iOS: Absolute project path with xcodebuild - xcode

I use following command to build project using xcodebuild from the directory where .xcodeproj is.
admin$ xcodebuild install DSTROOT=. INSTALL_PATH=/bin
Could someone please tell me how to specify full path of .xcodeproj in xcodebuild command and run it from anywhere?
[EDIT] you cannot specify absolute path of the project with xcodebuild command but you can specify where do you want your .app file placed like following. You need to run this command from the root project directory and you will be able to compile other sub projects without CD to their directories but you need to specify "scheme" that you are building.
admin$ xcodebuild install DSTROOT=/Users/admin/myProjectRoot INSTALL_PATH=/bin -scheme MySubProject1 -configuration Release -sdk iphonesimulator clean build

According to the manpage for xcodebuild, you must launch "xcodebuild" from within the directory where your project is. I.E. the specific line that clarifies that is:
To build an Xcode project, run xcodebuild from the directory
containing your project (i.e. the directory containing the
projectname.xcodeproj package).
And if there are multiple projects within that directory, that's when you can use the "-project projectname" command line parameter.
In my own build scripts, I "cd" to the folder where the project lives before calling "xcodebuild".


xcodebuild does not install into applications folder

I have an XCode project with two executable targets, which I use for my own work (that is, I don't sell or publish the applications, but they are still important to me), which depends on one external project. Until now, it has been unproblematic to build the Application(s) and install into the /Applications folder. What I did, was go into the command line and type:
sudo xcodebuild -scheme Trainer install
This would install the target Trainer into the Applications folder, and the application could be run from there. If I tried to specify the target using -target Trainer instead, it would not work, as it would not find dependencies in the external project. Anyway, since last time it worked, two things have happened:
I have upgraded to OS X 10.11
I have upgraded XCode to Version 7.1.1 (7B1005)
Whatever the reason, xcodebuild does no longer install the built product into the /Applications folder. The last lines from the build log, when building with xcodebuild now are:
Touch /var/root/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SoundSample-bvsqlgnuhfmtjkgkhevztdzbjbie/Build/Intermediates/ArchiveIntermediates/Trainer/BuildProductsPath/Release/
cd /Users/pbholmen/Projects/SoundSample
/usr/bin/touch -c /var/root/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SoundSample-bvsqlgnuhfmtjkgkhevztdzbjbie/Build/Intermediates/ArchiveIntermediates/Trainer/BuildProductsPath/Release/
RegisterWithLaunchServices /var/root/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SoundSample-bvsqlgnuhfmtjkgkhevztdzbjbie/Build/Intermediates/ArchiveIntermediates/Trainer/InstallationBuildProductsLocation/Applications/
cd /Users/pbholmen/Projects/SoundSample
builtin-lsRegisterURL /var/root/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SoundSample-bvsqlgnuhfmtjkgkhevztdzbjbie/Build/Intermediates/ArchiveIntermediates/Trainer/InstallationBuildProductsLocation/Applications/
I have tried to simply copy the that it builds into the /Applications folder, but if I double-click on it, it just won't run. Of course, the Application works when built and run from within XCode, both with the "Debug" and "Release" configuration.
Back when it did work, this would be the last lines of the build log (in Terminal):
Touch build/Release/
cd /Users/pbholmen/Projects/SoundSample
/usr/bin/touch -c /Users/pbholmen/Projects/SoundSample/build/Release/
RegisterWithLaunchServices /Applications/
cd /Users/pbholmen/Projects/SoundSample
builtin-lsRegisterURL /Applications/
If I try to go into the build log from within XCode, find where it puts the builds, and maneuver into that location in Finder and start the application from outside of XCode, that doesn't work either.
Here you can see my Deployment build settings for the target:
Build settings
Under "Deployment location" I have tried both "YES" and "NO", and under "OS X Deployment target" I have tried both "OS X 10.10" and "OS X 10.11". And all four combinations of the two.
After hours of twiddling, I finally figured out the answer. First off, the command
sudo xcodebuild -scheme Trainer install
is wrong. It was a workaround, because I couldn't get XCode to manage my external dependencies from the command line, even though they were managed correctly within XCode. The correct invocation, for a target other than the project's main target is
sudo xcodebuild -target Trainer install
Previously, the first invocation would work, the product would be installed even though the scheme doesn't really include an "Install" action. This is clearly no longer so with XCode 7.1. The reason I couldn't use -target instead of -scheme previously, was because my target was dependent on a framework in another project, which was added to my main project (the external project was added, not just the framework). All dependencies were set up correctly in my main project, and from the command line it worked only when specifying the scheme, not when specifying the target. When running xcodebuild with -target specified, xcodebuild would not find the modules in the external project (a Swift framework).
I have now figured out the reason for this. The project which contained the external framework was not set up correctly. It was set up to install the framework into a bogus location (/tmp/ProjectName.dst/Library/Frameworks, which is the default). In addition, my main project needed to add /Library/Frameworks into the framework search paths. It seems that when the project is built inside XCode, or for archiving etc... libraries and executables are built into a "private" folder structure separate from the system itself. When running xcodebuild install, however, it tries to install the external frameworks into the proper system folders, and link it there. Therefore, setups that work inside XCode may not work when running 'xcodebuild'.
EDIT: It works now, but StackOverflow won't let me mark it as correct before two days.

