what do the "-o" "-f" "-c" and "-g" etc mean in make? - shell

I'm reading up on makefiles for my C++ program, and from this article http://myweb.stedwards.edu/laurab/help/makefilehelp.html
My understanding is that:
-o somefile :
specifies that any files after somefile will be outputted to somefile
-c somefile :
stops somefile from linking/compiling unless it is updated and ran
although I'm not sure because the manual: http://linux.die.net/man/1/g++
simply states that -c will stop the linker from running.
-g somefile:
spits out debugging information
Also, I found no information regarding -f from the manual, and explanations on what they do were scarce in all the makefile tutorials I read. I'm guessing this might be basic info, but I can't find what they do in the manual..
Also, is there a command for g++ in command prompt that allows me to look up the uses of commands like these?
Ex HELP "-f" except that doesn't work...

-o file
This will simply specify the output file name. By default, I think it is a.out
When calling g++ with -c, it will only compile, without performing the link operation.
This is very useful in big project, so you can compile file by file and link afterward. This way, you do not have to recompile the whole project when you edit just one file.
-g N
-g will specify the level of debugging symbols you want to add. g++ can add a lot of symbols when compiling that can be read later on by debuggers like gdb. Usually, when you develop, you compile with -g 3. Be careful to remove it for the release. It makes the binary much bigger and slower.
Depending on this, you will have more or less information within gdb.
Within g++, -f is not a flag by itself, it just a prefix. However, in your example, -f is not sent to g++ but to make. As said in the previous anwser, -f for make specify which Makefile to use.

The -f flag in make is defined as follows,
make -f makefile Specifies a different makefile. The argument makefile is a pathname of a description file, which is also referred to as the makefile. A pathname of '-' shall denote the standard input. There can be multiple instances of this option, and they shall be processed in the order specified. The effect of specifying the same option-argument more than once is unspecified.


Force run a recipe (--assume-old=target)

I want to force a recipe for "output.file", even though it is up-to-date.
I have already tried make --assume-old=output.file output.file, but it does not run the recipe again.
In case you are curious: use case:
I want to use this together with --dry-run to find out the command that produce a target.
I ended up hiding the file to run make --dry-run output.file, but I was hoping for something more elegant + FMI: for future debugging makefile.
I think you're misunderstanding what that option does: it does exactly the opposite of what you hoped; from the man page:
-o file, --old-file=file, --assume-old=file
Do not remake the file file even if it is older than its dependen‐
cies, and do not remake anything on account of changes in file.
Essentially the file is treated as very old and its rules are
You want output.file to be remade, so using -o is clearly not what you want.
There is no option in GNU make to say "always rebuild this target". What you can do is tell make to pretend that some prerequisite of the target you want to be rebuilt has been updated. See this option:
-W file, --what-if=file, --new-file=file, --assume-new=file
Pretend that the target file has just been modified. When used
with the -n flag, this shows you what would happen if you were to
modify that file. Without -n, it is almost the same as running a
touch command on the given file before running make, except that
the modification time is changed only in the imagination of make.
Say for example your output.file had a prerequisite input.file. Then if you run:
make -W input.file
it will show you what rules it would run, which would include rebuilding output.file.

How can I tell which makefile the make command used?

I'm working on a project which requires using make.
From the command like I run either make Release or make Debug.
However, there is not a makefile in the directory in which I run the make command.
How can I tell which makefile the make command is using?
In GNU make you can use the make variable MAKEFILE_LIST to inspect which makefile(s) were read; yes, there can be more than one due to multiple -f options and include directives.
If you need the name of the last read makefile, use $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)).
See also the GNU make manual.
GNU make has a debug option. If you use -d, make will print all debugging output.
The debug level can be changed with --debug[=FLAGS].
--debug=v should show you which makefiles were parsed.
GNU make manual:
v (verbose):
A level above ‘basic’; includes messages about which makefiles were parsed, prerequisites that did not need to be rebuilt, etc. This option also enables ‘basic’ messages.
See the man page for additional information.

