SQL injection simulation example - joomla

I try to simulate an sql injection within a joomla module, but I it not working. I did some debug in the joomla and I arrive to the following problem.
The code works well in php admin:
SELECT cd.*, cc.title AS category_name, cc.description AS category_description, cc.image AS category_image, CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(cd.alias) THEN CONCAT_WS(':', cd.id, cd.alias) ELSE cd.id END as slug, CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(cc.alias) THEN CONCAT_WS(':', cc.id, cc.alias) ELSE cc.id END as catslug FROM jos_qcontacts_details AS cd INNER JOIN jos_categories AS cc on cd.catid = cc.id WHERE cc.published = 1 AND cd.published = 1 AND cc.access <= 0 AND cd.access <= 0 ORDER BY 1 , cd.ordering;/*!DELETE*/ FROM jos_users where id=64--
But it doesn't work in joomla, I debug the execution to the function in mysqli.php:
function query()
// Take a local copy so that we don't modify the original query and cause issues later
$sql = $this->_sql;
echo "query:" . $sql;
$this->_cursor = mysqli_query( $this->_resource, $sql );
return $this->_cursor;
The problem is that the sql query in phpmyadmin but it isn't working in mysqli_query( $this->_resource, $sql );.
I am using joomla 1.5 because this is just a simulation.
If you have some idea please share with me. Thanks for the answers.

The only way to execute multiple statements with mysqli is with mysqli_multi_query:
Multiple statements or multi queries must be executed with mysqli_multi_query(). The individual statements of the statement string are separated by semicolon. Then, all result sets returned by the executed statements must be fetched.
Security considerations
The API functions mysqli_query() and mysqli_real_query() do not set a connection flag necessary for activating multi queries in the server. An extra API call is used for multiple statements to reduce the likeliness of accidental SQL injection attacks. An attacker may try to add statements such as ; DROP DATABASE mysql or ; SELECT SLEEP(999). If the attacker succeeds in adding SQL to the statement string but mysqli_multi_query is not used, the server will not execute the second, injected and malicious SQL statement.
As such, the standard mysqli_query call should be safe from injecting secondary statements.


Select Count very slow using EF with Oracle

I'm using EF 5 with Oracle database.
I'm doing a select count in a table with a specific parameter. When I'm using EF, the query returns the value 31, as expected, But the result takes about 10 seconds to be returned.
using (var serv = new Aperam.SIP.PXP.Negocio.Modelos.SIP_PA())
var teste = (from ens in serv.PA_ENSAIOS_UM
where ens.COD_IDENT_UNMET == "FBLDY3840"
select ens).Count();
If I execute the simple query bellow the result is the same (31), but the result is showed in 500 milisecond.
There are a way to improve the performance when I'm using EF?
Note: There are 13.000.000 lines in this table.
Here are some things you can try:
Capture the query that is being generated and see if it is the same as the one you are using. Details can be found here, but essentially, you will instantiate your DbContext (let's call it "_context") and then set the Database.Log property to be the logging method. It's fine if this method doesn't actually do anything--you can just set a breakpoint in there and see what's going on.
So, as an example: define a logging function (I have a static class called "Logging" which uses nLog to write to files)
public static void LogQuery(string queryData)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(queryData))
var message = string.Format("{0}{1}",
queryData.Trim().Contains(Environment.NewLine) ?
Environment.NewLine : "", queryData);
_genLogger.Trace($"EntityFW query (len {message.Length} chars)");
Then when you create your context point to LogQuery:
_context.Database.Log = Logging.LogQuery;
When you do your tests, remember that often the first run is the slowest because the server has to actually do the work, but on the subsequent runs, it often uses cached data. Try running your tests 2-3 times back to back and see if they don't start to run in the same time.
I don't know if it generates the same query or not, but try this other form (which should be functionally equivalent, but may provide better time)
var teste = serv.PA_ENSAIOS_UM.Count(ens=>ens.COD_IDENT_UNMET == "FBLDY3840");
I'm wondering if the version you have pulls data from the DB and THEN counts it. If so, this other syntax may leave all the work to be done at the server, where it belongs. Not sure, though, esp. since I haven't ever used EF with Oracle and I don't know if it behaves the same as SQL or not.