Determine Xcode derived data location from command line

Is there a way to determine from the command line what the location of your derived data folder is after building with xcodebuild?
For example, after running xcodebuild:
xcodebuild -project projectname -target targetname
I want to be able to find out which folder the app is in. I would like to do this without changing the output path with CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR or within the project settings.
Any ideas?
xcodebuild -project myapp.xcodeproj -showBuildSettings
prints all build settings and values, in particular the folder where the app is build:

Jenkins xcode plugin - how to resolve library search path issues?

I am running into this error in my jenkins xcode build which I'm attempting to setup:
clang: error: no such file or directory: '/Users/boo/.jenkins/jobs/myProject/workspace/DerivedData/Release-iphoneos/libIBAForms.a'
clang: error: no such file or directory: '/Users/boo/.jenkins/jobs/myProject/workspace/DerivedData/Release-iphoneos/libLambdaAlert.a'
clang: error: no such file or directory: '/Users/boo/.jenkins/jobs/myProject/workspace/DerivedData/Release-iphoneos/libRestKit.a'
I cannot figure out a few things regarding the configuration:
what prompted the jenkins-xcode-plugin ( ) to use /DerivedData/Release-iphoneos/ in the path for the lookup of the .a files
instead why didn't it select /DerivedData/Debug-iphoneos/ as the fragment in the path for the lookup to the .a files
finally the submodules that produce - libIBAForms, libLambdaAlert, libRestKit - are all projects that have a release and a debug profile ... so why the files are actually missing from the /DerivedData/Release-iphoneos/ path where they are supposed to be ... is beyond me.
Regarding points #1 and #2, this is configured based on the Configuration parameter for XCode plugin (and Xcode itself). By default, the plugin uses "Release" value for the parameter. If you want to use "Debug", you should set it as such.
Don't know what to say regarding #3
Personally, i found the Xcode plugin to be restrictive and not providing me with options that i needed. I am using the command line tools that came with xcode (through regular Execute Shell build step)
// Below are my build parameters for the job through regular means
CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY=iPhone Developer: <DeveloperNameHere>
// Code for Execute Shell
/usr/bin/xcrun -sdk iphoneos PackageApplication -v "${WORKSPACE}/path_here/${CONFIGURATION}-iphoneos/" -o "${WORKSPACE}/path_here/${CONFIGURATION}-iphoneos/application.ipa" --sign "${CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY}" --embed "/Users/<youruser>/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/${PROVISIONING_PROFILE}.mobileprovision"
Setup parameters as usual for the job
The xcodebuild command does the actual build
The xcrun command packages the app into an IPA (the Archive step in Xcode), signs it, and embeds a provisioning profile directly into the IPA.
Note that some of these switches are options and may not be required for you. But that's the benefit of doing through the command line: you have full control of what you want to do
Small note: make sure you provide full paths to -v and -o switches on the second command
I was able to get past all this when I adeed the submodules which generate libIBAForms and libLambdaAlert as the main project's "Target Dependencies"

xcodebuild build xcode project with dependent project failed. dependent project's target not found

My main project named sample.xcodeproj dependends on sdklib.xcodeproj. The target of sdklib.xocdeproj is sdk.a.
when I build the sample.xcodeproj with xcodebuild command
xcodebuild -project sample.xcodeproj
It failed.
error: no such file or directory:'/Users/.../libsdklib.a
It seems the dependent project doesn't builded. I also didn't see the libsdklib.a in sdklib.xcodeproj's target path. But It runs well in xcode. So where is the sdk.a when I build sample.xcodeproj? and how can I use the xcodebuild command to build sample.xcodeproj with sdklib.xcodeproj?

xcodebuild -list can not find scheme which existed

I have xcode project, I want to build this project under command line, this project composed many sub-project, first I fetch these source files to local disk, I use xcodebuild -list to find scheme, I can not find anything, while after I manually open this project with xcode and then use xcodebuild -list to find scheme, some scheme can be seen.
I compare the project file of these two scenario, for the second project, there existed xcuserdata folder, so I can find the scheme, the problem I need use scheme to build this project.
Any suggestion will be appreciated.
I've found that for -scheme builds to work correctly you need to have the project.xcworkspace/ directory in place within the .xcodeproj directory. The project.xcworkspace/ directory should have a contents.xcworkspacedata file within it.
In my case, the project.xcworkspace/ directory wasn't it the git repository because it wasn't previously necessary so I had *.xcworkspace in my .gitignore file.
check the file .xcodeproj/xcuserdata/.xcuserdatad/xcschemes exists,if not open *.xcodeproj and the file will be created by xcode,then get the current Schemes from xcodebuild -list
