Kendo Mobile - Incorrect device detection when using iPod - kendo-mobile

When testing my application with an iPod, the value found in
reads as "iphone"
Obviously, this is wrong, and I did another test using navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/(iphone|ipod)/) and the value reads correctly as "ipod,ipod"
Is this a bug in Kendo? Or am I looking in the wrong place for my device name?
I am using Kendo UI Complete v2013.1.319 and an iPod (Model MC540LL/A) with iOS v6.1.3

This is not a bug, but rather a decision - functionally the browser in iPhone and iPod is the same, hence we report iphone only.


How to use scaled UI content in iOS?

I would like to create a zoomed/scaled UI as in Screenshot 1 below:
Keep in mind that I am NOT using the Zoomed option in iOS Display Settings.
So, somehow it is possible to make an app look like it is scaled/ zoomed.
Are such apps created with an old version of XCode and that's why their UI looks scaled or it is some sort of a technic?
Screenshot 1 (taken on iPhone 6s Plus 1920x1080)
Screenshot 2 - Normal app.
hi by default the OS will scale your app EITHER because it is an iphone app running on an iPad or because AX is on or it is a very old app where the LaunchImage does tell ios it doesnt really support the screen size.
you cant really say 'hey ios, scale my whole app for me'
that said, you can DRAW 'scaled' by applying a transformation to your root window/view.. dont know if there are issues with scaling the whole hierrachy but it technically works
i just know the bug with facebook sdk its when you call your fb friends list in the app and it scales all the ui after that window xd

Xamarin Forms - Magnified UI Issue

My company has just started a new development project using Xamarin Forms. The app looks great on most Android devices but on certain devices the whole app appears magnified. The font is huge, icon resolution looks poor and even the device time, connection, battery life, etc looks magnified.
Has anyone come across this before and did you find the cause?
Appreciate the help!
I think that the problem is related to devices performance and it's not related with the app if problem are battery life , connection and device time , but if you talk about some poor UI you need to check your resolution folder in android or if you use default android theme so it will not look good for old android versions
Before developing the android application you should consider the below things.
1. You should take care of DPI mechanism for different device - For UI issues
2. The child hierarchy level should not exceed 4 to 6.
3. You should not create the objects inside the ondraw method.
4. Don't layout the base at all the times.
5. Inside ondraw, don't use any looping mechanism.

uiautomatorviewer - does not show WebView content when using Emulator

When I use uiautomatorviewer to dump some structure on Emulator the last element showed is android.webkit.WebView. This is actually different than real device where i have no problems detecting objects on native view. Since i am automating tests with appium this may be a problem and will force to change context. Device API = 22(Android 5.1)
Is this fault in uiautomatorviewer or some settings can be applied?

Fullscreen Cocoa app retina support

I'm developing a screenshot application working in fullscreen mode. I have a bug report about issues with MBP Retina, but I have no idea how to test and fix them. It looks like QuartzDebug can change displays to HiDPI mode, but I'm not sure that will do the trick. Can't find any "Retina Emultaion" related topics in Apple docs.
So my question is how can I test app (not just icons, but whole fullscreen application) for being compatible with retina display without buying one.
It's actually all in the Apple docs, though slightly hard to find: Testing High Resolution Content.
I'll sum it up for you: you should always test on a real device (or go to the Apple Store and put your application on to one of their demo retinas). But as an intermediate step, emulating the retina works too.
Quartz Debug's HiDPI mode works for this, and is a method Apple delineates as one to test with. You can also tint high resolution images using the command (in Terminal)
defaults write -g CGContextHighlight2xScaledImages YES

iPad - Test an HTML5 site on a Win7 PC

I'm looking to target a website specifically for an iPad but we don't have any Macs in house for testing. What's the most accurate way to test the site on a PC? I image I could use the Safari browser and shrink the window down to approximate the iPad screen size but I wonder if there's a better method out there.
If you target a website specifically for a particular device, buy that particular device. This doesn't only apply to iPad.
Two caveats I noticed a lot of websites have for a touch-oriented device like an iPad, iPhone:
The mouse-hover event isn't generated. So, the HTML/CSS/Javascript menu structure which works without clicking on a WebKit browser (like Safari) on a mouse-oriented device might stop working completely.
The scrolling event (coming from a flick of a finger) is not passed to elements inside a page; instead it just scrolls the entire page. A subelement shown with a scroll bar on a non-touch-oriented device might be shown without the scroll bar at all. So, sometimes you lose the ability to scroll inside a subelement.
There might be other caveats. It's really difficult to imagine all the way a device might behave differently from a mouse-oriented device; so, buy an iPad.
By the way, it's of no use to buy a Mac in this situation: Safari on a Mac still behaves (as far as the mouse/touch events are concerned) rather differently from Safari on an iPad/iPhone. An iPad can be paired with a Windows PC.
See this Apple document for a few advices for preparing a web page for the iPad.
I'd just use Safari, as the mobile version uses the same rendering engine (though possibly modified to fit the iPads resources).
It should display the same, if not close.
You can try to use online imitation services.
For example, or They provide lots of imitations environments, for different devices and OS. You can test the site, that is already in the web, or your local files.
I myself am working currently with for the first time. It really shows the problem, that the client encountered on his iPad. Also have good notices about these services from experienced developer, a friend of mine.