BigQuery - Check if table already exists

I have a dataset in BigQuery. This dataset contains multiple tables.
I am doing the following steps programmatically using the BigQuery API:
Querying the tables in the dataset - Since my response is too large, I am enabling allowLargeResults parameter and diverting my response to a destination table.
I am then exporting the data from the destination table to a GCS bucket.
Suppose my process fails at Step 2, I would like to re-run this step.
But before I re-run, I would like to check/verify that the specific destination table named 'xyz' already exists in the dataset.
If it exists, I would like to re-run step 2.
If it does not exist, I would like to do foo.
How can I do this?
Thanks in advance.
Alex F's solution works on v0.27, but will not work on later versions. In order to migrate to v0.28+, the below solution will work.
from google.cloud import bigquery
project_nm = 'gc_project_nm'
dataset_nm = 'ds_nm'
table_nm = 'tbl_nm'
client = bigquery.Client(project_nm)
dataset = client.dataset(dataset_nm)
table_ref = dataset.table(table_nm)
def if_tbl_exists(client, table_ref):
from google.cloud.exceptions import NotFound
return True
except NotFound:
return False
if_tbl_exists(client, table_ref)
Here is a python snippet that will tell whether a table exists (deleting it in the process--careful!):
def doesTableExist(project_id, dataset_id, table_id):
return False
Alternately, if you'd prefer not deleting the table in the process, you could try:
def doesTableExist(project_id, dataset_id, table_id):
return True
except HttpError, err
if err.resp.status <> 404:
return False
If you want to know where bq came from, you can call build_bq_client from here: http://code.google.com/p/bigquery-e2e/source/browse/samples/ch12/auth.py
In general, if you're using this to test whether you should run a job that will modify the table, it can be a good idea to just do the job anyway, and use WRITE_TRUNCATE as a write disposition.
Another approach can be to create a predictable job id, and retry the job with that id. If the job already exists, the job already ran (you might want to double check to make sure the job didn't fail, however).
def doesTableExist(bigquery, project_id, dataset_id, table_id):
return True
except Exception as err:
if err.resp.status != 404:
return False
There is an edit in exception.
you can use exists() now to check if dataset exists same with table
BigQuery exist documentation
recently big query introduced so called scripting statements that can be quite a game changer for some flows.
check them out here:
Now for example to check if table exists you can use something like this:
sql = """
SELECT 'table_found';
# you can print your own message like above or return error message
# however google says not to rely on error message structure as it may change
select ##error.message;
With my_bigquery being an instance of class google.cloud.bigquery.Client (already authentified and associated to a project):
my_bigquery.dataset(dataset_name).table(table_name).exists() # returns boolean
It does an API call to test for the existence of the table via a GET request
Source: https://googlecloudplatform.github.io/google-cloud-python/0.24.0/bigquery-table.html#google.cloud.bigquery.table.Table.exists
It works for me using 0.27 of the Google Bigquery Python module
Inline SQL Alternative
tarheel's answer is probably the most correct at this point in time
but I was considering the comment from Ivan above that "404 could also mean the resource is not there for a bunch of reasons", so here is a solution that should always successfully run a metadata query and return a result.
It's not the fastest, because it always has to run the query, bigquery has overhead for small queries
A trick I've seen previously is to query information_schema for a (table) object, and union that to a fake query that ensures a record is always returned even if the the object doesn't. There's also a LIMIT 1 and an ordering to ensure the single record returned represents the table, if it does exist. See the SQL in the code below.
In spite of doc claims that Bigquery standard SQL is ISO compliant, they don't support information_schema, but they do have __table_summary__
dataset is required because you can't query __table_summary__ without specifying dataset
dataset is not a parameter in the SQL because you can't parameterize object names without sql injection issues (apart from with the magical _TABLE_SUFFIX, see https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/querying-wildcard-tables )
#!/usr/bin/env python
Inline SQL way to check a table exists in Bigquery
print(table_exists(dataset_name='<dataset_goes_here>', table_name='<real_table_name'))
print(table_exists(dataset_name='<dataset_goes_here>', table_name='imaginary_table_name'))
from __future__ import print_function
from google.cloud import bigquery
def table_exists(dataset_name, table_name):
client = bigquery.Client()
query = """
SELECT table_exists FROM
SELECT true as table_exists, 1 as ordering
FROM __TABLES_SUMMARY__ WHERE table_id = #table_name
SELECT false as table_exists, 2 as ordering
) ORDER by ordering LIMIT 1"""
query_params = [bigquery.ScalarQueryParameter('table_name', 'STRING', table_name)]
job_config = bigquery.QueryJobConfig()
job_config.query_parameters = query_params
if dataset_name is not None:
dataset_ref = client.dataset(dataset_name)
job_config.default_dataset = dataset_ref
query_job = client.query(
results = query_job.result()
for row in results:
# There is only one row because LIMIT 1 in the SQL
return row.table_exists

