Algorithm for building a graph from a set of points - algorithm

I need some input on solving the following problem:
Given a set of unordered (X,Y) points, I need to reduce/simplify the points and end up with a connected graph representation.
The following image show an example of an actual data set and the corresponding desired output (hand-drawn by me in MSPaint, sorry for shitty drawing, but the basic idea should be clear enough).
Some other things:
The input size will be between 1000-20000 points
The algorithm will be run by a user, who can see the input/output visually, tweak input parameters, etc. So automatically finding a solution is not a requirement, but the user should be able to achieve one within a fairly limited number of retries (and parameter tweaks). This also means that the distance between the nodes on the resulting graph can be a parameter and does not need to be derived from the data.
The time/space complexity of the algorithm is not important, but in practice it should be possible to finish a run within a few seconds on a standard desktop machine.
I think it boils down to two distinct problems:
1) Running a filtering pass, reducing the number of points (including some noise filtering for removing stray points)
2) Some kind of connect-the-dots graph problem afterwards. A very problematic area can be seen in the bottom/center part on the example data. Its very easy to end up connecting wrong parts of the graph.
Could anyone point me in the right direction for solving this? Cheers.

K-nearest neighbors (or, perhaps more accurately, a sigma neighborhood) might be a good starting point. If you're working in strictly Euclidean space, you may able to achieve 90% of what you're looking for by specifying some L2 distance threshold beyond which points are not connected.
The next step might be some sort of spectral graph analysis where you can define edges between points using some sort of spectral algorithm in addition to a distance metric. This would give the user a lot more knobs to turn with regards to the connectivity of the graph.
Both of these approaches should be able to handle outliers, e.g. "noisy" points that simply won't be connected to anything else. That said, you could probably combine them for the best possible performance (as spectral clustering performs a lot better when there are no 1-point clusters): run a basic KNN to identify and remove outliers, then a spectral analysis to more robustly establish edges.


Algorithm to align and compare two sets of vectors which may be incomplete and ignoring scaling?

Here is the problem:
I have many sets of points, and want to come up with a function that can take one set and rank matches based on their similarity to the first. Scaling, translation, and rotation do not matter, and some points may be missing from any of the sets of points. The best match is the one that if scaled and translated in the ideal way has the least mean square error between points (maybe with a cap on penalty, or considering only the best fraction of points to handle missing points).
I am trying to come up with a good way to do this, and am wondering if there are any well known algorithms that can handle this type of problem? Just the name of something would be awesome! I lack a formal CSCI or math education, and am doing the best to teach myself.
A few things I have tried
The first thing that comes to mind is to normalize the points somehow, but I dont think that this is helpful because the missing points may throw things off.
The best way I can think of is to estimate a starting point by translating to match their centroids, scaling so that the largest distances from the centroid of the sets match. From there, do an A* search, scaling, rotating, and translating until I reach a maximum, and then compare the two sets. (I hope I am using the term A* correctly, I mean trying small translations and scalings and selecting the move giving the best match) I think this will find the global maximum most of the time, but is not guaranteed to. I am looking for a better way that will always be correct.
Thanks a ton for the help! It has been fun and interesting trying to figure this out so far, so I hope it is for you as well.
There's a very clever algorithm for identifying starfields. You find 4 points in a diamond shape and then using the two stars farthest apart you define a coordinate system locating the other two stars. This is scale and rotation invariant because the locations are relative to the first two stars. This forms a hash. You generate several of these hashes and use those to generate candidates. Once you have the candidates you look for ones where multiple hashes have the correct relationships.
This is described in a paper and a presentation on .
This paper may be useful: Shape Matching and Object Recognition Using Shape Contexts
There is a couple of relatively simple methods to solve the problem:
To combine all possible pairs of points (one for each set) to nodes, connect these nodes where distances in both sets match, then solve the maximal clique problem for this graph. Since the maximal clique problem is NP-complete, the complexity is probably O(exp(n^2)), so if you have too many points, don't use this algorithm directly, use some approximation.
Use Generalised Hough transform to match two sets of points. This approach has less complexity (O(n^4)). But it is more complicated, so I cannot explain it here.
You can find the details in computer vision books, for example "Machine vision: theory, algorithms, practicalities" by E. R. Davies (2005).

efficient algorithm to find nearest point in a graph that does not have a known equation

