bash passing parameters to xml ed - bash

Inside a bash script I want to pass arguments to the xml ed command of the xmlstarlet tools.
Here's the script:
# this variable holds the arguments I want to pass
ED=' -u "/a/#id" -v NEW_ID -u "/a/b" -v NEW_VALUE'
# this variable holds the input xml
<a id="OLD_ID">
# here I pass the arguments manually
echo $IN | xml ed -u "/a/#id" -v NEW_ID -u "/a/b" -v NEW_VALUE input.xml
# here I pass them using the variable from above
echo $IN | xml ed $ED
Why does the first call work, ie it gives the desired result:
# echo $IN | xml ed -u "/a/#id" -v NEW_ID -u "/a/b" -v NEW_VALUE input.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<a id="NEW_ID">
While the second call does not work, ie it gives:
# echo $IN | xml ed $ED
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<a id="OLD_ID">

In bash, it is better to use arrays for lists of options like this. In this case, it doesn't make a difference, since none of the items embedded in ED contain whitespace.
# this variable holds the arguments I want to pass
ED=( -u "/a/#id" -v NEW_ID -u "/a/b" -v NEW_VALUE)
# this variable holds the input xml
<a id="OLD_ID">
# here I pass the arguments manually
echo $IN | xml ed -u "/a/#id" -v NEW_ID -u "/a/b" -v NEW_VALUE input.xml
# here I pass them using the variable from above
echo $IN | xml ed "${ED[#]}"

Get rid of the double quotes, because they're not processed after expanding variables:
ED=' -u /a/#id -v NEW_ID -u /a/b -v NEW_VALUE'


How to extract two attribute values from a json output and assign each of them to a dedicated variable in bash?

Please, observe:
~$ az ad sp show --id $spn_id --query '[appId, displayName]'
I would like to assign each returned value to its own bash variable, namely to APP_ID and APP_DISPLAY_NAME respectively. My current solution is this:
~$ x=(`az ad sp show --id $spn_id --query '[appId, displayName]' -o tsv | tr -d '\r'`)
~$ APP_ID=${x[0]}
Which works fine:
~$ echo $APP_ID
I am curious if it is possible to do it in a more concise way?
Yes, using jq would be the cleanest way:
# The '.[N]' syntax gets the Nth item in the array
app_id=$(jq -r '.[0]' <<< "$str")
# 'jq' requires feeding the input string through standard input. use the '<<<' to do so
app_display_name=$(jq -r '.[1]' <<< "$str")
printf '%s\n' "id: $app_id"
printf '%s\n' "name: $app_display_name"
You can use the following with sed and xargs:
export $( az ad sp show --id $spn_id --query '[appId, displayName]' | tr -d "\n" | sed -E "s/\[\s+(.+)\,\s+(.+)\]/APP_ID=\"\1\" \nAPP_DISPLAY_NAME=\"\2\"/" | xargs -L 1)
~$ echo $APP_ID

How to pass multiple values to a single grep -v option

I have a text file, named my_data.txt, with the following contents:
# define var1 and var2
// display var1 and var2
echo ${var1}
echo ${var2}
I want search all occurrences of var1 but not those in a line starts with '#' or '//'. I can do this:
grep var1 my_data.txt | grep -v '^#' | grep -v '^//'
echo ${var1}
The results is correct. The question: is there any way to pass both values '^#' and '^//' to a single -v option?
I suggest:
grep -v -e '^#' -e '^//' file | grep 'var1'
Or with an extended regular expression (-E):
grep -v -E '^(#|//)' file | grep 'var1'
echo ${var1}
If you can make use of grep -P you can use a Perl-compatible regular expression and a single grep command.
grep -P "^(?!#|//).*\bvar1\b" my_data.txt
The pattern matches
^ Start of string
(?!#|//) Negative lookahead, assert not # or //
.*\bvar1\b Match the word var1 in the line
Or using awk skipping the line that starts with # or // and print a line that contains var1
awk '/^(#|\/\/)/{next};index($0, "var1")' my_data.txt
The examples will output:
echo ${var1}