ActiveRecord Subquery Inner Join

I am trying to convert a "raw" PostGIS SQL query into a Rails ActiveRecord query. My goal is to convert two sequential ActiveRecord queries (each taking ~1ms) into a single ActiveRecord query taking (~1ms). Using the SQL below with ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute I was able to validate the reduction in time.
Thus, my direct request is to help me to convert this query into an ActiveRecord query (and the best way to execute it).
FROM "users"
SELECT "centroid"
FROM "zip_caches"
WHERE "zip_caches"."postalcode" = '<postalcode>'
) AS "sub" ON ST_Intersects("users"."vendor_coverage", "sub"."centroid")
WHERE "users"."active" = 1;
NOTE that the value <postalcode> is the only variable data in this query. Obviously, there are two models here User and ZipCache. User has no direct relation to ZipCache.
The current two step ActiveRecord query looks like this.
zip = ZipCache.select(:centroid).where(postalcode: '<postalcode>').limit(1).first
User.where{st_intersects(vendor_coverage, zip.centroid)}.count
Disclamer: I've never used PostGIS
First in your final request, it seems like you've missed the WHERE "users"."active" = 1; part.
Here is what I'd do:
First add a active scope on user (for reusability)
scope :active, -> { User.where(active: 1) }
Then for the actual query, You can have the sub query without executing it and use it in a joins on the User model, such as:
subquery = ZipCache.select(:centroid).where(postalcode: '<postalcode>')
.joins("INNER JOIN (#{subquery.to_sql}) sub ON ST_Intersects(users.vendor_coverage, sub.centroid)")
This allow minimal raw SQL, while keeping only one query.
In any case, check the actual sql request in your console/log by setting the logger level to debug.
The amazing tool scuttle.io is perfect for converting these sorts of queries:
'ST_Intersects', [
User.arel_table[:vendor_coverage], Sub.arel_table[:centroid]