I'm asking this questions out of curiostity, since my quick and dirty implementation seems to be good enough. However I'm curious what a better implementation would be.
I have a graph of real world data. There are no duplicate X values and the X value increments at a consistant rate across the graph, but Y data is based off of real world output. I want to find the nearest point on the graph from an arbitrary given point P programmatically. I'm trying to find an efficient (ie fast) algorithm for doing this. I don't need the the exact closest point, I can settle for a point that is 'nearly' the closest point.
The obvious lazy solution is to increment through every single point in the graph, calculate the distance, and then find the minimum of the distance. This however could theoretically be slow for large graphs; too slow for what I want.
Since I only need an approximate closest point I imagine the ideal fastest equation would involve generating a best fit line and using that line to calculate where the point should be in real time; but that sounds like a potential mathematical headache I'm not about to take on.
My solution is a hack which works only because I assume my point P isn't arbitrary, namely I assume that P will usually be close to my graph line and when that happens I can cross out the distant X values from consideration. I calculating how close the point on the line that shares the X coordinate with P is and use the distance between that point and P to calculate the largest/smallest X value that could possible be closer points.
I can't help but feel there should be a faster algorithm then my solution (which is only useful because I assume 99% of the time my point P will be a point close to the line already). I tried googling for better algorithms but found so many algorithms that didn't quite fit that it was hard to find what I was looking for amongst all the clutter of inappropriate algorithms. So, does anyone here have a suggested algorithm that would be more efficient? Keep in mind I don't need a full algorithm since what I have works for my needs, I'm just curious what the proper solution would have been.
If you store the [x,y] points in a quadtree you'll be able to find the closest one quickly (something like O(log n)). I think that's the best you can do without making assumptions about where the point is going to be. Rather than repeat the algorithm here have a look at this link.
Your solution is pretty good, by examining how the points vary in y couldn't you calculate a bound for the number of points along the x axis you need to examine instead of using an arbitrary one.
Let's say your point P=(x,y) and your real-world data is a function y=f(x)
Step 1: Calculate r=|f(x)-y|.
Step 2: Find points in the interval I=(x-r,x+r)
Step 3: Find the closest point in I to P.
If you can use a data structure, some common data structures for spacial searching (including nearest neighbour) are...
quad-tree (and octree etc).
bsp tree (only practical for a static set of points).
The r-tree comes in a number of variants. It's very closely related to the B+ tree, but with (depending on the variant) different orderings on the items (points) in the leaf nodes.
The Hilbert R tree uses a strict ordering of points based on the Hilbert curve. The Hilbert curve (or rather a generalization of it) is very good at ordering multi-dimensional data so that nearby points in space are usually nearby in the linear ordering.
In principle, the Hilbert ordering could be applied by sorting a simple array of points. The natural clustering in this would mean that a search would usually only need to search a few fairly-short spans in the array - with the complication being that you need to work out which spans they are.
I used to have a link for a good paper on doing the Hilbert curve ordering calculations, but I've lost it. An ordering based on Gray codes would be simpler, but not quite as efficient at clustering. In fact, there's a deep connection between Gray codes and Hilbert curves - that paper I've lost uses Gray code related functions quite a bit.
EDIT - I found that link -

Optimal algorithm for path-finding in a matrix that does not fit entirely into memory

I'm facing a hard problem:
Imagine I have a map of an entire country, represented by a huge matrix of Cells. Each cell represents a 1 square meter of territory. Each Cell is represented as a double value between 0 and 1 that represents the cost of traversing the cell.
The map obviously is not fittable in memory.
I am trying to wrap my mind arround a way to calculate the optimal path for a robot, from a start point to a end position. The first idea I had was to make a TCP-like moving window, with a minimap of the real map arround the moving robot, and executing the A* algorithm inside there, but I'm facing some problems with maps with huge walls, bad pathfinding, etc...
I am searching the literature about A*-like algorithms and I could not visualize an approximation of what would be a good solution for this problem.
I'm wondering if someone has faced a similar problem or can help with a idea of a possible solution!
Thanks in advance :)
Since I do not know exact data, here's some information that could be useful:
A partial path of a shortest path is itself a shortest path. I.e. you might split up your matrix into submatrices and find (all) shortest paths in there. Note that you do not have to store all results: You e.g. can save memory by not saving a complete path but just the information: Path goes from A to B. The intermediate nodes might be computed later again or stored in a file for later. You might even be able to precompute some shortest paths for certain areas.
Another approach is that you might be able to compress your matrix in some way. I.e. if you have large areas consisting only of one and the same number, it might be good to store just that number and the dimensions of that area.
Another approach (in connection to precompute some shortest paths) is to generate different levels of detail of your map. Considering a map of the USA, this might look the following: The coarsest level of detail contains just the cities New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Dallas, Philadelphia, Houston und Phoenix. The finer the levels get, the more cities they contain, but - on the other hand - the smaller area of your whole map is shown by them.
Does your problem have any special structure, e.g., does the triangle inequality hold/can you guarantee that the shortest path doesn't jog back and forth? Do you want to perform the query many times? (If so you can do pre-processing that will amortize over multiple queries.) Do you need the exact minimum solution, or will something within an epsilon factor be OK?
One thought was that you can coarsen the matrix - form 100 meter by 100 meter squares, and determine the shortest path distances through the 100 \times 100 squares. Now this will fit in memory (about 1 Gigabyte), you can run Dijkstra, and then expand each step through the 100 \times 100 square.
Also, have you tried running a forward-backward version of Dijkstra's algorithm? I.e., expand from the source and search forthe sink at the same time, and stop when there's an intersection.
Incidentally, why do you need such a fine level of granularity?
Here are some ideas that may work
You can model your path as a piecewise linear curve. If you have 31 line segments then your curve is fully described by 60 numbers. Each of the possible curves have a cost, so the cost is a function on the following form
cost(x1, x2, x3 ..... x60)
Now your problem is to find the global optimum of a function of 60 variables. You can use standard methods to do this. One idea is to use genetic algorithms. Another idea is to use a monte carlo method such as parallel tempering
Whenever you have a promising path then you can use it as a starting point to find a local minimum of the cost function. Maybe you can use some interpolation to make your cost function is differentiable. Then you can use Newtons method (or rather BFGS) to find local mimima of the cost function.
Your problem is somewhat similar to the problem of finding reaction paths in chemical systems. Maybe you can find some inspiration in the book "Energy Landscapes" by Davis Wales.
But I also have some questions:
Is it necessary for you to find the optimal path, or are you just looking for an path that is OK?
How much computer power and time do you have at hand?
Can the robot make sharp turns, or do you need extra physics modelling to improve the cost function?