Use XMLStarlet to insert a single value too long to fit on a command line

Suppose I have an xml file:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='yes' ?>
<string name="a"></string>
And I want to set the value of string with attribute a with something big:
$ xmlstarlet ed -u '/map/string[#name="a"]' -v $(for ((i=0;i<200000;i++)); do echo -n a; done) example.xml > o.xml
This will result in bash error "Argument list is too long". I was unable to find option in xmlstarlet which accept result from a file. So, how would I set the value of xml tag with 200KB data+?
After trying to feed chunks into the xmlstarlet by argument -a (append), I realized that I am having additional difficulties like escape of special characters and the order in which xmlstarlet accepts these chunks.
Eventually I reverted to simpler tools like xml2/sed/2xml. I am dropping the code as a separate post below.
This, as a workaround for your own example that bombs because of the ARG_MAX limit:
# (remove 'echo' commands and quotes around '>' characters when it looks good)
echo xmlstarlet ed -u '/map/string[#name="a"]' -v '' example.xml '>' o.xml
for ((i = 0; i < 100; i++))
echo xmlstarlet ed -u '/map/string[#name="a"]' -a -v $(for ((i=0;i<2000;i++)); do echo -n a; done) example.xml '>>' o.xml
I am not proud of it, but at least it works.
a.xml - what was proposed as an example in the starting post
source.txt - what has to be inserted into a.xml as xml tag
b.xml - output
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "$ixml --> $oxml"
# Convert xml into simple string representation
cat "$ixml" | xml2 > "$t"
# Get the string number of xml tag of interest, increment it by one and delete everything after it
# For this to work, the tag of interest should be at the very end of xml file
cat "$t" | grep -n -E 'string.*name=.*a' | cut -f1 -d: | xargs -I{} echo "{}+1" | bc | xargs -I{} sed '{},$d' "$t" > "$t2"
# Rebuild the deleted end of the xml2-file with the escaped content of s-file and convert everything back to xml
# * The apostrophe escape is necessary for apk xml files
sed "s:':\\\':g" "$s" | sed -e 's:^:/map/string=:' >> "$t2"
cat "$t2" | 2xml > "$t3"
# Make xml more readable
xmllint --pretty 1 --encode utf-8 "$t3" > "$oxml"
# Delete temporary files
rm -f "$t"
rm -f "$t2"
rm -f "$t3"

How to read string to an array and get values from the array

Currently I have
DATE_LIST=$(cat "$OUT_FILE" | xmlstarlet sel -T -t -m "//*[local-name()='entry']//*[local-name()='$start_position_date'][#name='beginposition']" -v '.' -n)
The result is something like:
DATE_LIST= 2015-10-10
... and so on
IFS='\n' read -a array <<< "$DATE_LIST"
echo "${array[0]}" //I get the first one
echo "${array[1]}" //I get nothing
How to parse it correctly? DATE_LIST is generated from xml and strings are separated with \n.
This appends each line from the output into an array, supporting lines with
for line in $(cat "$OUT_FILE" | xmlstarlet set -T ...)
unset IFS

AWK: execute CURL on each line and parse result

given an input stream with following lines:
I would like to call
curl -s
with xxx being the number for each line, and everytime let an awk script fetch some information from the curl output which is written to the output stream. I am wondering if this is possible without using the awk "system()" call in following way:
cat lines | grep "^[0-9]*$" | awk '
system("curl -s " $0 \
" | awk \'{ #parsing; print }\'")
You can use bash and avoid awk system call:
grep "^[0-9]*$" lines | while read line; do
curl -s "$line" | awk 'do your parsing ...'
A shell loop would achieve a similar result, as follows:
for f in $(cat lines|grep "^[0-9]*$"); do
curl -s "$f" | awk '{....}'
Alternative methods for doing similar tasks include using Perl or Python with an HTTP client.
If your file gets dynamically appended the id's, you can daemonize a small while loop to keep checking for more data in the file, like this:
while IFS= read -d $'\n' -r a || sleep 1; do [[ -n "$a" ]] && curl -s "${a}"; done < lines.txt
Otherwise if it's static, you can change the sleep 1 to break and it will read the file and quit when there is no data left, pretty useful to know how to do.