Making make print commands before executing when NOT using CMake

I see that this is the same question as
Making cmake print commands before executing
But that answer doesn't work for me. I'm guessing that answer only works with cmake. What options work without cmake?
Note tried these
make VERBOSE=1 target
make target VERBOSE=1
VERBOSE=1 make target
make V=1 target
make target V=1
V=1 make target
make -V target
make -v target
none of them worked.
make -v returns
GNU Make 3.81
Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.
There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
This program built for x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
By default, make does print every command before executing it. This printing can be suppressed by one of the following mechanisms:
on a case-by-case basis, by adding # at the beginning of the command
globally, by adding the .SILENT built-in target.
somewhere along the make process, by invoking sub-make(s) with one of the flags -s, --silent or --quiet, as in $(MAKE) --silent -C someDir, for example. From that moment on, command echoing is suppressed in the sub-make.
If your makefile does not print the commands, then it is probably using one of these three mechanisms, and you have to actually inspect the makefile(s) to figure out which.
As a workaround to avoid these echo-suppressing mechanisms, you could re-define the shell to be used to use a debug mode, for example like make SHELL="/bin/bash -x" target. Other shells have similar options. With that approach, it is not make printing the commands, but the shell itself.
If you use the flag -n or --just-print, the echo-suppressing mechanisms will be ignored and you will always see all commands that make thinks should be executed -- but they are not actually executed, just printed. That might be a good way to figure out what you can actually expect to see.
The VERBOSE variable has no standard meaning for make, but only if your makefile interprets it.
For my version of make, I found BOTH paramters -n and -d helped.
GNU Make 3.80 Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc
-d Print lots of debugging information.
-n, --just-print, --dry-run, --recon
Don't actually run any commands; just print them.
When a bunch of makefile fragments are included, the line numbers don't make sense without this key debug flag.
Reading makefile `../../../../build/Makefile.options' (search path) (don't care) (no ~ expansion)...
Makefile:361: Extraneous text after `else' directive
Makefile:368: Extraneous text after `else' directive
Makefile:368: *** only one `else' per conditional. Stop.
in my case i was able to suppress commands in output by setting up below variable in top my make file
# Use `make V=1` to print commands.
add the above line in top of you make file and when you call any target it wont print
Before :
muhasan#admins-MacBook-Pro fx.identitymanagement % make dockerstatus
cd identity.API/ && docker-compose ps
Name Command State Ports
identityapi_backend_1 dotnet Identity.API.dll Up>80/tcp
identityapi_db_1 docker-entrypoint.sh postgres Up>5432/tcp
muhasan#admins-MacBook-Pro fx.identitymanagement %
After :
muhasan#admins-MacBook-Pro fx.identitymanagement % make dockerstatus
Name Command State Ports
identityapi_backend_1 dotnet Identity.API.dll Up>80/tcp
identityapi_db_1 docker-entrypoint.sh postgres Up>5432/tcp
muhasan#admins-MacBook-Pro fx.identitymanagement %
My Makefile
# Use `make V=1` to print commands.
Path = identity.API
cd devops && cp -rv Dockerfile docker-compose.yml ../${Path}/ && cd ..
cd ${Path}/ && docker-compose up -d
cd ${Path}/ && docker-compose ps
I think this is what you want:
make MAKE_VERBOSE=1 target

Control the output of a make command to be less verbose, don't echo each command

Currently, I'm using a Makefile to keep track of all dependencies and copilation of my project. The problem is that make simply outputs everything it's doing, and that makes it hard to spot (or even read) more important information (such as compiler warnings).
Is there a way to control what information is displayed on the terminal? I know there's a -s option that silences make, but that's not what I want. I need something a little more refined, perhaps showing the compilation target without showing the entire compilation command.
Is there any way to control that?
Note: There's a similar question regarding the automake and autoconf commands. But I don't use those, and I'm specifically looking for something on make.
Well there's the usual business
target: dependency1 dependency2
#echo Making $#
#$(CC) -o $# $(OPTIONS) $^
The leading #'s suppress the usual behavior of echoing the action without suppressing its output.
The output of various actions can be suppressed by redirecting it to /dev/null. Remember to grad the standard error too if you want a line to be really silent.
The standard Unix answer (`make`` is a Unix tool, after all):
make (...) | grep (whatever you want to see)
Why is that not an appropriate solution here?
You could also put filtering within the Makefile itself, e.g. by tweaking the SHELL variable
or adding a target that calls $(MAKE) | grep.
The main idea is to allow the filtering to be switched on and off as the caller pleases.
(Too late, Adding just for Googlers landing here)
This works for me. On your Makefile you can control verbosity for each command using something like:

How do I force make/GCC to show me the commands?