Compare three-dimensional structures

I need to evaluate if two sets of 3d points are the same (ignoring translations and rotations) by finding and comparing a proper geometric hash. I did some paper research on geometric hashing techniques, and I found a couple of algorithms, that however tend to be complicated by "vision requirements" (eg. 2d to 3d, occlusions, shadows, etc).
Moreover, I would love that, if the two geometries are slightly different, the hashes are also not very different.
Does anybody know some algorithm that fits my need, and can provide some link for further study?
Your first thought may be trying to find the rotation that maps one object to another but this a very very complex topic... and is not actually necessary! You're not asking how to best match the two, you're just asking if they are the same or not.
Characterize your model by a list of all interpoint distances. Sort the list by that distance. Now compare the list for each object. They should be identical, since interpoint distances are not affected by translation or rotation.
Three issues:
1) What if the number of points is large, that's a large list of pairs (N*(N-1)/2). In this case you may elect to keep only the longest ones, or even better, keep the 1 or 2 longest ones for each vertex so that every part of your model has some contribution. Dropping information like this however changes the problem to be probabilistic and not deterministic.
2) This only uses vertices to define the shape, not edges. This may be fine (and in practice will be) but if you expect to have figures with identical vertices but different connecting edges. If so, test for the vertex-similarity first. If that passes, then assign a unique labeling to each vertex by using that sorted distance. The longest edge has two vertices. For each of THOSE vertices, find the vertex with the longest (remaining) edge. Label the first vertex 0 and the next vertex 1. Repeat for other vertices in order, and you'll have assigned tags which are shift and rotation independent. Now you can compare edge topologies exactly (check that for every edge in object 1 between two vertices, there's a corresponding edge between the same two vertices in object 2) Note: this starts getting really complex if you have multiple identical interpoint distances and therefore you need tiebreaker comparisons to make the assignments stable and unique.
3) There's a possibility that two figures have identical edge length populations but they aren't identical.. this is true when one object is the mirror image of the other. This is quite annoying to detect! One way to do it is to use four non-coplanar points (perhaps the ones labeled 0 to 3 from the previous step) and compare the "handedness" of the coordinate system they define. If the handedness doesn't match, the objects are mirror images.
Note the list-of-distances gives you easy rejection of non-identical objects. It also allows you to add "fuzzy" acceptance by allowing a certain amount of error in the orderings. Perhaps taking the root-mean-squared difference between the two lists as a "similarity measure" would work well.
Edit: Looks like your problem is a point cloud with no edges. Then the annoying problem of edge correspondence (#2) doesn't even apply and can be ignored! You still have to be careful of the mirror-image problem #3 though.
There a bunch of SIGGRAPH publications which may prove helpful to you.
e.g. "Global Non-Rigid Alignment of 3-D Scans" by Brown and Rusinkiewicz:
A general search that can get you started:
spin images are one way to go about it.
Seems like a numerical optimisation problem to me. You want to find the parameters of the transform which transforms one set of points to as close as possible by the other. Define some sort of residual or "energy" which is minimised when the points are coincident, and chuck it at some least-squares optimiser or similar. If it manages to optimise the score to zero (or as near as can be expected given floating point error) then the points are the same.
least squares rotation translation
turns up quite a few papers building on this technique (e.g "Least-Squares Estimation of Transformation Parameters Between Two Point Patterns").
Update following comment below: If a one-to-one correspondence between the points isn't known (as assumed by the paper above), then you just need to make sure the score being minimised is independent of point ordering. For example, if you treat the points as small masses (finite radius spheres to avoid zero-distance blowup) and set out to minimise the total gravitational energy of the system by optimising the translation & rotation parameters, that should work.
If you want to estimate the rigid
transform between two similar
point clouds you can use the
Iterative Closest Point method. This method starts with a rough
estimate of the transformation and
then iteratively optimizes for the
transformation, by computing nearest
neighbors and minimizing an
associated cost function. It can be
efficiently implemented (even
realtime) and there are available
implementations available for
matlab, c++... This method has been
extended and has several variants,
including estimating non-rigid
deformations, if you are interested
in extensions you should look at
Computer graphics papers solving
scan registration problem, where
your problem is a crucial step. For
a starting point see the Wikipedia
page on Iterative Closest Point
which has several good external
links. Just a teaser image from a matlab implementation which was designed to match to point clouds:
After aligning you could the final
error measure to say how similar the
two point clouds are, but this is
very much an adhoc solution, there
should be better one.
Using shape descriptors one can
compute fingerprints of shapes which
are often invariant under
translations/rotations. In most cases they are defined for meshes, and not point clouds, nevertheless there is a multitude of shape descriptors, so depending on your input and requirements you might find something useful. For this, you would want to look into the field of shape analysis, and probably this 2004 SIGGRAPH course presentation can give a feel of what people do to compute shape descriptors.
This is how I would do it:
Position the sets at the center of mass
Compute the inertia tensor. This gives you three coordinate axes. Rotate to them. [*]
Write down the list of points in a given order (for example, top to bottom, left to right) with your required precision.
Apply any algorithm you'd like for a resulting array.
To compare two sets, unless you need to store the hash results in advance, just apply your favorite comparison algorithm to the sets of points of step 3. This could be, for example, computing a distance between two sets.
I'm not sure if I can recommend you the algorithm for the step 4 since it appears that your requirements are contradictory. Anything called hashing usually has the property that a small change in input results in very different output. Anyway, now I've reduced the problem to an array of numbers, so you should be able to figure things out.
[*] If two or three of your axis coincide select coordinates by some other means, e.g. as the longest distance. But this is extremely rare for random points.
Maybe you should also read up on the RANSAC algorithm. It's commonly used for stitching together panorama images, which seems to be a bit similar to your problem, only in 2 dimensions. Just google for RANSAC, panorama and/or stitching to get a starting point.

