spec values so printing that line. Finally saving it's value to variable with $(awk...).