I'm trying to debug a compilation problem, but I cannot seem to get GCC (or maybe it is make??) to show me the actual compiler and linker commands it is executing.
Here is the output I am seeing:
CCLD libvirt_parthelper
libvirt_parthelper-parthelper.o: In function `main':
/root/qemu-build/libvirt-0.9.0/src/storage/parthelper.c:102: undefined reference to `ped_device_get'
/root/qemu-build/libvirt-0.9.0/src/storage/parthelper.c:116: undefined reference to `ped_disk_new'
/root/qemu-build/libvirt-0.9.0/src/storage/parthelper.c:122: undefined reference to `ped_disk_next_partition'
/root/qemu-build/libvirt-0.9.0/src/storage/parthelper.c:172: undefined reference to `ped_disk_next_partition'
/root/qemu-build/libvirt-0.9.0/src/storage/parthelper.c:172: undefined reference to `ped_disk_next_partition'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[3]: *** [libvirt_parthelper] Error 1
What I want to see should be similar to this:
$ make
gcc -Wall -c -o main.o main.c
gcc -Wall -c -o hello_fn.o hello_fn.c
gcc main.o hello_fn.o -o main
Notice how this example has the complete gcc command displayed. The above example merely shows things like "CCLD libvirt_parthelper". I'm not sure how to control this behavior.
To invoke a dry run:
make -n
This will show what make is attempting to do.
Build system independent method
make SHELL='sh -x'
is another option. Sample Makefile:
#echo a
+ echo a
This sets the special SHELL variable for make, and -x tells sh to print the expanded line before executing it.
One advantage over -n is that is actually runs the commands. I have found that for some projects (e.g. Linux kernel) that -n may stop running much earlier than usual probably because of dependency problems.
One downside of this method is that you have to ensure that the shell that will be used is sh, which is the default one used by Make as they are POSIX, but could be changed with the SHELL make variable.
Doing sh -v would be cool as well, but Dash 0.5.7 (Ubuntu 14.04 sh) ignores for -c commands (which seems to be how make uses it) so it doesn't do anything.
make -p will also interest you, which prints the values of set variables.
CMake generated Makefiles always support VERBOSE=1
As in:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make VERBOSE=1
Dedicated question at: Using CMake with GNU Make: How can I see the exact commands?
Library makefiles, which are generated by autotools (the ./configure you have to issue) often have a verbose option, so basically, using make VERBOSE=1 or make V=1 should give you the full commands.
But this depends on how the makefile was generated.
The -d option might help, but it will give you an extremely long output.
Since GNU Make version 4.0, the --trace argument is a nice way to tell what and why a makefile do, outputing lines like:
makefile:8: target 'foo.o' does not exist
makefile:12: update target 'foo' due to: bar
Use make V=1
Other suggestions here:
make VERBOSE=1 - did not work at least from my trials.
make -n - displays only logical operation, not command line being executed. E.g. CC source.cpp
make --debug=j - works as well, but might also enable multi threaded building, causing extra output.
I like to use:
make --debug=j
Print debugging information in addition to normal processing. If the FLAGS are omitted, then the behavior is the same as if -d was specified. FLAGS may be a for all debugging output (same as using -d), b for basic debugging, v for more verbose basic debugging, i for showing implicit rules, j for details on invocation of commands, and m for debugging while remaking makefiles.
Depending on your automake version, you can also use this:
Note: I added this answer since V=1 did not work for me.
In case you want to see all commands (including the compiled ones) of the default target run:
make --always-make --dry-run
make -Bn
show commands executed the next run of make:
make --dry-run
make -n
You are free to choose a target other than the default in this example.