Mapping a set of 3D points to another set with minimal sum of distances

Given are two sets of three-dimensional points, a source and a destination set. The number of points on each set is arbitrary (may be zero). The task is to assign one or no source point to every destination point, so that the sum of all distances is minimal. If there are more source than destination points, the additional points are to be ignored.
There is a brute-force solution to this problem, but since the number of points may be big, it is not feasible. I heard this problem is easy in 2D with equal set sizes, but sadly these preconditions are not given here.
I'm interested in both approximations and exact solutions.
Edit: Haha, yes, I suppose it does sound like homework. Actually, it's not. I'm writing a program that receives positions of a large number of cars and i'm trying to map them to their respective parking cells. :)
One way you could approach this problem is to treat is as the classical assignment problem:
You treat the points as the vertices of the graph, and the weights of the edges are the distance between points. Because the fastest algorithms assume that you are looking for maximum matching (and not minimum as in your case), and that the weights are non-negative, you can redefine weights to be e.g.:
weight(A, B) = bigNumber- distance(A,B)
where bigNumber is bigger than your longest distance.
Obviously you end up with a bipartite graph. Then you use one of the standard algorithms for maximum weighted bipartite matching (lots of resources on the web, e.g. or Wikipedia for overview: This way you will end-up with a O(NM max(N,M)) algoritms, where N and M are sizes of your sets of points.
Off the top of my head, spatial sort followed by simulated annealing.
Grid the space & sort the sets into spatial cells.
Solve the O(NM) problem within each cell, then within cell neighborhoods, and so on, to get a trial matching.
Finally, run lots of cycles of simulated annealing, in which you randomly alter matches, so as to explore the nearby space.
This is heuristic, getting you a good answer though not necessarily the best, and it should be fairly efficient due to the initial grid sort.
Although I don't really have an answer to your question, I can suggest looking into the following topics. (I know very little about this, but encountered it previously on Stack Overflow.)
Nearest Neighbour Search
Hope this helps a bit.