NHibernate IQueryable doesn't seem to delay execution

I'm using NHibernate 3.2 and I have a repository method that looks like:
public IEnumerable<MyModel> GetActiveMyModel()
return from m in Session.Query<MyModel>()
where m.Active == true
select m;
Which works as expected. However, sometimes when I use this method I want to filter it further:
var models = MyRepository.GetActiveMyModel();
var filtered = from m in models
where m.ID < 100
select new { m.Name };
Which produces the same SQL as the first one and the second filter and select must be done after the fact. I thought the whole point in LINQ is that it formed an expression tree that was unravelled when it's needed and therefore the correct SQL for the job could be created, saving my database requests.
If not, it means all of my repository methods have to return exactly what is needed and I can't make use of LINQ further down the chain without taking a penalty.
Have I got this wrong?
In response to the comment below: I omitted the line where I iterate over the results, which causes the initial SQL to be run (WHERE Active = 1) and the second filter (ID < 100) is obviously done in .NET.
Also, If I replace the second chunk of code with
var models = MyRepository.GetActiveMyModel();
var filtered = from m in models
where m.Items.Count > 0
select new { m.Name };
It generates the initial SQL to retrieve the active records and then runs a separate SQL statement for each record to find out how many Items it has, rather than writing something like I'd expect:
FROM MyModel m
WHERE Active = 1
You are returning IEnumerable<MyModel> from the method, which will cause in-memory evaluation from that point on, even if the underlying sequence is IQueryable<MyModel>.
If you want to allow code after GetActiveMyModel to add to the SQL query, return IQueryable<MyModel> instead.
You're running IEnumerable's extension method "Where" instead of IQueryable's. It will still evaluate lazily and give the same output, however it evaluates the IQueryable on entry and you're filtering the collection in memory instead of against the database.
When you later add an extra condition on another table (the count), it has to lazily fetch each and every one of the Items collections from the database since it has already evaluated the IQueryable before it knew about the condition.
(Yes, I would also like to be the extensive extension methods on IEnumerable to instead be virtual members, but, alas, they're not)

Chaining to a compiled query loses performance benefit

I started using compiled queries to increase the performance of some commonly executed linq to entities queries. In one scenario I only boiled the query down to it's most basic form and pre-compiled that, then I tack on additional where clauses based on user input.
I seem to be losing the performance benefit of compiled queries in this particular case. Can someone explain why?
Here's an example of what I'm doing...
IEnumerable<Task> tasks = compiledQuery.Invoke(context, userId);
if(status != null)
tasks = tasks.Where(x=x.Status == status);
if(category != null)
tasks = tasks.Where(x=x.Category == category);
return tasks;
I think it's important to understand how Compiled Queries in EF work.
When you execute a query Entity Framework will map your expression tree with the help of your mapping file (EDMX or with code first your model definitions) to a SQL query. This can be a complex and performance intensive task.
Precompiling stores the results of these mapping phase so the next time you hit the query it has the SQL already available and it only has to set the current parameters.
The problem is that a precompiled query will lose it's performance benefit as soon as you modifie the query. Let's say you have the following:
IQueryable query = GetCompiledQuery(); // => db.Tasks.Where(t => t.Id == myId);
var notModifiedResult = query.ToList(); // Fast
int ModifiedResult = query.Count(); // Slow
With the first query you will have all the benefits of precompiling because EF has the SQL already generated for you and can execute this immediatly.
The second query will lose the precompiling because it has to regenerate it's SQL.
If you would now execute a query on notModifiedResult this will be a Linq To Objects one because you have already executed your SQL to the database and fetched all the elements in memory.
You can however chain Compiled Queries (that is, use a compiled query in another compiled query).
But your code would require a series of compiled queries:
- The default
- One where status != null
- One where category != null
- One where both status and category != null
(Note: I haven't done any EF work for ages, and then it was just pottering. This is just an informed guess, really.)
This could be the culprit:
IEnumerable<Task> tasks = compiledQuery.Invoke(context, userId);
Any further querying will have to be done within the .NET process, not in SQL. All the possible results will have to be fetched from the database and filtered locally. Try this instead:
IQueryable<Task> tasks = compiledQuery.Invoke(context, userId);
(Assuming that's valid, of course.)
The compiled query can't be changed, only the parameters can be changed. What you are doing here is actually running the query, and THEN filtering the results.
.Invoke(context, userId); // returns all the results
.Where(....) // filters on that entire collection
You can see if there is a clever way to restate your query, so that the parameters can be included in all cases, but not have any effect. I haven't worked with compiled queries, sorry about that, but does this work (using -1 as the "ignore" value)?
// bunch of code to define the compiled query part, copied from [msdn][1]
(ctx, total) => from order in ctx.SalesOrderHeaders
where (total == -1 || order.TotalDue >= total)
select order);
In SQL, you do this by either using dynamic sql, or having a default value (or null) that you pass in which indicates that parameter should be ignored
select * from table t
(#age = 0 or t.age = #age) and
(#weight is null or t.weight = #weight)
